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We present results of synthetic time‐lapse and real repeatability multi‐transient electromagnetic surveys over the North Sea Harding field. Using Archie's law to convert porosity and fluid saturation to resistivity we created 3D isotropic models of the reservoir resistivity at different stages of production from the initial state in 1996 through to complete hydrocarbon production by 2016 and, for each stage, we simulated an east‐west transient electromagnetic survey line across Harding. Unconstrained 1D full‐waveform Occam inversions of these synthetic data show that Harding should be detectable and its lateral extent reasonably well‐defined. Resistivity changes caused by hydrocarbon production from initial pre‐production state to production of the oil rim in 2011 are discernible as are significant changes from 2011–2016 during the modelled gas blowdown phase. The 2D repeatability surveys of 2007 and 2008 tied two wells: one on and the other off the structure. Between the two surveys the segment of the field under investigation produced 3.9 million barrels of oil – not enough to generate an observable time‐lapse electromagnetic anomaly with a signal‐to‐noise ratio of 40 dB. Processing of the 2007 and 2008 data included deconvolution for the measured source current and removal of spatially‐correlated noise, which increased the signal‐to‐noise ratio of the recovered impulse responses by about 20 dB and resulted in a normalized root‐mean‐square difference of 3.9% between the data sets. 1D full‐waveform Occam inversions of the real data showed that Harding was detectable and its lateral extent was also reasonably well‐defined. The results indicate that the multi‐transient electromagnetic method is suitable for exploration, appraisal and monitoring hydrocarbon production.  相似文献   
远震P波波形数据中包含了大量的地震台站下方地壳和上地慢速度间断面所产生的PS转换波及其多次反射波的信息,由此提取的接收函数是了解地壳上地慢速度精细结构的重要步骤之一。本介绍了目前在提高接收函数结果的稳定性和精度方面的研究进展,包括石油勘探中一些成熟的地震反射处理方法逐步渗透到接收函数的研究领域。这些处理方法以前所未有的分辨率展示了地壳上地幔结构的横向非均匀性。  相似文献   
In previous papers Jansson's method was found to be successful at deconvolving severely overlapped gaschromatographic peaks.In the most recent paper the method was evaluated with respect to quantitativeaceuracy,peak area and retention time repeatability.The problems associated with deconvolving noisydata and some alternatives which can improve the ability of Jansson's method to deconvolve noisy dataare discussed.These alternatives include presmoothing the data with a nine-point,third-order polynomialfilter and data reblurring.This paper will test these methods on peaks with various degrees of resolutionand signal-to-noise ratios.  相似文献   
邵叶  周青云 《华南地震》2019,39(2):86-91
利用云南省宾川主动源基地周边10km范围内7个流动台站2017年2月气枪震源集中激发时段记录的气枪信号,使用干涉法计算了直接使用波形和将波形与参考台反褶积后的格林函数两种处理方法下气枪信号的走时变化。使用了气枪震源附近不同方位角的两个参考台的数据,以分析不同参考台对走时变化结果的影响。结果表明:反褶积能较为有效的压制气枪震源的时间、空间和频谱轻微不重复性导致的走时变化;反褶积能降低一些来源不明的伪走时变化;使用CKT2的数据反褶积的结果略优于CKT0,其可能原因是气枪阵列沿方位角的非均匀辐射。  相似文献   
Teleseismic long-period P waves from the June 20, 1978, Thessaloniki (N. Greece) earthquake (M s=6.4) were modeled in an attempt to extract information about asperities or barriers on the fault plane. The analysis is based on the inversion method of complex P waves developed by Kikuchi and Kanamori (1982). A far-field source time function with a rise time of 2 sec and a process time of 5 sec is inferred, corresponding to a source dimension of about 10 km when a rupture velocity of 2 km/sec is assumed.The source depth of this shock, estimated by matching synthetic seismograms to observations, is found to be 8 km. The sum of the seismic moments of the individual subevents amounts to 3.3×1025 dyn-cm.  相似文献   
A sparker is a marine seismic impulsive source used for high-resolution seismic surveys. Sparker sources were very popular during the late 1960s and 1970s before being supplanted by small volume airguns. However, in the last 10 years there has been renewed interest in sparker technology because (1) it can be easily deployed at relatively low costs and (2) in certain areas the use of small airguns is restricted for environmental purposes. In this study a sparker source was used to assess the seismic stratigraphy of Quaternary deposits and to image the sediment/bedrock interface. Three different inverse filtering methods were tested (i.e., spiking deconvolution, match-filtering and vertical seismic profile (VSP) deconvolution) to correct the poor shot-to-shot repeatability of the source and to compress its reverberations. Results show that the matched-filter and VSP deconvolution methods, which design and apply one operator for each shot, produced comparable results, whereas the spiking deconvolution that used the same operator on all traces failed to compress the source signature properly.  相似文献   
徐基祥 《地球物理学报》2014,57(6):1910-1923
针对山地地震勘探数据低信噪比问题,近地表散射波分离意义显得尤为突出,地震干涉测量法为此提供了一种技术手段.本文将地震干涉测量理论和散射理论结合起来,导出了近地表散射波地震干涉测量表达式,分为互相关型和褶积型表达式,它们由实际波场和背景波场干涉测量构成.根据近地表散射波分离理论,结合陆上地震勘探实际观测系统,采用褶积和反褶积混合型地震干涉测量配置,用实际地震资料展示了近地表散射波分离技术的应用效果.经过理论分析和砾石区实际资料试验,表明地震干涉测量不仅能分离测线上散射源产生的散射波,而且能分离部分侧面散射波.该技术的优点在于它适应于起伏地形和不均匀近地表结构,并且不需要起伏地形和近地表速度信息.为了从实际资料中消除近地表散射波,本文采用多道匹配滤波自适应减法,在砾石区见到较好效果.  相似文献   

子波的精确提取是地震勘探后续反演与成像的前提, 针对传统时变子波提取方法受到的各类假设限制, 且需分别提取子波振幅谱与相位谱的问题, 本文提出了一种基于改进门控循环单元(GRU)网络的叠前时变地震子波提取方法.根据实际叠前地震数据分布特征与非平稳性质, 本方法首先建立非平稳地震记录与添加随机噪声的时变子波训练数据集; 为对提取出的时序特征进行拓展, 提升传统GRU网络对长时序列的处理能力, 本方法搭建起含多层GRU模块与全连接神经网络的改进门控循环单元网络模型; 利用建立的训练数据集对网络模型进行训练使网络具备提取时变子波的能力; 为提高训练效率与提取精度, 本方法在训练的反向传播过程中应用自定义WaveLoss损失函数衡量误差, 最终实现叠前时变子波的估计.经合成数据仿真实验与不同方法对比验证, 本文提出的叠前时变子波提取方法具有更高的准确度; 经对中国西部不同地区实际叠前地震资料处理与反褶积验证分析, 该方法可有效提高目标区叠前地震剖面分辨率.

Scaling geology and seismic deconvolution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The reflection seismic signal observed at the surface is the convolution of a wavelet with a reflection sequence representing the geology. Deconvolution of the observations without prior knowledge of the wavelet can be done by making assumptions about the statistics of the reflection sequence. In particular, the widely used prediction error filter is obtained by assuming that the power spectra of reflection sequences are white. However, evidence from well logs suggests that the power spectra are in fact proportional to a power of the frequency,f, that is, tof , with equal approximately to 1.We have found a simple modification to the prediction error filter that markedly improves deconvolution for reflection sequences with such scaling behaviour. We have calculated three reflection sequences from sonic logs of a well off Newfoundland and two wells in Quebec. The three values of were 0.84, 0.95, and 1.20. We made artificial seismograms from the sequences and deconvolved them with the prediction error filter and our new filters. The errors between the known reflection sequences and the recovered ones for the prediction error filter were 20%, 26%, and 31%; for the new filters 0.5%, 2.0% and 0.5%.  相似文献   
Light scattering in fore-optics of imaging radiometric instruments degrades images, the signal of dark pixels is enhanced and that of bright pixels is reduced. A procedure of restoring hemispherical images obtained with a hemispheric view CCD-radiometer is suggested. The circular hemispheric image is projected onto the sphere and Wiener filtering on the sphere is performed. For building the Wiener filter the point spread function of the instrument was measured in the laboratory, and test images of (partially) controlled radiance were measured. The procedure is applied for the correction of hemispherical radiometric images taken under forest canopy. In non-corrected near infrared images the signal of sky pixels in forest canopy gaps near zenith is enhanced 1.4–2.0 times. The applied correction reduces this error to the level of 1.1–1.2. In the red channel these figures are 0.8–0.9 and 0.97–0.99, respectively.  相似文献   
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