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基于地震作用下黏性土坡失稳滑动特点,以土体应力状态及其变化分析边坡失稳过程。通过分析地震作用下边坡不同部位土体应力状态和剪应力变化,结合实际地震边坡失稳破坏特征,提出黏性土坡地震三段式滑动失稳机制。在分析该滑动失稳机制与有限元强度折减法之间应力关联的基础上,将两者结合应用于实际黄土地震滑坡动力稳定性分析。依据此考虑得到的动力安全系数相比较其他方法,与极限平衡法得到的结果更为接近。  相似文献   
2016年2月11日新疆新源县发生MS5.0地震,极震区烈度为Ⅵ度。综合现场调查及地震等震线分布情况,初步判定本次地震的发震构造为阿吾拉勒山南缘断裂。对灾区乡镇的房屋进行调查,发现部分土木结构房屋未进行过抗震设计,在本次地震中破坏较为严重;部分砖木结构房屋地基未按照规范施工,在震动荷载作用下出现不均匀沉降,致使房屋墙体被拉裂、倾斜。数月前灾区发生过强降雨、冻融灾害,加之多次地震灾害叠加,造成本次地震房屋破坏率高、房屋破坏程度重。  相似文献   
南海海底地震仪异常数据的分析和处理   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
海底地震仪(Ocean Bottom Seismometer, OBS)数据处理至关重要,是获取深部地壳结构的基础与前提.2006年实施OBS2006-2测线时,有2台OBS(OBS03,OBS06)数据出现异常,无法使用.由于海上航次花费巨大,采集到的数据弥足珍贵.本文采用数据格式检查、邻近台站对比分析、重采样等方法,成功地对这2台OBS数据进行了解编处理,得到了这两个台站的综合地震记录剖面;利用上述方法对2011年实施的OBS973-3测线中的异常台站OBS03进行了分析处理,同样得到了OBS03台站的综合地震剖面;通过查看两次海上实验班报发现,OBS2006-2测线之OBS06与OBS973-3测线之OBS03内部Sedis编号相同,为同一台记录仪器,再一次验证上述处理方法正确可行;然后对OBS2006-2测线2个台站进行震相识别与走时拾取后,利用前人纵波速度模型开展了射线追踪与走时模拟.此次对异常OBS数据的重新处理工作,不仅为OBS探测提供了宝贵的数据处理经验,而且将提高OBS2006-2测线地壳结构的可靠性和约束性,具有重要的研究意义.  相似文献   
INDEPTH IV深反射地震数据处理的重点和难点是近地表风化壳静校正和异常振幅噪音衰减,通过初至波剩余折射静校正技术、异常振幅噪声衰减技术和CRS优化叠加技术获得了信噪比较高的地震剖面.由INDEPTH IV深反射地震剖面揭示,东昆仑造山带上地壳地层具有挤压走滑、断展褶皱等动力学特点,岩石圈上、下地壳之间存在不连续的松潘-甘孜古洋壳反射特征,东昆仑山下偏南局部Moho面以上低频异常反射特征指示局部熔融、低速高导体存在.综合INDEPTH IV深反射地震剖面和其他地球物理数据分析认为,东昆仑造山带隆升过程非常复杂,隆升过程至少经过两次主期变形,一期是中生代三叠纪松潘-甘孜洋向北俯冲引发被动大陆边缘造山,另一期是新生代古近纪印度-欧亚板块碰撞致使羌塘地块北移造成的上地壳挤压隆升.利用INDEPTH IV深反射地震单炮、速度和叠加剖面等成果,综合解译数据,最终提出东昆仑造山带隆升过程的另一种模式,以有助于深化对东昆仑造山模式的认识.  相似文献   
钢-混凝土混合结构抗震研究述评   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
本文回顾了钢-混凝土混合结构的发展历史,系统地总结、论述了钢-混凝土混合结构的特点及其抗震研究发展现状,指出了这种结构形式在抗震研究中存在的主要问题和今后需要进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   
结构震害指数研究评述   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
结构震害指数是评价某个结构或构件在受到地震作用后的破坏状态的无量纲指数,是人们在地震后对受损建筑做出处理决策的重要理论依据。对国际上较常用的震害指数计算模型进行了简要介绍和评述,分析了这些模型的优缺点,在此基础上提出震害指数今后研究的发展方向和建议。  相似文献   
2002年甘肃玉门5.9级地震灾害损失评估   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2002年12月14日甘肃玉门发生了5.9级地震,造成了建筑物、构筑物和其他工程设施的破坏。震后开展了地震现场考察与震害评估工作,在充分了解灾区概况和自然环境、社会经济、产业支柱、人口及建筑物现状的基础上,将灾区划分为七个评估区,完成了66个点的震害抽样调查工作,根据地震灾害损失现场评估系统EDLES的要求,建立了有关数据库,做出了比较科学切合实际的经济损失评估结果。  相似文献   
三维复杂介质中转换波走时快速计算   总被引:13,自引:9,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
复杂介质中转换波走时计算是多波勘探地震学中重要内容之一.本项研究利用惠更斯原理和费玛原理,获得了三维复杂介质中转换波快速计算的改进型最小走时树方法.其中,在保证精度的条件下,为了提高三维转换波走时计算效率,首先对初至波最小走时树基本算法进行了改进.本方法通过将转换波分为上、下行波分别进行射线追踪以实现三维转换波走时的快速计算.模型计算表明,方法的计算速度快,而且稳定性强,对多波地震勘探具有较大的应用价值.  相似文献   
We estimate (/T) P of the lower mantle at seismic frequencies using two distinct approaches by combining ambient laboratory measurements on lower mantle minerals with seismic data. In the first approach, an upper bound is estimated for |(/T) P | by comparing the shear modulus () profile of PREM with laboratory room-temperature data of extrapolated to high pressures. The second approach employs a seismic tomography constraint ( lnV S / lnV P ) P =1.8–2, which directly relates (/T) P with (K S /T) P . An average (K S /T) P can be obtained by comparing the well-established room-temperature compression data for lower mantle minerals with theK S profile of PREM along several possible adiabats. Both (K S /T) and (/T) depend on silicon content [or (Mg+Fe)/Sil of the model. For various compositions, the two approaches predict rather distinct (/T) P vs. (K S /T) P curves, which intersect at a composition similar to pyrolite with (/T) P =–0.02 to –0.035 and (K S /T) P =–0.015 to –0.020 GPa/K. The pure perovskite model, on the other hand, yields grossly inconsistent results using the two approaches. We conclude that both vertical and lateral variations in seismic velocities are consistent with variation due to pressure, temperature, and phase transformations of a uniform composition. Additional physical properties of a pyrolite lower mantle are further predicted. Lateral temperature variations are predicted to be about 100–250 K, and the ratio of ( lnp/ lnV S ) P around 0.13 and 0.26. All of these parameters increase slightly with depth if the ratio of ( lnV S / lnV P ) P remains constant throughout the lower mantle. These predicted values are in excellent agreement with geodynamic analyses, in which the ratios ( ln / lnV S ) P and ( / lnV S ) P are free parameters arbitrarily adjusted to fit the tomography and geoid data.  相似文献   
Fault network of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin (USCB) is built of sets of strike-slip, oblique-slip and dip-slip faults. It is a typical product of force couple which acts evenly with the parallel of latitude, causing horizontal and anti-clockwise movement of rock-mass. Earlier research of focal mechanisms of mine tremors, using a standard fault plane solution, has shown that some events are related to tectonic directions in main structural units of the USCB. An attempt was undertaken to analyze the records of mine tremors from the period 1992–1994 in the selected coal fields. The digital records of about 200 mine tremors with energy larger than 1×104 J (M L >1.23) were analyzed with SMT software for seismic moment tensor inversion. The decomposition of seismic moment tensor of mine tremors was segmented into isotropic (I) part, compensated linear vector dipole (CLVD) part and double-couple (DC) part. The DC part is prevalent (up to 70%) in the majority of quakes from the central region of the USCB. A group of mine tremors with large I element (up to 50%) can also be observed. The spatial orientation of the fault and auxiliary planes were obtained from the computations for the seismic moment DC part. Study of the DC part of the seismic moment tensor made it possible for us to separate the group of events which might be acknowledged to have their origin in unstable energy release on surfaces of faults forming a regional structural pattern. The possible influence of the Cainozoic tectonic history of the USCB on the recent shape of stress field is discussed.  相似文献   
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