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桂阳宝山西矿群孔抽水试验曲线分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
桂阳宝山矿区主要含水层壶天群及梓门桥组白云岩,与桂阳县城联成一坎,据水文地质特征,矿区至县城可划分为3个水文地质单元,在矿区西矿段距县城1.1km以上的K23孔连续抽水55天,抽取水最21.1万吨,主孔水位自322.95m降至267.45m,主孔周围有29个观测孔,控制面积4.6km~2,圈定的降落漏斗为椭圆形,面积0.5km~2。通过对各种试验数据与曲线分析说明试验区含水体主要补给源为降雨渗入,在西矿水位降至267m时,与县城之间无水力联系。 相似文献
通过分析滹沱河流域降水量对黄壁庄水库径流量及石津灌区引水量影响,及其对引水量利用效率及地下水开采量影响分析表明,降水量与水库径流量、引水量和弃水量具有一定的正相关性,与引水利用效率成负相关。渠灌区农业地下水开采受降水量影响不明显,多年地下水位在潜水强蒸发带区间波动;井灌区以开采地下水灌溉为主,并受到降水量的明显影响,地下水呈逐年下降趋势。由此不同变化趋势,提出渠灌区适度开采浅层咸水与渠水混合灌溉,扩大渠灌面积,减少井灌区面积,对缓和井灌区地下水位下降有重要意义。 相似文献
喀斯特山区溪流上覆水—孔隙水—沉积物中不同形态氮的赋存特征及其迁移——以麦西河为例 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
选取贵州百花湖入湖支流麦西河为对象,研究了上覆水—孔隙水—沉积物体系氮的形态差异,结果表明:麦西河上覆水中,以硝态氮(NO-3-N)为主,氨态氮(NH+4-N)次之,亚硝态氮(NO-2-N)最低;孔隙水中,溶解无机氮中以NH+4-N为主, NO-3-N次之, NO-2-N最低;沉积物中,总氮(TN)的含量为1110.67~4413.16mg/kg;固定态铵含量为34.56~170.05mg/kg,占TN的1.47%~6.25%;可交换态氮以NH+4-N为主, NO-3-N次之, NO-2-N最低。孔隙水NH+4-N是上覆水NH+4-N的2.65~19.51倍,上覆水NO-3-N是孔隙水NO-3-N的7.14~20.43倍。沉积物TN与孔隙溶解水无机氮(DIN)、孔隙水NH+4-N、沉积物可交换态氮和沉积物可交换性NH+4-N呈显著正相关;在沉积物中,可交换性NO-3-N与可交换性NH+4-N及可交换态氮呈显著正相关,可交换性NH+4-N与可交换态氮呈极显著正相关;孔隙水溶解无机氮与孔隙水NH+4-N呈极显著正相关。麦西河不同介质中氮的迁移关系则表现为:由于浓度梯度,上覆水中的NO-3-N扩散到孔隙水中,进而累积到沉积物中;沉积物的可交换性NH+4-N,进入孔隙水,最终扩散到上覆水中。 相似文献
水质评价对决策者决定水的使用功效尤为重要。水质综合评价系统中涉及到大量因子与指标,因子之间相互作用,致使水质的评价工作相对困难。主成分分析法可以消除因子间的相关性,因而被广泛应用于水质评价,但其忽略了数据离散程度的问题。熵值法则考虑了数据的离散特点。为更好地进行水质的综合评价,本文提出把主成分分析法和熵值法结合起来确定指标权重的方法,建立了水质评价模型,并采用该模型对郑州市金水河再生水2009年的水质情况进行评价,将评价结果与单独采用主成分分析或熵值法的结果进行了比较。结果表明了该方法的可行性与实用性,能够为非常规水资源利用提供理论依据和决策参考。 相似文献
Despite progress being advanced with spatial approaches to crime and crime control, the geography of crime harm has to date received little attention. The recent development of “Crime Harm Indices”, which weight crimes by an estimate of the relative harm they cause, offers an opportunity to improve on volume based spatial analysis approaches to identify where crime harm concentrates.This study aims to address this issue via the use of a Crime Harm Index (CHI) developed for New Zealand. By contrast to localized ‘harm-spotting’ analysis, we apply a census unit based approach to identify, at a macro level, the neighborhoods and wider communities suffering the highest crime harm in New Zealand. This approach enables harm to be viewed not only as a total Index but as a rate controlled for population and allows for the identification of census based sociodemographic factors which predict harm. Specifically, this paper compares the CHI with the New Zealand Priority Locations Index (PLI), an existing census unit based crime analysis tool which combines crime and demographic variables to identify communities vulnerable to crime and disorder issues.In this study CHI and PLI scores were calculated for Census Area Units (normally containing 3000–5000 population) across New Zealand. Bivariate correlations and a general linear model were used to determine the relationships between the CHI and PLI and additional population related variables. The CHI and PLI were weakly correlated, with population size and urban/rural categorization also accounting for CHI variance. Mapping techniques are used to illustrate outlier locations where the CHI and PLI differ widely and to identify location features which may assist in explaining CHI/PLI differences.This work exemplifies a novel geographic approach to the problem of crime harm with implications for resource allocation at national through to local levels. Wider implications for the theory and practice of crime and crime harm control are discussed, along with limitations of the study and areas for further research. 相似文献
石羊河流域水资源与生态环境变化及其对策研究 总被引:10,自引:6,他引:10
通过对石羊河流域水资源利用现状及存在问题的分析,认为流域水资源已经严重超载,进行流域综合治理已刻不容缓。针对流域面临严峻的水资源及生态环境问题,提出分抢救和治本两个阶段来解决问题,近期以抢救为重点。按照南护水源、中建绿洲、北防风沙的治理思路,实行治理上游、改造中游、拯救下游的流域综合治理,以遏制生态环境恶化的趋势为目标,以提高用水效率为核心,以流域水资源统一管理为保证,实现流域水资源的可持续利用,支撑经济社会的可持续发展,达到人与自然和谐共处。 相似文献
A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different crop sequences on water use, growth and yield of green gram (Vigna radiata (L) Wilezek) during 1992-93 and 1993-94 under rainfed upland condition in Indo-Gangetic plains of West Bengal. Green gram sown in the month of March as pre-rainy (summer) season crop, as and when the winter crops vacated the land, produced highest dry matter of 372 gm-2 which was significantly highest in black gram-yellow sarson sequence. The results of the field experimentation revealed that green gram gave highest grain yield to the extent of 10.80 q/ha when sown after black gram (rainy season) followed by yellow sarson (winter season) while the crop produced 10.63 q/ha under sesame-yellow sarson sequence. Highest water use of 267 mm was achieved in green gram under black gram-yellow sarson sequence and the crop gave water use efficiency of 4.07 kg ha-1mm-1 under black gram-yellow sarson sequences. 相似文献
腾格里沙漠沙丘固定后土壤的斥水性特征研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
土壤斥水性是重要的土壤物理属性,对土壤水文过程和地貌过程有重要的影响。利用毛细上升法研究了腾格里沙漠东南缘沙丘固定后土壤的斥水性特征,分析了不同小地形、不同土壤深度和不同土壤粒径土壤的斥水性差异。结果表明,固沙植被建立后显著地改变了沙丘的土壤斥水性,且随沙丘固定时间增加而呈增强的趋势。丘间地和迎风坡的土壤斥水性大于丘顶和背风坡的斥水性。0~3 cm土层的土壤斥水性显著大于3~6 cm。随着粒径的不断增大,土壤斥水性呈减小趋势,不同粒径段土壤斥水性差异显著;且土壤斥水性与粒径分别为0~0.05 mm、0.05~0.01 mm、0.01~0.15 mm的土壤呈极显著正相关线性关系,与粒径大于0.15 mm的土壤呈显著负相关线性关系。植被区土壤斥水性的增加可能与大气降尘在固定沙丘表面不断沉积、生物土壤结皮形成,尤其是藻类和地衣的形成有关,斥水性的增强将影响到植物种在沙丘上的有效水分利用。 相似文献