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地表变形、活动断裂和地球物理的综合分析表明,菲律宾洋壳向欧亚大陆的俯冲导致的地幔对流是控制中国东部沿海地区晚新生代以来构造作用的主导因素,是长江口地区地面沉降的主要深部动力学机制。由于地幔对流和青藏高原挤压共同作用导致的地壳热流值的差异则是长江口地区西部隆升、东部沉降且向东沉降速率增大的直接驱动力。预测未来长江口地区的基岩沉降范围将以>10cm/a的速率向西扩大,沉降速率将呈明显加速趋势,40000a之内上海市可能被海水淹没,但板块构造演化的“渐变”特征决定其对当地未来的人类活动不会造成显著影响。根据“地壳均衡理论”,建议在长江口南西部(浙江省北东部)的丘陵山区加大重力载荷如加快城市化进程或人工造山以减小和控制上海地区的沉降。  相似文献   
多参数生物标志物法已被广泛用于重建浮游植物生产力和种群结构.但目前还缺乏这一应用的现代证据,尤其是西太平洋边缘海地区.文中作者对东/黄海的表层沉积物中的浮游植物生物标志物的分布进行研究,发现东海表层沉积物中菜子甾醇、甲藻甾醇、长链烯酮的总含量变化范围为357~3 115 ng/g,黄海的总含量变化范围为2 898 ~6 714 ng/g,硅藻、甲藻和颗石藻生物标志物总量基本具有近岸高、离岸低的趋势,与现场调查资料所得到的趋势基本一致.生物标志物比例结果显示在东海的长江口方向离岸越远硅藻相对比例下降,而在长江口以南则是离岸越远硅藻比例升高.在东海和黄海颗石藻所占比例都很低,但是有离岸越远比例升高的趋势.用生物标志物所重建的种群结构的变化趋势与现场调查资料相符,但其绝对值却与现场资料存在差异.本研究为生物标志物重建种群结构提供了现代数据,但是此方法的定量应用还需做进一步的研究.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the validity of buoy-observed sea surface temperature (SST), we installed special instruments to measure near-surface ocean temperature on the TRITON buoy moored at 2.07°N, 138.06°E from 2 to 13 March 2004, in addition to a standard buoy sensor for the regular SST measurement at 1.5-m depth. Large diurnal SST variations were observed during this period, and the variations of the temperatures at about 0.3-m depth could be approximately simulated by a one-dimensional numerical model. However, there was a notable discrepancy between the buoy-observed 1.5-m-depth SST (SST1.5m) and the corresponding model-simulated temperature only during the daytime when the diurnal rise was large. The evaluation of the heat balance in the sea surface layer showed that the diurnal rise of the SST1.5m in these cases could not be accounted for by solar heating alone. We examined the depth of the SST1.5m sensor and the near-surface temperature observed from a ship near the buoy, and came to the conclusion that the solar heating of the buoy hull and/or a disturbance in the temperature field around the buoy hull would contribute to the excessive diurnal rise of the SST1.5m observed with the TRITON buoy. However, the temperature around the hull was not sufficiently homogenized, as suggested in a previous paper. For the diurnal rise of the SST1.5m exceeding 0.5 K, the daytime buoy data became doubtful, through dynamics that remain to be clarified. A simple formula is proposed to correct the unexpected diurnal amplitude of the buoy SST1.5m.  相似文献   
樊馥  张永生  郑绵平  苏奎  邢恩袁 《地质学报》2015,89(11):2141-2151
陕北奥陶纪盐盆位于鄂尔多斯盆地伊陕斜坡东部。研究表明:马五6亚期,盐盆存在"两坳一隆"的构造格局,即东、西部盐坳和中部隆起,东、西部盐坳在钾矿化情况、溴氯系数反映的水体咸化趋势方面初步显示了陕北盐盆东、西部沉积环境的差异。本文通过东、西部盐坳典型钻井马五6层位沉积学分析,揭示了马五6时期东、西部盐坳在水体深度变化、浓缩趋势、含钾量、淡化层段厚度、陆源物质输入方面均存在差异。其中,西部盐坳受海水影响大,水体变浅且持续淡化,泥质分布反映陆源物质贡献少,对钾盐的沉积与保存均十分不利。而东部盐坳受海水影响小,与西部盐坳水体联通性差,在马五6时期环境更为封闭,具体表现为淡化夹层分布数量少、厚度薄的特征;水体持续变深并浓缩咸化;泥质夹层较多,反映了相较于西部,陆源物质对其影响更大,上述特点为钾盐沉积提供了有利的地球化学条件及可容空间。东、西部盐坳沉积环境对比表明东部盐坳对成钾更为有利。  相似文献   
五龙沟金矿床是东昆仑成矿带内典型的金矿床,该矿床主要受三条NW-SE向的大型韧性剪切带控制,矿体集中赋存于14条次级含金破碎蚀变带中。通过对五龙沟金矿床地质特征、控矿构造、矿体富集规律、富集标高的研究,认为矿区内韧性构造控矿则矿体长轴与运动方向一致,而脆性断裂控矿则矿体长轴与运动方向垂直。据此提出了新的预测区,经工程验证,取得了显著的效果。表明五龙沟金矿深部和外围仍具有较大的找矿潜力,为下一步找矿指明了方向。  相似文献   
Recent investigations reveal that the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic (UHPM) rocks in the Donghai region of East China underwent ductile and transitional ductile-brittle structural events during their exhumation. The earlier ductile deformation took place under the condition of amphibolite facies and the later transitional ductile-brittle deformation under the condition of greenschist facies. The hanging walls moved southeastward during both of these two events. The 40Ar/39Ar dating of muscovites from muscovite-plagioclase schists in the Haizhou phosphorous mine, which are structurally overlain by UHPM rocks, yields a plateau age of 218.0±2.9 Ma and isochron age of 219.8Ma, indicating that the earlier event of the ampibolite-facies deformation probably took place about 220 Ma ago. The 40Ar/39Ar dating of oriented amphiboles parallel to the movement direction of the hanging wall on a decollement plane yields a plateau age of 213.1±0.3 Ma and isochron age of 213.4±4.1 Ma, probably representing the age o  相似文献   
为了研究长江口-杭州湾外近海沉积物粒径的现状和近期变化,于2008年4月在该区域用箱式取样器取得了33个表层样,用震动活塞采样器取得7个柱状样;在室内用激光粒度仪对沉积物样品进行了粒度分析并与历史时期的研究成果进行对比。结果表明,1)表层沉积物总体上呈东粗(砂)西细(泥)的特点,粒径总体上的空间格局与历史时期相似;但砂-泥区界线在研究区北部(长江口和杭州湾外)有向西迁移(蚀退)迹象(西移10~30 km),而在南部(舟山群岛以南)则出现明显向东迁移(淤进)现象(最大超过50 km)。2)当前的表层沉积物形成一条南北连续的泥质带(粒径向南逐渐变细),反映过去存在于舟山群岛以东的最细组分(“黏土”)带不连续现象在表层现已趋于消失。3)表层沉积物粒径趋势分析揭示长江入海泥沙的运移方向主要是向南-东南。4)泥质区柱状沉积物具有粉砂和黏土为主但在垂向上(反映在时间上)有粗细多变的特点(侵蚀区表层沉积物有粗化迹象)。研究认为,长江口-杭州湾邻近海域现代沉积物对流域和沿海重大人类活动有较敏感的响应。  相似文献   
利用1961—2018年中国地面气象台站2 400站中广东省和广西壮族自治区(两广地区)134站逐日降水资料、英国Hadley中心逐月海表温度资料、NCEP/NCAR逐月再分析资料,筛选了两广地区前汛期降水正(负)异常、后汛期降水负(正)异常的年份,即前、后汛期降水异常反位相年份。结果表明,近60 a来,两广地区前、后汛期降水反位相现象与热带西太平洋海温异常存在密切联系。前汛期期间,当热带西太平洋海温为负异常时,大气对该冷源的Rossby波响应引起西北太平洋反气旋环流异常,且水汽由热带西太平洋向两广地区输送并辐合,同时两广地区为水汽的湿平流区域、风场异常辐合区域,其上空受异常上升运动控制,这样的环流配置有利于两广前汛期期间降水正异常。热带西太平洋海温负异常可持续至后汛期期间,大气的Rossby波响应所致的西太平洋反气旋较前汛期偏西北,两广地区为水汽异常辐散区域,同时水汽干平流且风场异常辐散,受异常下沉运动控制,不利于两广地区降水的产生。反之亦然。  相似文献   
On the basis of numerical simulation of the mean circulation and relevant thermal-salinity fields in June with a three-dimensional ocean model (ECOM-si), the model outputs are used as first guess of initial fields for numerical integration of the model equations and the numerical results are applied to investigating the dynamical responses of the Huanghai Sea and the East China Sea (HECS) in the course of a weak land-to-sea cyclone‘s passage over the Huanghai Sea on 15-16 June 1999. Predominance of the dynamic impact of cyclone over the thermal one in June in the HECS is justified using observations and model simulations.The cyclone and its surrounding weather system, i.e,, subtropical high ridge to its south could influence current and thermal fields in the Bohai Sea, the Huanghai Sea and the northern East China Sea even though the intensity of cyclone was rather weak. The response of oceanic currents to the wind stresses driven by the cyclone and its southern subtropical high were strongly characterized by the wind drift with its extent of equivalent scale of cyclone in the horizontal and of Ekman layer in the vertical. The sea response at a given site was closely related to the transient local wind speed and direction,especially was sensitive to the local wind direction,which is demonstrated at three points locating at the southern and western Huanghai Sea and the northern East China Sea. So the sea responses at locations differed considerably from one another. Current responded to the wind stress in a simple way:directly to the wind-driven current and subsequent gradient current and slope current, etc., whereas sea temperature responded to the wind stress in two ways: directly to the cyclone-induced cooling and indirectly to water movements both in the horizontal and the vertical by the cyclone‘ s wind stress. So the sea temperature variation under the influence of cyclone was more complicate than the current. The HECS in response to the cyclone and its ambient weather system was likely to be a fast process and such a response could last at least for more than 1d. Current increased with the duration of wind stress exerted on the surface and decreased with the increasing depth. Affected by the cyclone, the maximum sea surface temperature decreased by almost 1.6℃ during the 24h cyclone.  相似文献   
应用1979-2005年西北太平洋热带气旋(TC)资料和OLR,NCEP/DOE AMIP-Ⅱ再分析逐日资料,探讨南海-西北太平洋季风槽中TC(简称MTTC)群发的可能机理,得到以下几点结论:(1)5~10月季风槽强度及形态与索马里越赤道气流的强弱、副高的位置以及南半球澳洲冬季风的强弱密切相关,不同区域季风槽强度增强都...  相似文献   
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