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关于海平面上升及其环境效应   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈梦熊 《地学前缘》1996,3(2):133-140
沿海地区地质环境复杂。由于国民经济的迅速发展,人类活动日益增多,对地质环境进一步造成严重的不利影响。特别是“温室效应”引发的海平面上升,使各种地质灾害更加激化。文章详细探讨了海平面上升的影响因素,理论海平面与相对海平面升降幅度的评估,以及海平面上升所造成的地质环境效应与相应的防治对策,特别强调控制沿海城市地面沉降,以减轻海平面相对上升造成的危害,具有特殊而重要的意义。  相似文献   
The dynamic relationships between land use change and its driving forces vary spatially and can be identified by geographically weighted regression (GWR). We present a novel cellular automata (GWR-CA) model that incorporates GWR-derived spatially varying relationships to simulate land use change. Our GWR-CA model is characterized by spatially nonstationary transition rules that fully address local interactions in land use change. More importantly, each driving factor in our GWR model contains effects that both promote and resist land use change. We applied GWR-CA to simulate rapid land use change in Suzhou City on the Yangtze River Delta from 2000 to 2015. The GWR coefficients were visualized to highlight their spatial patterns and local variation, which are closely associated with their effects on land use change. The transition rules indicate low land conversion potential in the city’s center and outer suburbs, but higher land conversion potential in the inner near suburbs along the belt expressway. Residual statistics show that GWR fits the input data better than logistic regression (LR). Compared with an LR-based CA model, GWR-CA improves overall accuracy by 4.1% and captures 5.5% more urban growth, suggesting that GWR-CA may be superior in modeling land use change. Our results demonstrate that the GWR-CA model is effective in capturing spatially varying land transition rules to produce more realistic results, and is suitable for simulating land use change and urban expansion in rapidly urbanizing regions.  相似文献   
Changes in landscape composition and configuration patterns of Sancaktepe Municipal District in the Asian side of Istanbul Metropolitan City of Turkey were analysed using landscape metrics. Class-level and landscape-level metrics were calculated from the land cover/land use data using Patch Analyst, an extension in the Arc View GIS. The land cover/land use data were derived from classified satellite images of Landsat Thematic Mapper of 2002 and 2009 for Sancaktepe District. There was evidence of increase in agglomeration process of built-up patches as indicated by the increases in mean patch size, decrease in total edge and number of patches between 2002 and 2009. The urban expansion pattern experienced overall was not fragmented but concentrated due to infilling around existing patches. Changes in Area-Weighted Mean Shape Index and Area-Weighted Patch Fractal Dimension Index indicated that the physical shapes within built-up, forest and bareland areas were relatively complex and irregular. A conclusion is made in this study that spatial metrics are useful tools to describe the urban landscape composition and configuration in its various aspects and certain decisions whether to approve a specific development in urban planning could, for example, be based on some measures of urban growth form or pattern in terms of uniformity and irregularity, attributable to the dynamic processes of agglomeration and fragmentation of land cover/land use patches caused by urban expansion.  相似文献   
徐秋晓  于明洋  崔健 《测绘科学》2008,33(2):113-116
本文从遥感影像理解模型出发,探讨了遥感信息的知识发现及特征提取问题,特别针对士地利用研究领域,提出了纳入GIS信息的遥感影像综合理解模型,将GIS数据(主要包括高程和坡度)与遥感影像结合起来,从中发现知识,并将知识用于遥感影像的专题信息提取,建立了地学规律知识库,从而提高了遥感影像的分类精度。本文基于遥感影像理解模型,发现土地利用变化区域,提取变化信息,动态地监测了龙口市土地利用的时空变化情况。  相似文献   
获取了22景IW模式的Sentinel-1A/B数据,分别采用PS-InSAR和SBAS-InSAR两种时序技术得到了沧州地区2015年11月至2016年11月期间地表平均沉降速率及累计沉降量。经分析,两种时序监测结果具有较高的一致性,其结果表明:献县、沧县、沧州市区地面表现为回升趋势;青县、沧县东部、南皮县西部、东光县等地区地面沉降量较大,其中东光县何庄村累计下沉量达47 mm,而引起这些区域地面沉降的主要原因为农业生产等带来的地下水开采。本文对基于Sentinel-1A/B SAR数据的时序分析方法在城市沉降监测方面的应用进行了探讨,为有关部门提供了重要的参考数据。  相似文献   
运用数据包络分析(DEA)模型,对2013年中国内地34个大中城市土地储备决策绩效进行总体评价和比较分析。研究结果表明:东部地区城市土地储备决策效率最高,西部次之,中部最低;土地储备决策效率受到纯技术效率和规模效率的共同作用,且规模效率作用较大;影响东中西部城市土地储备决策效率投入产出的主要因素各不相同。基于此,从深化土地及相关制度改革和提升政府管理效率两个层面提出土地储备决策绩效优化策略,从而提高土地资源利用效率、优化城市空间结构。  相似文献   
国土空间生态修复是落实生态文明建设的重要抓手。科学识别国土空间生态修复重点区域,合理布局生态修复空间是当前国土空间生态修复规划面临的难点之一。本研究以山东省国土空间生态系统评价为基础,通过对山东省生态系统服务功能、生态环境敏感性和生态系统恢复力综合评价,研究识别出山东省生态修复重点区域,并对各重点区域提出了生态修复的主导方向,为国土空间生态修复规划编制提供了支撑。  相似文献   
分析生态文明背景下围填海区域人工海岸建设存在的问题,结合淤泥质人工海岸空间特点,总结提出了生态岸线整治修复技术、仿自然化处理设计、景观构建适宜性、人工海岸生态系统等生态化建设基础理论,并以天津永定新河口综合整治修复工程为例,重点阐述了人工海岸生态化建设过程中生态系统和景观构建的方法要点和具体思路.结果表明:在人工海岸生...  相似文献   
利用1999年Landsat ETM+、2005年Landsat TM卫星影像和2009年“环境与灾害监测预报小卫星”影像提取兰州南北两山地区三期土地利用数据,将景观生态学的理论与兰州南北两山环境绿化工程的实际相结合,运用GIS分析、景观指数计算及数理统计等多种方法,对兰州南北两山地区1999—2009年的土地利用与景观格局动态变化进行分析。结果表明,10 a来兰州南北两山的土地利用变化主要表现为林地和建设用地的增加,草地和农田的减少;景观格局趋于破碎化,多样性增大,景观结构趋于多样化和均匀化。驱动力分析表明,人类活动和政策因素是导致该区土地利用和景观格局变化的主要原因。  相似文献   
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