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A phenoloxidase-producing fungus – Cladosporium cladosporioides – was isolated from water of a bog lake. At high concentrations of carbon (333 mM) and nitrogen (12 mM), the fungus demonstrated the formation of a laccase and a high ligninolytic activity. After addition of riverine or groundwater humic substances into culture media (ca. 1 mg mL–1), the fungus showed the ability of degrading (utilizing) of about 60% of these substances. However, the exact quantification of the degree of degradation was difficult because of adsorption of humic matter on fungal mycelium. Reisolated humic substances were lower in aromatic and higher in aliphatic structures. A crude enzyme from the C. cladosporioides culture showed only low activity in decolorizing humic substances, whereas decolorization up to 50% was observed when using a laccase preparation from Polyporus versicolor, and especially in the presence of a redox mediator.  相似文献   
In this study, published data on Lake Imandra, north-west Russia, have been synthesised to investigate trends in lake contamination and recovery due to changing inputs of heavy metals and nutrients over time. Records of water chemistry, phytoplankton, zooplankton and fish communities have been used to determine the status of aquatic ecosystem health in three distinct phases of Lake Imandra's recent history. Firstly, background (reference) conditions within the lake have been established to determine lake conditions prior to anthropogenic influences. Secondly, a period of ecosystem degradation due to anthropogenic inputs of toxic metals and nutrients has been described. Finally, evidence of lake recovery due to recent decreases of toxic metals and nutrients has been explored. Pollution of Lake Imandra began in the 1930s, reaching a peak in the 1980s. Increases in heavy metal and nutrient inputs transformed the typical Arctic ecosystem. During the contamination phase, there was a decrease in Arctic species and in biodiversity. During the last 10 years, pollution has decreased and the lake has been recolonised by Arctic water species. Ecosystem recovery is indicated by a change of predominant species, an increase in the individual mass of organisms and an increase in the biodiversity index of plankton communities. In accordance with Odum's ecosystem succession theory, this paper demonstrates that the ecosystem has transformed to a more stable condition with new defining parameters. This illustrates that the recovery of Arctic ecosystems towards pre-industrial reference conditions after a reduction in anthropogenic stresses occur, although a complete return to background conditions may not be achievable. Having determined the status of current ecosystem health within Lake Imandra, the effect of global warming on the recovery process is discussed. Climate warming in Arctic regions is likely to move the ecosystem towards a predominance of eurybiontic species in the community structure. These organisms have the ability to tolerate a wider range of environmental conditions than typical Arctic inhabitants and will gain advantages in development. This indicates that the full recovery of Arctic ecosystems in a warming climate may not be possible.  相似文献   
A methodology was devised for comparison of generalised range condition over time, irrespective of the nature of original imagery used. It was applied for range condition change mapping throughout Botswana through 1984-2000. Results showed that range degradation was most widespread during the 1980s drought when 25% of the country was affected, decreased to 6.5% in 1994 and increased to 9.8% in 2000. This suggests that these semi-arid rangelands are fairly resilient and can withstand “normal” droughts even under conditions of heavy grazing pressure. However, degradation that persists during normal or above average rainfall years is related to increasing livestock and other pressures on rangelands and may represent areas with severe range recovery problems. This application meets some requirements of a semi-arid developing country looking to improve range condition monitoring over relatively remote areas.  相似文献   
冀西北水晶屯金矿床剥蚀程度的判别方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从冀西北水晶屯金矿近矿围岩蚀变的空间组合、金的指示元素的空间特征、黄铁矿标型特征等多方面地质数据资料入手,来判别矿床的剥蚀程度,认为该金矿床剥蚀程度正处在矿体的中上部。  相似文献   
Overgrazing by increasing numbers of livestock in the Horqin Sandy Land of Inner Mongolia, China, has led to extensive degradation of the region's sandy steppes. Degraded grasslands are generally classified into four main types: fixed (least degradation), semi-fixed (light degradation), semi-shifting (moderate degradation) and shifting (severe degradation) sandy lands, representing four stages of degradation development. An experiment was conducted in the Horqin Sandy Land to investigate changes in intensity of wind erosion at different stages of degradation development in sandy grasslands and determine the extent to which surface wind erosion was affected by surface-related soil and vegetation factors through their effects on surface roughness length and wind regimes. Daily wind erosion rate was monitored at four sites of degraded grassland over an erosive period from 1 April to 10 June in 2001. Soil and vegetation properties for these sites were also measured twice: one in mid-April prior to the establishment of vegetation and again in mid-June after the establishment of vegetation. Relationships between surface roughness length and soil and vegetation variables were examined at each of the two stages of vegetation development. This study shows striking differences in the intensity of surface wind erosion among sites. The daily wind erosion rate in the fixed sandy land was, on average, only about 1/5 of the rate in the semi-fixed sandy land, 1/14 of the rate in the semi-shifting sandy land and 1/47 of the rate in the shifting sandy land suggesting a much higher resistance of the fixed sandy land to wind erosion compared to other sites. Differences in rate of wind erosion between sites were attributed to between-site differences in soil and vegetation properties that exerted significant effects on wind regimes by altering surface roughness length. At the pre-establishment stage of vegetation, surface roughness length was determined by a combination of litter amount on the ground, soil surface hardness and soil moisture content, with litter amount explaining the greatest proportion of the variation. At the post-establishment stage of vegetation, the development of the surface roughness effects was mainly governed by vegetation characteristics (vegetation cover in particular), while the effects of soil surface hardness and soil moisture on surface roughness length are likely to be masked by vegetation effects. The findings suggest that better management practices of restoring vegetation in degraded grasslands are required to reduce soil erosion losses and achieve a sustainable livestock production in the Horqin Sandy Land, an ecologically fragile sandy land ecosystem.  相似文献   
Laboratory incubation experiments were conducted to determine the behavior of sterols at the sediment–water interface in oxic and anoxic sediments. Both plankton and 4- -cholesterol were used as tracers. Cholesterol was rapidly degraded at the sediment–water interface: 55% of -cholesterol was lost from sediments under anoxic conditions and 78% under oxic conditions over three and one-half months. About 3% of initially-added free radiolabel was incorporated into a bound pool that was released only by saponification of solvent-extracted sediment. Less than 1% of initially-added radiolabel remained in pore waters after three and one-half months. Rate constants for degradation of cholesterol in oxic and anoxic surficial sediments were estimated by tracking variations in radioactivity and sterol concentration as a function of time. We discuss our results in terms of factors affecting sterol degradation in coastal marine sediments, including molecular structure, sediment matrix effect, and redox conditions.  相似文献   
At the reach scale, a channel adjusts to sediment supply and flow through mutual interactions among channel form, bed particle size, and flow dynamics that govern river bed mobility. Sediment can impair the beneficial uses of a river, but the timescales for studying recovery following high sediment loading in the field setting make flume experiments appealing. We use a flume experiment, coupled with field measurements in a gravel-bed river, to explore sediment transport, storage, and mobility relations under various sediment supply conditions. Our flume experiment modeled adjustments of channel morphology, slope, and armoring in a gravel-bed channel. Under moderate sediment increases, channel bed elevation increased and sediment output increased, but channel planform remained similar to pre-feed conditions. During the following degradational cycle, most of the excess sediment was evacuated from the flume and the bed became armored. Under high sediment feed, channel bed elevation increased, the bed became smoother, mid-channel bars and bedload sheets formed, and water surface slope increased. Concurrently, output increased and became more poorly sorted. During the last degradational cycle, the channel became armored and channel incision ceased before all excess sediment was removed. Selective transport of finer material was evident throughout the aggradational cycles and became more pronounced during degradational cycles as the bed became armored. Our flume results of changes in bed elevation, sediment storage, channel morphology, and bed texture parallel those from field surveys of Redwood Creek, northern California, which has exhibited channel bed degradation for 30 years following a large aggradation event in the 1970s. The flume experiment suggested that channel recovery in terms of reestablishing a specific morphology may not occur, but the channel may return to a state of balancing sediment supply and transport capacity.  相似文献   
恢复生态学及其发展   总被引:54,自引:1,他引:54  
简述了国内外恢复生态学的发展概况,分析了我国在生态系统退化的原因、生态学过程以及退化生态系统恢复重建的方法和生态学机理等方面的研究进展。针对我国在恢复生态学研究和退化生态系统恢复实践中存在的问题,提出了加强我国恢复生态学研究的建议。  相似文献   
In the area of reduced-scale model testing, increasing the size of model structures as a means of improving the model performance is often inhibited by the capacity limitation of the available seismic testing facilities. This was the case in a recent experimental programme conducted at NTUA in which several 1:5.5-scale model frames were tested on an earthquake simulator. In order to improve the model reliability, the following measures were taken: strictly obeying the geometric scaling in almost all aspects; using deformed bars as model reinforcement; and using stone-aggregate microconcrete for constructing the models, etc. To evaluate the effectiveness of these measures, a parallel column test programme was conducted in which duplicates of typical columns in the test model frames were prepared, along with those of large sizes following similitude laws. The column specimens were tested under reversals of lateral load. Besides the scale effects, general rules regarding the influences of transverse confinement and axial force on the ductility and strength of columns were also confirmed on the small-scale model columns.  相似文献   
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