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In this study, bench‐scale experiments were conducted to examine the UV/H2O2 oxidation of 17α‐ethynyestradiol (EE2) in water in a batch operation mode. The EE2 degradation exhibited pseudo‐first‐order kinetics, and the removal was ascribed to the production of hydroxyl radicals (?OH) by the UV/H2O2 system. Typically, the EE2 oxidation rate increased with increasing UV intensity and H2O2 dose, and with deceasing initial EE2 levels and solution pH. At EE20 = 650 µg/L, UV intensity = 154 µW/cm2, H2O2 = 5 mg/L, and neutral pH, the UV/H2O2 treatment was able to remove 90% of the EE2 content within 30 min. Four anions commonly present in water were found to inhibit EE2 degradation to varying degrees: > > Cl? > . Our results demonstrate that the described UV/H2O2 process is an effective method to control EE2 pollution in water.  相似文献   
Organotins (OTs) have caused widespread adverse effects on marine organisms, while they can also induce health problems to humans via consumption of contaminated seafood. This study aimed to quantify the tissue concentrations of OTs in 11 seafood species in Hong Kong, and assess the human health risk for consuming these species. The tongue sole Paraplagusia blochii had the highest concentration of total OTs. Triphenyltin (TPT) accounted for 56–97% of total OTs. The highest hazard quotient (HQ) for TPT was 1.41 in P. blochii, while the HQs for butyltins were much less than 1. The results indicated that it is likely to have certain health risks for consuming P. blochii due to its high TPT contamination. Therefore, TPT should be a priority pollutant of concern. Appropriate management actions should be taken to control its use and release in the region in order to safeguard the marine ecosystem and human health.  相似文献   
Perspectives, advances and environmental aspects concerning electrochemical ozone production applied to water purification are presented and discussed in relation to the conventional corona process (silent electric discharge). Ozone generated using a laboratory‐made electrochemical reactor was applied for the discoloration/degradation of dyes used in the Brazilian textile industry and for degradation of endocrine disruptors. A constant ozone load of 0.35 ± 0.02 g/h was used throughout. The study, concerning color removal from dye solutions, revealed that total discoloration is rapidly achieved. The degradation rate of the textile dyes evaluated by TOC is little affected by the dye composition and considerably influenced by the pH and ozonation time. Analysis of the COD/TOC‐ratio indicates that ozonation increases oxidation feasibility of the organic matter (dye by‐products) when compared to the original compounds. Ozonation of mixed aqueous solutions containing different endocrine disruptors revealed these compounds are totally degraded with a very high removal rate.  相似文献   
Environmental chemicals may modulate the endocrine system through interaction with plasma sex steroid-binding proteins (SBP) and SBP-regulated processes. Some of these chemicals, which are known to interact with the estrogen receptor (ER), were found to bind competitively to the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) SBP and potentially disrupt the endocrine function of these proteins. Furthermore, both weakly acting (di-n-butyl phthalate) and potent estrogen mimics (ethynylestradiol), were able to induce a substantial up-regulation of circulating levels of SBP in vivo. Interestingly, modulation of SBP-levels was found to be a more sensitive endpoint than chemically induced interference with classical ER-mediated mechanisms for weakly acting estrogen mimics like di-(n-butyl) phthalate. Interference with the endocrine function of SBPs may thus introduce a novel mechanism for endocrine disruption, and give additional answers to the question why some weakly acting xenoestrogens are causing “estrogen-like” reproductive disturbances in developing males.  相似文献   
A variety of anthropogenic chemicals are capable of binding to the estrogen receptor of vertebrate species. Binding of these compounds can interfere with homeostasis by disrupting normal gene expression patterns. The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of applying array technology as a monitoring tool for detecting the presence and distribution of estrogenic compounds in coastal habitats using sheepshead minnows as our model. cDNA clones that were isolated from differential display, including vitellogenin alpha and beta, vitelline envelope protein (ZP2), and transferrin, among others, were spotted on the macroarray. The results of these experiments demonstrate a characteristic expression pattern of estrogen responsive genes in sheepshead minnows exposed to 17 beta-estradiol (E2).  相似文献   
The in vitro estrogen receptor (ER) agonist and androgen receptor (AR) antagonist potencies of offshore produced water effluents collected from the Norwegian Sector were determined using recombinant yeast estrogen and androgen screens. Solid phase extraction (SPE) concentrates of the effluents showed E2 agonist activities similar to those previously reported for the United Kingdom (UK) Continental Shelf (<0.1-4 ng E2 L(-1)). No activity was detected in the filtered oil droplets suggesting that produced water ER activity is primarily associated with the dissolved phase. Targeted analysis for methyl- to nonyl-substituted alkylphenol isomers show the occurrence of known ER agonists in the analysed samples. For the first time, AR antagonists were detected in both the dissolved and oil associated phase at concentrations of between 20 and 8000 microg of flutamide equivalents L(-1). The identity of the AR antagonists is unknown, however this represents a significant input into the marine environment of unknown compounds that exert a known biological effect. It is recommended that further analysis using techniques such as bioassay-directed analysis is performed to identify the compounds/groups of compounds that are responsible in order to improve the assessment of the risk posed by produced water discharges to the marine environment.  相似文献   
Recent studies demonstrating feminization of effluent-exposed wild-caught male fish in the UK have prompted much research regarding the estrogenic activity of effluent from municipal sewage treatment plants (MSTPs). To investigate the estrogenicity and cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A) induction potency of MSTP effluent, two species of fish, adult male mummichogs, Fundulus heteroclitus, and juvenile sunshine bass, Morone saxatilis x Morone chrysops, were exposed to un-chlorinated effluent (75% effluent, 25% seawater) from a large MSTP in Yonkers, NY, USA. After a 21-day static-daily (75%) renewal exposure, significant elevations over controls were observed in levels of vitellogenin (VtG) in plasma (1730%) and liver (131%) in effluent-exposed sunshine bass. In contrast, hepatic VtG was not elevated in mummichogs; plasma VtG was not measured in this species. Effluent exposure elevated hepatic CYP1A protein (140-145%) and ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity (408-598%) in both species. These findings suggest ontogenetic and/or species differences in response to estrogenic compounds in MSTP effluent. Furthermore, the elevation of CYP1A in response to sewage effluent exposure indicates the presence of additional compounds that may alter xenobiotic and/or steroid biotransformation in fish.  相似文献   
Perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), widely used for their hydro-oil repellent properties, are almost non-degradable in the environment; there is scientific evidence that indicate bioaccumulation. They represent a threat to many organisms, because they are toxic and are endocrine disruptors. Scientific studies have demonstrated the presence of PFCs in blood and liver samples of fish, turtles, birds and mammals of marine ecosystems in different geographical areas. The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of PFOS and PFOA in blood samples of the marine turtle Caretta caretta, using a minimally invasive sampling procedure. 49 blood samples of marine turtle, taken from several Italian marine turtle rescue centers, were analyzed. While PFOA was never detected, measurable concentrations of PFOS were found in 15 blood samples; the values show a range from 1.14 ng/g to 28.51 ng/g (wet wt.). No differences between groups of samples taken from different areas were found.  相似文献   
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