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萨尔图油田南二区东部140号断层以东地区葡11—4油层,以多段多韵律和正韵律沉积为主,平均孔隙度30.0%,平均空气渗透率1980×10^-3μm2。水驱结束时该油层平均含水92%,采出程度39.5%。计划对该区块实施聚合物驱开采。以往经验认为,组合段塞调整注聚技术能够有效改善流度控制作用。然而对组合注入情况下如何进一步提高驱油效果、注入井分注时机、层段注入强度对开发效果有何影响却很少探讨。通过室内驱油实验,在聚驱的组合段塞注入不同时机(水驱空白阶段、含水下降阶段、含水稳定阶段、含水回升阶段)下调整注入强度实施分注以及在含水回升分注基础上进一步调整注入强度,同时对比不分注实验,评价各方案驱油效果。实验表明:不实施分注时聚驱采收率在水驱基础上提高了19.07个百分点,而组合段塞注入时实施分注均能够在不分注基础上进一步提高驱油效果;空白水驱时实施分注采收率提高幅度最大,为26.55个百分点;随着分注时机的滞后采收率提高幅度增加值依次递减,分注时机越早越好。  相似文献   
为了解黄河三角洲潮间带大型底栖无脊椎动物现状,于2019年5月分别对建国后黄河入海口4个流路区域20个潮间带站位进行了采样调查.调查共采集到大型底栖无脊椎动物5纲16目37科60种,主要优势种有托氏(虫昌)螺(Umbonium costatum)、泥螺(Bullacta exarata)、光滑河篮蛤(Potamocor...  相似文献   
How users perceive the performance of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) is fundamental for the social acceptance of these zones. Moreover, their perceptions may be relevant for monitoring the effects of MPAs on extractive activities. This study analyzes artisanal fishers' perceptions of the performance of a north-western Mediterranean coastal MPA, which encompasses two no-take zones (NTZs). Three viewpoints have been considered: the effect on the personal activity of fishers, the effect on the local fishery and the effect on the ecosystem. In order to test the hypothesis that biomass export (spillover) - which had previously been evidenced from the two NTZs - may influence fishers' perceptions of NTZ effects, fishers' perceptions were compared with both declared and observed fishing activity over an one-year period.The results show that negative perceptions of NTZs are either nil or are negligible. Most fishers are aware of the beneficial effects of NTZs on ecosystems and fisheries. However, they remain to be convinced of the beneficial effects of the NTZs on their own activity. For instance, the proximity of a NTZ appears never to be involved in the choice of a fishing spot. This partial lack of correspondence between scientific expectation and fishers' perceptions is discussed in the light of fishing habits in the zone adjacent to NTZs, and takes into account fishing grounds, targeted species and seniority (defined as the number of years the fisher has been fishing within the MPA). All three factors appear to influence fishers' perceptions. For example, having a positive perception about a NTZ and spending more time fishing in the adjacent zone are habits that can be associated with fishers with less seniority. Fishers' perceptions obviously indicate the social acceptance of the MPA and are an essential monitoring tool for MPA managers. However, perceptions cannot be seen as a substitute for scientific monitoring, as both approaches are clearly complementary.  相似文献   
The Hawke Box trawling exclusion zone off southern Labrador is a 8610 km2 closed area implemented in 2003 to protect soft-shelled pre-recruit Snow Crab and juvenile cod from mortality imposed by shrimp trawling and other bottom-impact fisheries. This study utilizes survey, logbook, and observer data from the Snow Crab and Northern Shrimp fisheries to assess the effectiveness of the Hawke Box in protecting and possibly enhancing the Snow Crab resource off southern Labrador. The results indicate that the exclusion zone has failed to protect pre-recruit crabs largely due to a redistribution and intensification of directed Snow Crab effort inside the Box in the years following closure. This unexpected outcome resulted in a high level of fishery-induced mortality to pre-recruit crabs and masked any potential positive outcomes from the cessation of trawling. The shortcomings that contributed to the failure of this exclusion area are discussed in relation to the current state of knowledge on the effectiveness of marine protected areas in general as management tools for conserving aquatic resources.  相似文献   
This paper is a companion of a two-part papers on the development of a two-dimensional morphological model—CurWaC2D-Sed, based on next generation circulation solver. In this paper, the model developed in paper I is applied to the large-scale construction of near-harbor industrial zone with deep water harbor by reclamation in Caofeidian, Bohai Bay, which is a typical sandbar-lagoon bay-type tidal inlet system. Characteristics of tides, currents, waves and sediments in Caofeidian are firstly analyzed with field data from comprehensive field observations carried out in 2008. These data are then used for model calibration and validation, showing a good agreement between simulated results and field measurements for tides, currents and suspended sediments. The verified model is applied to study the effects of the construction of Caofeidian embankment and the on-going engineering scheme on hydrodynamics and sediment transports as compared with no constructions under three representative tide conditions and their combinations with normal and strong waves as well as on morphology evolution. The simulated results indicate that the present scheme leads to morphological changes in Caofeidian with acceptable rates of erosion and sedimentation. However, some attentions should be paid to erosion at offshore wharf in front of Caofedian foreland which may lead to potentially increasing landslide risks due to steep slope and sedimentation in Laogonggou creek.  相似文献   
在小宽断裂带构造解析基础之上,根据地质资料以及前人提供的岩石物理学参数建立了梨树断陷区的二维地质和数值模型。进行了构造应力场数值模拟,分析了梨树断陷小宽断裂带断陷期小宽断裂带断陷期在沙河子期(K1sh)、营城期(K1yc)、登楼库期(K1d)的构造应力场特征。模拟结果显示:(1)沙河子期在左旋走滑应力状态下,小宽断裂带处于近NE—SW方向的拉张应力状态,剪应力在沿着断裂带SW—NE走向逐渐减小; (2)营城期在右旋走滑的应力状态下,小宽断裂带处于近NW—SE向的拉张力状态,剪应力最大值位于断裂带的最中间部位;(3)登楼库期在左旋走滑的应力状态下,断裂带处于SWW—NEE向的张拉应力状态,剪应力最大值位于断裂带西南段。  相似文献   
We collected living individuals of the bivalve Lembulus bicuspidatus, which shows an unusual preference for the oxygen-deficient habitat found at the Angola–Benguela Frontal Zone of the southeastern Atlantic. With a series of incubation experiments with 15N-labelled nitrate as a tracer in combination with membrane-inlet mass spectrometry, we studied the potential contribution of L. bicuspidatus to nitrate reduction in the upper sediment layer. Our preliminary results suggest that L. bicuspidatus enhances nitrate reduction if the oxygen concentration is sufficiently low. The Lembulus-mediated nitrate reduction rate is then similar to the rate of microbial nitrate reduction in the surrounding sediment.  相似文献   
海岸带是重要海陆过渡带地貌单元与区域,兼受海陆动力双重作用与影响,包括不同类型的沉积相,经历复杂的动力沉积、地貌演变及灾变过程。海岸带调查涉及学科交叉融合,调查要素相对独立与内容多学科交叉并存。我国曾分别于1960年、1981年和2003年组织开展过全国海岸带综合调查工作,调查获取了大量丰硕成果。当前海岸带调查与研究过程中亦暴露出一些亟需突破问题,包括:1)海岸带存在大范围"盲区",浅水易陷、礁石养殖等区域难以到达,成为海岸带数据"空白区"、调查"禁区";2)我国海岸带观测平台数量少、分布零散,未形成综合有效观测网,导致长时间序列、多源准同步调查数据缺乏,难以准确把握海岸带变化规律,破解资源环境有关问题;3)海岸带数据获取智能化程度低,严重阻碍制约有关对策及时有效性;4)海岸带不同学科协同调查、交叉融合研究模式尚未建立,不能及时发现海岸带科学问题。今后海岸带调查将在海岸带高分辨率过程数据、全覆盖无死角实时动态数据获取技术,长时间序列综合数据采集平台建设,陆海空全天候立体化数据采集传输及快速智能决策,以及海岸带多学科交叉攻关研究等方面取得突破。  相似文献   
苏门答腊弧后裂谷盆地带是印尼乃至东南亚最大的油气产区,由于勘探程度高, 近十年来勘探成效差,盆地油气发现进入瓶颈期。为了指明苏门答腊弧后裂谷盆地带勘探方向,以盆地带构造演化为主线,以构造带为研究对象,在构造特征、构造对成藏模式控制作用等多方面研究的基础上,预测了苏门答腊盆地带有利勘探领域。根据构造特征分析,苏门答腊弧后裂谷盆地带可划分为近岛弧带、中央反转带和远岛弧带3个构造带。近岛弧带以继承性隆起为构造特征,油气主要通过断裂垂向运移,聚集在局部构造高部位生物礁和背斜之中,近岛弧带为旁生侧储型成藏模式,基底潜山圈闭是近岛弧带未来的勘探方向;中央反转带构造样式为挤压反转的半地堑、铲式正断层,中央反转带油气来自底部深凹陷,上部多层系做储层,垂向断层或侧向砂体发育,沟通烃源岩与圈闭,具有近水楼台的优势成藏条件,为下生上储型成藏模式,该带基底潜山圈闭和源内构造—岩性圈闭也具有较好的烃—运—储匹配关系,可能形成好的油气藏;远岛弧带以单斜构造背景为主,局部发育深洼陷,远岛弧带局部洼陷具有一定的生烃能力,该构造带钻井揭示了地层超覆油气藏,但目前勘探程度较低,尚存在较大勘探潜力。  相似文献   
采用荧光定量PCR的方法测定了不同浓度石油烃暴露下栉孔扇贝各组织Wnt4基因相对表达量的变化,结果表明,栉孔扇贝各组织Wnt4基因表达量在不同浓度石油烃影响下变化程度具有明显差异,对照组表达量大小顺序为精巢>卵巢>鳃丝>消化盲囊;在浓度为0.1mg·L-1石油烃影响下,除鳃丝Wnt4基因表达量有上升趋势之外,其余各组织均无显著变化(P>0.05);而在0.3mg·L-1及以上石油烃浓度组,四种组织Wnt4基因表达量随暴露时间均出现明显上升或者被抑制的现象(P<0.05),各组织Wnt4基因被激活和被抑制的时间和程度均有不同,受石油烃暴露影响的程度为鳃丝>卵巢>精巢>消化盲囊。本研究认为0.3mg·L-1及以上浓度石油烃暴露对栉孔扇贝各组织特别是鳃丝Wnt4基因表达量的影响较大,对栉孔扇贝的生长发育影响明显;各组织Wnt4基因表达量在不同浓度石油烃的影响下呈现一定的规律性,其变化跟各组织解毒指标的变化具有一定相似性,是较好的反映栉孔扇贝在石油烃暴露下其生长发育变化程度的生物学指标。  相似文献   
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