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聂娟  连健  胡卓玮 《地理研究》2014,33(2):214-224
“5.12”汶川大地震触发了大量滑坡,给人民群众生命财产和社会经济发展造成了巨大损失。基于GIS空间分析方法,结合震前和震后的滑坡编目数据,对滑坡与坡度、坡向、高程、岩土类型、道路、河流和断裂带等7个孕灾环境因素的空间分布关系进行统计分析。结果表明:滑坡与孕灾环境因素的空间分布关系受地震的影响比较大。相比于震前,震后滑坡发生的优势坡度、优势岩土类型、优势距离缓冲区等均发生了很大的变化;并且坡向、距道路距离、距河流距离等因素对滑坡有明显地趋势性影响。  相似文献   
1980~1994年台湾海峡两岸的地热涡与降水季度预报初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用1980~1994年大陆3.2m深度和台湾3.0m深度的地温资料,分析了15a来的逐季地气图,统计了台湾海峡两岸的地热涡活动,发现平均每季有1个地热涡活动,其水平尺度比大陆内部的地热涡要小,生命史也要短,进入台湾地区的地热涡绝大多数是从西方和北方进入,其移动速度比大陆内部的要快得多。90%以上的地热涡在同期有多雨区与其对应,热涡中心与多雨中心相距在100km以内者占68%。最后给出了一个季度降水的定性预测方案,其步骤为:预报地热涡的中心位置、强度和水平尺度;推算降水正距平区的水平尺度、中心位置和强度;根据本区发生的地震等情况进行预报订正。  相似文献   
A 1-D velocity model for the Marche region (Central Italy) was computed by inverting P- and S-wave arrival times of local earthquakes. A total of 160 seismic events with a minimum of ten observations, a travel time residual ≤0.8 s and an azimuthal gap lower than 180° have been selected. This “minimum 1-D velocity model” is complemented by station corrections, which can be used to take into account possible near-surface velocity heterogeneities beneath each station. Using this new P-wave velocity model and the program HYPOELLIPSE (Lahr 1999), the selected local events were relocated. Earthquake locations in this study are of higher quality with respect to the original ones. The obtained minimum 1-D velocity model can be used to improve the routine earthquake locations and represents a further step towards more detailed seismotectonic studies of the area.  相似文献   
Our analysis of the continuous outgoing long wave earth radiation (OLR) indicates anomalous variations prior to a number of medium to large earthquakes. The most recent analysis of OLR is from the M9.0 Sumatra Andaman Islands mega trust event. We compared the reference fields for December 2001 to 2004 and found OLR anomalous values, > 80 W/m2, (2σ) within the epicentral area on Dec 21, 2004, 5 days before the event. We used the NOAA/IR daily (one degree) and monthly (two and half degree) gridded data to differentiate between the global and seasonal variability and the transient local anomalies. The cause of such anomalies is not fully understood; one possible explanation is the existence of thermal outgoing radiation as a result of near ground air ionization and latent heat change due to change of air humidity and temperature. This phenomenon is hypothesized to be part of a relationship between tectonic stresses, electrochemical and thermodynamic processes in the atmosphere and increasing mid IR flux, all part of a family of electromagnetic (EM) phenomena related to earthquake activity. The time scale of the observed variations is a few weeks before the onset of the seismic event. In comparison with several years of data, the observed time-series preceding the earthquake had unusually high OLR. The OLR anomaly corresponds to a large area of ground coverage and coincides with the main epicentral zone. The significance of these observations is explored using data from most recent East Asian earthquake swarm of December 2004 and three other earthquakes.  相似文献   
对比分析了北京和广州地区各100例云闪初始阶段前30 ms快电场变化波形上初始击穿脉冲的特征。依据脉冲的结构特征,两地区的云闪初始击穿脉冲可分为单极性单峰型、单极性多峰型、双极性单峰型和双极性多峰型脉冲,两地区均以单极性和单峰型脉冲为主。对脉冲参量特征的统计发现,脉冲的10%-90%上升时间、半峰值宽度地区差异性小于脉冲类型差异性;双极性单峰型脉冲的半峰值宽是单极性单峰型的1.2倍。不同类型脉冲过零时间的中值、平均值在10μs左右量级,且广州地区较北京地区的大;云闪初始击穿脉冲宽度平均值显著小于相同地区正地闪的,而脉冲间隔显著大于正地闪的。初始击穿脉冲最为集中的出现在云闪最初的1~2 ms,其比例随时间以显著的负指数分布下降。研究发现,双极性脉冲的过零时间与脉冲宽度之间、起始半周期峰值幅度与过冲幅度之间均存在较好的线性关系。  相似文献   
"5.12"汶川大地震龙门山地区发育地震高位滑坡,通常发生在10~11度的极震区,这种灾害难预测,发生速度快,容易造成惨重的生命和财产损失。本文通过在龙池乡川主坪的实地调查,对典型地震抛射滑坡形成的抛射堆积体进行剖析,探究地震加速度受地形放大效应的影响效应及崩塌被抛射的运动程式。  相似文献   
The study deals spatial mapping of earthquake hazard parameters like annual and 100-years mode along with their 90% probability of not being exceeded (NBE) in the Hindukush–Pamir Himalaya and adjoining regions. For this purpose, we applied a straightforward and most robust method known as Gumbel’s third asymptotic distribution of extreme values (GIII). A homogeneous and complete earthquake catalogue during the period 1900–2010 with magnitude MW  4.0 is utilized to estimate these earthquake hazard parameters. An equal grid point mesh, of 1° longitude X 1° latitude, is chosen to produce detailed earthquake hazard maps. This performance allows analysis of the localized seismicity parameters and representation of their regional variations as contour maps. The estimated result of annual mode with 90% probability of NBE is expected to exceed the values of MW 6.0 in the Sulaiman–Kirthar ranges of Pakistan and northwestern part of the Nepal and surroundings in the examined region. The 100-years mode with 90% probability of NBE is expected to exceed the value of MW 8.0 in the Hindukush–Pamir Himalaya with Caucasus mountain belt, the Sulaiman–Kirthar ranges of Pakistan, northwestern part of the Nepal and surroundings, the Kangra–Himanchal Pradesh and Kashmir of India. The estimated high values of earthquake hazard parameters are mostly correlated with the main tectonic regimes of the examined region. The spatial variations of earthquake hazard parameters reveal that the examined region exhibits more complexity and has high crustal heterogeneity. The spatial maps provide a brief atlas of the earthquake hazard in the region.  相似文献   
金江军  潘懋  徐岳仁 《内陆地震》2007,21(2):135-141
从危险性评价、易损性评价以及防灾减灾能力评价3个方面阐述了城市地震灾害风险评价内容.回顾了地震灾害风险评价研究进展,指出了现有评价方法的不足.提出了基于地震小区划的城市地震危险性评价方法、基于城市用地类型的城市地震易损性评价方法以及基于专家打分法的城市防震减灾能力评价方法.最后设计了城市地震灾害风险评价流程,并给出了城市地震灾害风险区划算法.  相似文献   
唐丽华  尹力峰 《内陆地震》2007,21(3):238-243
重点介绍了新疆巴楚—伽师6.8级地震极灾区琼库尔恰克乡政府所在地砖结构房屋的破坏情况。选择有代表性的建筑物,根据现场测绘、调查的资料,从建筑、结构及施工等方面参照相关国家标准分析震害原因,总结抗震经验,提出满足抗震设计一般规定和采取简单构造措施,即能保障砖结构房屋的抗震性能。  相似文献   
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