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In the present paper the behavior of (internal) magneto-acoustic-gravity waves near the cusp resonance in a lossless, compressible, isothermal, stratified, electrically conducting atmosphere that is permeated by a uniform, nearly horizontal magnetic field is re-addressed (Kamp, 1989). The previously analyzed linear conversion of long acoustic-gravity waves into short magneto-acoustic waves that carry off the energy from the resonance region along the magnetic field, is re-analyzed with boundary layer techniques that are based on the smallness of the vertical component of the magnetic field. More specifically the existence of the so-called valve effect for the generated magneto-acoustic mode near the critical level is explicitly demonstrated and shown to be governed by two rivalling effects.  相似文献   
针对危岩变形预测问题,本文以非齐次指数序列的灰色模型(NGM)作为危岩变形预测的基本模型,通过对望霞危岩变形的分析结果显示,NGM(1,1,k,c)模型拟合效果明显优于GM(1,1)模型,说明危岩变形趋势更接近于非齐次指数序列。利用NGM(1,1,k,c)模型结合改进切线角可对危岩变形趋势进行分析预测,可作为危岩稳定性和发展趋势的评估依据。  相似文献   
在GM(1,1)模型中系数矩阵和观测向量都是由原始序列组成的。系数矩阵中同样是有误差的,与观测向量中的误差一样,亦来源于原始序列,即它们误差同源。不同位置的相同元素应该有相同的改正数,采用传统总体最小二乘求解则不能达到此目的。针对这一缺陷,推导了一种新的总体最小二乘算法;并且通过算例验证了新方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
An alternative modelling for flexible membranes anchored to the ground for soil slope stabilisation is presented using Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics to model the unstable ground mass in a soil slope, employing a dynamic solve engine. A regression model of pressure normal to the ground, qsim, and also membrane deflection, fsim, have been developed using Design of Experiment. Finally, a comparison between the pressure obtained from numerical simulation and from a limit equilibrium analysis considering infinite slope has been carried out, showing differences in the results, mainly due to the membrane stiffness.  相似文献   
The initiation and propagation of directional hydraulic fracturing (DHF) was investigated based on true tri-axial experiment and finite element modeling. The influences of notch angle, notch length and injection rate on the DHF were investigated. The initiation and propagation of DHF was modeled by a 3D nonlinear finite element method. A comparison between experimental investigation and numerical modeling results indicates that there is a good correlation between unbalanced force (UF) and fracturing. UF can be used to predict the hydraulic fracture initiation and propagation.  相似文献   
谢邦廷 《地质与勘探》2016,52(5):885-892
运用地电化学技术在内蒙古半干旱草原风成砂浅覆盖区朝不楞多金属矿外围开展了1∶50000面积性勘查工作,并与常规土壤测量开展了对比研究。结果表明:(1)从元素异常强度、衬度、规模及与已知矿体空间对应性等方面对比,地电化学测量比常规土壤测量具有显著优越性;(2)地电化学测量在区域上显现出Ag-Pb-Zn-Bi-Cd及Cu-Co-Cr-Fe-La-Mo-Ni两套元素异常组合,与已知见矿钻孔中探测到的矽卡岩型铁矿及热液型铅锌矿均有出现具有较好的对应性;(3)在工区东部及东南部未知区发现多处异常强度、规模较大的多元素组合异常,建议开展进一步的勘查工作,以实现该矿区找矿突破。  相似文献   
韦少港  宋扬  唐菊兴 《地质论评》2016,62(S1):194-196
多龙蛇绿混杂岩是班公湖-怒江蛇绿岩带的重要组成部分,位于西藏阿里地区改则县北西约120 km的多龙矿集区内,大地构造位置处于班公湖-怒江缝合带中西段,南羌塘板块南缘。多龙蛇绿混杂岩主要分布在多龙矿区中部及东北部。矿区中部蛇绿岩主要由辉长岩、辉绿(玢)岩、枕状玄武岩、气孔杏仁状玄武岩、玄武质岩屑凝灰岩及硅质岩等组成,东西向延伸约35 km,南北宽3~7 km,出露面积约180 km2;该蛇绿岩残片的组成单元(包括基性岩单元以及硅质岩单元等)多被构造肢解,整体表现为不规则透镜体,以构造岩片的形式断续分布于侏罗系次深海陆棚-盆地斜坡复陆碎屑岩-类复理石建造内的断层带中,构成典型的网结状构造。矿区东北部蛇绿岩主要由含铁斜方辉石橄榄蛇纹岩、玻基玄武岩、碳酸盐化角闪辉长岩、微纹层状硅质岩等组成,该蛇绿混杂岩带沿北西-南东向断裂展布,延伸约12 km,宽1~3 km,出露面积约30 km2;该蛇绿岩残片组成单元(包括超基性岩单元、基性岩单元以及硅质岩单元等)均呈构造岩片的形式产出在三叠系灰岩地层内的断层带中。  相似文献   
Responsible water management in an era of globalised supply chains needs to consider both local and regional water balances and international trade. In this paper, we assess the water footprints of total final demand in the EU-27 at a very detailed product level and spatial scale—an important step towards informed water policy. We apply the multi-regional input-output (MRIO) model EXIOBASE, including water data, to track the distribution of water use along product supply chains within and across countries. This enables the first spatially-explicit MRIO analysis of water embodied in Europe’s external trade for almost 11,000 watersheds world-wide, tracing indirect (“virtual”) water consumption in one country back to those watersheds where the water was actually extracted. We show that the EU-27 indirectly imports large quantities of blue and green water via international trade of products, most notably processed crop products, and these imports far exceed the water used from domestic sources. The Indus, Danube and Mississippi watersheds are the largest individual contributors to the EU-27’s final water consumption, which causes large environmental impacts due to water scarcity in both the Indus and Mississippi watersheds. We conclude by sketching out policy options to ensure that sustainable water management within and outside European borders is not compromised by European consumption.  相似文献   
江苏一次锢囚状MCS和相关中涡旋MCV的观测分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈永林  俞小鼎  杨引明  王慧  刘红亚 《气象》2016,42(2):166-173
利用常规地面和高空气象观测资料,结合气象卫星云图和雷达回波,分析了2009年6月14日15—23时(北京时,下同),造成江苏强对流天气的一个中尺度对流系统(MCS)的锢囚状特征的形成过程及其垂直结构。地面中尺度分析表明,雷暴高压东侧在飑前倒槽北端发展的闭合低压环流的东南气流将暖湿空气输送到冷性雷暴高压的北侧形成东南一西北向的暖舌,从而形成锢囚状的结构。长三角探空网资料的垂直结构分析表明,在对流层下部地面到850 hPa为冷性的雷暴高压,在对流层中部700 hPa为冷性的α中尺度涡旋(MCV),而500 hPa已转变为暖性的MCV。静力学关系可以说明MCV仅仅存在于700~500 hPa的原因和MCS下冷上暖的热力结构密切相关。  相似文献   
Logistic判别模型在强降水预报中的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张芳华  曹勇  徐珺  陶亦为  金荣花  代刊 《气象》2016,42(4):398-405
利用Logistiv判别模型进行强降水预报,并设计3种方案进行对比分析。方案1直接使用14个影响因子进行判别预报,受因子共线性作用及噪音信号影响,虽然拟合效果较好,但预报效果明显下降。方案2对14个影响因子进行主成分分析,利用前6个主成分建模,虽然拟合效果较方案1降低,但由于消除了因子共线性作用以及噪音信号影响,预报效果较方案1提高。方案3运用Bootstrap抽样技术得到符干样本并建模计算模型参数,打乱了原有时间序列中的波动,仪保留平稳信息,拟合自由度进一步降低,导致拟合效果较方案案2下降,但预报效果却是3种方案中最好且最稳定的。在上述研究基础上,利用欧洲中心数值预报模式的预报场资料,建立基于Logistic判别模型的强降水客观预报系统,并在中央气象台业务运行。2013和2014年连续两年汛期预报检验结果表明,概模型对强降水预报的TS评分高于数值模式本身,具有一定的业务参考价值。  相似文献   
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