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Satya P. Ojha 《水文研究》2014,28(18):4829-4842
This study presents the analysis of the velocity fluctuations to describe the conditional statistics of Reynolds shear stress in flow over two‐dimensional dunes in the presence of surface waves of varying frequency. The flow velocity measurements over the dunes are made using a 16‐MHz 3D acoustic Doppler velocimeter. The joint probability distributions of the normalized stream‐wise and vertical velocity fluctuations at different vertical locations are calculated in the trough region of a selected dune in quasi‐steady region of the flow. Third‐order moments of the stream‐wise and vertical velocity components over one dune length are also calculated throughout the flow depth for understanding the effect of surface waves on relative contributions to the Reynolds shear stress due to the four quadrant events. The structure of instantaneous Reynolds stresses is analysed using quadrant analysis technique. It has been shown that the contributions of second and fourth quadrant events to the Reynolds shear stress increase with increase in the frequency of surface waves. In fact, the largest contribution to turbulent stresses comes from the second quadrant. The cumulant discard method is applied to describe the statistical properties of the covariance term uw′. Conditional statistics and conditional sampling are used to compare the experimental and theoretical relative contributions to the Reynolds shear stress from the four quadrant events. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study investigates the possible correspondence between catchment structure, as represented by perceptual hydrological models developed from fieldwork investigations, and mathematical model structures, selected on the basis of reproducing observed catchment hydrographs. Three Luxembourgish headwater catchments are considered, where previous fieldwork suggested distinct flow‐generating mechanisms and hydrological dynamics. A set of lumped conceptual model structures are hypothesized and implemented using the SUPERFLEX framework. Following parameter calibration, the model performance is examined in terms of predictive accuracy, quantification of uncertainty, and the ability to reproduce the flow–duration curve signature. Our key research question is whether differences in the performance of the conceptual model structures can be interpreted based on the dominant catchment processes suggested from fieldwork investigations. For example, we propose that the permeable bedrock and the presence of multiple aquifers in the Huewelerbach catchment may explain the superior performance of model structures with storage elements connected in parallel. Conversely, model structures with serial connections perform better in the Weierbach and Wollefsbach catchments, which are characterized by impermeable bedrock and dominated by lateral flow. The presence of threshold dynamics in the Weierbach and Wollefsbach catchments may favour nonlinear models, while the smoother dynamics of the larger Huewelerbach catchment were suitably reproduced by linear models. It is also shown how hydrologically distinct processes can be effectively described by the same mathematical model components. Major research questions are reviewed, including the correspondence between hydrological processes at different levels of scale and how best to synthesize the experimentalist's and modeller's perspectives. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
城市职能是城市定位、制定发展战略的重要依据,城市职能具有阶段性、等级性、地域性等特征,论文通过对不同学者的相关研究成果进行归纳总结,以期把握城市职能特征及其形成机理的普遍性规律。结果表明:① 不同城市发展阶段的职能特征表现为城市主导职能不断更替,农业社会阶段主要是政治和商业职能,工业社会阶段主要是制造业、商贸和物流职能,后工业化阶段是服务业职能且以生产性服务业职能为主。② 不同城市规模等级的职能特征表现为城市等级越高,城市职能综合性越强,服务业职能越强。③ 不同空间层面城市职能特征表现为,全球层面,发达国家本土通过城市职能升级,全球产业转移,形成以服务业为主导职能,发展中国家通过承接制造业转移,加速工业化,形成工业职能为主导职能,服务业职能地位不断提升;全国层面,城市职能地带性差异较大,东部工业职能依然突出,西部矿业职能、科技职能、行政职能较明显;城市群层面,世界发育成熟的城市群,在区域中心城市与外围城市之间,以及外围城市之间已经形成紧密的联系和职能分工。中国的许多城市群在中心和外围城市之间也具有明确的职能分工,中心城市以服务业职能为主,但外围城市之间职能分工还不明确。④ 城市职能演变影响因素方面,自然条件、人口、交通、政府引导、区位等传统因素起基础作用,科技、全球化、信息化等新因素作用越来越大。城市职能演变还受区域分工、产业升级、产业转移、趋同发展等机制共同作用。⑤ 未来研究方面,研究时间上应补充完善长时间尺度和近期研究的城市职能研究,研究内容上应加深城市职能效应、城市职能演变机制和职能优化方面的研究,与国家战略进行融合;研究方法上除了统计分析,还可采用调研、问卷、访谈等方法进行补充。  相似文献   
湖南省传统农区乡村功能时空演变及影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
谭雪兰  蒋凌霄  安悦  余航菱  周舟  李印齐 《地理科学》2021,41(12):2168-2178
乡村是城市功能扩散与转移的重要承接地,乡村功能的时空演变及影响因素分析对实现城乡统筹发展与可持续发展具有重要意义。综合运用熵值法、冷热点分析和地理探测器等方法,以湖南省102个县市为研究对象,对湖南省乡村功能的时空演变、空间分异及其影响因素进行研究。结果表明:① 1997―2017年县域乡村生产和生活功能整体上呈现出上升的发展态势,而乡村生态功能整体上呈减弱的趋势。② 1997―2017年湖南省乡村功能热点区由长株潭地区向外扩张,而冷点区呈先收缩后扩张的发展态势;20 a间,在长株潭地区形成稳定的热点区,在湘西地区形成稳定的冷点区。③ 湖南省乡村功能空间分异是农业现代化、乡村就业主体、县域经济基础、城镇化、工业化等综合作用的结果,其影响力大小与方向存在显著的差异性,其中农业现代化水平、乡村就业主体对湖南省及5个地区乡村功能空间分异有重要的驱动作用。  相似文献   
基于动力学方法比较分析了双精度与四精度模式下重力场模型的解算精度,主要包括缔合勒让德函数计算、数值积分器及重力场反演结果。结果显示,在勒让德函数计算方面,部分角度在双精度模式下计算至1 900阶以后会出现溢出问题,而在四精度模式下任何角度都满足精度要求,并且计算结果比双精度模式高8个量级。数值积分器Adams预测校正法积分1 d的位置和速度误差,在四精度模式下比在双精度模式下高4个量级。在精密轨道反演重力场计算方面,动力学方法在双精度及四精度模式下反演结果一致,统计其计算至60阶的累计大地水准面误差为1.29×10~(-5 )m,这是因为动力学方法的线性误差相对计算误差而言是主要误差;非线性动力学方法在四精度模式下比在双精度模式下高7个量级,其大地水准面误差分别为8.92×10~(-15) m和8.16×10~(-8) m。  相似文献   
提出一种综合的多面函数参数自适应选取方法。该方法利用核函数阶数和平滑因子存在最优值以及核函数结点分布应符合高程异常变化趋势的特点,综合利用正交化算法选取核函数结点以及二维粒子群算法确定最佳阶数和平滑因子,实现多面函数参数的完全自适应选取。将该方法应用于地形起伏差异不同的2个测区,结果表明,相比传统经验性方法和部分参数自适应方法,该方法用于GPS高程拟合的精度和可靠性更高。  相似文献   
基于2002~2017年三维大气再分析模型、水文模式及GRACE卫星重力数据,采用负荷格林函数和卫星重力反演方法分析青藏高原大尺度地表流体的重力效应特征。结果表明,青藏高原地区大气扣除季节项前后的重力效应峰对峰变化介于1.9~10.7 μGal和1.1~4.6 μGal,其负荷效应呈现出显著的季节性特征;土壤水和积雪扣除季节项前后的重力效应峰对峰变化介于0.9~9.9 μGal和0.7~8.3 μGal,其负荷效应呈现出显著的季节性和年际变化特征;GRACE时变重力场扣除季节项前后的重力变化峰对峰变化介于4.4~24.1 μGal和3.4~18.3 μGal,考虑观测误差、构造运动和信号泄漏误差的影响,其显著的季节性和年际变化反映了多种地表流体的综合影响。  相似文献   
国家测绘地理信息局在2007年开展了信息化测绘体系研究,测绘地理信息领域的信息化获得长足进步。信息化测绘时代的到来,对测绘生产管理提出了更高的要求。本文设计了以测绘生产管理为核心内容的信息系统,经过近三年时间的应用,其管理功能模块能够满足测绘生产信息化管理需要。  相似文献   
The rapid increase in human population has increased the groundwater resources demand for drinking, agricultural and industrial purposes. The main purpose of this study is to produce groundwater potential map (GPM) using weights-of-evidence (WOE) and evidential belief function (EBF) models based on geographic information system in the Azna Plain, Lorestan Province, Iran. A total number of 370 groundwater wells with discharge more than 10 m3s?1were considered and out of them, 256 (70%) were randomly selected for training purpose, while the remaining114 (30%) were used for validating the model. In next step, the effective factors on the groundwater potential such as altitude, slope aspect, slope angle, curvature, distance from rivers, drainage density, topographic wetness index, fault distance, fault density, lithology and land use were derived from the spatial geodatabases. Subsequently, the GPM was produced using WOE and EBF models. Finally, the validation of the GPMs was carried out using areas under the ROC curve (AUC). Results showed that the GPM prepared using WOE model has the success rate of 73.62%. Similarly, the AUC plot showed 76.21% prediction accuracy for the EBF model which means both the models performed fairly good predication accuracy. The GPMs are useful sources for planners and engineers in water resource management, land use planning and hazard mitigation purpose.  相似文献   
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