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以柴油为研究对象,采用溢油风化模拟实验,从分子级水平揭示中长期风化作用对溢油组成的影响。利用相对偏差和重复性限法进行评价和筛选,研究表明,柴油在较短时间(10 d)内,phytane/n-C18和pristine/phytane特征比率可较好地作为油品鉴别的依据;在10~30 d的风化期间,pristine/phytane仍可作为油品鉴别的依据;较长期的风化过程后,上述三个正构烷烃特征比率对于油品鉴别已不再具备意义。所选多环芳烃诊断比值指标中,除MNR、MP/P外,其他参数(MPI-1,MPI-2,Rc,MPDF1,MPDF2,MNR)相对标准偏差在1.10%~5.40%,可较好地用于重度风化溢油源鉴定。  相似文献   
利用耦合了平板海洋模型的全球气候模式进行了大量的格林函数实验,以探究两极地区对于施加在中低纬度海域的热强迫的气候响应。结果表明,北极地区的气候不仅受到距离较近的北太平洋与北大西洋的影响,远离北极的热带太平洋以及南太平洋也对其气候有显著的影响,南极地区的气候则主要是受到邻近的南大洋的影响。通过经验正交函数法的进一步分析发现,北极响应最显著的区域包括波弗特海(Beaufort Sea)、拉普捷夫海(Laptev Sea)以及北极中心区附近;南极地区的响应主要集中在别林斯高晋海(Bellinsgauzen Sea)区域。另外,利用温度归因法对辐射反馈过程和大气能量输运分解发现,北极地区表面温度的响应主要是受到了反照率反馈以及垂直递减率反馈的影响,而南极地区的响应则主要是反照率反馈发挥了作用。  相似文献   
本文采用木板、有机玻璃板制作二维物理模型,并在模型中加入三个大小不一、位置各异、用石膏充填的方洞。对两个物理模型布置相同的观测系统,形成相同的射线方式,在等间距矩形像素条件下,每条射线的积分步长(射线穿过单个像素的射线段长度)皆为常数。由超声仪器沿指定射线采集各条透射波射线的走时数据(即Radon变换线积分的“观测值”)。应用“代数重建法”(ART加法修正迭代法)求解Radon变换的离散化方程组,重建二维物理模型的CT数字图像。在重建的模型CT数字图像中,能够有效地识别出“石膏洞”的存在和位置,验证了“代数重建法”CT成像技术及其对模型结构识别的有效性。本文是ART加法修正迭代的基础性应用工作,可为有关部门提供“代数重建法”CT成像实际应用参考。  相似文献   
德州市深层地下水人工回灌试验浅探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
德州市德城区由于长期开采深层地下水,引起了水位区域性大幅度下降,形成了大面积地下水降落漏斗,并产生了地面沉降等不良地质环境问题。为保护德州市地质环境和深层地下水资源,于2002年开展了深层地下水人工回灌试验。根据回灌试验成果和深层地下水目前开采强度推算,利用德城区现有部分(65%)深机井在丰水季节进行人工回灌,单井回灌量保持1200m3/d,每年保持90d的回灌时间,回灌量可达到1080×104m3/a,可增可采资源量675×104m3/a。因此开展人工回灌可以有效地补给地下水源,解决深层地下水资源枯竭问题。  相似文献   
三角水准测量是近年来发展起来的一类高程测量方法,目前国外主要通过实验来研究三角水准测量取代精密水准测量的可行性。本文根据我国的具体情况,从理论上分析以三角水准测量代替三等水准测量的可行性,并通过野外试验得到了一些有益的结论。  相似文献   
In Arcachon Bay, a macrotidal coastal lagoon in southwest France, growth rates of cockles Cerastoderma edule (L.) differ greatly between locations. Sampling of populations at different tidal levels showed that the mean shell length was significantly and positively correlated with immersion time, whereas no correlation was found with population density and microphytobenthos biomass. Transplants of cockles between two intertidal sites were used to examine the relative importance of habitat and site of origin for growth rate and condition index. Artifacts due to manipulation were assessed, i.e. the impact of enclosures on growth, conditon index and mortality. During a 5-mo reciprocal transplant experiment, growth rates of the transplanted cockles and the cockles already present were similar, whereas the sites of origin did not affect growth rate. Condition index, however, displayed significant differences in relation to both transplant and origin sites. During a further 6-mo experiment in which cockles were transplanted from one site to four new sites, growth was mainly influenced by tidal level. These results indicate that net growth started when cockles were immersed 30% of the time. It is concluded that, on the scale of Arcachon Bay (156 km2), differences in growth and condition between cockle populations are largely phenotypic. Tidal level (i.e. food supply and emersion stress) accounts for most of these differences, but the existence of genetically or physiologically different populations cannot be excluded.  相似文献   
人工回灌对地下水水质影响的室内模拟实验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人工回灌过程中的水岩相互作用机制较为复杂,目前有关评价人工回灌过程对地下水化学场影响范围和影响程度的研究还十分缺乏。以上海市某人工回灌试验场为例,采用室内模拟实验手段,对人工回灌过程中地下水主要溶质组分的变化趋势及其相关水岩反应进行分析。实验结果表明:回灌过程中,地下水的主要离子成分主要受混合作用、阳离子交换吸附作用及含水层矿物相(方解石、白云石、钾长石)溶解作用的影响;受回灌过程中地下厌氧环境向好氧环境发展的影响,含水介质中的As、Cr、Fe等元素存在溶出趋势,回灌后As-Fe元素的变化量表现出较好的相关性;随着回灌时间的增加,地下水水质的影响范围逐渐扩大,其水化学类型由初始的Cl-HCO3-Na型逐步向Cl-HCO3-Na-Ca型转变。  相似文献   
Turbulence structure in stably stratified boundary layers isexperimentally investigated by using a thermally stratified wind tunnel. Astably stratified flow is created by heating the wind tunnel airflow to atemperature of about 50 °C and by cooling the test-section floor to asurface temperature of about 3 °C. In order to study the effect ofbuoyancy on turbulent boundary layers for a wide range of stability, thevelocity and temperature fluctuations are measured simultaneously at adownwind position of 23.5 m from the tunnel entrance, where the boundarylayer is fully developed. The Reynolds number, Re, ranges from 3.14× 104 to 1.27 × 105, and the bulk Richardson number, Ri,ranges from 0 to 1.33. Stable stratification rapidly suppresses thefluctuations of streamwise velocity and temperature as well as the verticalvelocity fluctuation. Momentum and heat fluxes are also significantlydecreased with increasing stability and become nearly zero in the lowest partof the boundary layer with strong stability. The vertical profiles ofturbulence quantities exhibit different behaviour in three distinct stabilityregimes, the neutral flows, the stratified flows with weak stability(Ri = 0.12, 0.20) and those with strong stability (Ri= 0.39,0.47, 1.33). Of these, the two regimes of stratified flows clearly showdifferent vertical profiles of the local gradient Richardson number Ri,separated by the critical Richardson number Ri cr of about 0.25. Moreover,turbulence quantities in stable conditions are well correlated with Ri.  相似文献   
厦门港疏浚弃土吹填造陆物理模型试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐啸  崔峥  毛宁 《台湾海峡》2004,23(3):360-368
通过厦门港潮汐水流整体物理模型试验,掌握了厦门港十万吨级深水航道二期工程疏浚弃土吹填造陆各方案实施前后港池航道水流流态,为规划设计单位和决策部门利用疏浚弃土吹填造陆提供可靠的科学依据,试验结果表明,海沧吹填工程可作为一期吹填方案,鸡屿西吹填造陆工程可作为海沧吹填工程的后续工程,仅从水流角度考虑,象鼻嘴吹填造陆方案1是可行的。  相似文献   
西北区东部一次暴雨的数值模拟试验   总被引:19,自引:23,他引:19  
运用双向嵌套的中尺度数值预报模式MM5,对1998年7月上旬西北区东部一次暴雨过程进行了高分辨率数值模拟和敏感性试验。结果表明,该模式能较好地模拟这次暴雨过程,对这次暴雨过程相关的中尺度系统的发生发展也作出了较成功的模拟;大尺度及积云对流尺度的凝结潜热在降水过程中是一个主要因子,潜热释放将加热中高层大气,促使高层大气辐散,低层辐合,垂直运动加强,导致较大的降水;初始时刻不同地区低层大气水汽含量的多寡直接对本次暴雨产生影响,并为这次暴雨提供了水汽源;地面水汽和感热的垂直输送为暴雨的发生发展补充了能量。  相似文献   
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