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 The renewable and controlled-release fertilization system investigated here uses NH4 +-exchanged phillipsite tuff, from Jordan, to help in the dissolution of phosphate rock. Accordingly, controlled and renewable soluble nitrogen, phosphate and Ca are released as nutrients for plants. NH4 + phillipsite can sequester Ca ions released by the dissolution of phosphate rock, therefore, leading to further phosphate rock dissolution. In this study the results show that the amount of phosphate released is more than that released by phosphate rock alone. This method offers an alternative to the use of highly soluble fertilizers and may avoid environmental problems associated with their extensive use in agriculture. Received: 22 May 1997 · Accepted: 12 August 1997  相似文献   
基于IEC-4G冰期后地壳反弹模型,和地球上Laurentia,Fennoscandia,Antarctica,andGreenland四大冰盖最近21000年以来的冰融参数,计算了对地球最大主转动惯量的影响△I33,并进而由现代空间测地技术观测资料分析得到的地球自转非潮汐加速项为约束,估计了地球平均下地幔(670km以下)粘性vLM为(0.9~2.5)·1022Pas,这个结果表明了vLM应具有1022Pas量级.  相似文献   
利用NMC的200hPa和850hPa风场资料研究了北半球夏季遥相关和东亚夏季风异常环流在准4年时间尺度上的相互关系。研究发现当北半球夏季出现积雪强迫型遥相关时,东亚-西太平洋地区既存在异常纬向环流,也存在异常经向环流;而当出现东亚太平洋型遥相关时,东亚-西太平洋地区以异常纬向环流为主。分析还发现源于北太平洋的异常涡旋在向南传播的过程中,先取西南路径,在到达菲律宾东部以后折向东南。  相似文献   
Carbon isotopes (δ13C) and C/N ratios from bulk organic matter have recently been used as alternative proxies for relative sea‐level (RSL) reconstruction where there are problems associated with conventional biological indictors. A previous study on a single isolation basin (Upper Loch nan Eala) in northwest Scotland has shown a clear relationship between δ13C, C/N ratios and palaeosalinity from Younger Dryas and Holocene aged sediments. In this paper we present results of δ13C and C/N ratio analyses from other isolation basins in northwest Scotland over the Holocene and the Lateglacial period in order to validate this technique. The results from the Holocene sequences support the earlier findings that this technique can be used to identify RSL change from isolation basins over the Holocene in this region. The relationship between δ13C, C/N ratios and RSL change is not apparent in sediments of Lateglacial age. Other environmental variables such as atmospheric CO2 concentration, poor vegetation development and temperature influence δ13C values during this period. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
GAIM电离层同化方法进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电离层是复杂的空间层结,其变化受太阳活动强度、地球磁场等因素影响。随着空间技术发展的需求,电离层天气变化成为目前空间天气预报最重要的内容之一。最近10年,人们利用卫星在电离层观测方面取得了重大进展,尤其引人注意的是:无线电掩星观测技术正走向应用的新阶段,加上已经建立的全球大量的地基GPS观测网,它们不仅为电离层动力学模式研究提供了丰富的电离层资料,而且为电离层预报提供了很好基础。因此,电离层天气预报成为当前重要的、前瞻性的研究方向,电离层资料同化是电离层预报最重要的研究内容之一。该文系统介绍这方面国际动态,重点是美国的USC/JPL和犹他州大学开展全球电离层同化模型研究、全球电离层同化研究的进展,以及在电离层天气预报中应用的初步成果。  相似文献   
为研究石家庄秋季对流层内CH4垂直分布特征,2018年9月使用“空中国王350”飞机搭载Picarro温室气体在线观测仪和气象要素观测设备,对石家庄上空(600—5500 m)CH4浓度进行探测。探测期间共飞行7架次,取得7条CH4浓度廓线数据。结果表明: 石家庄上空近地面层(1000 m以下)CH4平均浓度与同时间段区域背景站上甸子站CH4浓度呈显著正相关(r=0.81,P < 0.03)。探测到的CH4浓度最小值为1898×10-9摩尔分数,最大值为2219×10-9摩尔分数,平均浓度为1981×10-9摩尔分数。观测得到的7条廓线均有较好的一致性,2000 m以上,浓度均随高度呈先增大后减小的趋势。利用后向轨迹模式(HYSPLIT)对探测时段内石家庄上空不同高度层主要气流传输路径进行统计分析表明,600 m高度输送路径较短,CH4浓度受本地排放影响较大; 3000 m受输送作用影响较大,偏西和西南路径可能将较高CH4浓度气团输送至石家庄上空; 5000 m气团传输对CH4浓度影响较小,浓度相对较稳定,对传输路径的变化不敏感。  相似文献   
添加剂对KAlSi_3O_8-CaSO_4-CaCO_3体系反应表观活化能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
首先测定了KAlSi3O8-CaSO4-CaCO3体系在不同焙烧条件下钾长石转化成可溶性氧化钾的转化率,进而通过模拟计算表明:KAlSi3O8-CaSO4-CaCO3体系的固相扩散动力学过程符合金斯特林格动力学方程,反应表观活化能Ea为128.92kJ/mol。并着重考察了4种添加剂Na2SO4、Na2SO3、NaCl和NaF对KAlSi3O8-CaSO4-CaCO3体系的影响,结果表明:向体系中分别加入占反应物总质量3%的Na2SO4、Na2SO3、NaCl和1%的NaF后,体系的反应表观活化能Ea从原来的128.92kJ/mol依次下降至87.15、98.71、117.38和126.14kJ/mol,这表明4种添加剂中Na2SO4的效果最好,它能较大程度上降低反应表观活化能,从而降低反应温度和提高固相反应速率。  相似文献   
The laminated limestones of the Early Cretaceous Crato Formation of the Araripe Basin (North‐eastern Brazil) are world‐famous for their exceptionally well‐preserved and taxonomically diverse fossil fauna and flora. Whereas the fossil biota has received considerable attention, only a few studies have focused on the sedimentary characteristics and palaeoenvironmental conditions which prevailed during formation of the Crato Fossil Lagerstätte. The Nova Olinda Member represents the lowermost and thickest unit (up to 10 m) of the Crato Formation and is characterized by a pronounced rhythmically bedded, pale to dark lamination. To obtain information on palaeoenvironmental conditions, sample slabs derived from three local stratigraphic sections within the Araripe Basin were studied using high‐resolution multiproxy techniques including detailed logging, petrography, μ‐XRF scanning and stable isotope geochemistry. Integration of lithological and petrographic evidence indicates that the bulk of the Nova Olinda limestone formed via authigenic precipitation of calcite from within the upper water column, most probably induced and/or mediated by phytoplankton and picoplankton activity. A significant contribution from a benthonic, carbonate‐secreting microbial mat community is not supported by these results. Deposition took place under anoxic and, at least during certain episodes, hypersaline bottom water conditions, as evidenced by the virtually undisturbed lamination pattern, the absence of a benthonic fauna and by the occurrence of halite pseudomorphs. Input of allochthonous, catchment‐derived siliciclastics to the basin during times of laminite formation was strongly reduced. The δ18O values of authigenic carbonate precipitates (between ?7·1 and ?5·1‰) point to a 18O‐poor meteoric water source and support a continental freshwater setting for the Nova Olinda Member. The δ13C values, which are comparatively rich in 13C (between ?0·1 and +1·9‰), are interpreted to reflect reduced throughflow of water in a restricted basin, promoting equilibration with atmospheric CO2, probably in concert with stagnant conditions and low input of soil‐derived carbon. Integration of lithological and isotopic evidence indicates a shift from closed to semi‐closed conditions towards a more open lake system during the onset of laminite deposition in the Crato Formation.  相似文献   
The Laverton region, located in the eastern Yilgarn Craton (EYC) Western Australia, is second only to the Kalgoorlie region for gold endowment. The integration of high-density, potential-field data, regional- and camp-scale seismic reflection data, regional- and mine-scale structural analysis, and geochronologically-constrained stratigraphy, provided new insights into the 4D architecture and tectonic evolution of Laverton region.  相似文献   
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