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东北地区汛期降水异常的大气环流特征分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
贾小龙  王谦谦 《高原气象》2006,25(2):309-318
针对东北地区汛期(7~8月)的情况,分析了造成汛期降水异常的大气环流特征,结果表明:汛期多(少)雨年,低层850 hPa蒙古东南的气旋(反气旋)式距平环流、我国大陆东部的西南风(东北风)距平气流及日本南面的反气旋(气旋)式距平环流的共同作用加强(减弱)了低层西南暖湿气流在东北地区的辐合;多(少)雨年,中层500 hPa中高纬西风带经向运动加强(减弱),从贝加尔湖以北的高纬地区到日本附近的高度场呈 - (- -)的波列分布。8月的环流形势比7月更容易造成严重旱涝,下游鄂霍茨克海和日本海阻塞高压的发展和减弱是造成8月降水异常的重要因子。考虑7月旱涝流型演变时,应着重关注南北向 - 的“波列”;而考虑8月旱涝流型演变时,则更应着重关注东西向- - -的“波列”配置。多、少雨年,高、低层的散度场、垂直速度场及水汽条件等物理量场都有明显的差异。  相似文献   
利用美国NOAA卫星观测的SOI(Southern Oscillation Index,南方涛动指数)资料以及NCEP/NCAR、CMAP月平均资料,采用相关分析等方法,研究了南方涛动年际变化与夏季亚澳季风环流及海洋性大陆区域气候异常的联系。结果表明:南方涛动具有显著的年际变化特征,这种年际变化对夏季亚澳季风区及海洋性大陆区域的环流、降水及温度异常有重要影响。当SOI正位相时,赤道以南的澳大利亚东部地区以及西北太平洋海域高层为气旋,低层为反气旋,赤道地区的东部太平洋低层为辐散中心,高层为辐合中心,有利于下沉运动维持;加里曼丹岛附近低层辐合,高层辐散,有利于上升运动维持;海洋性大陆地区降水为显著的正异常,东亚地区降水存在较弱的正异常;海洋性大陆地区以及我国青藏高原到东海一带温度为正异常,孟加拉湾及印度半岛区域温度为负异常。  相似文献   
塑料污染已成为国际海洋界关注的海洋环境问题之一。文章探讨海洋环流对南海及其周边海域表层塑料颗粒交换的影响。在南海周边多个海域, 分别在4个季节投放塑料颗粒。一年后, 用拉格朗日颗粒示踪方法考察投放颗粒的运动轨迹和最终停留位置。结果表明, 在秋、冬季, 大部分塑料颗粒会进入南海和爪哇海, 极少部分颗粒北输送到太平洋; 在春、夏季, 仅有部分颗粒进入南海和爪哇海, 而多数颗粒流到太平洋。南海洋流具有季节特征, 塑料颗粒轨迹特征与之较为符合。  相似文献   
农户的非农就业如何影响中国的土地流转?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To clarify the impact of non-agricultural employment on rural land circulation in China,we built logit models using the Chinese Household Income Project 2013 dataset,which includes 18,948 household samples over 15 provinces,126 cities and 234 counties of China in 2013.We use the proportion of non-agricultural income,the proportion of non-agricultural laborers and non-agricultural fixed operating assets to reflect the degree of the households’dependence on agriculture,the degree of the households’laborers committed to non-agricultural employment and the stability of non-agricultural employment,respectively.The results show that the stability of non-agricultural employment is an important reason for farmers to transfer out their land,and an increase in non-agricultural income is the fundamental reason.The proportion of non-agricultural assets has the greatest impact on the decision to transfer land,followed by the proportion of non-agricultural income.Per unit increase in the non-agricultural income ratio has a stronger effect on the transfer-out decision than it does on the transfer-in decision,which is a 0.09 increase of the probability of transfer-out the land and a 0.07 decrease of the probability of transfer-in the land.In terms of regional differences,when considering the impact of non-agricultural employment on the land transfer-out decision,the impacts of non-agricultural income and labor force are the greatest in the Central region.The impact of non-agricultural assets is the greatest in the Eastern region.For the Eastern region,the decision to transfer out land is mainly affected by non-agricultural assets and the non-agricultural labor force,and the decision to transfer in land is mainly affected by non-agricultural assets.In the Central and Western regions,the decision to transfer out land is mainly affected by non-agricultural assets,non-agricultural income and the non-agricultural labor force,in that order.The decision to transfer in land in the Central region is not significantly affected by non-agricultural employment.The decision to transfer in land in the Western region is mainly affected by non-agricultural assets,non-agricultural labor force and non-agricultural income,in that order.We note that non-agricultural assets have a prominent impact on land transfer,which shows that the stability of non-agricultural employment has an important impact on land transfer decision-making.Vocational training for rural labor forces may be an effective means to promote stable non-agricultural employment and simultaneously facilitate rural land circulation,especially in Central and Western China.  相似文献   
根据近年来磷矿深部勘探资料,对贵州息烽温泉的构造地质条件及地热特征开展研究,获得了有关温泉地质成因的新认识。(1)由洋水背斜、安清断层(F1)和温泉断层(F2)组成的叠瓦状逆冲推覆构造体系,构成了息烽温泉地热水系统的主体及边界,该控热构造体系内地表构造与地腹构造并不统一,老地层盖在新地层上,构成顶、底两层叠置的多个热储单元,这些热储单元是地热水形成和运移的良好场所。(2)安清断层(F1)使多个热储单元直接接触,从而具有密切的水力联系,为导水、导热的良好通道;温泉断层(F2)构成了息烽温泉区地热水系统的边界。(3)大气降水沿断裂通道下渗至深部的碳酸盐岩热储层中,吸收热量形成地热水,在高温高压条件下,向洋水背斜核部进行迁移,受上覆寒武系碎屑岩盖层的保护和温泉断层的限制,形成洋水背斜西翼和北端的地热资源有利富集区,最后受分支断层阻挡而自然岀露。  相似文献   
Zhang  Man  Chen  Yaning  Shen  Yanjun  Li  Baofu 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(1):3-28
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Under the impacts of climate change and human activities, great uncertainties still exist in the response of climate extremes, especially in Central Asia (CA). In...  相似文献   
渤海夏季环流的高分辨率海浪-潮汐-环流耦合模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Bohai Sea is a shallow semi-enclosed inner sea with an average depth of 18 m and is located at the west of the northern Yellow Sea. The climatological circulation pattern in summer of the Bohai Sea is studied by using a wave-tide-circulation coupled model. The simulated temperature and the circulation agree with the observation well. The result shows that the circulation pattern of the Bohai Sea is jointly influenced by the tidal residual current, wind and baroclinic current. There exists an obvious density current along the temperature front from the west part of the Liaodong Bay to the offshore area of the Huanghe Estuary. In the Liaodong Bay there exists a clockwise gyre in the area north to the 40°N. While in the area south to the 40°N the circulation shows a two-gyre structure, the flow from the offshore area of the Huanghe Estuary to the Liaodong Bay splits into two branches in the area between 39°N and 40°N. The west branch turns into north-west and forms an anti-clockwise gyre with the south-westward density current off the west of the Liaodong Bay. The east branch turns to the east and forms a clockwise gyre with the flow along the east coast of the Liaodong Bay. The forming mechanism of the circulation is also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   
本文采用多源卫星遥感数据通过统计分析的方法研究了17年间(2000—2016年)南海夏季(6—9月)台风对该海域降水、淡水通量的贡献及其可能导致的环流异常。主要结论如下: 1) 台风是南海中北部降水的重要影响因子, 可导致日平均降水量增加12mm, 约占南海夏季日平均降水(25mm·d -1)的一半, 且西北太平洋台风和南海“土台风”产生的降水分布存在显著的区域和强度差异; 2) 夏季, 南海由淡水通量引起的盐致环流表现为以海南岛东南部海域为中心的弱气旋式, 其流量量级约为-0.15Sv, 约占同期风生环流流量(约为-1.5Sv)的10%; 3) 夏季, 台风带来的降水使得南海中北部的气旋式盐致环流增强, 且西北太平洋台风降水导致的淡水通量变化引起的盐致环流强度要强于南海“土台风”。  相似文献   
基于1951—2018年衢州市椪柑采摘期降水量、雨日、日照时数、相对湿度等逐日气象资料,应用统计分析和小波分析方法,分析椪柑采摘期连阴雨天气变化特征及其大气环流背景.结果表明:1951—2018年衢州椪柑采摘期连阴雨日数、次数和强度呈略微增加趋势、滑动3d无雨次数呈减少趋势;滑动3d无雨次数存在明显的5a、7a和15a...  相似文献   
利用1979—2019年CN05.1中国区域高分辨率降水格点数据、英国Hadley中心观测海温数据、ERA5逐月大气再分析资料及大气环流模式,研究了华南后汛期期间(7—9月)IOD Modoki事件与华南后汛期降水异常的关系及可能机理。观测资料结果表明,华南后汛期降水异常与热带印度洋中部(东和西部)海温异常呈显著正(负)相关关系,表现为印度洋IOD Modoki或印度洋三极子事件的空间分布型。滤除ENSO信号影响后,华南后汛期降水异常仍和IOD Modoki存在较为密切的联系。IOD Modoki正异常对华南后汛期降水异常的影响有以下途径,一方面,异常水汽从热带印度洋东部向西输送至热带中印度洋后,在北半球受科氏力作用向东输送至华南地区,为华南地区提供了充足的水汽条件,并且对华南地区降水正异常的主要水汽辐合贡献为平均水汽的水平扰动散度项和扰动引起的平均水汽垂直平流项。另一方面,热带东南印度洋海温负异常,通过Mastuno-Gill响应引起对流层低层自热带东南印度洋至热带中印度洋有东南风异常,增强了70°E附近的越赤道气流,在北半球向东输送至西北太平洋,这引起了华南地区对流层低层气旋式环流异常。另外,热带东印度洋对流层低(高)层异常辐散(辐合),华南地区低(高)层异常辐合(辐散)增强了东亚地区的局地Hadley环流,有利于华南地区降水的产生。再者,IOD Modoki引起南亚季风区受异常下沉运动控制,并通过季风-荒漠机制引起副热带北大西洋东部、北非荒漠区及地中海西部周围正涡度异常,激发了沿急流向下游传播的准静止Rossby波,增强了日本海高压异常和华南及邻近地区对流层低层气旋式环流异常。上述原因均有利于华南地区降水的产生,反之亦然。上述结果在数值模式中亦得到了验证。  相似文献   
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