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Recent developments in hyperspectral remote sensing technologies enable acquisition of image with high spectral resolution, which is typical to the laboratory or in situ reflectance measurements. There has been an increasing interest in the utilization of in situ reference reflectance spectra for rapid and repeated mapping of various surface features. Here we examined the prospect of classifying airborne hyperspectral image using field reflectance spectra as the training data for crop mapping. Canopy level field reflectance measurements of some important agricultural crops, i.e. alfalfa, winter barley, winter rape, winter rye, and winter wheat collected during four consecutive growing seasons are used for the classification of a HyMAP image acquired for a separate location by (1) mixture tuned matched filtering (MTMF), (2) spectral feature fitting (SFF), and (3) spectral angle mapper (SAM) methods. In order to answer a general research question “what is the prospect of using independent reference reflectance spectra for image classification”, while focussing on the crop classification, the results indicate distinct aspects. On the one hand, field reflectance spectra of winter rape and alfalfa demonstrate excellent crop discrimination and spectral matching with the image across the growing seasons. On the other hand, significant spectral confusion detected among the winter barley, winter rye, and winter wheat rule out the possibility of existence of a meaningful spectral matching between field reflectance spectra and image. While supporting the current notion of “non-existence of characteristic reflectance spectral signatures for vegetation”, results indicate that there exist some crops whose spectral signatures are similar to characteristic spectral signatures with possibility of using them in image classification.  相似文献   
Delaunay三角网支持下的空间场表达   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
艾廷华 《测绘学报》2006,35(1):71-76,82
不规则三角网TIN本质上属于基于场的空间数据模型,然而在GIS领域,通常将其局限于DTM数字地形模型的表达中,没有象规则栅格模型那样在平面实体及实体关系表达中发挥足够的作用。针对这一局限性,仿照规则格网的栅格数据模型,应用DELAUNAY三角网工具,建立一种面向平面空间场表达的形式化数据模型。应用三角形的3种基元:顶点、边、三角形面表达空间点、线、面目标,定义该模型上的3种操作:扩充、收缩与骨架化,并进一步推广到序惯操作与条件操作。在几个应用实例基础上,分析该模型在空间邻近关系表达上可发挥重要作用。  相似文献   
空间与谱间相关性分析的NMF高光谱解混   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
袁博 《遥感学报》2018,22(2):265-276
非负矩阵分解(NMF)技术是高光谱像元解混领域的研究热点。为了充分利用高光谱图像中丰富的空间与光谱相关性特征,改善基于NMF的高光谱解混算法性能,提出一种结合了空间与谱间相关性分析的NMF解混算法。算法针对NMF的通用性和局部极小问题,引入并结合高光谱图像两种典型的相关性特征,具体包括:基于马尔可夫随机场(MRF)模型,建立描述相邻像元空间相关特征的约束;通过复杂度映射技术,建立描述相邻波段谱间相关(光谱分段平滑)特征的约束;并将上述两种约束同时引入NMF解混目标函数中。实验结果表明,对于一般自然地物场景或人造地物场景,相对于分段平滑和稀疏约束的非负矩阵分解(PSNMFSC)、交互投影子梯度的非负矩阵分解(APSNMF)和最小体积约束的非负矩阵分解(MVCNMF)这3种代表性NMF解混参考算法,该算法可进一步提高高光谱解混精度;对于空间相关或谱间相关特征中某一种不显著的特殊场景,也具有更好的适应能力。通过将空间相关和谱间相关特征相结合,较全面地反映了高光谱数据与解混相关的重要特征,能够对绝大多数真实高光谱数据进行高精度解混,对高光谱解混及后续应用领域相关研究均具有参考价值。  相似文献   


Effects of the North American polychaete Marenzelleria cf. viridis on a simple shallow-water benthic community of the northern Baltic Sea were studied in a field experiment combining natural densities of dominating macrofaunal species. The presence of M. cf. viridis increased benthic production (chlorophyll a) and reduced the survival of the native polychaete Nereis diversicolor. Adult Macoma balthica caused a significant mortality on M. cf. viridis whereas adult Cerastoderma glaucum had no effect on M. cf. viridis. We suggest that the competitive interactions between M. cf. viridis and M. balthica are a possible key factor determining the distribution pattern of M. cf. viridis in the Baltic Sea.  相似文献   
长江水中悬浮物含量与矿物和化学组成及其地质环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在2003~2007年间,在长江干流的25个水文站及主要支流的13个水文站系统采样,对悬浮物的含量及其矿物与化学组成系统地进行了测定。根据这些数据,对长江悬浮物的矿物和化学组成的时空变化及其地质与环境意义进行了系统研究。 本次所采样品中悬浮物含量平均值为256.5mg/L,在世界各大河中居于中等水平。悬浮物含量呈现大幅度的时空变化,与水流速度、径流量及泥沙供给情况的变化相对应,受河床坡度、降雨量、风化强度、侵蚀情况及人工活动等多种因素的影响。近年来,长江悬浮物含量逐渐下降,与上游的退耕还林和水库建设密切相关。特别是三峡水库工程引起泥沙在库区大量沉积,显著降低河水的悬浮物含量,导致其下游河段堤岸冲刷加剧,洞庭湖、鄱阳湖和长江口的沉积减少。这种变化带来的环境效应巨大,需要慎重评估和应对。 长江水中悬浮物主要由粘土矿物、碎屑硅酸盐矿物和碎屑碳硅酸盐矿物组成,并含有少量重矿物、氢氧化物和有机物。与黄河悬浮物矿物组成的对比研究表明长江流域的化学风化作用明显强于黄河流域,而物理侵蚀作用明显弱于黄河流域。由上游到下游,长江悬浮物中粘土和碎屑硅酸盐矿物逐渐增高,而碎屑碳硅酸盐逐步降低,与中下游地区气候变得湿热,化学风化变强的情况相对应。 与上地壳岩石平均值相比,长江悬浮物的SiO2、CaO、K2O 、Na2O含量较低,而TFe2O3含量较高,反映硅酸盐矿物化学风化过程中部分硅、钾、钠、钙的流失和铁的富集。与全球河流悬浮物和黄河悬浮物相比,长江悬浮物的SiO2、Na2O含量较低,反映长江流域的化学风化作用较强。与长江水系沉积物相比,长江悬浮物的SiO2、Na2O含量较低,而Al2O3、K2O 、MgO、TFe2O3较高,反映悬浮物比较富含粒度较小的粘土与铁质成分。从上游往下游,长江悬浮物中CaO、MgO含量逐渐降低,SiO2 含量逐步升高,与粘土矿物含量增高和碳酸盐含量降低的趋势相对应。 长江悬浮物中Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd含量均高于上地壳岩石的平均含量,可能由这些元素在风化过程优先为粘土所吸附所引起。在攀枝花、宜宾、九江、大通、南京等站悬浮物中发现的铜、铅、锌的高含量,可能均与相关地段采矿活动有关。2005年7月在富顺和长沙发现Cd的高异常值引人注目。悬浮物中Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd的含量较长江水系沉积物的平均含量高出数倍、乃至数十倍,可能反映近年来流域采矿活动加剧,其对流域环境的长远影响值得关注。 长江悬浮物的稀土总量与全球页岩的平均值相比略显偏高。长江悬浮物的REE分布形式于上地壳基本一致,表明长江流域出露的岩石的化学组成与上地壳岩石平均组成没有明显差别,而且岩石风化过程中稀土元素未出现明显分馏。  相似文献   
Surface soil moisture content exhibits a high degree of spatial and temporal variability. The purpose of this study was (a) to characterize variations in moisture content in the 0–5 cm surface soil layer along a hillslope transect by means of intensive sampling in both space and time; and (b) to make inferences regarding the environmental factors that influence this variability. Over a period of seven months, soil moisture content was measured (gravimetric method) on a near-daily basis at 10 m intervals along a 200 m downslope transect at the Rattlesnake Hill field site in Austin, Texas. Results indicate that significant variability in soil moisture content exists along the length of the transect; that variability decreases with decreasing transect-mean moisture content as the hillslope dries down following rain events; and that the dominant influences on moisture content variability are dependent upon the moisture conditions on the hillslope. While topographic and soil attributes operate jointly to redistribute soil water following storm events, under wet conditions, variability in surface moisture content is most strongly influenced by porosity and hydraulic conductivity, and under dry conditions, correlations are strongest to relative elevation, aspect and clay content. Consequently, the dominant influence on soil moisture variability gradually changes from soil heterogeneity to joint control by topographic and soil properties as the transect dries following significant rain events.  相似文献   
The direct estimation of nitrogen (N) in fresh vegetation is challenging due to its weak influence on leaf reflectance and the overlaps with absorption features of other compounds. Different empirical models relate in this work leaf nitrogen concentration ([N]Leaf) on Holm oak to leaf reflectance as well as derived spectral indices such as normalized difference indices (NDIs), the three bands indices (TBIs) and indices previously used to predict leaf N and chlorophyll. The models were calibrated and assessed their accuracy, robustness and the strength of relationship when other biochemicals were considered. Red edge was the spectral region most strongly correlated with [N]Leaf, whereas most of the published spectral indexes did not provide accurate estimations. NDIs and TBIs based models could achieve robust and acceptable accuracies (TBI1310,1720,730: R2 = 0.76, [0.64,0.86]; RMSE (%) = 9.36, [7.04,12.83]). These models sometimes included indices with bands close to absorption features of N bonds or nitrogenous compounds, but also of other biochemicals. Models were independently and inter-annually validated using the bootstrap method, which allowed discarding those models non-robust across different years. Partial correlation analysis revealed that spectral estimators did not strongly respond to [N]Leaf but to other leaf variables such as chlorophyll and water, even if bands close to absorption features of N bonds or compounds were present in the models.  相似文献   
人工爆炸地震野外数据处理装置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1988年底在华南地区连县-港口近400km的测线上,首次使用了中国科学院地球物理研究所研制的人工爆炸地震野外数据处理装置.该装置由AT型微机及必要的接口板和外围装置组成,能在野外条件下把模拟或数字记录仪记录结果以数字数据形式输入计算机,并进行显示、打印、存储等操作.由于成功地解决了诸如磁带信号直接屏幕扫描搜寻,时间信号自动识别、解码,钟差和零时信号屏幕光点比测,采样率随磁带速度自动调节,多通道长时间信号连续存储,数字滤波和再采样,用普通打印机快速打印高分辨率图形等技术问题,我们在野外记录后2-3天内即能绘出全测线120道记录的剖面图,达到了前所未有的高速度.  相似文献   
甄峰  赵勇  郑俊  赵国栋 《地理科学》2008,28(4):464-470
新农村建设与乡村发展是目前学术界讨论的热点领域。以唐山、秦皇岛10个村庄为案例,从农业经济、社会结构、社会服务与人居环境、基层组织与个人精英、城乡联系五个方面分析了案例地区乡村发展的主要特征与存在问题。最后,结合当前中国新农村建设,从国家政策与乡村内生发展、基于城乡合作的多样化乡村经济、"空心村"改造与人居环境整治、村庄规划编制与实施四个方面对未来中国的乡村发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   
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