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低空急流与阿勒泰暖区大--暴雪   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了冬季产生新疆低空急流的大型环流特征及低空急流与阿勒泰暖区大-暴雪的关系。结果表明,在中高纬度欧亚范围内呈现“双阻型”,中亚中纬度高空维持纬向强急流锋区的情况下,若有巴尔喀什湖以南的暖湿气流向北输送,则有利于造成阿勒泰暖区大-暴雪的新疆低空急流产生。高低空急流的位置及强度可作为降雪量和大-暴雪落区的短期预报指标。  相似文献   
采用英国Hadley中心GISST海冰面积资料,NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及中国地面降水和气温资料,运用EOF分解,小波分析和合成分析等方法,初步探讨了格陵兰岛两侧附近冬春季海冰面积变化特征及其与初夏6月中国气温和降水的关系,结果表明,格陵兰岛东西两侧海冰面积呈显著反相变化,并且具有明显的年际和年代际周期性振荡,冬春季格陵兰-寻威海海冰与初夏6月中国长江以北气温(降水)正相关(反相关),与长江以南气温(降水)反相关(正相关),而对于戴维斯海峡-拉布拉多海海冰则具有相反的相关型,大尺度500hPa环流合成分析初步表明,冬春季格陵兰附近海冰面积变化伴随着北极极涡环流和北半球阻塞高压的持续异常,海冰变化可能是影响初夏中国气温和降水的因子之一。  相似文献   
条件性对称不稳定与梅雨锋暴雨   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
利用驻马店10个站气象资料,分析了极端温度的时间变化特征、高温天气与6-8月降水量之间的关系和极端晴热高温、极端湿热高温天气形成的天气背景及影响因子,确定了高温出现的前期预报指标。  相似文献   
TheestuarineplainoftheJiulongRiver,whichisthesecondlargestrivernexttotheMinjiangRiverinFujianPrc)vince,intervenesbetweenXi~enandZhangzhoucitiesinthesouthoftheprovince.'I'heplainconsistsofthreeparts:thenorthernplain,thesouthernPlainandZiniIsles.Withsoutllcrn--Subtr<)picoceanicm(>nasexinclimate,itdevelol>saregionalvegetationtypeofeveTgreen13r(Jad--lcav(3dfores[,ofwhicll,however,mosthasbeendestroyedbyhumanbeing.Nowaday-s.shruborgrasslandvegetationcanbeseenonthehillsintheviciTlily'ofthisarea…  相似文献   


孙力  安刚 《应用气象学报》2002,13(6):650-661
利用1951~2000年共50年的北半球500 hPa月平均高度距平场资料和奇异值分解技术(SVD),重点对东亚地区季节间大气环流异常的相互关系进行了初步探讨。结果表明,东亚地区季节间大气环流异常存在着较为密切的关联,并且这种明显的非同步联系具有时空相关显著的特点,尤其是夏季大气环流异常与其前冬和前春大气环流异常的联系更为密切。当前冬和前春北半球东亚大槽和北美大槽及蒙古高压偏强(或偏弱),极涡偏弱(或偏强),中高纬度盛行经向环流(或纬向环流),以及低纬和热带地区高度正距平(或负距平)明显时,则对应于夏季东亚地区西太平洋副高和鄂霍次克海阻高强度偏强(或偏弱),位置偏南(或偏北),贝加尔湖阻高强度也偏强(或偏弱),但位置偏西(或偏东)的大尺度环流形势出现。当春季北半球大气环流具有上述特点以及夏季鄂霍次克海阻高和西太平洋副高强度偏强(或偏弱),位置偏南(或偏北),且极涡较弱(较强)时,则东亚地区秋季大气环流对应于蒙古高压加强(或较弱),西太平洋副高减弱(或加强),并向南和向东移动(或移动较慢),极涡向南扩散(或扩散减弱),大气环流向冬季过渡加快(或减慢)。另外,大气环流异常还具有一定的持续性特征。  相似文献   
Stable isotopes in precipitation are useful tracers to strengthen understanding of climate change and hydrological processes. In this study, the moisture sources of 190 precipitation events in Beijing were analysed using the Hybrid Single‐particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory model, based on which we studied the relation between variations in precipitation δ18O and dynamics in moisture sources and atmospheric circulation in seasonal and interannual timescales. Categorization of 7 groups of moisture sources was performed, among which oceanic moisture sources presented lower δ18O in precipitation than continental moisture sources. The results show that seasonal variations of precipitation δ18O were caused by changes of moisture sources. In summer, moisture from proximal oceans dominated vapour transport to Beijing due to increasing monsoon strength and resulted in a relatively small variation of precipitation δ18O. At the interannual timescale, the variations of δ18O in summer precipitation were related to dynamics in oceanic moistures, showing depleted values when the contribution of oceanic moistures, especially the proportion of long‐distance oceanic moisture, was high. Further analysis indicated that changes of oceanic moisture sources were controlled by the strength of summer monsoons. These findings address the complexity of moisture sources in midlatitude monsoon areas and suggest that isotopic signals in precipitation have the potential to deduce changes in moisture sources and atmospheric circulation and can therefore serve for palaeoclimate reconstruction.  相似文献   
Three‐dimensional seismic data were used to infer how bottom currents control unidirectional channel migration. Bottom currents flowing towards the steep bank would deflect the upper part of sediment gravity flows at an orientation of 1° to 11° to the steep bank, yielding a helical flow circulation consisting of a faster near‐surface flow towards the steep bank and a slower basal return flow towards the gentle bank. This helical flow model is evidenced by the occurrence of bigger, muddier (suggested by low‐amplitude seismic reflections) lateral accretion deposits and gentle channel wall with downlap terminations on the gentle bank and by smaller, sandier (indicated by high‐amplitude seismic reflectors) channel fills and steep channel walls with truncation terminations on the steep bank. This helical flow circulation promotes asymmetrical depositional patterns with dipping accretion sets restricted to the gentle bank, which restricts the development of sinuosity and yields unidirectional channel migration. These results aid in obtaining a complete picture of flow processes and sedimentation in submarine channels.  相似文献   
利用闽西北三明市的11个县、市1961—2014年5月降雨量资料、常规气象观测资料和NCEP 2.5×2.5°再分析资料等对闽西北历史上5月雨量特多年的降雨量时空分布特征和大气环流特征及其成因进行了分析,结果表明:5月区域性、全区性雨量特多年的环流异常特征是500hPa欧亚中高纬度自西向东环流呈"+-+"的波列分布,鄂霍次克海北侧高度正距平区的稳定少动,起到阻挡冷空气东移的作用,冷空气沿乌拉尔山西侧高度正距平中心前的偏北气流不断南下,使萨彦岭一带高度负距平中心加强,其底部不断分裂小槽东移影响闽西北。925hPa华南北部维持一条稳定切变线;对于2014年5月特例的环流形势分析结果可知,500hPa东亚大槽明显偏东,引导冷空气南下与强大副高西北侧西南暖湿气流交绥在闽西北上空。925hPa闽西北处于气旋式辐合区内。北支槽、南支槽均非常活跃,东移影响闽西北,是导致该地5月区域性降雨量特多的主要原因。  相似文献   
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