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Two different thunderstorms are simulated by two distinct one-dimensional cloud models using four different parameterisations of the non-inductive mechanism of electric charging, based on laboratory studies. The results demonstrate that during the early (pre-lightning) stage of thunderstorm electrification, simulated charge density depends not only on the model charging parameterisation employed, but also on the specific representations of the kinematics and microphysical characteristics of the model itself. Though no conclusions are drawn regarding the physical suitability of the charging parameterisations themselves, the analysis indicates that the most significant differences between the simulated charge structures of the clouds produced in each particular model are the result of different distributions of model cloud characteristics and of the type of parameterisation of the microphysical processes. The study reveals that it is too early to make any conclusion regarding which, if any, of the existing parameterisation schemes are better suited to the realistic simulation of electrical charging in real clouds.  相似文献   
Hamelin et al. criticize some conclusions of our paper [Morente, J.A., Portí, J.A., Salinas, A., Navarro, E.A., 2008. Icarus 195, 802-811]. This rebuttal is our response to their criticism. In our view, their comments are contradictory and not based on scientific argument. Our paper presents a comprehensible methodology for extracting weak resonances from the late-time response of systems with high losses and our conclusions are derived from and supported by this methodology, which was first checked using an analytical function and later with the data from a numerical simulation of Titan’s atmosphere. Conversely, the Comment of Hamelin et al. does not contain any mathematical proof, either supporting their statements or invalidating our analysis procedure.  相似文献   
Exploration and exploitation of coal seams is one of the major resources for the energy sector in any country but at the same time water filled voids/water logged areas in the old workings of these seams are very critical problems for the coal mining industry. In such situations, disasters like inundation, landslides, collapsing of the old seams may occur. In this regard, it is necessary to find out the water saturated/water filled voids and zones in the mining areas. Since no established technique is available to find such zones, an experimental study using Electrical Resistivity Imaging (ERI) has been carried out in one of the coal mining areas near Dhanbad, to find out the feasibility of finding the barrier thickness and the water logged area in underground coal mines. The area under study forms part of Jharia coalfield in Dhanbad district, Jharkhand state. The coal bearing rocks of Barakar Formation of Lower Permian age (Gondwana period) occur in the area under a thin cover (10 m to15 m) of soil and or alluvium. Coal bearing Barakar Formations consist mainly of sandstone of varying grain size, intercalation of shale and sandstone, grey and carbonaceous-shale and coal seams. Since the water saturation reduces the resistivity of a formation to a large extent, water filled voids and old coal workings are expected to have significant resistivity contrast with the surrounding host rock. Hence, ERI technique was applied in such an environment as this technique uses high-density data acquisition both laterally and vertically by using multiple number of electrodes. Along with ERI, mise-à-la-masse (also called charged body) technique was also employed at one of the promising sites to find out the connectivity of water logged areas and also detection of these old workings from the surface measurements was analyzed. The interpreted 2D resistivity sections have clearly indicated the water bearing zone(s) along the profile which was well confirmed with the existing water level in the nearby borewells. On the other hand, this technique did not identify the size of the coal pillar and gallery (air filled voids), which might be due to the small size of the voids (i.e. about 2 m × 2 m) below a depth of 15m and more but have indicated altogether as a high resistive zone ranging from 600–1000 Ohm-m.  相似文献   
The Bar Hill-Whitchurch-Wrexham Morainic Complex is a large-scale glacial landform thought to represent either the maximum extent or the re-advance of the British-Irish Ice Sheet during the Late Devensian. The origin of the moraine remains uncertain as its key characteristics have not been studied in detail due to a lack of exposures from which its large-scale structure can be determined. The development of new technologies has enabled detailed examination of the topography and internal structure of such large-scale landforms. This paper describes a multi-disciplinary approach involving digital geomorphological mapping using enhanced resolution NextMAP™ digital surface models, geophysical imaging (electrical resistivity tomography) and conventional sedimentological analyses. This combination of techniques is useful for elucidating the origin of a large glacial landform in a region of poor exposure. Digital elevation models such as NextMAP™ offer an efficient and accurate method for landform-mapping, whilst electrical resistivity tomography was able to map the major constituent sediments of the moraine, which had in turn been identified in the single exposure available. Additional geophysical techniques should however be applied to provide further structural data and thereby enable a more detailed interpretation of the moraine's internal structure. Preliminary findings indicate that the moraine is a glaciotectonic landform composed of diamicton and glaciofluvial sediments, an origin consistent with recent suggestions that the Cheshire Plain contained an active ice lobe during the last glacial maximum.  相似文献   
塔克拉玛干沙漠地下水矿化度与电导率关系的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴诗怡 《中国沙漠》1996,16(4):374-378
用数理统计的方法推导水质矿化度与电导率的回归方程, 并绘制其关系曲线。经测定, 新疆塔克拉玛干沙漠84°E沿线水化学类型主要为Cl-·SO42--Na+, 通过推导得出, 25℃情况下, 当电导率为4.5~12ms/cm, 矿化度依电导率的回归方程为: y=-0.3016+0.6936x; 当电导率<5.4ms/cm, y=-0.171+0.6833x, 建立矿化度与电导率的关系后, 测定地下水的电导率, 即可获得待测样的矿化度, 为野外考察或定点观测提供获得地下水矿化度的简便、快速而准确的方法。  相似文献   
聚能爆破在石材切割应用中的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
季荣生 《现代地质》1998,12(1):138-142
摘 要 简单分析了聚能爆破装药在孔内爆破的力学效应‚阐明了聚能爆破对岩石定向破裂 的控制机理。在聚能爆破切割石材过程中‚聚能射流起到前期切割出定向裂缝的作用‚石材 的最终开裂由后期爆破产生的气体的准静态胀楔作用来完成。通过提高炸药爆速、增大装药 密度等方法可以提高聚能装药爆炸后形成射流的能量和改善聚能爆破切割石材的效果。  相似文献   
We have designed a new instrument to measure the current flowing along balloon rigging line during flights through thunderstorms. This instrument was tested in a high voltage facility and used to collect line current data during one balloon flight into a thunderstorm. Using these data, worst-case calculations are made; as such, we claim that they are the upper limits of any alteration (to the measured electric field or particle charge) that may occur, and the real number is likely much less. It is postulated the rigging-line current could have two separate effects on the measured electric field: (1) reduction of the field due to emission of corona ions, and (2) enhancement of the field due to the insertion of a long thin ‘conductor.' Even with current as high as 1 μA (the largest measured was around 50–100 nA), these two effects were found to be about −1% and +1%, respectively. Also, the calculated worst-case alteration to charged precipitation measurements is about 0.1 pC. Thus, with proper efforts to make the rigging line as poor a conductor as possible, it seems that we are justified in stating that these effects are negligible.  相似文献   
To better understand the effect of fluid distribution on the electric response of rocks saturated with oil and brine, we conducted experimental studies on the complex electrical impedance in a Berea sandstone, together with in situ acquisitions of oil distribution images employing a high‐resolution medical X‐ray computed tomography. We performed two tests of brine displacement by oil under high (10 MPa) and low (5 MPa) pressures, which were accompanied by fingering and stable displacement patterns, respectively. The measured complex impedance data were fitted to the Cole model to obtain the resistance, capacitance, peak frequency of the imaginary impedance, and the exponent α of the rock–fluid system. With increasing oil saturation, the resistance showed an increasing trend, whereas the other three parameters decreased. The fingering displacement exhibited lower resistance and capacitance than the stable displacement. The analysis of the resistance changes using a simple parallel connection model indicates that there are more components of residual brine in parallel connections in the fingering pattern than in the stable displacement pattern at the same saturation. We also interpreted the normalised changes in the capacitance (or apparent dielectric constant) with respect to the oil saturation via an analysis of the shape factor of fluid distribution based on the Maxwell–Wagner–Brugermann–Hanai model. The changes in the shape factor suggest that the pinch‐off of the brine in parallel connection by the oil is a dominant mechanism reducing the capacitance. In the stable displacement, most of the connections in the brine phase are immediately pinched off by oil displacement front at a local oil saturation of 65%. Conversely, in the fingering displacement, there is a transition from the bulk or layered brine to the pinched‐off at a local oil saturation below 60%. The analyses indicate that the difference in the fluid distribution under different fluid conditions is responsible for the non‐Archie behaviour.  相似文献   
韩宜迪  傅开道  朱玘  张年 《湖泊科学》2024,36(3):817-826
河流泥沙是水生态系统生源要素的重要附着载体,其微形貌及电荷特性直接关系着泥沙对溶解态营养盐或污染物的吸附能力。本研究选取澜沧江中下游干流及主要支流为考察对象,采集28个河流水库断面的悬移质泥沙,采用原子力显微镜测定泥沙微表面电荷量,探究澜沧江泥沙的微表面电荷性质,研究纳米尺度下泥沙的微表面特性。研究结果表明:(1)微观界面,形貌对表面电荷分布影响明显,在纳米尺度下电势图与相位差图均展现出明显非均匀分布特征;(2)在流域分布上,不同区域表面电荷存在较大差异,流域沿程变化对泥沙表面电荷产生重要影响,总体变化呈现先减小后增大的趋势,表面电势值变化范围为-201.47~35.34 mV,表面电荷密度范围为0.07~3.65 mC/m2,不同区域电荷特性差别明显;(3)在梯级水电筑坝影响下,坝上坝下泥沙颗粒电势差与水库库容存在较好的线性相关关系,相关系数为0.8214,且坝下电势普遍高于坝上区域;(4)泥沙表面电势与磷吸附之间具有较强相关性,其相关系数为0.6657,同时表现出较好的线性拟合关系。研究结论对深入理解水电大坝建设对流域内污染物的迁移转化及解释泥沙的表面电性特征...  相似文献   
We carried out a magnetotelluric field campaign in the South–East Lower Saxony Basin, Germany, with the main goal of testing this method for imaging regional Posidonia black shale sediments. Two‐dimensional inversion results of the magnetotelluric data show a series of conductive structures correlating with brine‐saturated sediments but also with deeper, anthracitic Westphalian/Namurian coals. None of these structures can be directly related with the Posidonia black shale, which appears to be generally resistive and therefore difficult to resolve with the magnetotelluric method. This assumption is supported by measurements of electrical resistivity on a set of Posidonia shale samples from the Hils syncline in the Lower Saxony basin. These rock samples were collected in shallow boreholes and show immature (0.53% Ro), oil (0.88% Ro), and gas (1.45% Ro) window thermal maturities. None of the black shale samples showed low electrical resistivity, particularly those with oil window maturity show resistivity exceeding 104 Ωm. Moreover, we could not observe a direct correlation between maturity and electrical resistivity; the Harderode samples showed the highest resistivity, whereas the Haddessen samples showed the lowest. A similar trend has been seen for coals in different states of thermal maturation. Saturation of the samples with distilled and saline water solutions led to decreasing electrical resistivity. Moreover, a positive correlation of electrical resistivity with porosity is observed for the Wickensen and Harderode samples, which suggests that the electrical resistivity of the Posidonia black shale is mainly controlled by porosity.  相似文献   
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