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A photochemical box model is used to simulate seasonal variations in concentrations of sulfur compounds at latitude 40° S. It is assumed that the hydroxyl radical (OH) addition reaction to sulfur in the dimethyl sulfide (DMS) molecule is the predominant pathway for methanesulfonic acid (MSA) production, and that the rate constant increases as the air temperature decreases. Concentration of the nitrate radical (NO3) is a function of the DMS flux, because the reaction of DMS with NO3 is the most important loss mechanism of NO3. While the diurnally averaged concentration of OH in winter is a factor of about 8 smaller than in summer, due to the weak photolysis process, the diurnally averaged concentration of NO3 in winter is a factor of about 4–5 larger than in summer, due to the decrease of DMS flux. Therefore, at middle and high latitudes in winter, atmospheric DMS is mainly oxidized by the reaction with NO3. The calculated ratio of the MSA to SO2 production rates is smaller in winter than in summer, and the MSA to non-sea-salt sulfate (nssSO4 2-) molar ratio varies seasonally. This result agrees with data on the seasonal variation of the MSA/nssSO4 2- molar ratio obtained at middle and high latitudes. The calculations indicate that during winter the reaction of DMS with NO3 is likely to be a more important sink of NOx (NO+NO2) than the reaction of NO2 with OH, and to serve as a significant pathway of the HNO3 production. If dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is produced through the OH addition reaction and is heterogeneously oxidized in aqueous solutions, half of the nssSO4 2- produced in summer may be through the oxidation process of DMSO. It is necessary to further investigate the oxidation products by the reaction of DMS with OH, and the possibility of the reaction of DMS with NO3 during winter.  相似文献   
Sub-seasonal variability of summer (May–October) rainfall over the ChangJiang Valley exhibits two dominant timescales, one with a quasi-biweekly (QBW) period (10–20 days) and the other with an intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) period (20–60 days). A significant positive correlation (at a 99% confidence level) was found between the summer precipitation anomaly and the intensity of the QBW and ISO modes in the region. By examining the composite structure and evolution characteristics, we note that the QBW mode is characterized by a northwest–southeast oriented wave train pattern, moving southeastward. The perturbations associated with the ISO mode propagate northwestward in strong ISO years but southeastward in weak ISO years. A marked feature is the phase leading of low-level moisture to convection in both the QBW and ISO mode. When the summer rainfall is strong in the ChangJiang Valley, large-scale atmospheric conditions in the strong QBW/ISO activity region are characterized by deeper moist layer, convectively more unstable stratification and greater ascending motion. Such mean conditions favor the growth of the QBW and ISO perturbations. Thus, a significant positive correlation between the summer precipitation and the strength of sub-seasonal variability arises from the large-scale control of the summer mean flow to perturbations.  相似文献   
利用1995~2013年间NCEP风场资料,分析研究了台湾西南部海域风应力旋度偶极子的季节和年际变化特征,及其受ENSO事件的影响,结果表明:台湾西南部海域风应力旋度偶极子的分布存在明显季节变化,其分布期主要集中于每年10月至次年4月,夏季台湾海峡不存在风应力旋度偶极子的分布;风应力旋度偶极子的强度异常要滞后ENSO 1个月,当厄尔尼诺事件发生时,风应力旋度偶极子的分布强度较正常年份要弱,而当拉尼娜事件发生时,风应力旋度偶极子的分布强度较正常年份要强;风应力旋度偶极子的分布还存在准16.0个月和准45.3个月的显著年际变化周期,其变化同ENSO循环密切相关.  相似文献   
胶州湾夏季异养浮游细菌的时空变化规律及影响因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2001年夏季对胶州湾异养浮游细菌在一个潮周期内的变化规律及影响因素进行了研究。结果表明,胶州湾异养浮游细菌数量的垂直分布特征是表层大于底层,表层平均8.99×109个/L,底层平均5.23×109个/L。胶州湾水体异养浮游细菌日变化幅度在表层水体较为明显,底层相对较小,但其变化规律均为最高值在小潮期而最低值出现在大潮期。浮游动物摄食、浮游植物光合作用产生的溶解有机物及水温和日光中的紫外辐射是影响胶州湾异养浮游细菌昼夜变化的主要因素,水交换是影响其日变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

在评估4种蒸散格点资料(GLDAS,GLEAM,MERRA-2,CRET)在青藏高原适用性的基础上,以精度最高的CRET(R2为0.83,RMSE为14.76 mm)及同期气象环境数据,在年际尺度上分析了青藏高原蒸散变化特征及其受大尺度西风和季风环流的影响.结果表明,青藏高原年平均蒸散为414.2±18.32 mm,具有明显的年际变率和变化趋势,且区域(西风区、季风区和过渡区)间差异明显.蒸散年际变化与西风和季风环流强弱的年际变化密切相关,且季风和西风对蒸散的影响存在显著的区域差异.西风和季风通过调节局地气候环境因子影响蒸散:土壤湿度、归一化植被指数(NDVI)和风速三个局地气候环境要素是青藏高原蒸散主要调控因子,蒸散与土壤湿度和NDVI呈显著正相关,与风速在高原西部呈显著负相关、在高原东部呈显著正相关;研究WYI(Webster-Yang Index)和WI(Westerly Index)与影响蒸散的主导气候环境因子的关系发现,WYI与土壤湿度和NDVI呈显著正相关,且WYI与NDVI的相关系数在高原中部和南部较大,使得WYI对蒸散影响在中部分过渡区和南部季风区较大,WI也与土壤湿度和NDVI呈显著正相关,但WI与NDVI的相关系数在中部和北部较大,WI对蒸散影响在中部过渡区和北部西风区较大,同时,WI与风速在大部分高原显著相关,WI在高原东部通过风速对蒸散变化具有正贡献,使得季风区东部蒸散年际变化也受WI影响,最终使得WI对蒸散的影响在除季风区西部以外的区域较大.该研究结果可加深认识青藏高原水循环变化及其机理,为区域水资源和生态系统管理提供科学依据.

Pounding between adjacent bridge structures with insufficient separation distance has been identified as one of the primary causes of damage in many major earthquakes. It takes place because the closing relative movement is larger than the structural gap provided between the structures. This relative structural response is controlled not only by the dynamic properties of the participating structures but also by the characteristics of the ground excitations. The consequence of the spatial variation of ground motions has been studied by researchers; however, most of these studies were performed numerically. The objective of the present research is to experimentally evaluate the influence of spatial variation of ground motions on the pounding behaviour of three adjacent bridge segments. The investigation is performed using three shake tables. The input spatially varying ground excitations are simulated based on the New Zealand design spectra for soft soil, shallow soil and strong rock using an empirical coherency loss function. Results confirm that the spatially nonniform ground motions increase the relative displacement of adjacent bridge girders and pounding forces. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
用同工酶谱法发现中华乌塘鳢Bostrichthy sinensis四个群体的遗传变异水平很低,在所检测的30个基因座位中,多态座位比例只有0—10%,平均杂合度仅为0.2—0.5%,物种的平均杂合度为0.33±0.10%。四个群体共享常见的等位基因。虽然其中三个群体拥有特有的等位基因,但其基因频率都未超过5%。四个群体的Nei氏遗传距只有1.68—12.13×10~(-5)。据分析,近交可能是遗传变异水平低和形态特征分化差的主要原因。种苗生产上应注意广泛采集不同地理群体的鱼作亲鱼,以丰富养殖群体的基因库。  相似文献   
The colony-forming Phaeocystis species are causative agents of dense bloom occurrences in coastal waters worldwide. It is difficult to separate them because of the different morphologies associated with their colonial stages. In this study we applied molecular approaches to analyze the genetic variation of Phaeocystis globosa and Phaeocystis pouchetii from several geographic regions, and to assist in tracing the dispersal of bloom-forming Phaeocystis species in coastal waters of China. The sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) of rDNA and the 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene of Phaeocystis strains were determined. Sequence comparison shows that P.globosa was the most divergent to P. pouchetii, exhibiting sequence divergence higher than 0.08. However, lower genetic divergences existed between strains of P.globosa. The sequence comparison of the Phaeocystis rDNA ITS clearly shows that the species isolated from the southeast coast of China is identified as P.globosa rather than P. cf. pouchetii or other species. Furthermore, the significance of rDNA variation in distinct global populations of P.globosa suggested it might have had sufficient time to accumulate detectable mutations at the rDNA locus, supporting the hypothesis of ancient dispersal of P.globosa to many areas, meaning that P.globosa blooms in the coastal waters of China are endemic rather than a newly introduced species or a foreign source. Finally, based on the high divergent region of rDNA ITS, a pair of species-specific primers for P.globosa were designed, they could be useful to detect the presence of this species in mixed plankton assemblages or flagellate stages that are recognized with diffculties by means of conventional microscopy.  相似文献   
Variations in elemental and isotopic ratios of suspended particulate matter (SPM) were investigated in the Guayas River Estuary Ecosystem (GREE) that empties into the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador. Detritus in the system was identified on the basis of extremely high carbon:chlorophyll aratios (>1000). This material had mean δ13C of −26·4±0·3, δ15N of +4·8±0·2, and (C:N)atomicof 14·1±0·9. The isotopic data were comparable to measurements reported for fresh and degrading mangrove leaves, whereas the elemental ratio was comparatively enriched in nitrogen. Isotope measurements of SPM throughout the GREE were more similar to values for riverine material and detritus compared with that for the coastal end-member. Values indicative ofin situproduced algae, sewage and shrimp pond effluent were only found at selected sites. Bacterial bioassays, which were used to document potential sources of dissolved organic matter in the GREE, were isotopically similar to SPM. This correspondence coupled with the relatively low (C:N)aof SPM could be explained by bacterial immobolization of nitrogen onto detritus. Finally, tidal variations of (C:N)aand δ13C at a brackish mangrove site were similar in magnitude to spatial variations encountered throughout the GREE. Based on these results, the authors caution that care must be taken when samples are taken for food-web studies in these systems.  相似文献   
1 .IntroductionTheglobalairtemperatureroseabout 0 .5~ 0 .6°Coverthepast 2 0thcentury ,andtheglobalmeansealevelincreasedbyabout2 0cmduringtheperiod .Theregionalmeansealevelriseswiththerisingglobalmeansealevel.Zuoetal.( 1 997)indicatedthatthemeanrisingrateofabsolutemeansealevelalongtheChinacoastontheassumptionofunifiedisostaticdatumis 2mm a .Woodworth( 1 999)analyzedsealevelspanning 1 76 8tothepresentinLiverpool,andobtainedaseculartrendforheperiodupto 1 880of0 .39± 0 .1 7mm a ,andatrendfort…  相似文献   
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