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Over the last decade, hundreds of climate change adaptation projects have been funded and implemented. Despite the importance of these first-generation adaptation projects for establishing funders and implementors’ “best practices,” very little is known about how early adaptation projects have endured, to what ends, and for whom. In this article, I propose a community-based methodology for ex-post assessment of climate change adaptation projects. This methodology contributes to recognitional justice by asking the individuals and collectives tasked with sustaining adaptation initiatives to define adaptation success and what criteria for success should be assessed. I apply this subjective assessment approach in 10 communities across Ecuador that participated in an internationally funded adaptation project that concluded in 2015. My analysis draws together participatory mapping, walking interviews with local leaders, participant observation, and surveys with former project participants. The results highlight that even adaptation projects that were deemed highly successful at their closure have uncertain futures. I find that the sustainability mechanisms that were envisioned by project implementors have not functioned, and communities are shouldering the burden of reviving failing adaptation interventions. These findings highlight that the current model of episodic funding for climate change adaptation projects and evaluation processes needs to be revisited to acknowledge the long-term challenges faced by communities. This analysis also calls attention to the importance of ex-post assessment for adaptation projects and the potential of subjective assessment approaches for building more ontological and epistemological pluralism in understandings of successful climate change adaptation.  相似文献   
二道河子铅锌矿床位于额尔古纳地块得尔布干成矿带的中段,地处大兴安岭西坡。为有效限制该矿床的成矿时代,对硫化物Rb-Sr年龄和安山玢岩锆石U-Pb年龄开展研究得出:该矿床的内生成矿作用共经历了3个成矿阶段:石英-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅰ)、石英-多金属硫化物阶段(Ⅱ)和石英-方解石-黄铁矿阶段(Ⅲ),其中石英-多金属硫化物阶段是主要的矿化阶段;Ⅲ号矿带主成矿阶段5件闪锌矿和3件黄铁矿的Rb、Sr含量分别为0.081×10-6~2.632×10-6和0.661×10-6~3.186×10-6,Rb-Sr同位素等时线年龄为140.8±2.3 Ma,(87Sr/86Sr)i值为0.71025~0.71205;与矿体平行、局部切穿矿体的安山玢岩脉的锆石U-Pb年龄为138.8±1.7 Ma。上述结果表明,二道河子矿床为热液脉状铅锌矿床,形成于早白垩世,与次火山岩(安山玢岩)热事件相近。结合前人研究成果,推测成矿与安山质岩浆作用有关,形成于蒙古-鄂霍茨克洋闭合后的伸展环境。  相似文献   
大兴安岭北段早古生代花岗岩主要分布于漠河—塔河一线。对漠河北部洛古河二长花岗岩开展岩石年代学与岩石地球化学研究。二长花岗岩中锆石为岩浆成因,LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年表明,其形成时代为晚寒武世(486±3 Ma)。岩石具高硅(SiO2=62.75%~73.32%)、富碱(ALK=8.30%~9.45%)、高铝(Al2O3=13.97%~16.53%)、低镁、低钙和低钛的特点,铝饱和指数A/CNK为0.91~1.10,属偏铝质高钾钙碱性岩石系列。SiO2与Al2O3和P2O5具有较好的负相关性;富集Rb、Th、U、K、Zr、Hf等元素,而强烈亏损Ba、Nb、Ta、Sr、P、Ti等元素,球粒陨石标准化的稀土元素配分曲线图中呈轻稀土元素富集、重稀土元素亏损的右倾型配分模式,显示了Ⅰ型花岗岩特征。综合分析认为,洛古河岩体形成于西伯利亚板块南缘与额尔古纳等微陆块碰撞造山晚期由挤压体制向拉张体制转换的后碰撞构造环境。  相似文献   
The effective recovery of water level is a crucial measure of the success of comprehensive groundwater over-exploitation management actions in North China. However, traditional evaluation method do not directly capture the relationship between mining and other equilibrium elements. This study presents an innovative evaluation method to assess the water level recovery resulting from mining reduction based on the relationship between variation in exploitation and recharge. Firstly, the recharge variability of source and sink terms for both the base year and evaluation year is calculated and the coefficient of recharge variation β is introduced, which is then used to calculate the effective mining reduction and solve the water level recovery value caused by the effective mining reduction, and finally the water level recovery contribution by mining reduction is calculated by combining with the actual volume of mining reduction in the evaluation area. This research focuses on Baoding and Shijiazhuang Plain area, which share similar hydrogeological conditions but vary in groundwater exploitation and utilization. As the effect of groundwater level recovery with mining reduction was evaluated in these two areas as case study. In 2018, the results showed an effective water level recovery of 0.17 m and 0.13 m in the shallow groundwater of Shijiazhuang and Baoding Plain areas, respectively. The contributions of recovery from mining reduction were 76% and 57.98% for these two areas, respectively. It was notable that the water level recovery was most prominent in the foothill plain regions. From the evaluation results, it is evident that water level recovery depends not only on the intensity of groundwater mining reduction, but also on its effectiveness. The value of water level recovery alone cannot accurately indicate the intensity of mining reduction, as recharge variation significantly influences water level changes. Therefore, in practice, it is crucial to comprehensively assess the impact of mining reduction on water level recovery by combining the coefficient of recharge variation with the contribution of water level recovery from mining reduction. This integrated approach provide a more reasonable and scientifically supported basis, offering essential data support for groundwater management and conservation. To improve the accuracy and reliability of evaluation results, future work will focus on the standardizing and normalizing raw data processing.  相似文献   
Generally, PT pseudosections for reduced compositional systems, such as K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O, Na2O–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O and MnO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O, are well suited for inferring detailed PT paths, comparing mineral assemblages observed in natural rocks with those calculated. Examples are provided by PT paths inferred for four metapelitic samples from a 1 m2 wide outcrop of the Herbert Mountains in the Shackleton Range, Antarctica. The method works well if the bulk composition used is reconstituted from average mineral modes and mineral compositions (AMC) or when X‐ray fluorescence (XRF) data are corrected for Al2O3 and FeO. A plagioclase correction is suitable for Al2O3. Correction for FeO is dependent on additional microscopic observations, e.g. the kind and amount of opaque minerals. In some cases, all iron can be treated as FeOtot, whereas in others a magnetite or hematite correction yields much better results. Comparison between calculated and observed mineral modes and mineral compositions shows that the AMC bulk composition is best suited to the interpretation of rock textures using PT pseudosections, whereas corrected XRF data yield good results only when the investigated sample has few opaque minerals. The results indicate that metapelitic rocks from the Herbert Mountains of the Northern Shackleton Range underwent a prograde PT evolution from about 600 °C/5.5 kbar to 660 °C/7 kbar, followed by nearly adiabatic cooling to about 600 °C at 4.5 kbar.  相似文献   
接地导线源电磁场全域有效趋肤深度   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为了更好地推进广域电磁法的发展和应用,本文以接地长导线源为例,研究了可控源电磁场全场域的有效趋肤深度.利用频域电偶极源在均匀半空间产生电磁场的闭合表达式,计算了不同电磁场分量定义的有效趋肤深度,并讨论了在不同频率、不同偏移距、不同电导率情况下,有效趋肤深度的变化特性.根据有效趋肤深度随偏移距的变化特征以及与平面波趋肤深度之间的关系,利用多项式拟合的办法在五个不同频率范围内给出了适用于全场域的有效趋肤深度快速估算公式.研究结果表明:不同分量定义的有效趋肤深度是不同的,但是它们随偏移距、频率、电导率等参数的变化趋势是类似的,而且在一定范围内都趋近于平面波趋肤深度.理论模型的研究表明,有效趋肤深度可以作为测量参数选取和数据解释工作的参考依据.  相似文献   
Land use practices in Colorado during the last two centuries altered the supply of sediment and water to many channels in the upper South Platte Basin. As a result of increased supply of sediment and mobility and reduced peak flows, the characteristics of pools associated with channel constrictions, referred to as forced pools, may have been altered. Increased supply of sediment and reduced transport capacity of high flows could lead to aggradation in forced pools. Channel confined by road corridors could lead to high velocities at normal flows, increased energy dissipation from riprap, or even increased pool frequency resulting from failed riprap. To assess potential alterations, four hypotheses were tested: (1) impacted streams will show significantly different mean volume of pools than a control stream; (2) mean volume of pools on streams where land-use activities increased the supply of sediment will be significantly different from streams solely affected by flow regulation; (3) the strongest change in characteristics of pools of impacted streams will be a reduced volume of pools; (4) streams affected by road corridors will show statistically lower spacing of pools than streams unaffected by roads. The downstream spacing and residual volume of twenty consecutive forced pools were surveyed on five streams in the Colorado Front Range that varied from no contemporary impact to multiple historical and contemporary impacts. ANCOVA with stepwise model selection indicated that degree of land-use (categorical), bankfull spacing of pools, upstream riffle slope and expansion ratio were all significant (α = 0.1) predictors of volume of pools (R2 = 0.73). Simple linear regression of mean volume of pools and stream specific variables (gradient, drainage area and discharge) and least square means comparison of mean volume of pools indicated a need to standardize volumes of pools by slope and discharge so that the volumes of pools could be compared among different levels of land-use. Significant correlations between drainage area and volume of pools allowed volume of pools to be standardized by drainage area and thereby discharge. This dimensionless variable was also significantly correlated with channel slope, which permitted the construction of a new variable, PVQS (volume of pools standardized by discharge and slope). Least square means comparison of mean PVQS revealed that the control reach was significantly different from road-impacted reaches. Mean volume of pools was significantly larger in the control reach compared to all but one road-impacted stream. This was likely a function of higher wood loading in the control reach and the competence of high flows in the road-impacted reach. Streams affected by road corridors did not have significantly different bankfull spacing of pools from streams not impacted by roads. The multiple interactions among control and response variables explored in this study indicate the need to identify the most constrained and sensitive response variables when attempting to assess channel response to land use.  相似文献   
The Early Devonian, Maccullochs Range beds (new) of the Winduck Interval largely comprise non-marine fine-grained sheet-flood-deposited sandstones which lie in the southeast sector of the Darling Basin Conjugate Fault System. Deposition of the >2.5 km-thick sequence occurred on the Wilcannia, Towers and Coolabah Bore alluvial fans, that were sourced largely from lightly indurated sandstone caps overlying a large basement high lying north of the Darling River Lineament, and also from west of Maccullochs Range (Coolabah Bore Fan). Four lithofacies are recognised. Lithofacies 1, massive sandstone, is proximal and was deposited from hyperconcentrated sheet floods. The more distal lithofacies 2 is partly massive, partly laminated and partly affected by soft sediment slumping during its deposition. It contains 1.3 – 3.5 m-thick sheet-flood successions that rarely show cross-bedding. Lithofacies 3 and 4 are minor: lithofacies 3, stream-flood deposited, comprises coarse-grained, pebbly sandstone and lithofacies 4, transient playa lake deposits that are locally intercalated with lithofacies 2. In lithofacies 2, thick massive fine-grained sandstone is commonly overlain by laminated sandstone that was deformed when soft. Incised channel deposits in lithofacies 2 deposits are rare and palaeosols were not discovered. Permanency of the positions of two of the alluvial fans, and by inference their feeder streams, remained unchanged for ~9 million years. The fans overlie probable floodplain deposits observed in a quarry in the easternmost part of the study area. Marine fossils are very minor in the range—the brachiopod Howellella jaqueti at one locality indicates an Early Devonian age for one of the brief marine incursions into what was normally an alluvial-fan environment. Very brief marine incursions elsewhere in the group are deduced from the presence of very rare fossil gastropods.  相似文献   
 Rock and flow parameters of three karstic-fissured-porous aquifers in the Krakow-Silesian Triassic formations were measured using various methods and compared. Though cavern and fissure porosities are shown to be very low (cavern porosity below 0.5% and fracture porosity below 0.2%), they contribute dominantly to the hydraulic conductivity (from about 1.3×10–6 to about 11×10–6 m/s). Matrix porosity (2–11%) is shown to be the main water reservoir for solute transport and the main or significant contributor to the specific yield (<2%). Though the matrix porosity is shown to be much larger than the sum of the cavern and fissure porosities, its contribution to the total hydraulic conductivity is practically negligible (hydraulic conductivity of the matrix is from about 5×10–11 m/s to about 2×10–8 m/s). On the other hand, the matrix porosity (for neglected cavern and fissure porosities) when combined with tracer ages (or mean travel times) is shown to yield proper values of the hydraulic conductivity (K) by applying the following formula: K≅(matrix porosity×mean travel distance)/(mean hydraulic gradient×mean tracer age). Confirming earlier findings of the authors, this equation is shown to be of great practical importance because matrix porosity is easily measured in the laboratory on rock samples, whereas cavern and fracture porosities usually remain unmeasurable. Received: 21 February 1997 · Accepted: 13 May 1997  相似文献   
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