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复杂地区典型特征往往表现为近地表地质结构复杂,纵向、横向变化大,地下地质构造破碎,大倾角老地层出露.作者介绍了该类地区地震资料的主要特点;分析了处理好该类地震资料起决定性作用的静校正、去噪技术、频率补偿及偏移成像几个重要环节,并指出了生产中应注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

针对水声通信中,尤其是长帧情况下将残余多普勒视为载波频偏将会导致均衡器逐渐发散,提出了一种基于法罗(Farrow)插值结构的分数阶判决反馈均衡器,以对抗水声通信中的残余多普勒引起的均衡器发散问题;低功耗硬件平台算力有限,将快速递归最小二乘算法应用于均衡器系数迭代过程,使得其信道跟踪性能与算法复杂度有较好折中。仿真表明该方法能够对抗时变多普勒水声信道,能够满足硬件平台实时处理;湖上实验验证了该方法能够在夏季恶劣水声信道环境下实现实时水声通信,在500 m距离实时水声通信的误比特率为7.95×10-5,在1 000 m距离实时水声通信的误比特率为3.03×10-4,满足实际工程应用的需求。


地下密度异常体反演需要由二维数据反演三维结果,为了高效、高精度地反演地下异常体的位置及密度信息,本文提出2D-3D InvNet深度学习反演方法.方法的编-解码器结构,在编码阶段利用二维卷积网络结构提取地表重力异常及重力梯度异常数据信息,解码阶段利用三维卷积网络结构恢复异常体地下形态,实现了二维和三维网络结构的结合.为了精确地反演异常体密度,提出利用加权均方误差(WtdMSE)作为损失函数,同时为了更好地评估反演结果,引入核密度函数作为评价手段.与均方误差(MSE)相比,利用WtdMSE作为损失函数对异常体密度的反演结果更为准确,异常体所在区域的密度误差减少50%以上.对理论样本的反演结果表明,2D-3D InvNet在准确反演异常体地下位置的同时,也能给出准确的密度信息.应用此方法对西澳大利亚Kauring地区实测数据进行反演,我们成功获得了此区域地下异常体的密度分布.理论与实际应用结果表明,2D-3D InvNet深度学习方法稳定且具有较强的泛化性能,能在无需规定限制条件的情况下快速获得准确的反演结果.

六种不同煤阶煤的品质因子特征   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过6种不同煤阶煤的弹性测试,分析了煤岩变质程度(以镜质组最大反射率表示)与煤岩品质因子之间的关系;在此基础上,进一步分析了煤岩速度与品质因子之间的关系及纵波与横波品质因子的各向异性特征.研究发现:煤岩镜质组最大反射率与纵波、横波品质因子均存在良好的线性相关性;垂直层理方向的波速与品质因子存在良好的线性关系,好于走向与倾向方向;垂直层理方向的纵波与横波品质因子线性相关,相关系数可达93.5%;煤岩的三方向品质因子存在各向异性,且强于速度的各向异性.通过横波品质因子与纵波品质因子间相互换算的理论公式计算结果与实验室实测结果的对比,证明了该理论公式的可靠性,误差小于10%,为多分量转换波的吸收衰减补偿提供了理论依据.  相似文献   
深内部地球结构对内核平动振荡本征周期的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
地球固态内核的平动振荡是地球的基本简正模之一,又称Slichter模,其本征周期大约为几个小时,与地球内部结构密切相关.为了研究影响内核平动振荡的本征周期与内部结构的依赖关系,本文利用球对称、非自转、弹性和各向同性地球模型(SNREI),通过自由振荡运动方程的数值积分,以地球模型PREM为基础,理论上系统研究了地球内部介质(包括密度、地震波速等)分布异常对Slichter模本征周期的影响.数值结果表明,Slichter模周期随着内外核边界(ICB)密度差的增加以类似于双曲线的特征显著减小,当ICB密度差从597 kg·m-3减小到200 kg·m-3时,周期增大66.44%,当ICB密度差从597 kg·m-3增大到1000 kg·m-3时,周期减小21.48%;Slichter模周期随着核幔边界(CMB)密度差的增大而缓慢增大;相对于PREM,地球模型1066A在ICB和CMB的密度差分别相差45.321%和1.132%,内部地震波速度和密度梯度也存在差异,但是,当密度差减小到1066A模型提供的数值时,得到的Slichter模周期与基于1066A获得的结果(4.599 h)非常接近,差异分别只有3.762%和0.037%;表明Slichter模本征周期与地球内部介质的精细结构关系不大,而对ICB的密度差非常敏感.内、外核P波波速分布异常对Slichter模周期的影响基本相当,当内核和外核P波波速均增加5%时,Slichter周期分别减小1.02%和1.69%,P波波速分别减小5%时,Slichter模周期分别增加1.27%和1.847%,内核S波波速分布异常比P波波速分布异常对Slichter模周期的影响小1个量级;与地核相比,地幔中的地震波速异常对Slichter模本征周期的影响小1~2个量级;表明地核中地震波速异常对Slichter模周期的影响很小,目前有关Slichter模周期理论计算的差异主要来自于所采用的地球模型中内核边界的密度差的差异,本文结果可以为Slichter模的研究、探测及其对地球深内部结构的约束提供理论依据.  相似文献   
从高斯光束经过光学系统的传输与变换规律出发,借助于高斯括号的性质,研究了激光束光学系统的变焦特性,导出了机械补偿式激光束变焦系统的变焦方程及补偿点位置方程,并给出了计算实例。  相似文献   
Although the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) for calcite, generally located in the depth range 4000–5000 m, is often proposed as a physiological barrier to deep-ocean colonization, many organisms with calcareous exoskeletons are found in the deepest oceanic trenches. Serpulid polychaetes inhabiting unprotected calcareous tubes are unlikely deep-sea inhabitants, yet, they are found at all oceanic depths from intertidal to hadal. Here we review and revise the published and unpublished records of Serpulidae from below 5000 m depth. We also describe tube ultrastructure and mineralogical content of available deep-sea serpulid tubes to obtain insights into their biomineralisation. Species belonging to the genera Bathyditrupa, Bathyvermilia, Hyalopomatus, Pileolaria (spirorbin) and Protis were found at depths from 5020 to 9735 m. However, only specimens of Protis sp. were truly hadal (>6000 m) being found at 6200–9700 m. Hadal specimens of Protis have irregularly oriented prismatic tube microstructure similar to that found in more shallow-water representatives of the genus. Initial EDX analysis suggested a mostly calcitic composition (i.e., the most stable CaCO3 polymorph) on the basis of high Mg levels. Surprisingly, however, tubes of Bathyditrupa hovei and a species of Protis analysed using the more reliable method of laser Raman spectroscopy were found to be composed of aragonite. The compensation depth for this less stable CaCO3 polymorph in the oceans is usually 2000–3000 m. We found no obvious structural adaptations to life at extreme depths in the studied serpulid tubes and how serpulids are able to biomineralise and maintain their tubes below the CCD remains to be explained.  相似文献   
湿地生态补偿是指由湿地环境受益主体补偿给湿地生态服务的生产者与提供者。沉湖湿地自然保护区是武汉市目前唯一的省级湿地自然保护区,是浅湖和沼泽湿地草甸相连续的湿地生态系统。在对沉湖湿地的生态功能和生态补偿必要性分析的基础上,开展了生态补偿的前期调查,对沉湖湿地补偿原则、范围、对象、标准、资金来源等提出一些想法,以供探讨。  相似文献   
矿产资源补偿费制度作为矿产资源开发监督管理制度中的一项重要内容,能有效地的保证国家矿产资源所有权益。该文就矿产资源补偿费征收工作中对矿产品的定义、销售收入的核算和回采率系数的核定等方面的争议进行了探讨,并结合工作中常见实例及解决方法提出针对性建议。  相似文献   
Recent years have seen increasing interest in the concepts of compensation and ecosystem services. Regulation systems in the United States dealing with environmental protection (Superfund Act, Oil Pollution Act, National Environment Policy Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act, etc.) require those responsible for damage to ecosystem services to compensate for it “physically” and restore these services for the benefit of the entire population. This article, using simple indicators of compensation identified in the literature, attempts to analyze what types of ecological compensation are adopted, how performance is assessed, how standards on ecological equivalencies are adopted, and what are the costs of this compensation. To perform this analysis, compensatory measures carried out during the last ten years in the case of coastal and marine ecosystems in Florida have been addressed. The results show that: analysis criteria for the equivalencies between ecosystem services lost due to damage and ecosystem services gained due to compensatory measures are questionable; most compensation monitoring is for a relatively brief period of time and the data obtained during this period may be insufficient for assessing the net effect of the compensatory measure; the weaknesses regarding criteria for the equivalencies and the uncertainty about the relevant time-scale can be counter-balanced by increasing the area of compensation, a problematic solution at best.  相似文献   
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