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陈宾  邓坚  胡杰铭  张建林  张涛 《岩土力学》2022,43(7):1781-1790
钙质砂是远洋地区港口、机场和民用建筑等构筑物的天然地基材料。通过钙质砂一维压缩蠕变试验和微观结构测试,发现了蠕变前后表面孔隙面积减小且呈分散分布的规律以及试验过程中试样瞬时变形、快速变形和衰减变形特征与粒径的高度相关性;利用基于分形理论改进的相对颗粒破碎率和质量分形维数描述了蠕变前后颗粒破碎程度,得到了分形维数和蠕变与时间的衰减形态曲线关系以及宏观质量分形维数和微观表面分形维数的线性关系,并在此基础上对单一粒径组钙质砂蠕变过程中的分形破碎行为进行了多尺度分析和宏微观跨尺度关联性研究,获得了蠕变过程中颗粒破碎发展以及微观孔隙变化规律,证明了钙质砂蠕变过程中的颗粒重组排列、破碎和研磨行为,揭示了钙质砂蠕变机制。  相似文献   
Global dust trajectories indicate that signi?cant quantities of aeolian‐transported iron oxides originate in contemporary dryland areas. One potential source is the iron‐rich clay coatings that characterize many sand‐sized particles in desert dune?elds. This paper uses laboratory experiments to determine the rate at which these coatings can be removed from dune sands by aeolian abrasion. The coatings impart a red colour to the grains to which previous researchers have assigned variable geomorphological signi?cance. The quantities of iron removed during a 120 hour abrasion experiment are small (99 mg kg?1) and dif?cult to detect by eye; however, high resolution spectroscopy clearly indicates that ferric oxides are released during abrasion and the re?ectance of the particles alters. One of the products of aeolian abrasion is ?ne particles (<10 µm diameter) with the potential for long distance transport. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper describes a series of tests designed to evaluate the capacity of a personal computer (PC) based statistical curve‐fitting program called MIX to quantify composite populations within multi‐modal particle‐size distributions. Three natural soil samples were analysed by a Coulter Multisizer, and their particle‐size distributions analysed using MIX software to identify the modes, standard deviations and proportions of their composite populations. The particle‐size distributions of the three natural soil samples were then numerically combined in equal proportions using a spreadsheet program to create synthetic particle‐size distributions of known populations. MIX was then tested on the synthetic particle‐size distributions to see if the modes and proportions it identified were similar to those modes and proportions known to characterize the synthetic particle‐size distributions. The main outcome is that MIX can very accurately describe the modal particle size and proportions of the major composite populations within a particle‐size distribution. However MIX has difficulty in identifying small populations (those contributing <10 per cent of a total particle‐size distribution), particularly when they are located in the central sections of particle‐size distributions, overlain by larger populations, or when positioned in the fine tails of distributions. Despite these minor shortcomings, MIX is a valuable tool for the examination and interpretation of particle‐size data. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
城市元胞自动机扩展邻域效应的测量与校准研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
城市元胞模型由于在定量分析与预测城市动态的潜力而受到众多研究者的持续关注.邻域规则是主导城市元胞模型模拟过程的关键组件.研究表明,不同土地利用组合间存在显著的邻域效应,且邻域效应具有惯性、排斥和吸引等影响.然而,传统城市元胞模型主要考虑的是特定分辨率下较小窗口的邻域范围.本文尝试刻画更大窗口的邻域效应及其对元胞模型的影响.基于测量的扩展邻域因子,应用粒子群优化算法校准大窗口邻域规则,并创建了考虑扩展邻域效应的城市元胞模型.为验证模型有效性,将其应用于模拟厦门市1995-2010年期间的城市扩张动态.与3×3摩尔邻域的逻辑回归模型相比较,1995-2010年期间的建设用地模拟精度从80.7%提高到83.9%,总体精度从87.8%提高到89.6%,Kappa系数从70.0%提高到74.5%,表明考虑扩展邻域效应的城市模型取得了更好的模拟效果.  相似文献   
2009年初冬山东一次暴雪过程粒子谱特征分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
周黎明  王俊  龚佃利  张洪生 《气象》2014,40(1):59-65
为了研究降雪过程中粒子微物理特征,利用架设在济南南部山区的一台THIES激光降水粒子谱仪获取的2009年11月11—12日强降雪过程中降水粒子谱资料,对降雪粒子微物理参量演变特征、粒子谱及速度谱分布特征进行了分析。结果表明,(1)此次降雪天气过程中降水强度与数浓度、最大直径和雷达反射率因子间均具有一定的正相关性;降水强度与最大直径的关系极为密切,粒子的大小直接决定降水强度的大小。(2)降雪过程中谱型分布以单峰型和指数型为主,各粒径档内数浓度分布存在不均匀性,但数浓度峰值直径主要集中在0.5 mm处。(3)粒子速度谱均以单峰结构分布,下落末速基本位于0.375~2 m·s~(-1)之间,随直径的增大几乎没有变化。  相似文献   
鄱阳湖沙地是亚热带湿润区典型风沙化土地,土地沙化问题严峻。鄱阳湖沙地研究多在小范围开展,研究意义有限,应在多处进行沙地粒度比对研究。选取庐山市、都昌县、永修县和南昌市新建区等沙地样品57个,分析其粒度特征。结果表明:(1)鄱阳湖沙地主要由中沙、细沙和粗沙组成,三者总含量超90%;Mz均值为1.79Φ,分选较差,呈正偏和尖锐分布;(2)鄱阳湖沙地不同土地类型沉积物表层(0-5 cm)与20-40 cm深度粒度特征存在一定差异,固定沙丘、半固定沙丘、流动沙丘和河滩表层比20-40 cm深度粒径大,但流动沙丘和湿地草滩表层分选优于20-40 cm深度;湿地草滩和河滩优势粒级含量和粒度参数有别于沙丘;(3)鄱阳湖沙地固定沙丘、半固定沙丘和流动沙丘为风成沉积;河滩以河流作用为主,风蚀为辅;湿地草滩是在风力和水动力共同作用下形成的。鄱阳湖沙地沿盛行风向从南到北S、SK、K依次减小,风沙运动多以两跳一悬式为主,以就地起沙为主,河滩湖滩作为补充。  相似文献   
结合四川土壤基层分类 ,选取四川紫色雏形土的几个土系 ,对土壤的水分发性能及其与土壤结构性尤其是机械组成和微团聚体组成的相关关系分析发展 ,土壤水分蒸发具有明显的阶段性 ;土壤水分累积蒸发量与蒸发历时之间总体上符合乘幂方程 ;土壤蒸发速度与〈0 .0 0 1mm的颗粒含量呈明显相关关系 ,与 >0 .2 5mm的大团聚体含量呈明显负相关关系。  相似文献   
干旱沙区植被恢复过程中土壤颗粒分形特征   总被引:47,自引:0,他引:47  
统计分析了干旱沙漠地区植被恢复过程中土壤颗粒分形特征及其与土壤沙粒(>0.05mm)、粉粒(0.05~0.002mm)和粘粒(<0.002mm)含量和土壤养分状况间的关系。结果表明:土壤颗粒分形维数随恢复时间延长有增大的趋势,土壤颗粒分形维数大小与土壤质地的细粒化有一致的变化趋势。0.05mm粒径成为土壤各粒径的分界值--即土壤分形维数的临界粒径,大于这一粒径颗粒含量越高,土壤分形维数越小;而小于这一粒径的颗粒含量越高,分形维数越大。土壤各养分状况均与土壤颗粒分形维数有极显著的线性正相关关系(p<0.0001),表明了土壤颗粒分形维数能客观地反映土壤肥力特征。在干旱沙漠地区,伴随着植被恢复和流沙固定,土壤颗粒分形维数可作为一个评价土壤演变程度的综合定量指标。  相似文献   
Although organic compounds typically constitute a substantial fraction of the fine particulate matter (PM) in the atmosphere, their molecular composition remains poorly characterized. This is largely because atmospheric particles contain a myriad of diverse organic compounds, not all of which extract in a single solvent or elute through a gas chromatograph; therefore, a substantial portion typically remains unanalyzed. Most often the chemical analysis is performed on a fraction that extracts in organic solvents such as benzene, ether or hexane; consequently, information on the molecular composition of the water-soluble fraction is particularly sparse and incomplete.This paper investigates theoretically the characteristics of the water-soluble fraction by splicing together various strands of information from the literature. We identify specific compounds that are likely to contribute to the water-soluble fraction by juxtaposing observations regarding the extraction characteristics and the molecular composition of atmospheric particulate organics with compound-specific solubility and condensibility for a wide variety of organics. The results show that water-soluble organics, which constitute a substantial fraction of the total organic mass, include C2 to C7 multifunctional compounds (e.g., diacids, polyols, amino acids). The importance of diacids is already recognized; our results provide an impetus for new experiments to establish the atmospheric concentrations and sources of polyols, amino acids and other oxygenated multifunctional compounds.  相似文献   
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