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The H. J. Andrews Experimental Forest (HJA) encompasses the 6400 ha Lookout Creek watershed in western Oregon, USA. Hydrologic, chemistry and precipitation data have been collected, curated, and archived for up to 70 years. The HJA was established in 1948 to study the effects of harvest of old-growth conifer forest and logging-road construction on water quality, quantity and vegetation succession. Over time, research questions have expanded to include terrestrial and aquatic species, communities and ecosystem dynamics. There are nine small experimental watersheds and 10 gaging stations in the HJA, including both reference and experimentally treated watersheds. Gaged watershed areas range from 8.5 to 6242 ha. All gaging stations record stage height, water conductivity, water temperature and above-stream air temperature. At nine of the gage sites, flow-proportional water samples are collected and composited over 3-week intervals for chemical analysis. Analysis of stream and precipitation chemistry began in 1968. Analytes include dissolved and particulate species of nitrogen and phosphorus, dissolved organic carbon, pH, specific conductance, suspended sediment, alkalinity, and major cations and anions. Supporting climate measurements began in the 1950s in association with the first small watershed experiments. Over time, and following the initiation of the Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) grant in 1980, infrastructure expanded to include a set of benchmark and secondary meteorological stations located in clearings spanning the elevation range within the Lookout Creek watershed, as well as a large number of forest understory temperature stations. Extensive metadata on sensor configurations, changes in methods over time, sensor accuracy and precision, and data quality control flags are associated with the HJA data.  相似文献   
MODFLOW中两种模拟混合井流问题方法的耦合   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对于无(弱)水力联系的多含水层,混合井改变了含水层的结构,通过井筒将无(弱)水力联系的含水层联通。对于大区域井流问题数值模拟,MODFLOW中显式流量分配法和"High Kv in Wellblock"法的假设条件都很难得到满足,将两者耦合起来拓展其适用范围。采用质量守恒定理和Darcy定律计算井网格的平均等效渗透系数,结合显式流量分配法模拟混合井流问题。最后,通过两个典型算例来验证该方法的合理性,其中一个算例是非完整井穿透相邻的两个含水层,另一个算例是完整井穿透两个含水层,且中间有隔水层。将耦合法的计算结果与显式流量分配法对比,结果表明:只有在第一个例子中当水流达到稳定时,两种方法的计算结果几乎相同,且井网格的水头差很小;而其它情况两者的差别很明显,且采用流量分配法计算井网格的水头差大于耦合法计算井网格的水头差。根据Neville等的相关结论可知采用耦合法对于文中的两个例子都比较合理。  相似文献   
This paper asks how contending political leaders legitimize their authority in a competitive authoritarian regime. It contends that ‘legitimization through patronage’ is an important means of convincing the public of the rightfulness of a leader’s authority when ‘ideology-based normative legitimacy’ is declining and the formal electoral route is not available. Drawing on an understanding of legitimacy that accounts for leaders’ strategies and public receptions, the paper seeks to explore the moral norms and values on the basis of which followers evaluate leaders’ performance. Drawing on anthropological studies of patronage in South Asia not only helps to transcend an exclusively instrumental understanding of patronage by stressing its moral dimension but also complements comparative politics’ focus on the national level by studying the everyday processes through which political leaders’ legitimacy is locally constructed and contested in patronage relations. Evidence from Darjeeling in northern West Bengal/India (where the State’s preferential treatment of a regional party claiming leadership of a movement for regional autonomy has contributed to the establishment of a dominant party regime) highlights patronage’s potential as a legitimating strategy – but it also reveals its practical limits. While the establishment of resource monopolies over developmental funding helped leaders of the ruling party to “feed” their support networks and foster reputations as selfless “social workers”, differing bases for the evaluation of leaders, the growing expectations of followers, and dependence on external patronage resources limited the long-term success of patronage as a legitimating strategy. This, in turn, enabled the State to curtail demands for autonomy by controlling regional elite construction.  相似文献   
D. Markovic  M. Koch 《水文研究》2014,28(4):2202-2211
Long‐term variations and temporal scaling of mean monthly time series of river flow, precipitation, temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, duration of bright sunshine, degree of cloud cover, short wave radiation, wind speed and potential evaporation within or in vicinity of the German part of the Elbe River Basin are analyzed. Statistically significant correlations between the 2–15 year scale‐averaged wavelet spectra of the hydroclimatic variables and the North Atlantic Oscillation‐ and Arctic Oscillation index are found which suggests that such long‐term patterns in hydroclimatic time series are externally forced. The Hurst parameter estimates (H) based on the Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (DFA) indicate persistence for discharge, precipitation, wind speed, air pressure and the degree of cloud cover, all having an annual cycle and a broad low‐frequency distribution. Also, DFA H parameter estimates are higher for discharge than for precipitation. The major long‐term quasi‐periodic variability modes of precipitation detected using Singular Spectrum Analysis coincide with those detected in the discharge time series. Upon subtraction of these low‐frequency quasi‐periodic modes, the DFA H parameter estimates suggest absence of the persistence for both precipitation and discharge. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
黄河下游的河性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
尹学良  陈金荣 《地理学报》1992,47(3):193-207
本文探讨了黄河一般特性的综合关系,讨论了河道演变中均衡与非均衡的问题、滩槽冲淤的利与害和主与从的问题,同时讨论了河道冲淤演变特性、与水沙条件的关系、河槽淤积率和淤积比等。  相似文献   
深水钻井隔水管紧急脱离后的反冲响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深水钻井中,在恶劣海况或浮式平台定位失效等情况下,需紧急断开隔水管与水下防喷器的连接。隔水管突然脱离后会加速向上反冲,如果反冲作用控制不当,可能威胁钻井平台、隔水管体和水下井口的安全。介绍了国外隔水管紧急脱离与反冲响应的研究情况,分析了隔水管紧急脱离的原因与程序、脱离后的反冲过程、反冲控制方式和成功脱离标准、反冲响应的分析方法。建议:由于南海深水海况复杂,作业者需制定紧急脱离的预案和作业规程,并进行紧急脱离操作培训;由于隔水管紧急脱离后的反冲响应涉及多个非线性瞬态过程,研究者应该开展隔水管紧急脱离测试和反冲响应模拟计算,开发隔水管反冲响应分析软件。  相似文献   
岩质高边坡稳定性的分析评价涉及工程地质学、岩体力学、计算科学等多学科交汇的问题,是一较为复杂的系统工程问题。在系统分析岩质高边坡赋存的地质背景和环境条件的基础上,采用系统分析评价、综合集成的方法应是研究分析和解决该问题的有效和最佳方法。针对漳龙高速公路石崆山Ⅱ段岩质高边坡工程,在系统分析边坡工程地质特性的基础上,采用赤平极射投影法和有限单元(FEM)法等,进行综合评价和系统分析,获得的稳定性结论,已正常运营使用若干年,反映了系统分析,综合评价方法是成功和有效的。它表明,综合评价、系统分析应是岩质高边坡稳定性评价分析的重要途径;它的综合内容和集成方式及其完善与工程实用性,有待进一步深入的研究和工程实践的运用及其经验的积累。  相似文献   
1 mTRonvcnox: moareS Aun CoxcmSAJluvial rivers have the pOtenhal to adjust their shaPe and dimensions to all flows that tranSPOrtsediment, but Inglis (l94l) suggested that, for rivers that are in regime, a single steady flow could beidenhfied which would Produce the same bankfll dimensions as the natural sequence of events. Hereferrd to this now as the dondnan discharge.Wolman and Mller (l960) idenhfied that the flow doing most bed material transPort over a period ofyears may be taken tO…  相似文献   
根据宜昌站、汉口站和大通站的径流量数据,运用M-K检验和小波分析等方法,对1900年以来长江流域径流量的趋势和周期变化进行分析,探究径流量变化对厄尔尼诺?南方涛动(ENSO)和太平洋年代际振荡(PDO)的响应。结果表明:1900 年以来长江流域径流量呈显著的减少趋势,并具有2~8 a的年际周期变化和14~17 a的年代际周期变化。流域径流量与ENSO具有相同的2~8 a周期变化,在El Ni?o发生期,径流量较低,在La Ni?a发生期,径流量较高。14~17 a的周期变化与PDO相关,在暖位相期径流量偏少,在冷位相期径流量偏多。PDO影响着ENSO和径流量之间的相关性,在暖位相期,El Ni?o对径流量的影响增强,在冷位相期,La Ni?a对径流量的影响增强。因此,在分析和预测流域径流量长时间尺度上的变化时要综合考虑ENSO和PDO的影响。  相似文献   
1950~2000年黄河入海水沙的逐日变化及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对 195 0~ 2 0 0 0年的 5 1年黄河经利津水文站入海的逐日水沙实测资料进行统计分析 ,展示了黄河入海水沙的极端情况 ,如洪峰和沙峰等逐渐变少到消失的过程及逐日入海水沙量的变化规律 ,并对其影响因素进行了初步分析。结果显示 :在黄河年均入海水沙锐减的背景下 ,2 0世纪 90年代日均流量 <5 0 0m3 /s的天数增加到了是 2 0世纪 5 0年代的 3倍多 ;>2 0 0 0m3 /s的洪季流量由初期频发至 1997年消失 ;>40 0 0m3 /s的洪峰流量自 1989年以后消失 ;>60 0 0m3 /s的洪峰流量从 1986年就不再发生。 >5 0 0t/s的日均输沙率 (4 3 .2× 10 6t/d的沙峰 )都出现在 1989年以前 ;>70 0t/s的日均输沙率 (60 .5× 10 6t/d的沙峰 )出现在 1977年以前 ;含沙量 >80kg/m3 的历时和可能产生异重流的含沙量天数都逐步减少。进入 2 0世纪 90年代以来基本不存在大洪灾及由沙峰造成的河口河道快速堆积而使河流改道现象 ,引起这些变化的因素除降雨外主要为流域耗水量不断增加及大中型水库的建成运用等 ,黄河入海水沙的这种锐减及水沙峰的极端情况都会对河口演变和河口区的生态环境产生重要的影响。  相似文献   
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