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田枫  欧素英  杨昊  刘锋 《海洋学报》2017,39(3):55-67
泥沙絮凝对河口细颗粒泥沙运动过程起着极其重要的作用。本文通过LISST-100激光粒度仪等仪器实测伶仃洋河口2013年洪季悬浮泥沙絮凝体现场粒径及水动力、泥沙条件,结合实验室悬沙粒径分析,研究大小潮期间伶仃洋河口泥沙絮凝特征,探讨紊动剪切强度、含沙量、盐度分层及波浪等因素对伶仃洋河口泥沙絮凝的影响。结果表明:伶仃洋河口水体中现场粒径平均值为148.53 μm,大于实验室悬沙分散粒径36.74 μm,河口絮凝现象明显;沉速与有效密度、粒径呈正相关,絮团平均有效密度为153.49 kg/m3,平均沉速达1.13 mm/s;小潮时絮团平均粒径大于大潮,垂向上表底层絮团粒径小、中层大,中底层絮团沉速大于表层。伶仃洋河口水动力、泥沙条件是影响其泥沙絮凝的重要因素,低剪切强度(小于5 s-1)、低含沙量(小于50 mg/L)及高体积浓度有利于细颗粒泥沙之间的相互碰撞,促进絮凝作用;当剪切强度与颗粒间碰撞强度高于絮团所能承受的强度时,絮团易破碎分解成小絮团或更细的泥沙颗粒;伶仃洋河口盐度层化引起的泥沙捕获现象增大中层泥沙体积浓度,有利于中层絮凝体的发育;观测期相对较大的波浪增强水体紊动,增大了水体细颗粒泥沙的碰撞几率,表层絮团粒径随波高峰值的出现而增大。  相似文献   
收集了甘肃岷县漳县MS6.6地震序列固定台站和震后6个流动台站震相观测报告,提取了P波、S波走时信息,采用多台和达法计算该地震序列波速比,发现震后较强余震发生前波速比趋势性下降的特征。这对后续震情跟踪和趋势判定过程中强余震预测有一定的参考价值和指示意义。  相似文献   
基于2013年岷县漳县M6.6地震震源区及其邻区1999年以来的GPS观测资料,通过应变率动态特征分析、多期次GPS剖面分析和基线变形速率的分析讨论了地震的震前变形特征.GPS速度场和块体应变率表明,汶川地震的发生导致了柴达木地块运动与变形状态发生明显调整,但由于西秦岭北缘等深大断裂的存在,岷-秦地块对其响应不明显;GPS连续应变率显示,在汶川地震引起的区域地壳变形调整过程中岷县漳县地震震源区附近的应变积累速率有减缓的迹象;GPS剖面显示,平行于岷县漳县主破裂带的运动分量对汶川地震响应显著,汶川震后表现为剪切变形速率的增强,而垂直于主破裂带的运动分量则对汶川地震响应不明显;震中周边GPS基线变形速率表明,基线伸缩变化率总体呈现NW向拉张、NE向压缩状态,且拉张量明显小于压缩量.上述地壳变形动态特征表明西秦岭北缘断裂及其附近地区的应变积累水平和断层闭锁程度可能处于较高水平,在岷县漳县地震前该区表现出局部“硬化”迹象.  相似文献   
Meiobenthic fauna is complex and essential part of the stream benthos and it is known as intermediaries from bacteria to higher trophic levels. However, the dynamics and mechanisms regulating this community at small-scale largely have been neglected. This study was carried out to determine meiofaunal dynamics in a small scale-patterns influenced by flow velocity and other abiotic and biotic factors. We examined meiofauna within bryophytes on a tufa barrier in Plitvice Lakes National Park using a detailed taxonomic approach of various meiofaunal groups and their feeding guilds. We choose three microhabitats (slow, medium, fast) differing significantly in flow velocity above bryophytes. Bdelloid rotifers were the most abundant group in microhabitat with highest flow velocity, while in other two microhabitats nematodes and monogonont rotifers prevailed in abundance. Data on environmental variables and main meiofaunal taxa and feeding guilds were analyzed using redundancy analysis. This analysis indicated that microfilter feeding guild (e.g. bdelloid rotifers) was strongly affected by interaction of flow velocity and POM fractions. Other feeding guilds were influenced by temperature, oxygen and/or pH and did not prefer high flow velocity. Suction-feeder nematodes and microfilter-feeder rotifers were dominant on temporal and spatial scale, indicating their good adaptations on frequently disturbed conditions that prevailed on bryophyte covered tufa barrier. Our results provide comprehensive survey of diversity, density as well as trophic structure of meiofauna in aquatic bryophytes. Differences in meiofaunal composition and density between three microhabitats suggest that the meiofauna is relevant indicator of environmental changes even at small-scale pattern.  相似文献   

The point dilution test is a single-well technique for estimating horizontal flow velocity in the aquifer surrounding a well. The test is conducted by introducing a tracer into a well section and monitoring its decreasing concentration over time. When using a salt tracer, the method is easy and inexpensive. Traditionally, the horizontal Darcy velocity is calculated as a function of the rate of dilution and is based on the simple assumption that the decreasing tracer concentration is proportional both to the apparent velocity into the test section and to the Darcy velocity in the aquifer. In this article, an alternative approach to analyse the results of point dilution tests is proposed and verified using data acquired at a test site in the middle Venetian plain, northeast Italy. In this approach, the one-dimensional equilibrium advection–dispersion equation is inverted using the CXTFIT model to estimate the apparent velocity inside the test section. Analysis of the field data obtained by the two approaches shows good agreement between the methods and suggests that it is possible to use the equilibrium advection–dispersion equation to estimate apparent velocity over a wide range of velocities.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor K. Heal  相似文献   

Mathematical models developed for quantification of sediment transport in hydrological watersheds require data collected through field or laboratory experiments, but these are still very rare in the literature. This study aims to collect such data at the laboratory scale. To this end, a rainfall simulator equipped with nozzles to spray rainfall was constructed, together with an erosion flume that can be given longitudinal and lateral slopes. Eighty experiments were performed, considering microtopographical features by pre-forming a rill on the soil surface before the start of each experiment. Medium and fine sands were used as soil, and four rainfall intensities (45, 65, 85 and 105 mm h-1) were applied in the experiments. Rainfall characteristics such as uniformity, granulometry, drop velocity and kinetic energy were evaluated; flow and sediment discharge data were collected and analysed. The analysis shows that the sediment transport rate is directly proportional to rainfall intensity and slope. In contrast, the volumetric sediment concentration stays constant and does not change with rainfall intensity unless the slope changes. These conclusions are restricted to the conditions of experiments performed under rainfall intensities between and 105 mm h-1 for medium and fine sands in a 136-cm-wide, 650-cm-long and 17-cm-deep erosion flume with longitudinal and lateral slopes varying between 5 and 20%.

Editor Z.W. Kundzewicz; Associate editor G. Mahé

Citation Aksoy, H., Unal, N.E., Cokgor, S., Gedikli, A., Yoon, J., Koca, K., Inci, S.B., Eris, E., and Pak, G., 2013. Laboratory experiments of sediment transport from bare soil with a rill. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 58 (7), 1505–1518.  相似文献   
新丰江地区地壳P波三维速度结构及活动构造研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用震源位置和速度结构的联合反演得到2007年6月~2014年7月新丰江地区地震序列的震源位置及P波三维速度结构模型,并进一步对比区域活动构造的产状特征及震源机制解等。结果显示,自ES向WN新丰江库区断裂深度有逐渐增大的趋势,与重力场的研究结果一致。库区大坝至东源锡场之间的中-上地壳存在4个大小不等的高速体,其中,锡场下方的高速体Ⅰ体积最大(EW向截面约6km×7km),速度最大,中心速度达6.3km/s。库区大坝下方存在以人字石断裂(F2)、南山-坳头断裂(F4)、河源断裂(F1)、石角-新港-白田断裂(F5)等为中心的强烈构造变形区,1960年至今大坝下方高速体Ⅲ、Ⅳ边缘已发生包括1962年6.1级地震在内的7次ML≥5.0地震,能量释放较为彻底;锡场下方高速体Ⅰ的边缘自2012年以来中小地震活跃,且b值较低,不排除发展为中强震孕震凹凸体的可能。  相似文献   
本文将台湾海峡及其邻区划分为多个具有不同弹性参数的等厚区块,并利用基于弹性理论的有限元数值模型,以GPS观测速度和由震源机制解(FMS)得到的主应力轴方向为约束条件,计算了该研究区的现今构造应力场.结果表明:(1)最大主应力轴在台湾海峡中部和台湾岛弧中部大致为NW-SE向,在东北部呈顺时针旋转,而在南部呈逆时针旋转;(2)研究区水平位移场大致以23°N为界,南强北弱,且在北部呈顺时针旋转,南部呈逆时针旋转;(3)东沙-澎湖-北港隆起因强度大于周边盆地区而成为"阻挡带",导致在其南北出现两个反向的构造逃逸区,并且隆起东南区形变特别强烈,而其西北区则相对较弱.  相似文献   
考虑了高山峡谷基岩场地的深度衰减效应,假设地震危险性分析提供的水平峰值加速度的所在位置,选用攀枝花—会理地震波,通过基线校正和高频滤波作为实际地震动输入,利用FLAC3D软件对某水电站大型地下洞室群进行了地震水平加速度传播特性的研究。数值分析结果表明,厂房周围监测点水平加速度时程和输入地震水平加速度时程相似,但存在0.08~0.12s的滞后时差,输入地震动水平峰值加速度向上传播时具有放大效应,在洞室群附近放大两倍左右。所得结果对大型地下洞室群地震动传播特征问题研究具有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   
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