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Wencai Yang 《Tectonophysics》2009,475(2):226-234
All results from integrated geophysical investigations in the Sulu region are summarized in this paper, trying to reconstruct the Sulu UHPM processes. New seismic S-wave tomographic results suggest a velocity-abnormal zone occurs beneath the Sulu crust, revealing detailed upper mantle structures that high-velocity lumps within the abnormal zone are sequentially distributed beneath the bottom of the asthenosphere. These high-velocity lumps might represent delaminated eclogites or residuals of the subducted oceanic plate. Based on integrated interpretation of the geophysical data, we propose a working model for tectonic reconstruction of the Sulu UHPM processes, which can explain the crust and upper mantle structures of the area. The involved tectonic processes are related to north-eastward escaping of the Sulu terrane, subduction and delamination cycles of the Dabie-Sulu oceanic plate, and post-orogenic lithospheric thinning and magma underplating. The UHPM rocks are believed to have syn-subduction delaminated down to the bottom of the asthenosphere during 245-180 Ma, and the delamination process seemed smooth and nearly continuous without extensive violence.  相似文献   
As predicted by model calculations, long-term changes in the stratospheric ozone content should influence trends in the meso- and thermosphere also. These predictions have been tested by means of ionospheric reflection height data in the low-frequency (LF) range and critical frequency data series of the ionospheric E layer, foE, observed at different stations around the world. It was shown that an essential part of the derived trends in the mesosphere and in the lower thermosphere is correlated with long-term changes of the atmospheric ozone content. During the sub-interval with the strongest ozone decrease (1979–1995) the detected ionospheric trends are most pronounced. Additionally was also demonstrated that the longitudinally dependent ozone trends are related to similar variations in the foE trends.  相似文献   
2008年5月12日发生在龙门山构造带的汶川MS8.0大地震是映秀-北川断裂突发错动的结果。此次地震不但使NE向的映秀-北川断裂和灌县-江油断裂发生了地表破裂,而且,在成都平原区的什邡、绵竹等地也出现了不同程度的地表裂缝、公路拱曲以及带状的喷砂冒水现象。此项探测研究以出现在什邡市师古镇附近的疑似地震地表破裂带为切入点,通过采用可控震源以及高精度的浅层地震反射勘探方法,获得了深度15~800m范围内高分辨率的地下结构和构造图像。结果表明,在地表破裂之下存在向平原区逆冲的隐伏断层和反向的逆冲断层,地震过程中隐伏逆断层的活动可能是近地表地层出现褶皱变形和地表破裂的主要原因  相似文献   
讨论了运用综合物探方法在不良地质体勘察中的应用效果。并在采用多种物探方法进行试验的基础上,考虑其经济技术合理性,从各方法技术的特点出发,提出了恰当的方法技术组合和施工程序。  相似文献   
The seismic stratigraphy and sedimentary architecture of the Amundsen Gulf Trough and adjacent slope, Canadian Beaufort Sea margin, are investigated using a grid of 2-D seismic reflection data. The inner-shelf of the Amundsen Gulf Trough is interpreted to be composed predominantly of exposed or near-surface bedrock, overlain by a spatially-discontinuous veneer of glacimarine to open-marine sediment. There is a seaward transition from exposed bedrock on the inner-shelf to a thick (up to 500 m) outer-shelf prograding wedge of acoustically semi-transparent sediment. Eight seismic sequences, divided into four megasequences, are described from the outer-shelf stratigraphy. Eight till sheets are identified from Megasequences A to C, providing evidence for at least eight Quaternary ice-stream advances through the Amundsen Gulf Trough to the shelf break. A trough-mouth fan with a minimum volume of about 10,000 km3 is present on the adjacent slope. The Amundsen Gulf ice stream probably represented the most northwesterly marine-terminating ice stream of the Laurentide Ice Sheet through much of the Quaternary, providing a major route for ice and sediment transfer to the Arctic Ocean. The youngest till sheet within the Amundsen Gulf Trough, Megasequence D, was probably deposited by a subsidiary ice stream, the Anderson ice stream, subsequent to retreat of the last, Late Wisconsinan Amundsen Gulf ice stream. This provides evidence of dynamic ice-sheet behaviour and the reorganisation of the northwest Laurentide Ice Sheet margin during the last deglaciation. A number of buried glacigenic landforms, including palaeo-shelf break gullies and a grounding-zone wedge with a volume of 90 km3, are described from the Amundsen Gulf Trough stratigraphy. Lateral grounding-zone wedges are identified at the northern and southern lateral margins of the Amundsen Gulf and M'Clure Strait troughs, respectively, and are interpreted to have been formed roughly contemporaneously by ice streams in Amundsen Gulf and M'Clure Strait.  相似文献   

松辽盆地东缘域位于松嫩—张广才岭微板块东部.自晚古生代以来该域经历了西拉木伦河缝合带闭合产生的北向挤压作用、蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋自西向东剪刀叉式闭合对其东侧东南侧产生的挤压作用以及西太平洋板块西向变向俯冲产生的挤压作用等区域构造应力场影响,从而产生了复杂的地壳变动.该东缘域的地壳结构与松辽盆地地壳是否具有相近的结构特点,这是至今未被研究的内容.在Songliao Drep研究中已经用深反射地震手段得到松辽盆地地壳结构的一组新认识.这些认识在其东缘域是否还成立,也需要用同样精度的手段予以研究.另外,莫霍界面的宏观特征与微观(内部)特征,从松辽盆地到其东缘域有什么样的变化,其形成机理是什么,也需要进一步研究.为了回答这些科学问题,从哈尔滨西至尚志市附近实施了一条东西向约150 km长的深反射地震剖面.通过研究发现东缘域与松辽盆地基底地壳具有明显的差别,即由松辽盆地地壳的三分性变到东缘域盆地外地壳的二分性,在剖面近东端得到近26 km深的莫霍界面深度,并用均衡理论分析莫霍界面形态特征的形成机理;上部地壳存在双向大型推覆断裂,推测其被推覆体主体是古亚洲洋沉积地层即C-P系海相地层.这些认识为中国东北地区探查晚古生代海相地层、研究东北亚地壳结构特征提供了理论依据.

孔隙介质弹性波传播理论在地球物理勘探、地震工程和岩土动力学等领域有着广泛的应用.而孔隙介质中的弹性波受孔隙度、渗透率、流体黏滞系数等参数的影响,因此研究波场的传播特征将有助于分析和提取这些信息.本文在Biot理论的基础上,针对三维层状孔隙介质模型,利用在合成理论地震图的研究中已经被证实具有稳定、高效且适用范围较广的Luco-Apsel-Chen(LAC)广义反透射方法,给出了弹性波场的一种积分形式的半解析解,可通过数值方法高效、准确地计算层状孔隙介质中的理论波场,所以该积分形式的半解析解可为三维层状孔隙介质波场传播特征的理论数值模拟研究提供一种新的途径和手段.  相似文献   
Simplified analytical solutions are presented to model the interaction of linear waves with absorbing-type caisson breakwaters, which possess one, or two, perforated or slotted front faces which result in one, or two, interior fluid regions (chambers). The perforated/slotted surfaces are idealized as thin porous plates. Energy dissipation in the interior fluid region(s) inside the breakwater is modelled through a damping function. Under the assumption of potential flow and linear wave theory a boundary-value problem may then be formulated to describe wave interaction with the idealized structure. A solution to this simplified problem may be obtained by an eigenfunction expansion technique and an explicit analytical expression may be obtained for the reflected wave height. Using the experimental work of previous authors, damping coefficients are determined for both single and double chamber absorbing-type caisson breakwaters. Based on the damping for a single perforated-wall breakwater, a methodology is proposed to enable the estimation of the damping coefficients for a breakwater with two chambers. The theoretical predictions of the reflection coefficients for the two-chamber structures using the present model are compared with those obtained from laboratory experiments by other authors. It is found that the inclusion of the damping in the interior fluid region gives rise to improved agreement between theory and experiment.  相似文献   
贵州西南部灰家堡金矿田位于国家级南盘江-右江成矿区带北部,探明金资源量370 t,近东西向灰家堡背斜为矿田控矿构造,矿体呈层状似层状产于背斜轴线300■1 000 m范围,埋深0■1 400 m,是理论找矿的典型范例。为燕山期成矿。构造地球化学弱信息指示了深部隐伏矿存在的可能,地球物理判别了深部构造形态,为深部工程验证提供间接依据;矿田内局部地段矿体未圈边、深部断裂发现厚大矿体;根据找矿预测模型,开展深部找矿预测,仍有较好找矿潜力。  相似文献   
Magnetotelluric (MT) investigations were carried out along a profile in the greenschist–granulite transition zone within the south Indian shield region (SISR). The profile runs over a length of 110 km from Kuppam in the north to Bommidi in the south. It covers the transition zone with 12 MT stations using a wide-band (1 kHz–1 ks) data acquisition system. The Mettur shear zone (MTSZ) forms the NE extension of Moyar–Bhavani shear zone that traverses along the transition zone. The regional geoelectric strike direction of N40°E identified from the present study is consistent with the strike direction of the MTSZ in the center of the profile. The 2-D conductivity model derived from the data display distinct high electrical resistivity character (10,000 Ω m) below the Archaean Dharwar craton and less resistive (< 3000 Ω m) under the southern granulite terrain located south of the MTSZ. The MTSZ separating the two regions is characterized by steep anomalous high conductive feature at lower crustal depths. The deep seismic sounding (DSS) study carried out along the profile shows dipping signatures on either side of the shear zone. The variation of deep electrical resistivity together with the dipping signature of reflectors indicate two distinct terrains, namely, the Archaean Dharwar Craton in the north and the Proterozoic granulite terrain towards south. They got accreted along the MTSZ, which could represent a possible collision boundary.  相似文献   
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