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从1992年起,流向发展中国家的证券资本以较大的优势超过了国际直接投资。在全球经济一体化、金融市场自由化和国际化的背景下,国际资本跨国流动呈现出规模巨大化、运作方式机构化、流动形式多样化的特点。庞大证券资本的注入在给新兴市场国家带来益处的同时,也可能造成伤害,这一点在墨西哥和东南亚金融危机中已经得到证实。因此防范和化解国际资本的流入所带来的金融风险,是新兴市场国家当前所面临的严峻课题。  相似文献   
太湖水环境污染的社会经济因子分析   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
文章通过一系列的调研数据揭示了太湖目前的水环境问题,并使用了偏相关分析方法探讨了影响水环境的社会经济因子,如COD的排放量,工业产值,耦地面积和人口等,结果表明,COD的排放主要受农业与人口的影响,TP受人口与工业的影响,TN受人口与耕地的影响。最后,提出了实行环境规划和社会经济规划,健全一环保机构,推广污水治理技术等环境治理措施。  相似文献   
郑州市空气质量状况及冬季持续污染过程的气象机理分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
利用2004-2008年郑州市环境监测站所监测的SO2、NO2、PM10日平均浓度资料及历史气象资料,分析了郑州市近5a的空气质量状况与特征,并以2006年12月份的2次持续性污染过程为例,分析了气象条件对污染物浓度的影响,结果显示:郑州市以煤烟型污染为主,污染物浓度具有明显的季节变化特征,冬春季节污染物浓度明显高于夏秋季节;冬季均压场中持续多日风速小、近地面层出现逆温层是造成郑州市出现持续污染事件的主要气象条件,持续性污染过程往往因受冷空气的影响而结束。  相似文献   
北京地区严重污染物状况下的大气边界层结构与参数研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
利用北京325 m 铁塔资料对出现在1998 年9 月26~30 日的一次严重污染过程的边界层结构和决定大气污染物扩散稀释的边界层参数作了分析和研究。分析发现, 这段时间边界层稳定层结占绝大多数, 白天在近地面的不稳定层结上还时有逆温盖, 另外在此期间风速较小。利用此资料还得到了北京严重污染状况下决定边界层湍流的一套基本物理参数  相似文献   
结合湖南地形走向, 从理论分析和实验两个方面着手研究了气流遇山时产生的受阻、爬越及绕流引起的平行于山的急流、过山后的类 “水跃”以及绕山后的右偏转对于污染物输送的动力作用, 科学地分析了散布在湘西、湘西南的污染源所排放的污染物沿山的走向在山的迎风面自北向南及自西向东输送从而造成湘东南的污染。而气流过山后的类 “水跃”现象对污染物有明显的垂直输送作用, 且绕流的右偏转使污染物向山的右侧输送, 危害了山右侧的自然景观及人类的活动。  相似文献   
The relationship between liquid water content (LWC) and visibility (VIS) in a fog was examined by a field measurement of LWC values at a clean location of the meteorological observatory Sodankylä (Finland) and in a polluted region at the meteorological observatory Mile?ovka (Czech Republic). Furthermore, the use of a simple regression fog model to determine LWC from VIS is examined by comparing well-known relationships with the measurement results. The results show that the verbal characterization of environment (clean, mild polluted, polluted) is insufficient to calculate the LWC values from visibility. It is necessary to establish an additional criterion based on quantitative fog characteristics or to determine the site-related equation from the previous LWC and VIS measurement.  相似文献   
Concentrations and enantiomeric profiles for a range of organochlorine compounds are reported in blubber samples from a number of individual killer whales (Orcinus orca) from British and Irish waters. Elevated contaminant levels and enriched isotopic ratios were determined in one individual whale sampled in the Scottish Western Isles compared to the others suggesting marine mammal based dietary influences. The potential application of isotopic ratios to model contaminant uptake, enantioselective enrichment and accumulation is demonstrated. Data are presented which provide information on enantioselective enrichment factors (EFs) for o,p'-DDT, alpha-HCH and toxaphene congeners CHB26 and CHB 50. This dataset further improves the current database on reported levels of a number of contaminants and provides additional background information on potential metabolic processes in killer whales from British and Irish waters.  相似文献   
Persistent organochlorine pollutants (POPs) are analyzed for the dropping-amended soils from the habitats of Antarctic seabirds and seals in Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island. The concentration ranges are 0.21 to 3.85 ng/g for polychlorinated biphenyls (ΣPCBs),0.09 to 2.01 ng/g for organochlorine pesticides (ΣDDT),and 0.06 to 0.76 ng/g for hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs). Among these,hepata-chlorobiphenyls,hexachlorobiphenyls,p,p′-DDE and α-HCH compounds are dominant. The concentra-tion ranges of ΣPCB,DDT and HCH in the eggs of skuas were 91.9―515.5 ng/g,56.6―304.4 ng/g and 0.5―2.0 ng/g respectively; those in the eggs of penguins were 0.4―0.9 ng/g,2.4―10.3 ng/g and 0.1― 0.4 ng/g; and those in the eggs of giant petrel were 38.1―81.7 ng/g,12.7―53.7 ng/g and 0.5―1.5 ng/g respectively. The dominant POP compounds in the eggs are PCB180,PCB153,p,p′-DDE and hexa-chlorobenzene (HCB). The present study shows that the concentration of POPs in the sea-bird-inhabited-dropping-amended soil varies with the extent of predation and nest occupancy of dif-ferent seabird populations. Statistical analysis on the POP concentrations from the different seabird eggs implies that the difference in the bio-concentration levels of the birds depends on the bio-habits of the species,such as the range of activity,distance of immigration,feeding pattern,and nest occupation. Among these,the most important factor is the location of the seabirds in the food chain and their feeding pattern. This shows that POPs accumulated in the seabirds resulted from the bio-concentration through the food chain. In addtion,210Pb dating for the dropping-amended soils (AD1-a and AD2) was performed,which provided the POP accumulation rate and the historic record for the soil profile. It indicates that POP will continuously affect the Antarctic ecosystem for a long time.  相似文献   
A detailed discussion of existing three kinds of mathematical models of heavy metal pollutant transport-transformation in fluvial rivers is presented, with an emphasis on the mathematical model of heavy metal pollutant transport-transformation dynamics. The imperfection of two kinds of mathematical models, that is, mathematical model of chemical thermodynamic equilibrium and that of chemical reaction kinetics, and the shortcoming of existing mathematical models of heavy metal pollutant transport-transformation dynamics are pointed out. Furthermore, the structure of mathematical model of heavy metal pollutant transport-transformation dynamics in fluvial rivers is suggested. Equations in the mathematical model of heavy metal pollutant transport-transformation dynamics in fluvial rivers will be discussed in the following paper.  相似文献   
建筑物对大气污染物扩散影响的大涡模拟   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张宁  蒋维楣 《大气科学》2006,30(2):212-220
利用一个大涡模式对一个方形建筑物周围的气流场进行了模拟,并与相应的风洞实验结果进行比较,对比结果表明大涡模拟方法可以精细地反映建筑物周围的流场特征.在此基础上,将拉格朗日随机游动扩散模式与大涡模式相结合,对在受建筑物影响的气流场中的大气污染物扩散进行模拟,模拟结果表明该方法可以很好地模拟出在建筑物影响下的气流变形所引起的各种污染物散布情况.建筑物周围的气流结构特性使得建筑物顶部污染源位置的细小变化可能造成建筑物周围污染物分布形势的很大不同,特别是对建筑物背风侧的空腔区内地面污染物浓度有着很大的影响.当排放  相似文献   
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