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叙述了NCGS测井的原理及元素含量计算方法;解决了现场测井中计算元素含量时必须得到的参数,如等效相对探测效率曲线的刻度、探管和井液中干扰(Fe、Ti、H)份额的扣除。用自己研制的仪器经山东几个煤田钻孔实测资料验证.计算的元素含量与岩芯化学分析对照结果,其精度不低于美国PGT公司和Schlumberger公司制造的仪器。此外,还介绍了连续测量获得的谱,经处理绘制成连续曲线,首次推出S_(511)、S_B、S_H/S_B等曲线,提供多种有用地质信息。  相似文献   
以北京房山岩溶水应急水源地为例,采用等效连续介质体概化地下水流系统,建立地下水流数值模型,评价地下水源汇项,分析地下水系统特征。运用MODFLOW中的河流(渠)子程序包,刻画地表河流和泉水与地下水的交换关系。经参数识别和验证,计算结果与实测数据拟合较好,能够比较准确的模拟水源地岩溶水系统。模拟和预测结果表明,水源地地区地下水与地表水联系密切,应急开采后,地下水系统由向河流排泄转变为河流渗漏补给地下水,可为应急水源地合理开发利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   
“现场搜索、营救、医疗卫生”是震后抗震救灾过程中最为关键的3个方面,医疗卫生工作的完善程度直接关系到疫情的发生与否以及严重程度如何,对保障人民群众生命安全和身体健康具有重要影响.因此抗震救灾中的医疗卫生工作必须得到高度的重视.本文基于1013份玉树地震救灾情况的问卷调查结果,吸取了汶川地震等以往地震的经验和教训,对震后...  相似文献   
云南蒙自五里冲水库岩溶及其工程处理   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
康彦仁  张邦仞 《中国岩溶》2002,21(2):120-130
五里冲水库个旧组(T2^cg)灰岩,岩溶极其发育,其中尤以洼地深、峰丛高、溶洞多又大,地下河管道单一较长、岩溶总体发育历史悠久为特点,以更新世以来岩溶最为发育,现今地下河管道主要形成于晚更新世至今。因区域地壳持续抬升,岩溶没有成层发育的规律,但自上向下递减现象明显。工程上五里冲水库是以帷幕高压灌浆技术为主辅以其它多种方法处理溶洞及封堵地下河,利用天然盲谷成库的一座无大坝中型水库。帷幕高压灌浆技术先、便捷、可靠。水库蓄水己达设计水位,发挥了效益。一年可向蒙自县供水8161万m^3,可增加灌溉面积10万亩,改善灌溉2.3万亩,向城市及工业供水1210万m^3,使蒙自水利化程度由37%提高到70%以上。  相似文献   
Richard Yarwood 《Geoforum》2010,41(2):257-270
This paper considers the role of the emergency services in society and, in particular, their role in controlling, mitigating and resolving risk. Using a network approach, Mountain Rescue Teams are studied in order to examine how people, agencies, animals, technology and knowledge are deployed to resolve emergencies. The paper traces the changing nature of risk in rural places and the impact of state regulation on the deployment, spatialities and practices of the emergency services. In doing so, it argues that greater attention should be paid to the emergency services by geographers.  相似文献   
监测隧道断面是获取隧道变形情况的有效途径。通过对管片的高精度自动测量,采用有效的椭圆拟合算法,可以求解得到隧道椭圆化的几何参数,同时,针对管片表面干扰物的影响,对数据粗差进行处理。通过工程实例的检验,证明算法有效可靠。  相似文献   
This work proposes nonlinear parallel spring-damper scalar elements in series with a rigid beam element to represent drilling riser tensioner behavior during an emergency disconnection scenario in global riser analysis. The software package used was Orcaflex. This is a simpler approach than the more complex, full hydraulic-pneumatic-mechanic dynamic simulation modelling of the tensioning system, commonly used in literature, which can be time consuming and numerically more sensitive. The model can also be used to represent top tension variation in global riser analysis, allowing for more complex and precise simulations, especially for fatigue life and overpull estimations. The results show adequate agreement with the researched bibliography.  相似文献   
2015年7月3日新疆皮山M_S6.5级地震灾区地处塔里木盆地南缘,该地自然条件恶劣,经济极为落后,灾区农村的民房除了抗震安居工程建设的房屋外,还有大量抗震性能较差的民居,在地震中受损严重,经济损失较大。灾区大部分位于山前溢出带,地下水位浅、地基土层软弱等场地条件对地震动有放大作用,震害影响范围较大。灾后重建中应继续加大安居富民工程的经费投入力度。灾区北部人口密集,地基土层软弱,工程地质条件差,建议在今后的安居富民建设中加强地基处理。  相似文献   
针对不同用户群体应急救助和地震灾情需求,基于MINA框架,运用阿里云基础架构、微信组件和应用程序接口等技术方法,设计并构建集灾情信息收集与报送、应急救助服务、科普宣教等功能于一体的管理平台。该平台的设计与实现不仅有利于震后现场应急队员收集并准确报送实时灾情信息,还可为被救助人员提供防震减灾知识和地震应急避难场所空间分布等应急救助信息,实现了应急救助与地震灾情的综合管理,提升了震后应急救助、应急指挥和辅助决策等方面的服务能力。  相似文献   
Over the last decade, fire governance practices in the British Fire and Rescue Service (FRS) have undergone fundamental transformation. Rather than just being responded to as and when they occur, the FRS have adopted a range of anticipatory governing strategies to govern fires in anticipation of their occurence. This turn towards anticipatory governance has been facilitated in no small part by the digital infrastructure now embedded in the FRS. Composed of data, hardware, software, fibre-optic cables along with human analysts and organisational processes, this infrastructure operates to make risk projections on fire which shape and condition strategic decision making. This paper explores the operation of this digital infrastructure through the notion of interface. Drawing on empirical material relating to processes of data sourcing and risk calculation, interfaces account for the sites, moments and experiences in which human and non-human agents relate to one another in making fire risk projections. Showing relations to exist spatially, temporally and sensually, I argue that interfaces are crucial to the operation of an anticipatory security apparatus which relies on digital devices.  相似文献   
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