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区域性森林大火的真正成因   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
森林大火真正起因于地球排气中易燃还原性气体在腐殖层的临界积聚(气体体积分数大约为5%~6%)。现场气体(H2,CO)系统测量结果证实了这一点。测量结果显示,该林区腐殖层中H2、CO质量分数分别为(10~170)×10-6(本底值为0·5×10-6)和(2~60)×10-6(本底值为0·5×10-6),二者均远高于大气本底值数十到数百倍,而且未燃区的测值显然高于1998年燃区。  相似文献   
Geochronological database considered in the work and characterizing the Anabar collision system in the Northeast Siberian craton includes coordinated results of Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr dating of samples from crustal xenoliths in kimberlites, deep drill holes, and bedrock outcrops. As is inferred, collision developed in three stages dated at 2200–2100, 1940–1760, and 1710–1630 Ma. The age of 2000–1960 Ma is established for substratum of mafic rocks, which probably originated during the lower crust interaction with asthenosphere due to the local collapse of the collision prism. Comparison of Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr isochron dates shows that the system cooling from ≈700 to ≈300°C lasted approximately 300 m.y. with a substantial lag relative to collision metamorphism and granite formation. It is assumed that accretion of the Siberian craton resulted in formation of a giant collision mountainous structure of the Himalayan type that was eroded by 1.65 Ga ago, when accumulation of gently dipping Meso-to Neoproterozoic (Riphean) platform cover commenced.  相似文献   
白垩纪地球表层系统重大地质事件与温室气候变化研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目“白垩纪地球表层系统重大地质事件与温室气候变化”,将以白垩纪与碳循环相关的重大地质事件和温室气候变化的关系为主线,以大洋缺氧事件—富氧作用转变过程和机制研究为突破口,进行海陆相整合研究,重点追溯东特提斯洋和我国大陆地球表层系统重大地质事件的记录,探讨这些事件与碳循环、快速气候变化的正/负反馈机制。项目将充分利用中国大陆发育完好的白垩纪海相、陆相地层及古生物记录,通过松辽盆地白垩系科学钻探全岩芯取样和多学科综合研究的途径,着眼于厘定反映地质事件和气候变化的层位及标志和时间格架,解决高分辨率海、陆相沉积事件的精确对比,分析地层记录中气候标志和古生物类群的地理分布,集中研究陆地和海洋环境对同一事件的响应机制,重溯白垩纪地球表层系统重大地质事件过程及成因,探究陆相烃源岩大规模形成、陆地生物群更替与温室气候变化和碳循环之间的正/负反馈关系和机制等科学问题,为预测全球长时间尺度上的气候变化趋势提供科学依据。  相似文献   
李晓东  袁顺  王宝柱 《内陆地震》2008,22(4):348-354
通过对全疆大地电场仪器的架设和观测资料的分析,发现了很多我们需要注意的问题及排除干扰的方法,例如在架设过程中测线的接法,挖极坑的时候需要注意的事项,以及筛选电极时需要注意的问题,等等,如果这些问题不慎重解决,就直接影响到以后观测资料的好坏。另外,在观测中遇到一些干扰问题,如磁暴、雷电、附加电场等,分析了这些干扰出现的规律性。  相似文献   
Gyula Mentes   《Journal of Geodynamics》2008,45(4-5):169-177
In Hungary four extensometric observatories were established in the last two decades. The extensometers were installed primarily for observations of Earth tides. A 15-year continuous data series (1991–2005) was recorded at the Sopronbánfalva station and a 7-year record (1993–1999) was obtained at the Pécs station. The length of the measured continuous data series at the two other stations (Bakonya and Budapest) is only a few years. The long-term data records were also applied to the investigation of long-periodic deformations caused by recent tectonic movements. To get an insight into the present day tectonic processes on the margin of the Pannonian Basin, the measurement results of two additional stations (Vyhne in Slovakia and Beregovo in Ukraine) were also included into the investigations. The seasonal variations in the long data series due to temperature and air pressure effects were eliminated. The residual curve – after the correction of the seasonal effects and filtering the “high frequency” components (e.g. earthquakes, Earth tides, etc.) – contains the instrumental drift. It is impossible to determine this curve mathematically. It can be diminished by special instrumental solutions and by regular calibration of the instruments. This paper shows methods and possible solutions how the instrumental drift was investigated and eliminated in order to get the most reliable data for studying recent tectonic movements. The reliability of the extensometric measurements was tested by the tidal evaluation of the data series. The results of the observations show that the Pannonian Basin is under compressive stress. The strain rates measured by extensometers on the margin of the basin are about three orders of magnitude higher than the intra-plate strains obtained by GPS measurements. The reason for this large difference arises from the interaction between the plate boundary and intra-plate forces and from the different measurement techniques. Investigations showed that the rate of the tectonic movements varies, and depends on the local geographical and topographical conditions.  相似文献   

潮汐效应对沿海大范围、高精度的合成孔径雷达干涉测量(Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar, InSAR)技术地表形变监测的影响不可忽略. 潮汐效应中的固体潮(Solid Earth Tide, SET)位移和海洋潮汐负荷(Ocean Tide Loading, OTL)位移会在时间和空间域上对沿海大范围InSAR地表形变监测产生分米级的误差, 而且不同条带中地表潮汐形变时空差异性会对多条带InSAR影像拼接产生较大误差. 本文针对沿海地区多条带InSAR形变时序, 重点分析了潮汐效应在不同条带InSAR地表沉降监测中的影响, 并采用多种潮汐位移估计方法对多条带地表潮汐形变进行改正. 结果表明, 研究区域不同条带时序InSAR中地表潮汐形变具有较大的时空差异性, 其造成沿海地区相邻条带时序InSAR地表沉降速率差异能达到1~2 cm·a-1; 通过固体潮模型、海潮负荷模型或GPS参考站网海潮位移改正, 能够消除不同条带中地表潮汐形变时空差异性对时序InSAR形变结果拼接产生的空间高阶非线性误差, 弥补了传统拼接方法在拟合潮汐位移偏差的不足. 在大气延迟误差改正的基础上, 时序InSAR形变残差的标准差(Standard Deviation, STD)由潮汐改正前的2.3 cm减少至0.75 cm; 本文研究揭示了沿海地表潮汐形变改正对多条带时序InSAR形变结果拼接的重要性, 可大幅提高沿海地区广域时序InSAR地表形变监测的精度.

介绍了辽宁数字台网运行的脉动异常跟踪系统(RTTS),叙述了这个系统在2004年12月26日08时58分55.2秒印尼苏门答腊西北近海(北纬3.9,东经95.9)8.7级地震前,营口、锦州台地脉动波形的幅度和周期明显异常的情况。并展现了利用RTTS系统进行地脉动研究的前景。  相似文献   
汶川8.0级地震前的地电阻率异常分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用四川及邻近地区的地电阻率观测,分析了汶川8.0级地震前的地电阻率异常现象.结果表明,这次汶川8.0级地震前,距离震中最近的郫县观测台地电阻率在单测向下降幅度达到7.2%,下降持续时间在2年左右,震前5个月异常转折,地震发生在地电阻率恢复上升阶段.另外,沿南北地震带多个台站在地震前2个月内出现阶变,变化幅度最大超过10%.地电阻率异常的方向性及台站空间分布特征反映了异常信息与构造走向及地震孕育机制之间的密切关系.  相似文献   
结合阿克苏台周边5级以上中强地震和100 km范围内的4级地震,对阿克苏台跨断层形变资料进行分析.分析结果表明,断层的垂直、水平位移形变异常变化与中强地震活动有明显的对应关系.在监控区350 km范围内的中强地震前,垂直形变异常形态表现为次波效应,而水平形变在100 km范围内的4级地震前则出现明显的伸长或缩短的异常特征.  相似文献   
刘建中 《地震研究》1993,16(3):281-290
本文从弹性力学、断裂力学的基本理论出发,结合室内实验和野外观测结果研究了尺度、缝长对水压致裂应力测量结果的影响规律。研究结果表明,室内实验样品的孔径比不应大于四分之一,最好小于十分之一,较大的绝对尺度可以使实验结果变得稳定。野外实际测量除了满足上述要求外,裂缝单翼长度不应小于十倍的钻孔半径,否则测不到可靠的封闭压力。据此,进行大尺度水压致裂室内模拟实验对于提高压裂技术,完善水压致裂应力测量理论是非常必要的。  相似文献   
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