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Unusual volcanic conglomerates with a mixture of well-rounded granitic boulders (to 1.2 m diameter) derived from adjacent basement rocks, and smaller (1 – 10 cm) subspherical basaltic droplets with chilled margins occupy a linear zone along strike of the northern end of the Late Archaean Black Range dolerite dyke in the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia. The matrix of the volcanic conglomerates becomes more angular with decreasing grainsize and grades to rock flour, a trend opposite to that in sedimentary conglomerates. In other places, the matrix consists of chlorite that cuts through, and resorbs, granitic clasts, indicating an origin as volcanic melt. The volcanic conglomerates have peperitic contacts with immediately adjacent flows of the Mt Roe Basalt of the Fortescue Group. A welded volcanic tuff at the peperitic contact is dated at 2767 ± 3 Ma, within error of the 2772 ± 2 Ma Black Range dolerite dyke and the Mt Roe Basalt (2775 ± 10 Ma), confirming the contemporaneity of formation of these geological elements. Subsequent normal faulting has juxtaposed the higher level conglomerates down into their present exposure level along strike of the Black Range dolerite dyke. The linear zone of volcanic conglomerates is interpreted to represent a phreatomagmatic pebble dyke that formed immediately above, and as a result of intrusion of, the Black Range dolerite dyke. Interaction of magma with groundwater caused phreatomagmatic brecciation of the country rock, in situ milling of granitic boulders, incorporation of basaltic melt droplets, and the formation of a mixed matrix of devitrified volcanic glass and granitic material. This process was accompanied by along-strike epithermal Cu – Hg – Au mineralisation.  相似文献   
Field geological investigation and geochemical analysis are carried out on Baya’ertuhushuo Gabbro in South Great Xing’an Range. Field investigation reveals that the gabbro is a magmatic intrusion rather than a component of an ophiolite suite as previously thought. Zircon laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (LA-ICP-MS) U-Pb dating indicates the gabbro was formed in 274–275?Ma, just as the widespread volcanic rocks of Dashizhai Formation (P1d), monzogranites and miarolitic alkali-feldspar granites in the study area. The gabbro has SiO2 content between 47.23 wt% and 50.17 wt%, high MgO and FeOT contents of 6.95–11.29 wt% and 7.32–12.24wt%, respectively, and it belongs to low-K tholeiitic series in the SiO2-K2O diagram. The Chondrite-normalized rare earth element (REE) patterns and primitive mantle-normalized spider diagrams of the gabbro are similar to those of Normal Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalt (N-MORB) except for the enrichment of large ion lithophile elements (LILE), such as Rb, Ba and K. In trace element tectonic discriminative diagrams, the samples are mainly plotted in the N-MORB field, and Zircon in?situ Lu-Hf isotopic analysis also indicates the gabbro originated from depleted mantle. Through synthetic studies of the geochemical characteristics and petrogenesis of Baya’ertuhushuo gabbro, volcanic rocks of Dashizhai Formation and granitoids in the area, it is suggested that the early Permian magmatism in the Xilinhot-Xiwuqi area formed in the tectonic setting of asthenosphere upwelling, which was caused by breaking-off of the subducted Paleo-Asian Ocean slab.  相似文献   
王兴安  徐仲元  刘正宏  朱凯 《岩石学报》2012,28(8):2647-2655
对大兴安岭中部柴河林场地区钾长花岗岩进行了系统的地球化学及锆石U-Pb同位素年代学研究,并对其岩石成因及构造意义进行讨论.研究结果表明,柴河林场地区钾长花岗岩中锆石具有典型的岩浆振荡生长环带和较高的Th/U比值(0.44 ~ 1.42),反映了岩浆成因特征.LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果为133±3Ma.岩石具有富硅、稀土元素含量较高、相对富集轻稀土元素亏损重稀土元素的特征,Eu负异常较为明显,稀土元素配分图解具有右斜“V”字型的特征,并相对富集高场强元素和大离子亲石元素.以上特征表明,柴河林场地区钾长花岗岩为铝质A型花岗岩,是地壳岩石部分熔融的产物,具有典型A1型(裂谷或板内)花岗岩的特征,代表了伸展的构造环境.  相似文献   
As an important canopy structure indicator, leaf area index (LAI) proved to be of considerable implications for forest ecosystem and ecological studies, and efficient techniques for accurate LAI acquisitions have long been highlighted. Airborne light detection and ranging (LiDAR), often termed as airborne laser scanning (ALS), once was extensively investigated for this task but showed limited performance due to its low sampling density. Now, ALS systems exhibit more competing capacities such as high density and multi-return sampling, and hence, people began to ask the questions like—“can ALS now work better on the task of LAI prediction?” As a re-examination, this study investigated the feasibility of LAI retrievals at the individual tree level based on high density and multi-return ALS, by directly considering the vertical distributions of laser points lying within each tree crown instead of by proposing feature variables such as quantiles involving laser point distribution modes at the plot level. The examination was operated in the case of four tree species (i.e. Picea abies, Pinus sylvestris, Populus tremula and Quercus robur) in a mixed forest, with their LAI-related reference data collected by using static terrestrial laser scanning (TLS). In light of the differences between ALS- and TLS-based LAI characterizations, the methods of voxelization of 3D scattered laser points, effective LAI (LAIe) that does not distinguish branches from canopies and unified cumulative LAI (ucLAI) that is often used to characterize the vertical profiles of crown leaf area densities (LADs) was used; then, the relationships between the ALS- and TLS-derived LAIes were determined, and so did ucLAIs. Tests indicated that the tree-level LAIes for the four tree species can be estimated based on the used airborne LiDAR (R2 = 0.07, 0.26, 0.43 and 0.21, respectively) and their ucLAIs can also be derived. Overall, this study has validated the usage of the contemporary high density multi-return airborne LiDARs for LAIe and LAD profile retrievals at the individual tree level, and the contribution are of high potential for advancing forest ecosystem modeling and ecological understanding.  相似文献   
思茅坳陷油气地质特征与勘探前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱年奕 《云南地质》2009,28(2):103-112
思茅坳陷存在古生界和中一新生界两套沉积盖层,具有多套生储盖组合。以二叠系、三叠系为主力烃源岩,储层低孔低渗,侏罗系一白垩系“红层”组成区域盖层。思茅坳陷气水同喷、原油显示表明,该区海相地层仍有油气勘探前景,以存在K3-N区域盖层、断裂改造较弱、源岩成熟度较低、构造发育的英德一景谷、勐腊一勐满含油气保存单元为首选靶区,具有一定勘探前景。  相似文献   
This study presents new zircon U–Pb geochronology, geochemistry, and zircon Hf isotopic data of volcanic and subvolcanic rocks that crop out in the Bayanhushuo area of the southern Great Xing’an Range (GXR) of NE China. These data provide insights into the tectonic evolution of this area during the late Mesozoic and constrain the evolution of the Mongol–Okhotsk Ocean. Combining these new ages with previously published data suggests that the late Mesozoic volcanism occurred in two distinct episodes: Early–Middle Jurassic (176–173 Ma) and Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (151–138 Ma). The Early–Middle Jurassic dacite porphyry belongs to high-K calc-alkaline series, showing the features of I-type igneous rock. This unit has zircon εHf(t) values from +4.06 to +11.62 that yield two-stage model ages (TDM2) from 959 to 481 Ma. The geochemistry of the dacite porphyry is indicative of formation in a volcanic arc tectonic setting, and it is derived from a primary magma generated by the partial melting of juvenile mafic crustal material. The Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks belong to high-K calc-alkaline or shoshonite series and have A2-type affinities. These volcanics have εHf(t) and TDM2 values from +5.00 to +8.93 and from 879 to 627 Ma, respectively. The geochemistry of these Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous volcanic rocks is indicative of formation in a post-collisional extensional environment, and they formed from primary magmas generated by the partial melting of juvenile mafic lower crust. The discovery of late Mesozoic volcanic and subvolcanic rocks within the southern GXR indicates that this region was in volcanic arc and extensional tectonic settings during the Early–Middle Jurassic and the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous, respectively. This indicates that the Mongol–Okhotsk oceanic plate was undergoing subduction during the Early–Middle Jurassic, and this ocean adjacent to the GXR may have closed by the Late Middle Jurassic–Early Late Jurassic.  相似文献   
将加卸载响应比的理论和方法引入到地下水位潮汐资料计算中来,从岩石的应变与应力的非线性响应分析了井水位固体潮加卸载响应比的物理机理,从理论上论证可以应用地下水位观测资料来计算加卸载响应比,并研究出利用地下水位对固体潮响应来计算加卸载响应比的方法。经此方法计算了河北省万全、昌黎和河间3口水井多年的B井水位的固体潮加卸载响应比,分析了1996年包头6.4级地震前后地下水位固体潮加卸载响应比的变化特征。  相似文献   
Records of past vegetation and fire history can be complicated by changes in the depositional environment of a sampling location. However, these changes can alternatively be used as a measure of climate variability. Our study site, ca. 18.0 cal. ka BP record from Little Brooklyn Lake, Wyoming, located near the crest of the Snowy Range, records three moisture states. Initially, the lake was likely a glacier‐fed pond indicated by the presence of Pediastrum algae colonies. Around 13.0 cal. ka BP this pond transitioned to a meadow environment, suggested by the loss of Pediastrum algae colonies and slow sedimentation rates. Meadow conditions were maintained until ca. 5.0 cal. ka BP when Pediastrum algae colony abundance increased,indicating the formation of a shallow lake. From 18.0 to ca. 5.0 cal. ka BP, the pollen record is suggestive of alpine vegetation conditions with relatively high spruce and herbaceous taxa. Low charcoal influx also characterizes the period between 18.0 and 5.0 cal. ka BP. After 5.0 cal. ka BP, the coincidence of the formation of shallow lake and pollen data, indicating a shift to a spruce and fir forest, suggests an increase in effective moisture. Fire remained rare in this basin over the entire record, however, once the lake established sedimentation rates and charcoal influx increased. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
甲乌拉铅锌银矿床位于内蒙古自治区满洲里市南西150km。矿床产于中蒙古-额尔古纳兴凯造山带南东缘之得尔布干断裂北西侧。本文在甲乌拉矿床选取7件闪锌矿和6件黄铁矿样品开展了Rb-Sr定年。获得闪锌矿的Rb-Sr等时线年龄为143.0±2.0Ma(MSWD=3.2),锶同位素初始值I Sr=0.71265;黄铁矿的Rb-Sr等时线年龄为142.0±3.0Ma(MSWD=5.7),锶同位素初始值ISr=0.71267;闪锌矿与黄铁矿的Rb-Sr等时线年龄为142.7±1.3Ma(MSWD=3.8),锶同位素初始值ISr=0.71266。上述定年结果表明,甲乌拉矿床形成于早白垩世初期。甲乌拉矿床硫化物的Rb和Sr含量分别介于0.1034×10-6~7.367×10-6和1.301×10-6~7.148×10-6之间,Sr同位素初始比值(87Sr/86Sr)i介于0.71238~0.71277之间,平均值为0.71264,暗示甲乌拉矿床的成矿物质主要来源于地壳。甲乌拉矿床形成于蒙古-鄂霍茨克造山过程的后碰撞阶段。  相似文献   
通过对某湿陷性黄土场地强夯处理后各种检测方法和结果的综合分析,提出了一些值得研究的问题  相似文献   
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