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The Family Afrograptidae is a ‘conchostracan’ group with multiple radial costae reaching to the umbo on their carapaces. It comprises four described genera: Afrograpta, Camerunograpta, Congestheriella and Graptoestheriella with a total of thirteen described species which are occasionally reported from the Jurassic and the Cretaceous in Africa, Europe and South America (i.e. Afrograpta from the Upper Cretaceous of Cameroon; Camerunograpta from the Jurassic to Cretaceous of Cameroon; Congestheriella from the Jurassic to Upper Cretaceous of the Congo Basin, Brazil, Bulgaria, Venezuela and Argentina; and Graptoestheriella from the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous of Brazil). A new genus and a new species, Surreyestheria ockleyensis gen. et sp. nov., belonging to the Family Afrograptidae from the Lower Cretaceous (lower Barremian) Upper Weald Clay Formation of Ockley Village, Surrey County, southern England is described in this paper. The new genus mainly differs from the other four genera by the special reticulate ornamentation on its carapace. It indicates that the Family Afrograptidae was more diverse and more widely distributed in the late Mesozoic than previously supposed. Afrograptidae is a special branch of Estheriellina the latter originating in the late Palaeozoic and the former in the early Mesozoic. Afrograptids, as a whole had been widespread across Pangea in the Early Jurassic.  相似文献   
We describe a juvenile specimen of a titanosaurian sauropod dinosaur consisting of two dorsal and three caudal vertebral centra, an ilium fragment, and an ischium unearthed in 1991 from Site Km 153.5 at BR-050 highway in the Serra da Galga region, municipality of Uberaba, state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The outcrop at the site is assigned to the Serra da Galga Member of the Marília Formation (Bauru Basin: Bauru Group; Upper Cretaceous: Maastrichtian). Although the material is very incomplete, features such as strongly procoelous caudal centra suggest an affinity with the titanosaurian clade Lithostrotia. The extensive vertebral pneumaticity with deep pleurocoels and well-developed camerae supports the hypothesis that, in titanosaurs, the air sac system was already present and fully developed even at early ontogenetic stages.  相似文献   
The fossil dendrobranchiate shrimp Macropenaeus was originally described from the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) limestones of Hadjoula, northwest Lebanon. A new species, M. sidiaichensis sp. nov., was recovered from the Sidi Aïch Formation in the Northern Chotts Range, southern Tunisia. The Barremian occurrence of the genus in Tunisia suggests that Macropenaeus most likely originated in northern Africa and then migrated to Arabia in the Cenomanian. The association of the fossil shrimp with conchostracans, plant fragments, and fish indicates the interaction of freshwater and marine conditions that characterized the northern African margin as part of widespread coastal complex, paralic environments during the Barremian.  相似文献   
The Cerro del Pueblo Formation in the state of Coahuila, Mexico is becoming recognized worldwide due to its abundant and diverse fossil material. While most previous paleontological work from this rock unit has been directed towards taxonomic investigation, this study is directed towards the taphonomy of a “duck-billed” dinosaur (Ornithischia: Hadrosauridae). The hadrosaur skeleton is represented by several skull bones, vertebrae and ribs, a scapula, pubis, and various appendicular elements. The following taphonomic parameters were considered: (1) bone frequency; (2) hydraulic equivalence; (3) degree of bone articulation; (4) abrasion; (5) weathering; (6) breakage; (7) tooth marks; and (8) trampling activities. The low degree of weathering and abrasion suggests that the specimen experienced a short time of subaerial exposure and underwent a short transportation distance before deposition. Burial occurred within a perimarine lagoonal environment. Furthermore, the lack of hydraulic equivalence with the rock matrix, a high degree of disarticulation and a chaotic distribution of the bones in the fossiliferous bed, suggest that it was transported as a “bloated carcass”. The finding of distinct types of tooth marks evidence some sort of predator/scavenging activities on the specimen. Finally, an almost vertical orientation of various bones and the presence of spiral fractures may indicate that these elements were trampled by other animals.  相似文献   
A new Upper Cretaceous genus and species of soldier beetles, Archaeomalthodes rosetta gen. et sp. nov., is described and illustrated from an individual preserved in Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian, ca. 99 Ma) amber from northern Myanmar. It is undoubtedly placed in extant subfamily Malthininae based on its small-sized body, somewhat abbreviated elytra and fusiform terminal maxillary palpomere, representing the oldest documented occurrence of Malthininae. It suggests that this subfamily is an ancient group, which originated at least in the earliest Late Cretaceous. Our discovery sheds light on the palaeodiversity of Cantharidae in the Late Mesozoic. Together with other previously reported fossil cantharids, it is likely that Malthininae has been fairly diverse during the early evolution of Cantharidae. On the other hand, a morphological similarity between Archaeomalthodes and Recent malthinines and the occurrence of flowering plants in the Burmese amber implies a potential flower-visiting behaviour of this fossil species.  相似文献   
A new fossil soldier beetle Myamalycocerus vitalii gen. et sp. nov., is described and illustrated from an inclusion in Upper Cretaceous Burmese amber (Myanmar). It differs from all extant genera that have elytra adorned with small striae by possessing raised punctation, very probably an ancient character as it is absent among current species. It differs from the fossil Ornatomalthinus Poinar et Fanti, by the long elytra and relief points which are less raised and more numerous. This new genus appears vaguely related (not necessarily phylogenetically) to the current genus Lycocerus Gorham.  相似文献   
Multituberculates (Allotheria) are generally regarded as the evolutionarily most successful and longest-lived (Middle Jurassic to late Eocene) clade of Mesozoic and early Paleogene mammals. Despite this “reputation” and the fact that the group is particularly well represented in both taxonomic diversity and relative abundance on Laurasian landmasses during the Cretaceous and Paleocene, multituberculates are exceedingly poorly represented on the southern supercontinent Gondwana. Previous records on Gondwanan landmasses have been based on fragmentary dental remains and all except the three most recently published (each represented by a single isolated tooth or fragment of tooth) have been disputed and allocated to either Haramiyida or Gondwanatheria. Furthermore, several previous records, disputed or not, are based on fragmentary dental remains of a type (plagiaulacoid) that has evolved independently several times in mammalian evolution.Here we place on record a multituberculate femur from the Upper Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) Maevarano Formation of the Mahajanga Basin, Madagascar. This specimen, although fragmentary as well, exhibits a number of features common to all multituberculate femora: neck cylindrical in cross section and set apart from shaft; greater trochanter prominent, extending proximally beyond head, inclined dorsally, and separated from neck by deep incisure; lesser trochanter prominent and protruding ventrally; posttrochanteric fossa present on ventral aspect, lateral to lesser trochanter; subtrochanteric tubercle present on dorsal aspect, distal to incisure between greater trochanter and neck; diaphysis straight, elliptical in cross section (slightly compressed dorsoventrally); and third trochanter absent. Three of these features (prominent, ventrally placed lesser trochanter; presence of posttrochanteric fossa; presence of subtrochanteric tubercle) are regarded as autapomorphies of Multituberculata. This specimen therefore not only independently and conclusively confirms the presence of the clade on Madagascar—previously based on a small molar fragment—but on the entire supercontinent as well.  相似文献   
The Upper Cretaceous succession outcropping in the Anamas–Akseki Autochton, consists of approximately 500 m thick purely platform carbonate sediments. It begins with Cenomanian limestones intercalated with limestone breccias (Unit-1) containing mainly Pseudorhapydionina dubia, Pseudonummoloculina heimi, Spiroloculina cretacea (Assemblage I) and unconformably overlies the Lower Cretaceous (Barremian–Aptian) limestones with Vercorsella laurentii, Praechrysalidina infracretacea and Salpingoporella hasi. The Cenomanian limestones include foraminiferal packstone–wackestone, peloidal packstone–wackestone and mudstone microfacies deposited in restricted platform conditions. The Cenomanian succession is truncated by an unconformity characterised by locale bauxite deposits. Immediately above the unconformable surface, dolomitic limestones and rudistid limestones (Unit-2) are assigned to the upper Campanian based on the benthic foraminiferal assemblage (Assemblage II) comprising mainly Murciella gr. cuvillieri, Pseudocyclammina sphaeroidea, Accordiella conica, Scandonea samnitica and Fleuryana adriatica (smaller-sized populations). The upper Campanian limestones composed of dominantly foraminiferal-microbial packstone–wackestone microfacies deposited in shallow water environment with low energy, restricted circulation. The following limestones of the Unit-2 is characterised by sporadic intercalation of “open shelf” Orbitoides, Omphalocyclus, Siderolites assemblage (Assemblage III), assigned to the Maastrichtian, in addition to pre-existing “restricted platform” species. In the upper part of this biozone, the Rhapydionina liburnica/Fleuryana adriatica concurrent range subzone (Assemblage IIIb) is distinguished by the presence of Valvulina aff. triangularis, Loftusia minor as well as the nominal species. The Maastrichtian limestones with sporadically open marine influence consist of bioclastic (rudist-bearing) packstone–floatstone, foraminiferal packstone–wackestone with rudist fragments and peloidal/intraclastic packstone–wackestone microfacies deposited in shallow subtidal–subtidal (lagoonal) environments. The Upper Cretaceous succession passes upwardly into 70 m thick limestones and clayey limestones (Unit-3) which do not contain rudists and pre-existing foraminiferal assemblage with one exception Valvulina aff. triangularis. Variable amounts of ostracoda, discorbids, miliolids, dasycladacean algae and Stomatorbina sp. (Assemblage IV) occur into mud-rich microfacies suggesting restricted conditions with low water energy. A probable Danian age is proposed for the Unit-3 based on the occurrence of Valvulina aff. triangularis and Stomatorbina sp. which were previously recorded from Danian of peri-Tethyan platforms.  相似文献   
The long bone histology of a Late Cretaceous eusuchian crocodyliform from the Iberian Peninsula reveals clear variations in the cortical structure which reflects changes in the speed of bone deposition (i.e., skeletal growth) related to ontogeny. The presence of secondary woven-fibred bone tissue in the perimedullar region of the cortex, and the existence of an external fundamental system in the most external periostic cortex, which is a proxy for somatic maturity and effective cessation of growth, challenges the former idea that the growth strategy of extinct crocodylians fit in the typical ectotherm condition, according to which these animals grew slowly during life under an indeterminate growth strategy. The analysed specimen lived for a minimum of 16 years and the highest preserved apposition rates took place in an advanced ontogenetic stage. The study suggests that the general aspects of the modern crocodylian growth strategy were already in place in some lineages by the Cretaceous.  相似文献   
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