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旅游地理信息系统课程是校级素质选修课,在课程中融入思想政治教育元素具有一定的社会意义和现实意义。教学中应以立德树人为根本,充分发挥教师和课程育人的主体作用,在教学中融入新时期的思想政治教育,将教授专业技能知识与思想政治教育融入课程教学,实现思想政治教育与知识体系教育的有机统一,建立思想政治教育与专业课程合力育人的新体系。  相似文献   
《Climate Policy》2013,13(3):242-254
The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) under the Kyoto Protocol allows industrialized countries to use credits from greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement projects in developing countries. A key requirement of the CDM is that the emission reductions be real, measurable and additional. This article evaluates how the additionality of CDM projects has been assessed in practice. The analysis is mainly based on a systematic evaluation of 93 registered CDM projects and comes to the conclusion that the current tools for demonstrating additionality are in need of substantial improvement. In particular, the application of the barrier analysis is highly subjective and difficult to validate in an objective and transparent manner. Key assumptions regarding additionality are often not substantiated with credible, documented evidence. In a considerable number of cases it is questionable whether the emission reductions are actually additional. Based on these findings, practical recommendations for improving the assessment of additionality are provided.  相似文献   
郭敏  李天子  李春意 《测绘科学》2013,38(4):207-208,206
本文以河南理工大学测绘工程实验教学示范中心为依托,针对"GPS原理及应用"课程进行全面改革,包括课程的名称,实习基地的规模、规范,仪器设备的更新利用,实习方法与手段,实习考核方法,实习教材的更新等。该改革进一步提高学生的实践能力和创新能力,在测绘及相关专业实践教学中发挥积极作用。  相似文献   
针对现有GIS专业培养方案难以适应社会发展需求的问题,本文以国家"卓越工程师教育培养计划"为契机,依托我校矿物资源工程优势学科的矿产行业背景,对GIS专业的实践教学计划与内容进行改革,探索了校内特色专业实验室、校外典型行业实践基地和双师制行业实践的3种教学模式,构建出培养具备高素质矿产行业背景GIS卓越工程师培养的"四四"实践教学平台。并在开放式矿业教学平台的支持下,研究了"学习—实践—研究—创新—再学习"为主线的实践教学方法,达到提升GIS专业学生行业应用能力的目的。  相似文献   
There exist major challenges in accelerating the spatial data infrastructure (SDI) planning process in the developing countries as well as advocating for politicians to support the development of SDI, due to the high complexity of SDI, lack of knowledge and experience, and limited insight in the benefits. To address these challenges, a methodology for SDI planning in Tanzania, based on the system dynamics technique and the communities of practice concept, was adopted and applied within a community consisting of experts from stakeholder organizations. The groups gathered to develop an SDI plan, while they shared their knowledge and discussed their ideas that helped their understanding of SDI. By running the system dynamics model, the development of SDI over time could be simulated that gave the planning community an insight about the future effects of today’s plans and decisions. Finally, an optimum model could be developed by refinements and improvements done with the consensus of the SDI stakeholders. This model included the components and policies that are essential for a successful SDI implementation in Tanzania and can be used as a basis for SDI planning and help to gain political support. Lessons learnt from this research were promising regarding the usability of the methodology for SDI planning in comparable countries.  相似文献   
唐雪琼  杨茜好  钱俊希 《地理研究》2016,35(8):1535-1546
边界是不同的社会与政治实体接触和交流的场所,跨边界的日常生活流动是历久和普遍的社会事实。边民与边境管理者丰富的跨界流动性实践,包括了自下而上到自上而下的双向互动,促进了边界意义的生产与再生产。透过流动性的研究视角,基于Newman对边境的地理学问题研究论调,从边境管理者和边民两个方面的日常空间实践进行了展现,选取云南省河口县中越边境地区的典型边寨为案例地,通过质性研究方法分析跨界流动的空间实践及其意义,进一步为解读边界的空间意义提供中国案例,以期更全面地看待边界问题。研究发现:边境草根群体自下而上的跨界流动,促进边界成为衡量经济、社会关系、文化意义以及政治权力形成和变迁过程的一个重要变量和维度。跨界流动实用主义色彩之上,也作用于边境社会关系网络的建构,对边民民族文化认同、国家认同等的建构产生积极作用。权力机关在边境生存法则基础上的流动性实践深化了国家意志,边界即成为权力“物化”的工具,流动性形成治理的手段和方法之一,边境地区同时被不断地规划和塑造。  相似文献   
Recent years have seen a rapid rise in the political saliency of the ever growing volumes of municipal waste produced in the UK. In this paper, we examine how one particular part of the municipal waste stream – biodegradable waste – has come under the policy spotlight. As targets to divert biodegradable waste from landfill under the Landfill Directive come into force, the need to focus explicitly on recovering value from biodegradable materials has risen up national and local policy agendas, not least with the introduction of the Landfill Allowance Trading Scheme. Accompanying this new rationality for managing waste has been a suite of different policy interventions. In this paper we examine the impact of the changing nature of municipal waste policy and the ways in which it has sought to rework the disposal and collection of biodegradable waste. We argue that the predominantly technical framing and instrumental rationality of these interventions does not sufficiently challenge entrenched understandings regarding the boundaries between public and private responsibility for waste, and thus short-circuits their capacity to engage with everyday community/individual waste practices. In conclusion, we suggest that, in order to move waste management towards sustainability, there is a need both to engage with the institutional and infrastructural dimensions of the systems of provision within which waste management occurs, and to take seriously the everyday contexts within which making waste is practiced.  相似文献   
“协优”成矿预测方法的理论探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据西藏野外地质工作难度大、工作程度极低、找矿信息少且获取极其困难这一实际, 在认真学习、吸收前辈成矿预测理论精髓及大量找矿实践和理论思考的基础上, 基于系统性、关联性、目标一致性、不充足判据的充足化、复杂与精确的反比性原则, 提出了西部工作程度极低地区快速逼近找矿目标的“协优”成矿预测法, 即只要优选出少量相互关联、目标一致、最能揭示某种类型成矿本质特征的关键信息组合, 就可能导致该类型矿床被发现.强调直接信息的先导作用及少数相互关联信息的明确指示意义, 突出信息与预测目标的一致性, 这样可有效减少信息的不确定性和多解性, 从而降低找矿风险.试图从另一个视角、另一种思路来认识和探讨西部工作程度极低地区的成矿预测问题.该方法应用于冈底斯、北喜马拉雅及念青唐古拉等成矿带的勘查实践, 找矿取得了巨大突破.这对促进冈底斯相邻地区乃至整个西部地区的找矿评价、技术方法进步等具有重要的参考与借鉴意义.   相似文献   
孙九霞  周一 《地理学报》2014,69(10):1575-1589
在空间与旅游地空间的相关研究中,社区居民及其日常生活所扮演的角色未得到充分的重视.而本文试图转向微观层面,关注空间演化中居民与日常生活的力量.研究以世界文化遗产“开平碉楼与村落”核心区马降龙村为例,运用观察法与访谈法,探索由旅游发展所推动的旅游社区空间再生产的现象与特征.基于列斐伏尔的“空间三元论”与德塞图的“日常生活实践”理论,讨论在空间再生产的过程中,居民如何通过日常生活,对抗政府与景区管理主体构想的空间表征,体现具有反抗性的表征空间.研究发现,在日常生活中,反抗性的表征空间表现出嵌入、抵制、进攻性抵制、反噬、再生等形式.现阶段,低度开发水平下居民与政府及景区管理主体的对抗达到一种微妙的平衡状态.长期看来景区组织与居民角色的特性,以及对土地的掌控保障了反抗潜力的延续.而旅游社区的空间秩序最终将在所有旅游利益相关者的协商中形成.旅游发展中居民扮演的角色影响其协商能力,造成不同的行动机制与意义.旅游社区空间活力最终在多主体、多目标的空间生产过程中激发,这一过程始终展现出日常生活的创造力.  相似文献   
边界是人文地理学研究中的一个关键概念。边界代表着一种空间秩序和空间关系,是解读边境地区社会与文化关系形成过程的一个关键维度。由于边界所界定的空间秩序与国家认同的建构、边境地区的经济社会发展、边民的身份认同等问题息息相关,因此学界对边界的社会功能与文化意义给予了持续关注。近年来,学者们逐渐从社会建构的视角重新诠释边界。边界不是地图上僵化的线,它所界定的空间关系与空间秩序,以及所承载的社会文化意义亦非固定不变的,而是国家与草根群体通过一定的社会与空间实践不断再生产与再建构。国家通过边界的营造刻写意识形态与国家认同,而普通社会群体对边界亦有着复杂的响应、调适与抵抗。在国际形势日趋复杂和变化的大环境中,边界凸显了新的意义和功能,重新认识边界如何打破旧的空间秩序并划定新的秩序,是人文地理学研究中值得关注的问题。本文从边界的内涵、边界的社会文化意义和跨边界实践3个方面出发,阐释建构主义下的边界在理论和实践层面的意义,并挖掘边界研究对国内研究的借鉴与启示。  相似文献   
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