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As increasing evidence shows that the risks of climate change are mounting, there is a call for further climate action (both reducing global emissions, and adaptation to better manage the risks of climate change). To promote and enable adaptation, governments have introduced, or are considering introducing, reporting on climate risks and efforts being taken to address those risks. This paper reports on an analysis of the first two rounds of such reports submitted under the UK Climate Change Act (2008) Adaptation Reporting Power. It highlights benefits and challenges for reporting authorities and policymakers receiving the reports that could also inform other countries considering such reporting. For reporting authorities, benefits arise from the reporting process and resulting reports. These benefits include elevating climate risks and adaptation to the corporate level and with stakeholders, alongside facilitating alignment and integration of actions within existing risk management and governance structures. For policymakers, reporting provides enhanced understanding of climate risks and actions from a bottom-up perspective that can be integrated into national-level assessments and adaptation planning processes. The identified challenges are those related to capacity and process. These include limited risk and adaptation assessment capacities; relevance of climate change risks and adaptation in the context of other urgent risks and actions; reporting process effectiveness and robustness; and the provision of effective and sufficiently comprehensive support, including feedback.

Key policy insights
  • Effective adaptation reporting needs to be designed and delivered so as to enhance the value of the reporting process and resulting reports both for those reporting and those receiving the reports, as well as from the broader policy perspective.

  • Providing a positive and supportive reporting environment is critical to encourage participation and facilitating contiuous learning and improvement, while also facilitating delivery of policy-relevant adaptation reports.

  • Contributions of adaptation reporting can be enhanced by an inclusive reporting requirement involving a broader organizational mix that enables more effective risk management and reporting that reflects associated (inter)dependencies and consistency with the more comprehensive post-2015 resilience agenda (Paris Agreement, Sendai Framework for DRR and UN Agenda 2030 SDGs).

探讨灾害规律的理论基础--极端气候事件概率   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
分析了国内外极端气候事件研究的现状,从经典极值分布理论、极值分布模式的参数估计、广义极值分布等方面,阐述了近年来国际上常用的理论及研究方法。为了更好地佐证进行极端气候事件发生概率研究的重要性,列举了作者在该领域的一些成功研究成果,并认为极端气候事件概率问题是探讨气象灾害规律的理论基础。  相似文献   
杨渊 《云南地质》2014,(1):98-102,116
在工程建设中,地质灾害的发生往往与工程周边复杂的地质环境条件密切相关,山地区域由于地质地形条件复杂,使得工程地质灾害发生的可能性和危险性大大增加.以云南大关寿山水电站为例,介绍了地质灾害评估工作的基本过程和特点,对一般水电站的地质灾害危险性评估工作具有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   
丽江市地质灾害易发性遥感影像判译   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
JIANG Qin  杨世瑜 《云南地质》2008,27(1):114-119
丽江市地质灾害多发,在滇西北旅游城市中较典型。应用遥感技术对丽江市地质灾害易发性的遥感研究,可突破传统方法,发挥宏观、综合、直观、快速特点,取得较好效果。  相似文献   
基于第五次耦合模式比较计划(CMIP5)的5个气候模式模拟结果,结合FloodArea模型,对RCP8.5情景下全球升温1.5℃和2.0℃时,北京市极端降水和淹没风险进行分析。结果表明:北京市极端降水量呈从西南向东北逐渐减少的分布趋势。在升温2.0℃时,极端降水和淹没风险增加较升温1.5℃时明显,郊区极端降水增加最明显的地区是房山和门头沟,城区极端降水量增加最明显的地区是海淀、石景山和丰台区。海淀区出现一级和二级淹没风险的面积最大,其次是丰台和石景山区。郊区的延庆和怀柔是发生一级淹没风险面积最大的地区。  相似文献   
清咸丰六年长江三角洲地区旱灾气候背景分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了清咸丰六年(1856年)长江三角洲地区大旱的发生情况,认为此次大旱持续时间长,属夏秋连旱;旱情严重,波及面广,几乎影响到了长江三角洲的所有地区,太湖流域北部、南部,江北淮南地区最严重,太湖东部的苏州、松江二府、太仓直隶州的灾情略轻,江北东部的通州直隶州灾情也较轻,最东边的海门直隶厅甚至没有找到大灾的明确记载。大旱之后继发了大蝗灾。在此基础上,对引发此次严重干旱的气候背景进行了分析。分析结果认为,副热带高压强度偏弱,但脊线位置偏北,造成了季风雨带偏北,长江三角洲地区长时间处在副高控制下,从5月底至8月底没有出现连续性降水,造成了罕见的大旱;而春季降水不足,又加剧了灾情。  相似文献   
金江军  潘懋  徐岳仁 《内陆地震》2007,21(2):135-141
从危险性评价、易损性评价以及防灾减灾能力评价3个方面阐述了城市地震灾害风险评价内容.回顾了地震灾害风险评价研究进展,指出了现有评价方法的不足.提出了基于地震小区划的城市地震危险性评价方法、基于城市用地类型的城市地震易损性评价方法以及基于专家打分法的城市防震减灾能力评价方法.最后设计了城市地震灾害风险评价流程,并给出了城市地震灾害风险区划算法.  相似文献   
唐丽华  尹力峰 《内陆地震》2007,21(3):238-243
重点介绍了新疆巴楚—伽师6.8级地震极灾区琼库尔恰克乡政府所在地砖结构房屋的破坏情况。选择有代表性的建筑物,根据现场测绘、调查的资料,从建筑、结构及施工等方面参照相关国家标准分析震害原因,总结抗震经验,提出满足抗震设计一般规定和采取简单构造措施,即能保障砖结构房屋的抗震性能。  相似文献   
通过对甘肃中东部大量地震滑坡的成灾机制分析,按形成时代将滑坡分为新滑坡、老滑坡和古滑坡;按物质组成、滑体厚度及滑床位置又可分为浅层黄土滑坡和深层切层滑坡。该地区地震滑坡的主要危险来自新滑坡和浅层黄土滑坡,滑坡成灾机制复杂,与许多因素有关。地震滑坡主要特征是成灾时间短,规模大;灾害持续时间长、反复性大;易引发次生灾害。预防地震滑坡是防震减灾工作中的一项重要任务。  相似文献   
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