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青藏高原新生代地壳变形对同碰撞岩浆侵位的制约   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王二七   《岩石学报》2006,22(3):558-566
同碰撞岩浆作用是青藏高原新生代构造-岩浆活动的一种重要形式,各种类型岩浆岩广泛分布于高原内不同的构造单元中,其中有的来自地幔,不过规模都不大,它们是如何穿过异常厚的地壳侵位到近地表或喷出地表,这还是个未解之谜。根据构造分析,这些岩浆岩均侵位于新生代向斜构造中,例如侵入于高原东南边缘的楚雄复向斜、兰坪.思茅复向斜和老君山向斜的碱性岩,侵入于高原南缘的北喜马拉雅拉轨岗日向斜的片麻状花岗岩以及喷出于高原北部巴颜喀拉和雁石坪复向斜的安山-玄武岩。文中通过一个力学模式,说明这些岩浆岩的侵位受控于地壳应力场特征,即:向斜构造的下部承受的是张应力,地壳发生减薄和张裂,下地壳或上地幔熔融物质以此为通道发生向上的侵位。不过,因向斜顶部地壳承受的是挤压应力,地壳发生挤压缩短,所以只有少量岩浆能侵位到近地表并发生变形。与此相反,背斜构造的下部地壳产生的是挤压应力,阻止了下伏地壳内岩浆的侵入。因此,岩浆的侵位一般不会沿背斜发生。这一力学机制解释了为什么青藏高原规模很小的同碰撞岩浆能穿过异常厚的地壳沿一系列向斜构造侵位到近地表或喷出地表的原因。  相似文献   
本文通过对MSS和TM图像的分析与研究,结合其它地质资料,指出修水地区的金成矿主要受高湖-蕉溪岭断裂和幽居-船滩断裂控制,二者是郯-庐断裂带西侧一支在本区的散开部分。高湖-蕉溪岭断裂既控岩又控盆。本区金矿床、矿田的定位模式为控金断裂与北东东向断裂相交,发育与岩浆活动有关的环状构造,并有金源层分布的地段。与该定位模式相似的地段有7处。模式地段的构造条件提供有利的成矿环境,如存在其它矿源层(体),也可形成相应的金属矿产。在模式地段应用TM图像对含矿构造及蚀变进行研究,可有效地为找矿服务。  相似文献   
广西姑婆山岩体侵位构造及侵位机制研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从环形构造和线性构造特征、侵位断裂—岩墙、岩脉、定向构造和挤压变形构造、外接触带的褶皱构造、岩体的应变测量等方面,系统地对姑婆山花岗岩的侵位构造进行了研究,并得出了该岩体属“气球膨胀”的侵位机制。  相似文献   
秦岭、祁连、昆仑造山带结合处的共和盆地记录了复杂的构造、岩浆、变质和沉积作用事件,是研究青藏高原北部构造-岩浆演化的关键地区。近年来,共和盆地花岗岩类高温干热岩的发现使得该区成为新型地热资源的战略基地。然而,有关干热岩原岩的组成、侵位时代、结晶温压及其时空分布等特征仍不清楚,制约着干热岩地热能勘查开采及该区构造-热演化历史的认识。本文以共和盆地东北部恰卜恰地区3口干热岩钻井岩芯和野外露头样品为基础,结合区域地质调查资料,开展了系统的岩石学、锆石U-Pb年代学和矿物温压计研究。研究发现,该区干热岩主要由花岗闪长岩、英云闪长岩、二长花岗岩和正长花岗岩等花岗岩类组成,偶见闪长岩包体。电子探针分析显示,样品中多数角闪石为铁角闪石。角闪石-斜长石矿物对温压计研究表明,岩体的结晶压力属于中低压(1.91~3.52kbar),温度为中低温(681~693℃),其岩浆结晶深度约在7.2~13.2km。锆石Ti饱和温度计分析表明,该区岩浆结晶温度主要为643~804℃,而恰卜恰北部的沟后杂岩体相较干热岩钻井岩芯钻揭的杂岩体具有更高的结晶温度。锆石U-Pb年代学分析表明,共和盆地东北部恰卜恰地区干热岩原岩形成时间主要为243~236Ma和225~210Ma两个时期,存在不同时期、不同源区的侵入,与印支期青藏高原北部古特提斯洋盆的俯冲消减相关。之后,共和干热岩经历了至少4.2km的隆升剥露。结合前人多种地球物理研究资料,构建了该区深部四层结构构造剖面,干热岩热源可能与地幔上涌、中下地壳存在局部熔融体有关,且受多条隐伏断裂的影响,盆地基底下的干热岩地热藏具有分区性。  相似文献   
运用斜长石-角闪石温压计对华北地块北缘内蒙古隆起及燕山褶断带内不同时期花岗质侵入岩的结晶压力及侵位深度进行了估算.结果表明,晚古生代-早中生代期间,在内蒙古隆起及燕山褶断带之间,存在有强烈的差异性隆升及剥露过程,但这种差异性隆升及剥露在早侏罗世以来的表现则不明显.晚古生代-早中生代差异性隆升及剥露可能是导致内蒙古隆起上大量基底岩石出露、中-新元古代及古生代沉积盖层缺失及燕山褶断带中-新元古代及古生代沉积盖层大量保留的主要原因.内蒙古隆起强烈的隆升及剥露过程发生在晚石炭世-早侏罗世期间,其东部的剥露幅度比中东部明显偏小.晚古生代-早中生代期间内蒙古隆起的强烈剥露及其与燕山褶断带之间的差异性隆升可能与古亚洲洋板块向华北地块的俯冲、消减、碰撞及华北北缘区域性断裂(如平泉-古北口-赤城-尚义断裂、赤峰-围场-多伦断裂)的活动有关.燕山褶断带的强烈隆升与剥露发生则在晚侏罗世-早白垩世之后.晚侏罗世-早白垩世以来,华北地块北缘南北两侧均有一次明显的剥露过程,这一剥露可能与本区及中国东部地壳强烈伸展有关.  相似文献   
严城民  邓仁宏  王辉 《云南地质》2002,21(4):365-377
滇西北鲁甸花岗岩可分为5个单元。归并为2个序列。早期序列-拉美荣序列由窝窝底,格庄,五点石3个单元组成,生成于早-中三叠世,为壳幔混源岩浆形成,属火山弧花岗岩,是金沙江结合带俯冲消减的产物,晚期序列-打米杵序列由阿竹生,哇甫莫2个单元组成,生成于晚三叠世,为壳源花岗岩,形成于同碰撞环境,是金沙江结合带碰撞造山的物质记录。  相似文献   
西秦岭温泉岩体的磁组构特征及其侵位机制意义   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
结合岩石磁学、磁化率各向异性度与区域构造分析了西秦岭温泉岩体的侵位机制及意义.温泉岩体的样品的平均磁化率km值总体很大,岩石磁学表明对于磁化率较低的样品,顺磁性矿物(如黑云母等)对磁化率的贡献较大,而少量铁磁性矿物(如磁铁矿等)可能作为剩磁载体.对于磁化率较高的样品,其主要载磁矿物为磁铁矿;花岗岩样品的校正磁化率各向异性度PJ总体小于1.2,显示了岩体为流动磁组构的特征,磁化率椭球体形态参数T总体大于0,扁率E总体大于1,以压扁椭球体为主;岩体的磁面理同磁线理相比更为发育,样品的磁面理普遍表现出围绕岩体边界分布的特点,且倾角较陡;而在岩体内部磁线理与磁面理分布相对散乱,定向性差,这一特征说明温泉岩体的磁组构主要由侵位时的侧向挤压作用形成的;虽然岩体的磁组构特征总体显示了N-NEE和SW向的挤压作用,但岩体侵位时由商丹缝合带闭合所产生的垂直于缝合带方向的挤压作用已相对较弱.本文认为,温泉岩体侵位时是一种弱挤压环境,或者是一种相对稳定的环境甚至可能是一种相对引张的背景,这与温泉岩体形成于后碰撞环境,秦岭造山带已演化至后碰撞拆沉作用发生的伸展阶段所反映的区域构造背景是一致的.  相似文献   
The country rock in southern Finland formed mainly during the Svecofennian orogeny ca. 1.9 Ga ago. The middle and lower crust was partially melted 1.83 Ga ago due to crustal thickening and subsequent extension. During this event, S-type migmatites and granites were formed along a 100×500 km zone. This Late Svecofennian Granite–Migmatite zone (LSGM zone) is a large crustal segment characterised by roughly E–W trending sub-horizontal migmatites and granites. Combined ductile E–W shear movements and NNW–SSE compressional movements defined a transpressional tectonic regime during the emplacement. Partial melts that moved through the crust pooled as granite sheets or froze as migmatites. Major transpressive shear zones border the LSGM zone, which forms a tectonic and metamorphic zone that crosscuts the earlier Svecofennian granitoids. Based on field observations and geochemical data from two sets of outcrops, we show that the great volumes of late-orogenic granites and migmatites in southern Finland were transported and emplaced as small chemically variable batches, possibly extracted from different protoliths. These melt batches were transported along repeatedly activated channels and collected at some horizontal level in the crust. In the Nagu area, the melt batches were trapped under a roof-layer of amphibolite and the whole complex was synchronously folded into open folds with steep axial surfaces and E–W trending fold axes. The sheets of microcline granite are, in places, strongly sheared; the microcline phenocrysts are imbricated and subsequent deformation of the microcline phenocrysts indicates syn-tectonic movements of the layers as well as a syn-tectonic mechanism for the late-magmatic fractionation. Depending on the degree of crystallisation of the individual melt batches during shearing at different intensities, the granites have slightly different appearances. Some sheared zones show a cumulate-like trace element geochemistry, indicating that melt fractions were expelled from the system, producing layers of deformation enhanced fractionated granites and cumulate layers. Our interpretation is that the Nagu area shows shear-assisted fractionation mechanisms in granitic melts, and that similar processes are responsible for the fractionation trends seen in the sub-horizontal sheeted granites in Hämeenlinna at higher levels in the crust.  相似文献   
P. Barbey  H. Nachit  J. Pons 《Lithos》2001,58(3-4):125-143
The Tarçouate pluton (Anti-Atlas, Morocco) is an inversely zoned laccolith emplaced 583 Ma ago into low-grade metasediments, with the following succession: leucocratic granites, biotite–granodiorites (±monzodiorites), hornblende–granodiorites (±monzodiorites) and monzodiorites syn-plutonic dykes. These rocks form two distinct, chemically coherent, units:

(1) A main unit consists of layered (572<59 wt.%) and homogeneous (632<67%) hornblende–granodiorites, biotite–granodiorites (672<72%) and aplites (702<76%). All these rocks are metaluminous to peraluminous and display fractionated HREE depleted patterns (La/YbN=14–61; YbN=0.7–6.8). Initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7072 to 0.7080) increase, whereas Nd(t) values (−1.7 to −2.8) decrease from the hornblende– to the biotite–granodiorites. Monzodiorites occur as mafic microgranular enclaves or syn-plutonic dykes.

(2) A subordinate unit consists of leucocratic, distinctly peraluminous, muscovite-bearing granites (722<75%) occurring at the northern edge of the pluton and as dykes in the surrounding schists towards the top of the pluton. These rocks are free of monzodioritic enclaves. They display less fractionated patterns with higher HREE contents (La/YbN=2–19; YbN=11–18), a distinct Nd(t) value (−11.8) and a 87Sr/86Sr initial ratio (0.7480) within those of the surrounding schists (0.7393–0.7819).

Magma–host interactions are closely related to differentiation and occurred at different levels, but mainly before emplacement. Field relationships and petrogenetic modelling show that the bt–granodiorites formed at levels deeper than the level of emplacement, by fractional crystallisation (0.65

These data preclude any significant material transfer process for the emplacement of the Tarçouate pluton, but rather suggest assembly of successive pulses of variably differentiated crystal-poor magmas. These shallow level granitic plutons can be considered as an end-member of magma emplacement with minimum interactions with the country rocks.  相似文献   

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