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房产测绘平面图系统的实现研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈洋  张宏  蒋文明  乔延春  温永宁 《现代测绘》2005,28(3):15-16,19
随着城市规划管理的不断发展.使得城市房产测绘单位采用大型空间数据库管理测绘平面图资料成为必然。通过建立房产测绘平面图系统,可以有效地解决数据标准不一致.图数不能互访,测绘各部门无法协调一致等问题,充分发挥网络功能,提升整个城市的房产管理水平.达到房产管理和房产服务一体化的目标。本文详细论述了房产测绘平面图系统的概念、设计原则和系统功能.在南京数字房产共享平台的建设中得到了实现.并取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   
数字路线地质调查与数字填图方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
数字地质填图是基于数字填图系统(RGMAP)进行地质调查的一种新方法.从野外数字路线地质调查的角度,结合150000崇阳县幅数字填图实战经验,探讨了观察路线布置的原则和方法、PRB数字填图技术和PRB过程的基本概念,数字填图的一般工作方法和编录要求等.在此基础上对数字填图方法的长处和局限性进行了讨论.  相似文献   
利用廊坊东A27钻孔岩心资料,样品微体生物、孢粉特征综合分析,结合AMS14C测年,对永定河中下游地区MIS7以来的地层进行分析,建立了MIS7以来的沉积地层格架,并对其进行了年代厘定,讨论了该地区大约MIS7阶段以来氧同位素分期气候下的地层及环境效应.结果表明,永定河中下游地区晚第四纪可划分为U1~U8共8个沉积单元...  相似文献   
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A biogeochemical orientation survey was carried out in the vicinity of an epithermal Au deposit in the Moisan Au–Ag mineralized area, Haenam district in Korea. The Au–Ag bearing quartz veins of the mine occur as narrow open-space fillings within Cretaceous silicic pyroclastics. The vein minerals consist mainly of quartz, sericite, pyrite, chalcopyrite, and galena, with some electrum and argentite. The main objectives of this study were to study the geochemical characteristics of rocks, soils and plants in this area, to investigate the spatial relationship between Au and associated elements in rock–soil–plant system, and to evaluate the applicability of biogeochemical prospecting for Au vein occurrences in Korea. Samples of rocks and soils, and leaves of three plant species (Japanese red pine — P. densiflora, oriental white oak — Q. aliena, Japanese mallotus — M. japonicus) were collected from the target mineralized area and control barren locations, and analyzed for trace elements by instrumental neutron activation analysis. Sampling lines were composed of one slope line which is almost parallel to the mineralized quartz-veins, and four transect lines spaced 100 m apart across the veins at 20 m sampling intervals. From the multi-element data of rock samples (n = 9), high values of Au (maximum 2030 ppb) are spatially related to Au–quartz veins. Soil samples (n = 61) collected from five sampling lines show higher values of Au (24–825 ppb) whereas soil samples from the control locations have lower values of Au (below 25 ppb). Many plant species collected from the vicinity of the veins have high Au contents compared with those at the control locations, but the ranges of Au values are variable among plant species. In a total of 128 samples of plant leaves, Q. aliena yielded Au values of 0.4 to 6.9 ppb, and M. japonicus 0.9 to 4.1 ppb. Gold contents in P. densiflora ranged from 0.1 to 5.6 ppb. Plant leaves from control areas show less than 1.6 ppb Au. The biological absorption coefficient (BAC) of Au in plants decreases in the order of Q. aliena > M. japonicus > P. densiflora. Based on the results of the study, Q. aliena appeared to be the best sampling media for biogeochemical prospecting of Au in the study area.  相似文献   
常宁县汤市硼矿属接触交代—热液型矿床。区内沉积岩和花岗岩磁性微弱或无磁性,与硼矿密切相关的矽卡岩及硼矿石中磁铁矿含量较高。大理岩型硼矿石磁化率168×10~(-1)nT,矽卡岩型硼矿石磁化率29033×10~(-1)nT。已知半边街矿段△T等值线形态反映出矿体产状,并与矿体投影形态一致。用△T高精度磁测寻找埋深大、磁性弱的隐伏内生硼矿是有效的方法之一。从已有磁测资料分析,预测该地区瓦盏洲一新屋山、周家屋场一带可作为硼矿找矿靶区。  相似文献   
南黄海北部千里岩断裂活动性初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在南黄海北部海域首次针对千里岩断裂进行了声波探测。根据声波反射剖面所显示的晚第四纪断裂活动性差异,大致以朝连岛断裂为界,可把千里岩断裂分为2段,南段晚更新世以来不活动,在日照东南海域跨断裂的声波剖面上晚更新世地层没有受到断层错断的影响;北段在晚更新世晚期活动,从千里岩岛西侧至石岛湾以东海域,在声波剖面上可见多处上更新统中上部地层错断现象。虽然自建立测震台网以来沿千里岩断裂及附近海域内尚未发生5级及以上地震,也未见小震丛集现象,但是,千里岩断裂的晚更新世活动段长度>100km,具有发生6·5级左右地震的可能性,在地震预报和地震危险性分析中值得进一步研究  相似文献   
The Task Group on Global Geochemical Baselines,operating under the auspices of both the International Union of Geological Sciences(IUGS) and the International Association of Geochemistry(IAGC),has the long-term goal of establishing a global geochemical database to document the concentration and distribution of chemical elements in the Earth's surface or near-surface environment.The database and accompanying element distribution maps represent a geochemical baseline against which future human-induced or natural changes to the chemistry of the land surface may be recognized and quantified.In order to accomplish this long-term goal,the activities of the Task Group include:(1) developing partnerships with countries conducting broad-scale geochemical mapping studies;(2) providing consultation and training in the form of workshops and short courses;(3) organizing periodic international symposia to foster communication among the geochemical mapping community;(4) developing criteria for certifying those projects whose data are acceptable in a global geochemical database;(5) acting as a repository for data collected by those projects meeting the criteria for standardization;(6) preparing complete metadata for the certified projects;and(7) preparing,ultimately,a global geochemical database.This paper summarizes the history and accomplishments of the Task Group since its first predecessor project was established in 1988.  相似文献   
讨论GIS系统在1∶5万区调中的应用,阐述GIS系统在区调过程中对各种资料的处理与编辑,包括野外资料的采集、图层的划分及图形与图像图件的编制。建立了榆关镇幅综合信息库。  相似文献   
成果的有效应用服务是城市地质调查工作的核心驱动力,城市地质数据集作为城市地质调查工作的核心成果,是决定城市地质调查研究成果应用服务有效性的关键。中国地质调查局部署开展丹阳小城镇地质环境综合调查试点,本次共完成遥感解译1 047 km2(3期数据),调查点767个,钻探115个,累计钻探进尺8 720 m(其中第四系孔915 m,水文孔2 366 m,工程孔5 439 m),采集第四纪地质样品2 904组,地下水样品240组,原状土样1 108组,土壤样2 482组,地下水位统测点70个,抽水试验18组等。查清了丹阳市水文地质、工程地质、地质灾害等分布规律,并围绕丹阳市规划建设对地质工作的实际需求,对各类调查原始数据进行了专项加工,建立了数据集,为丹阳市规划建设提供了良好的支撑服务。文章对数据来源、数据收集方法、处理技术等方面进行了整理和归纳,形成了小城镇地质调查应用服务地质数据集的构建方法,为今后小城镇地质调查和数据集处理及应用提供参考。  相似文献   
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