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The measurement of stream channels in basins less than 3 km2 shows compound relations between width and area. Break points in the relations may be attributed to the changing contribution of rapid storm flow and to the effect of bed material size.  相似文献   
在地震的影响下,泥石流暴发所需的临界降雨条件降低.通过现场调查分析,首先得出小岗剑沟泥石流沟床起动的形成机理及其“地震-滑坡-碎屑堆积-降雨-泥石流”的形成特征,然后在建立了泥石流发生的临界雨量模式基础上,以小岗剑沟泥石流临界雨量为研究对象,采用将其地震前后临界雨量相比较的方法,得到了临界雨量的变化特征,并探索变化的原因.小岗剑沟2010年暴发泥石流的临界雨量约为地震前的21%,2011年暴发泥石流的临界雨量约为地震前的23%,地震后临界雨量大幅度下降.但随着泥石流活动的不断发生,临界雨量有逐渐恢复的趋势.  相似文献   
The Cotswold Hills, southwest UK, are properly described as a cuesta, with a steep, west-facing scarp slope and a plateau-like dip slope. Drainage reflects this surface morphology, with most rivers flowing southeast along topographic and stratigraphic dip. Here, we compare two superficially highly similar rivers – the Frome and Churn – whose sources are nearly coincident, but whose behaviour dramatically diverges thereafter. We examine longitudinal profiles, channel steepness, predicted discharge, and valley shapes, using digital topographic data. River discharge and water hardness/temperature values were obtained at seven sites on the Churn and nine on the Frome over a two-year sampling campaign, delineated into summer and winter phases. Nearly 100 borehole records were interrogated from the two catchments in order to assess groundwater level variations. The Frome, flowing west against regional dips, develops a steep course and has carved a deep and wide valley that exposes the full sequence of Cotswold Jurassic stratigraphy. On the other hand, discharge and channel gradients are lower for the dip-slope Churn, whose valley exposes less stratigraphy and fewer springs. Our measurements of river water hardness and temperature suggest that a greater proportion of groundwater flows into the Frome, regulating discharge and maintaining baseflow over summer. We suggest that flank uplift of the Cotswolds is at least part of the reason for the higher incision rates of the River Frome, leading to its intersecting a greater number of highly transmissive fractures that contribute to its discharge. In turn, the increased discharge could positively impact local incision rates.  相似文献   
A track across a burnt grass swale was used intensively on the Jabiluka Mineral Lease (located adjacent to Kakadu National Park in the seasonally wet tropics of the Northern Territory, Australia) for a short time period during the 1998 dry season. Repeated vehicle passes over the burnt grass increased soil bulk density and locally disrupted the root and algal mat, lowering the critical shear stress for sediment transport. Overland flow during the next wet season was above average and eroded eleven discontinuous, flow‐aligned scour holes in the wheel ruts where the track crossed grassed sandy swales. Although the site was burnt again during the next dry season, the scour holes did not coalesce during the second wet season, which was wetter than the previous one, because infrequent traffic bypassed the eroded section allowing grass to re‐establish. Scour holes on vehicle tracks in the Kakadu region are an intermediate but reversible stage in the development of gullies in grassed swales. Treatment of scour holes by soil conservation works may prevent gully formation.  相似文献   
Peak rainfalls and peak runoff rates per unit area are comparable over a worldwide spectrum of climates. However, while the magnitude of the external contribution of energy or force in diverse regions is similar, the impact on the landscape varies markedly between regions. Absolute magnitudes of climatic events and absolute time intervals between such events do not provide satisfactory measures of the geomorphic effectiveness of events of different magnitudes and recurrence intervals. Although geomorphic processes are driven by complex sets of interrelated climatic, topographic, lithologic, and biologic factors, the work done by individual extreme events can be scaled as a ratio to mean annual erosion and the effectiveness of such events in forming landscape features can be related to the rate of recovery of channel form or mass wasting scars following alteration by the extreme event. Thus, a time scale for effectiveness may relate the recurrence interval of an event to the time required for a landform to recover the form existing prior to the event. River channels in temperate regions widened by floods of recurrence intervals from 50 to more than 200 years may regain their original width in matters of months or years. In semi-arid regions, recovery of channel form depends not only upon flows but upon climatic determinants of the growth of bottomland vegetation resulting in variable rates of recovery, on the order of decades, depending upon coincidence of average flows and strengthened vegetation. In truly arid regions the absence of vegetation and flow precludes recovery and the width of channels increases in drainage areas up to 100 km2 but remains relatively constant at larger drainage areas. Area as well as time controls the effectiveness of specific events inasmuch as the likelihood of simultaneous peak discharges or rainfalls and large areas is less, particularly in arid regions where events spanning areas of more than several thousand km2 are extremely rare if experienced at all. To some extent a decrease in area in a humid region is comparable with a regional change from humid toward more arid climate reflected in the increase in importance of episodic as contrasted with more continuous processes. Exceedingly rare floods of extreme magnitudes, estimated recurrence intervals of 500 years or longer, may exceed thresholds of competence otherwise unattainable in the ‘normal’ record resulting in ‘irreparable’ transformations of valley landforms. Denudation of hillslopes by mass wasting during relatively rare events can also be related to mean rates of denudation and to recovery of hillslope surfaces after scarring by different kinds of landslides. Measured recovery times described in the literature vary from less than a decade for some tropical regions to decades or more in temperate regions. Recurrence intervals of high magnitude storms which trigger mass wasting range from 1 to 2 years in some tropical areas, to 3 or 4 per hundred years in some areas of seasonal rainfall and to 100 or more years in some temperate regions. The effectiveness of climatic events on both hillslopes and rivers is not separable from gradient, lithology or other variables which control both thresholds of activity and recovery rate.  相似文献   
强震区泥石流启动机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地震区的泥石流物源主要来源于滑坡、崩塌等松散体,具有结构疏松,密实度低,堆积时间短等特点,与非地震环境中的滑坡、崩塌堆积体的结构有所不同,堆积体的物理力学性质发生了改变,堆积体转换为泥石流所需的外界条件也相应的改变。以汶川地震区都江堰市龙池镇典型泥石流灾害为例,分析了地震滑坡、崩塌松散体的堆积形态和堆积体的应力环境。从静力学和动力学角度分析堆积体在强降雨条件下的起动特征,探讨了降雨作用形成的地表径流水深与堆积体失稳时的应力极限状态的关系。分析得出沟道岸坡滑坡堆积体发生侵蚀时的地表径流力为F=(τ1f-f1sinα)/cos(α-26.65),并建立径流水深与地表径流力的关系:H=F/4ρsgJ。分析在动量守恒条件下,堆积体单位时间内的侵蚀体积dV=dM/γs模型。为了进一步探讨在实际现场的应用,以汶川地震区都江堰市的水打沟泥石流为例,分析发生泥石流时的地表径流水深为0.011 m,其结论与实际调查结果基本一致。  相似文献   
The study investigated the processes involved in metolachlor transport in two artificially drained, structured soils in eastern France. Measured losses of bromide and metolachlor in drainage water were compared with results simulated by the mechanistic, stochastic AgriFlux model. Simulated drainage water volumes were generally similar to the measured volumes when the spatial variability of the soil water properties was taken into account. When such variability was disregarded, cumulative water volumes of the clay soil were over- or underestimated by more than 20%. Two types of adsorption were tested. For instantaneous, reversible adsorption, using the partition coefficient Koc, metolachlor losses were underestimated in the first drainage water volumes and overestimated for the total study period. The use of slow adsorption and desorption kinetics (ADK) produced an export pattern similar to the observed one. A sensitivity analysis indicated that the simulated results are very sensitive to the values of the ADK rates, especially for the silty loam soil. The effect of ADK on the attenuation of metolachlor exports was more significant than the effect of degradation (2.3 and 6.7 times higher for the clay and silty loam soils, respectively). For the same four-month period, the bromide and metolachlor losses (using ADK) in the clay soil were 2.1 and 1.3 times greater, respectively, if the macroporosity was set at 10% than if it was not simulated. Conversely, macroporosity did not significantly affect these losses in the silty loam. The main factors involved in the metolachlor transport in the studied soils were: (i) the macroporosity, especially in the clay soil because of the low hydraulic conductivity of the matrix and (ii) the sorption kinetics rates which varied according to the soil physico-chemical characteristics.  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONTheHaiheRiverBasinislocatedinNorthChinawithareaof262.6km2.Itisaquicklydevelopedareawithmanyimportantcitiesandindustrialhubs,includingBeding,Tianjin,Tangshan,Cangzhou,DezhouandHuanghua.Theareawatchedfastprogressesinurbanizationinthepastdecades,andhumanactivitieshaveresultedingreatinfluencesontheenvironment,riverhydrologyandsedimentbudget.Theareaisprojectedtobemoreprosperouswithmoreoilandgasfields,chemicalindustrybases,anddenserrailwaysandexpresshighwaysinthenextcent'Ury.T…  相似文献   
以国内某超稠油油藏为基础,应用二维物理模拟装置开展了蒸汽辅助重力泄油(SAGD)对比实验,研究了溶剂辅助SAGD技术对SAGD蒸汽腔发育特征、原油产量以及采收率的影响。研究结果表明,溶剂辅助SAGD中,溶剂以液相和气相共同存于油藏中,溶剂浓度越高,气相组分含量越高;溶剂中的气相组分在油藏中可以减少蒸汽在上覆岩层的热损失,提高蒸汽腔垂向扩展均匀性;合理溶剂浓度下,溶剂辅助SAGD可以显著提高峰值产量;低浓度溶剂辅助SAGD的单位原油产量的能耗明显低于纯蒸汽SAGD。实验结果表明,低浓度溶剂辅助SAGD对于开采超稠油油藏具有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   
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