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于丹丹  徐成华  骆祖江  顾问  周玲玲 《地质通报》2023,42(11):2006-2013
南京汤泉地区地下热水资源丰富,阐明其补给来源及成因模式,对于地下热水的科学开发意义重大。采用水化学及同位素地球化学分析方法对其进行了系统研究。结果表明,研究区地下热水与浅层冷水水化学组成差异明显,热储温度为63~75℃,循环深度为1.8~2.3 km。大气降水入渗是地下热水的补给来源,补给高程范围为321~539 m;循环周期为2046~6474 a;地下热水上涌过程中会混入比例为4%~26%的浅部岩溶冷水。经分析,该地热系统成因上属于中低温对流型,补给区主要为老山复背斜构造内的碳酸盐岩裸露区,依靠区域大地热流供热,热储层主要为上震旦统白云岩,盖层为寒武系、白垩系及第四系,地下热水经深循环沿NEE向与NW向断裂交会通道向上运移,并与浅部冷水发生混合,形成本区的地热异常。  相似文献   
Starting with analysis on the evolving course of oasis and the characteristics and evolution of transitional zone between oasis and desert, in consideration of ecological elements including plant stomata resistance, area covered by vegetation, and physical elements including albedo of vegetation and bare soil, atmosphere temperature, and humidity, under the condition of the balance among net radiation flux, latent heat flux, and sensible heat flux, the following are calculated: temperatures of vegetation and bare soil in different conditions, as well as the evapotranspiration rate of ecosystem. Analysis on evapotranspiration rate indicates that it depends on both the climate of environment and the physiological and ecological conditions of plants. On certain conditions, the evapotranspiration rate of transitional zone between oasis and desert (i.e. area covered by vegetation less than 20%), in some parameter domains, appears in bifurcation or multiequilibrium state. Meanwhile, in such area, ecosystem is extremely unstable. Any minor change to the balance will cause either increase or reduction of area covered by vegetation in ecosystem, on the basis of discussion on the emergency of these phenomena. This paper is attempting to propose an effective way of destruction and rebuilt ecosystem in transitional zone. The way is to control the evaporation of plant through selecting anti-drought country plant with big stomata resistance, and modify the roughness of the underlying surface in ecosystem by establishing rational interspace structure of plant community, so as to put the degenerative ecosystem into the natural succession track. This primary theory is being verified through observation and analysis on historical data.  相似文献   
The paper presents the prediction of total energy production and consumption in all provinces and autonomous regions as well as determination of the variation of gravity center of the energy production, consumption and total discharge of industrial waste water, gas and residue of China via the energy and environmental quality data from 1978 to 2009 in China by use of GM(1,1) model and gravity center model, based on which the paper also analyzes the dynamic variation in regional difference in energy production, consumption and environmental quality and their relationship. The results are shown as follows. 1) The gravity center of energy production is gradually moving southwestward and the entire movement track approxi-mates to linear variation, indicating that the difference of energy production between the east and west, south and north is narrowing to a certain extent, with the difference between the east and the west narrowing faster than that between the south and the north. 2) The gravity center of energy consumption is moving southwestward with perceptible fluctuation, of which the gravity center position from 2000 to 2005 was relatively stable, with slight annual position variation, indicating that the growth rates of all provinces and autonomous regions are basically the same. 3) The gravity center of the total discharge of industrial waste water, gas and residue is characterized by fluctuation in longitude and latitude to a certain degree. But, it shows a southwestward trend on the whole. 4) There are common ground and discrepancy in the variation track of the gravity center of the energy production & consumption of China, and the comparative analysis of the gravity center of them and that of total discharge of industrial waste water, gas and residue shows that the environmental quality level is closely associated with the energy production and consumption (especially the energy consumption), indicating that the environment cost in economy of energy is higher in China.  相似文献   
中资企业研发国际化研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
司月芳  延留霞  张翌 《地理研究》2020,39(5):1056-1069
中资跨国公司研发国际化服务于中国"全面提高开放型经济水平"和"创新驱动发展战略"两大政策方针,是重要的地理学研究前沿。本文系统评述了中资企业研发国际化的定义、理论基础、研究内容、数据和方法,发现基于发达国家跨国公司实践建立起的经典理论还不足以解释中资企业行为。相比于快速发展的中资企业跨国研发活动行为,现有的实证研究存在着研究视角、内容和方法的局限,未来应发扬地理学多尺度研究的优势,综合分析企业研发国际化与区域发展的互动机制;发扬地理学重视区域差异的优势,开展在"一带一路"国家中资企业研发国际化的异质性研究;发扬地理学重视实地调研的优势,综合多种方法和数据的相互印证。  相似文献   
干扰对生物土壤结皮及其理化性质的影响   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
生物土壤结皮作为荒漠地区特殊环境的产物,具有较强的抗风蚀、水蚀功能,也是干旱荒漠地区植被演替的重要基础。随着人类活动的加剧,生物土壤结皮也受到不同类型和不同程度的干扰,主要包括放牧、火烧、车辆碾压等形式。干扰对生物土壤结皮的影响主要表现在生物土壤结皮结构及盖度的变化、土壤理化性质的改变、土壤微生物数量及活性的变化等几个方面。放牧对土壤物理性质的影响还没有一致的结论,除了干扰的程度还与土壤含水量有关系。火烧虽然改善了土壤结构,但是破坏了地表植被的盖度,而且恢复比较困难,也加速了外界侵蚀的力度,对土壤化学性质也有显著影响。机械碾压的破坏力最强,且没有任何的积极意义。  相似文献   
分析黄河流域交通供给水平特征及其与经济社会发展的空间适配性,对交通资源优化配置、提升交通供需适配性具有重要参考。论文基于黄河流域现状综合交通运输与经济社会基础数据,分析了黄河流域县域交通优势度分异特征,并探讨了交通与县域发展质量的空间适配性。结果表明:黄河流域县域交通优势度有待提升,在人口与GDP方面呈现一定错配特征;高优势度县域集中分布在济南—郑州—西安—兰州通道沿线。黄河流域交通供给均衡性水平高于经济社会差异;样带交通优势度呈现陇海—兰新“一”字型样带>“几”字湾样带>南北纵向“1”字型样带的分布态势,固定资产投资、产业结构、城镇化、经济基础是影响黄河流域县域交通优势度的主要因素。“几”字湾样带和南北纵向“1”字型样带还受到高程、坡度等自然因素的制约;流域40.05%的县域处于初级适配状态,38.78%的县域为交通劣势型,集中在青藏高原、黄土高原沟壑区和内蒙古中西部地区,亟需提升交通设施对该类县域经济社会发展的支撑与保障能力。  相似文献   
以下辽河平原浅层地下水为研究对象,将自然灾害风险理论引入地下水环境风险评价,从脆弱性、功能性、胁迫性、适应性4个方面选取指标,构建地下水环境风险评价指标体系和模型。运用GIS空间分析方法对地下水环境风险进行评价,并对风险值进行空间关联特征研究。结果表明:① 研究区内地下水环境中度以上风险区占整个研究区面积的63.12%,其中高风险区占6.79%,较高风险区占18.96%,中等风险区占37.37%;较低风险区占21.98%,低风险区占14.90%。② 地下水环境风险最高的地区主要位于下辽河平原中部的新民市东北部、灯塔市、辽中县西部、黑山县部分地区及凌海市东南部。③ 研究区内地下水环境风险呈现较高的正相关性,相似性高的区域主要分布在中东和中西部风险高值区,以及东北和东南部风险低值区。研究成果丰富了地下水环境风险理论,对下辽河平原地下水环境保护实践具有一定的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   
以仁义河特大桥南桥台南侧斜坡为例,分析研究了可溶性软弱基座型斜坡的破坏方式及其变形破坏力学机制,认为该斜坡的失稳破坏主要为崩塌破坏,并存在倾倒(外倾型)、倾滑(内倾型)和基座倾滑3种崩塌破坏方式,形成不同崩塌破坏方式的内在变形机制有弯曲一拉裂、弯曲一层间滑动和拉裂一滑移3种模式,从而为解决该类特殊斜坡工程问题提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
河南既是农业大省又是中国重要的粮食主产区,农用地流转顺畅及适度规模经营对区域经济发展和国家粮食安全产生重要影响。借助于土地使用权评估的基本方法,并使用土地承包经营权的权属特性进行修正,构建了土地承包经营权流转价格模型,并对典型区域沁阳市西万村进行了实证分析。结果表明,土地承包经营权流转价格应该包括经济价格、社会价格和修正价格。价格模型的应用,应甄别理论价格和实际流转费用的区分,农用地流转后经营项目没有转变,流转价格为经济价格和社会保障价格是总和。农用地流转后经营项目发生转变,比如耕地改种经济作物,流转价格则是经济价格、社会价格与修正价格三者的总和。收益分配格局存在复杂性,流转收益应在流出方、流入方、管理者和所有者之间合理、公平分配。政府应建立合理有序的农用地承包经营权流转市场,并以农用地流转市场为载体,构建农用地流转价格体系。  相似文献   
基于区域协调发展的判定标准,构建区域协调发展的指标体系,通过线性加权模型和离差系数法分别计算出淮海经济区经济-社会-人口-资源-环境系统的综合发展水平得分和淮海经济区、苏北鲁南豫东皖北四大板块和20个市的协调度,通过对其分析得出以下结论:(1)淮海经济区处于低经济发展阶段的高协调度阶段;(2)市域协调度多处于中级基本协调阶段;(3)协调度呈现东高西低的空间格局。  相似文献   
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