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运用标贯法和seed简化方法对坝基的抗震液化进行了分析判别,发现坝基中粉砂和细砂层存在严重液化问题,中砂层局部存在液化问题,液化深度一般为7~9m,最大液化深度可达13.2m。依据坝坡稳定分析结果,确定上、下游坝脚内15m,坝脚外5m为坝基液化处理范围,粉砂、细砂层为主要处理地层。在实际防治工作中,采用振冲碎(砂)石桩或振动沉管砂石桩,结合水平排水对坝基的地震液化进行处理。处理后对各区砂土层的密实度及饱和砂土的地震液化进行检验,结果表明处理厚的坝基基本上达到了基础处理的目的。  相似文献   
Seismic observations have shown structural variation near the base of the mantle transition zone(MTZ)where subducted cold slabs,as visualized with high seismic speed anomalies(HSSAs),flatten to form stagnant slabs or sink further into the lower mantle.The different slab behaviors were also accompanied by variation of the "660 km" discontinuity depths and low viscosity layers(LVLs) beneath the MTZ that are suggested by geoid inversion studies.We address that deep water transport by subducted slabs and dehydration from hydrous slabs could affect the physical properties of mantle minerals and govern slab dynamics.A systematic series of three-dimensional numerical simulation has been conducted to examine the effects of viscosity reduction or contrast between slab materials on slab behaviors near the base of the MTZ.We found that the viscosity reduction of subducted crustal material leads to a separation of crustal material from the slab main body and its transient stagnation in the MTZ.The once trapped crustal materials in the MTZ eventually sink into the lower mantle within 20-30 My from the start of the plate subduction.The results suggest crustal material recycle in the whole mantle that is consistent with evidence from mantle geochemistry as opposed to a two-layer mantle convection model.Because of the smaller capacity of water content in lower mantle minerals than in MTZ minerals,dehydration should occur at the phase transformation depth,~660 km.The variation of the discontinuity depths and highly localized low seismic speed anomaly(LSSA) zones observed from seismic P waveforms in a relatively high frequency band(~1 Hz) support the hypothesis of dehydration from hydrous slabs at the phase boundary.The LSSAs which correspond to dehydration induced fluids are likely to be very local,given very small hydrogen(H~+) diffusivity associated with subducted slabs.The image of such local LSSA zones embedded in HSSAs may not be necessarily captured in tomography studies.The high electrical conductivity in the MTZ beneath the northwestern Pacific subduction zone does not necessarily require a broad range of high water content homogeneously.  相似文献   
Partly laminated sediments were sampled from the brine-filled, anoxic Shaban Deep basin in the northern Red Sea. At about 4200 cal yr BP more than two millennia of anoxic sedimentation is replaced by a sub-oxic facies strongly suggesting the episodic absence of the brine. At the same time stable oxygen isotopes from surface dwelling foraminifera show a sharp increase (within less than 100 yr) pointing to a strong positive salinity anomaly at the sea surface. This major evaporation event significantly enhanced the renewal of deep water and the subsequent ventilation of the small Shaban Deep basin. The timing and strength of the reconstructed environmental changes around 4200 cal yr BP suggest that this event is the regional expression of a major drought event, which is widely observed in the neighboring regions, and which strongly affected Middle East agricultural civilizations.  相似文献   
We present results and interpretation of a 72 km long deep seismic reflection profile acquired across the internal zone of the Hercynian belt of South Brittany. The profile is of excellent quality, most of the crust being highly reflective. The “ARMOR 2 South” profile, is correlated with the “ARMOR 2 North” profile that was published in 2003. Correlation of the main subsurface reflections with surface geological and structural data provides important information about the crustal structure that resulted from thickening during Late Devonian and regional-scale extension during Late Carboniferous. In particular, seismics image shows a very high reflectivity zone, lying flat over more than 40 km at about 10–12 km depth. This zone is interpreted as a major zone of ductile crustal thinning.  相似文献   
The Yinchuan basin, located on the western margin of the Ordos block, has the characteristics of an active continental rift. A NW-striking deep seismic reflection profile across the center of Yinchuan basin precisely revealed the fine structure of the crust. The images showed that the crust in the Yinchuan basin was characterized by vertical stratifications along a detachment located at a two-way travel time(TWT) of 8.0 s.The most outstanding feature of this seismic profile was the almost flat Mohorovicˇic′ discontinuity(Moho) and a high-reflection zone in the lower crust. This sub-horizontal Moho conflicts with the general assumption of an uplifted Moho under sedimentary basins and continental rifts, and may indicate the action of different processes at depth during the evolution of sedimentary basins or rifts.We present a possible interpretation of these deep processes and the sub-horizontal Moho. The high-reflection zone, which consists of sheets of high-density, mantlederived materials, may have compensated for crustal thinning in the Yinchuan basin, leading to the formation of a sub-horizontal Moho. These high-density materials may have been emplaced by underplating with mantlesourced magma.  相似文献   
为深入理解华北克拉通破坏机理,本研究通过鄂尔多斯盆地北缘南北向宽频带线性高密度流动地震台观测记录的远震波形数据,获得了1985条高质量到时资料,进而利用FMTT(Fast Marching Teleseismic Tomography)快速行进层析成像方法获得了华北克拉通西部鄂尔多斯盆地北缘深至300 km范围的P波速度模型.结果显示,鄂尔多斯盆地下方呈现出深至150~200 km的高波速异常,说明华北克拉通其西部岩石圈保存完好尚未遭到明显破坏.河套地堑下方存在向鄂尔多斯盆地下方延伸的明显低波速异常,其深度可达300 km深度,而阴山造山带下方上地幔存在深至100 km左右的弱高波速异常,说明鄂尔多斯盆地周边地区的岩石圈均遭到一定程度破坏并减薄,可能与新生代时期太平洋板块的俯冲引起深部热物质上涌等作用密切相关.这些研究结果说明,华北克拉通在构造演化过程中不同块体经历了不同的破坏演化历史,这对于认识克拉通破坏减薄机制具有重要意义.  相似文献   
In recent years, voices in Jordan became lauder to exploit the fresh to brackish deep groundwater overlain by fresh groundwater bodies. In this article the implications of such a policy on the existing fresh water bodies are worked out through studying the sources of salinity in the different aquifer systems and the potentials of salinity mobilization by artificial changes in the hydrodynamic regimes. It is concluded that extracting the groundwater of deep aquifers overlain by fresh water bodies, whether the deep groundwater is fresh to brackish, brackish or salty, is equivalent to extracting groundwater from the overlying fresh groundwater bodies because of the hydraulic connections of the deep and the shallow aquifers’ groundwaters. The consequences are even more complicated and severe because exploiting the deep groundwater containing brackish or salty water will lead to refilling by fresh groundwater leaking from the overlying aquifers. The leaking water becomes salinized as soon as it enters the pore spaces of the emptied deep aquifer matrix and by mixing with the deep aquifer brackish or saline groundwater. Therefore, the move to exploit the deep groundwater is misleading and damaging the aquifers and is unjust to future generation's rights in the natural wealth of Jordan or any other country with similar aquifers’ set-up. In addition, desalination produces brines with high salinity which cannot easily be discharged in the highlands of Jordan (with only very limited access to the open sea) because they will on the long term percolate down into fresh water aquifers.  相似文献   
郭家湾煤矿地处神府矿区新民采区西北部,为生态环境脆弱区。井田七层煤三个煤组开采后引发地面塌陷、含水层疏干、土地结构变化等地质环境问题,严重制约了地方经济的发展。为了煤炭资源可持续发展,研究陕北煤矿区地质环境保护与恢复治理措施,以1∶10000野外详细调查为依据,首先进行现状评估,然后针对矿山工程建设可能遭受、加剧、引发的矿山地质环境问题进行预测评估,最后提出了以移民搬迁、回填裂缝、生态恢复、建立矿山地质环境监测体系等为主的防治措施,让煤矿开采与矿山地质环境问题恢复治理并行。旨为陕北地区乃至全国煤矿,在保护地质环境中开发利用矿产资源提供依据和示范。  相似文献   
李华伟  白冰  王梦恕  许韬 《岩土力学》2015,36(5):1306-1312
根据饱和多孔介质中考虑释放效应的一维渗透作用的可溶性污染物的迁移控制方程,通过Laplace变换和Fourier变换及其逆变换求得相应的通解形式。根据半无限体表面可溶性污染物点源注入情形下的基本解,通过积分方法得到半无限体表面圆形区域上作用循环浓度污染物后,在多孔介质内部污染物迁移过程的求解方法。作为一个典型算例,对渗透作用下循环浓度污染源引起的多孔介质中的迁移过程进行分析。算例表明,当污染源浓度为周期变化时,多孔介质内部污染物的浓度随时间增长由不稳定的周期变化过程逐渐过渡到稳定的循环过程,而某一深度处污染物浓度的相位则相应滞后。此时,稳定后的污染物浓度周期与污染源浓度周期相同。实际上,随多孔介质表面污染源浓度的周期变化,在靠近多孔介质表面一定深度范围内的污染物浓度在深度方向也呈增大或减小的交替变化过程。另一方面,在污染源循环变化过程中污染物不断向深处推进,而最终其影响范围限定在某一深度内。  相似文献   
We discuss the possible observational manifestation of the formation of massive black holes in galactic nuclei in the form of an intense high-energy neutrino flux. A short-lived (≤10 yr) hidden neutrino source results from the natural dynamicalal evolution of a central star cluster in the galactic nucleus before its gravitational collapse. The central star cluster at the final evolutionary stage consists of degenerate compact stars (neutron stars and stellar-mass black holes) and is embedded in a massive gaseous envelope produced by destructive collisions of normal stars. Multiple fireballs from frequent collisions of neutron stars give rise to a tenuous quasi-stationary cavity in the central part of the massive envelope. The cavity is filled with shock waves on which an effective cosmic-ray acceleration takes place. Allthe accelerated particles, except the secondary high-energy neutrinos, are absorbed in the dense envelope. The neutrino signal that carries information on the dynamicals of the collapsing galactic nucleus can be recorded by a neutrino detector with an effective area S∼1 km2.  相似文献   
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