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A line of Roman villas once dominated the Mediterranean coastline to the south of the Tiber river mouth near Ostia in central Italy. The Roman remains, which were constructed within a series of dune ridges, now lie up to 900 m from the current shoreline as a result of the continued evolution of the Tiber delta in response to postglacial sea level rise, sediment inputs from the Tiber river catchment and tectonic uplift. Infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) ages of potassium-rich feldspars extracted from dune sands are in good agreement with the independent age control provided by the Roman structures and allow us to hypothesise an increase in aggradation rates of five times since the end of the period of Roman occupation compared with the earlier Holocene.  相似文献   
黄思静  黄喻  兰叶芳  黄可可 《岩石学报》2011,27(12):3831-3842
在四川盆地东北部14条野外剖面和地下钻井的二叠系长兴组、三叠系飞仙关组和嘉陵江组石灰岩和白云岩岩石学研究的基础上,对其中189个不同类型的碳酸盐样品(包括代表海水的石灰岩样品和在不同成岩阶段形成的各种白云岩样品)进行了锶同位素组成和相应的MgO、CaO和Mn、Sr元素分析,获得了系统的晚二叠-早三叠世海水的锶同位素组成数据并建立了相应演化曲线.在此基础上,对不同地层组/段和不同类型白云岩的锶同位素组成与同期海水锶同位素组成进行了对照研究,取得了如下主要认识:(1)川东北晚二叠-早三叠世白云岩的锶同位素组成与同期海水具有类似的演化趋势,结合白云岩的低锰、高锶特征,说明白云化流体与海水存在显著的亲缘关系,与铝硅酸盐地层无关;(2)白云岩的锶同位素组成与同期海水存在差别,各地层组/段白云岩的87Sr/86Sr比值都不同程度地高于同期海水,但从下往上,即从长兴组、飞2+3段、嘉2段到嘉4段,这种差值逐渐缩小,嘉4段白云岩的锶同位素组成已和同期海水基本一致;(3)川东北长兴组、飞2+3段白云岩形成的时间显著晚于同层石灰岩,白云化流体为时间上更晚的海源流体,但嘉2、嘉4段白云岩的形成时间仅略晚于同层石灰岩,白云化流体来源于非常近同期的蒸发浓缩的高Mg/Ca比值海水,一些嘉4段的白云岩的白云化流体就是同期海水,因而这些白云岩是同生或准同生的;(4)如果把白云化的时间看作白云岩的形成时间,则违背地层叠置原理是川东北长兴组和飞仙关组结晶白云岩的主要特征之一,其形成机制可用非同期海源流体的隐伏回流-对流模式来解释,嘉陵江组白云岩形成机制可用活跃回流-萨布哈模式来解释.白云岩和代表同期海水的石灰岩锶同位素组成的对比为解决白云化流体与海水之间的时间关系提供一种新的研究途径.  相似文献   
铀矿床定年研究进展评述   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
往往由于铀矿物(沥青铀矿)颗粒细小、易蚀变成铀的次生矿物及多期铀矿化作用相互叠加等在组成和结构上的固有特点,通常难以用挑选铀矿物(沥青铀矿)样品溶样的传统定年方法精确确定其形成年龄。随着分析技术的不断更新和发展,对铀矿床成矿年代学的研究也不断深入。但受铀矿床中铀矿物U-Pb定年方法本身的制约,以及以往对铀矿物U-Pb定年体系中铀矿物样品要求认识的不足,常常导致获得的年龄无实际地质意义或无法获得理想的等时线年龄。本文针对铀矿化定年方法的发展历程进行了系统梳理和分析,评述了铀矿物定年的五种主要方法:(1)铀矿物U-Th-totalPb化学年龄;(2)铀矿物模式年龄;(3)铀矿物传统等时线年龄;(4)铀矿物矿伴生矿物年龄;(5)原位微区铀矿物U-Pb年龄。在此基础上,深入探讨了铀矿化作用定年研究中存在的问题和对应方案,期望促进未来铀矿床成矿年代学的发展。  相似文献   
The Tuxtla Volcanic Field (TVF) is located on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico in the southern part of the state of Veracruz, Mexico. Volcanism began about 7 my ago, in the Late Miocene, and continued to recent times with historical eruptions in ad 1664 and 1793. The oldest rocks occur as highly eroded remnants of lava flows in the area surrounding the historically active cone of San Martín Tuxtla. Between about 3 and 1 my ago, four large composite volcanoes were built in the eastern part of the area. Rocks from these structures are hydrothermally altered and covered with lateritic soils, and their northern slopes show extensive erosional dissection that has widened preexisting craters to form erosional calderas. The eastern volcanoes are composed of alkali basalts, hawaiites, mugearites, and benmoreites, with less common calc-alkaline basaltic andesites and andesites. In the western part of the area, San Martín Tuxtla Volcano and its over 250 satellite cinder cones and maars produced about 120 km3 of lava over the last 0.8 my. A ridge of flank cinder cones blocked drainage to the north to form Laguna Catemaco. Lavas erupted from San Martín and its flank vents are restricted to compositions between basanite and alkali basalt. The alignment of major volcanoes and flank vents along a N55°W trend suggests an extensional stress field in the crust with a minimum compressional stress orientation of N35° E. In total, about 800 km3 of lava has been erupted in the TVF in the last 7 my. This gives a magma output rate of about 0.1 km3/1000 year, a value smaller than most composite cones, but similar to cinder cone fields that occur in central Mexico. Individual eruptions over the last 5000 years had volumes on the order of 0.1km3, with average recurrence intervals of 600 years. The alkaline compositions of the TVF lavas contrast markedly with the calc-alkaline compositions erupted in the subduction-related Mexican Volcanic Belt to the west, leading previous workers to suggest that the TVF is not related to subduction. Trace-element signatures of TVF lavas indicate, however, that they are probably related to subduction. We suggest that the alkaline character of the TVF lavas is the result of low degrees of melting of a mantle source coupled with a stress regime that allows these small-volume melts to reach the surface in the TVF.  相似文献   
Intra-crystalline protein diagenesis (IcPD), a recent development of amino acid racemization dating (AAR), is now established as a reliable geochronological tool for the Quaternary. However, extending the method to new biominerals requires extensive testing in order to provide evidence for the closed-system behaviour of the intra-crystalline proteins and to assess the temporal span that can be covered.Here we present results from high-temperature experiments on the IcPD of the bivalve Pecten, demonstrating that a fraction of proteins can be isolated from a bleach-resistant mineral matrix, which effectively operates as a closed system under conditions of accelerated diagenesis in the laboratory. Analyses of Pecten from the well-dated terrace system of the Gulf of Corinth (Greece) provided a pilot test for the integrity of the intra-crystalline fraction in subfossil shells. The small sample sizes in this preliminary study preclude a full assessment of the aminostratigraphic power of Pecten IcPD, but a concordance is observed between the extent of IcPD and sites dating from between MIS 5 and MIS 11.We conclude that Pecten is a potentially good substrate for IcPD dating in the Mediterranean, and that the temporal limit of the technique in this area lies beyond MIS 11.  相似文献   
Establishing a precise chorology is a critical issue when employing cold-water coral as paleoenvironmental archives. Currently, U-Th, 14C and 210Pb dating techniques are the most frequently used methods. The high-magnesium calcite skeleton of bamboo coral has clear growth bands, which is appropriate for 14C and 210Pb dating methods and holds a great potential to be high-resolution archives of mid-to-deep ocean evolution. Aragonitic stony coral is appropriate for both U-Th and 14C dating methods, which is valuable in paleoceanographic research. Because the U-Th method can provide the absolute chronology of coral samples, it can further be used to calculate the 14C age of ocean carbon reservoirs. Therefore, U-Th and 14C dating results of stony coral are currently the most reliable data for exploring the evolution of ocean carbon reservoirs through the Last Glacial Maximum to the present. It has been found that the 14C ventilation ages of intermediate water masses of the equatorial Atlantic and Southern Ocean significantly decreased at the end of the Heinrich Stadial 1. This suggests a massive carbon transfer from deep oceans to the atmosphere, or the Atlantic intermediate depths were ventilated by the southern- and the northern-sourced water masses, respectively, before and after the Heinrich Stadial 1.  相似文献   
Estimates of regolith degradation in the McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica are currently based on indirect evidence and ancient ashes at or near the soil surface that suggest excellent preservation of surfaces. On the other hand, the existing cosmogenic-nuclide surface exposure ages from many parts of the Dry Valleys are younger than the age of surface deposits inferred from stratigraphic relations. This suggests some combination of surface erosion or past ice cover, both of which would reduce the apparent exposure age. This paper quantifies the regolith degradation and/or past ice cover by measuring 10Be and 26Al from a landslide deposit that contains 11.3 Ma volcanic ash. The surface sample yields an apparent exposure age of only 0.4 Ma. However, measurements of the subsurface nuclide concentrations show that the deposit has not been shielded by ice, and that the age of the ash does not conflict with the apparent exposure age when slow degradation of the deposit (2 m Ma−1) is taken into account. Soil creep, which is a common degradational process in a wide variety of environments, is non-existent at this field site, which likely reflects the persistent lack of bio- and cryoturbation.  相似文献   
The Camie River uranium deposit is located in the southeastern part of the Paleoproterozoic Otish Basin (Québec). The uranium mineralization consists of disseminated and vein uraninite and brannerite precipitated close to the unconformity between Paleoproterozoic fluviatile, pervasively altered, sandstones and conglomerates of the Matoush Formation and the underlying sulfide-bearing graphitic schists of the Archean Hippocampe greenstone belt. Diagenetic orange/pink feldspathic alteration of the Matoush Formation consists of authigenic albite cement partly replaced by later orthoclase cement, with the Na2O content of clastic rocks increasing with depth. Basin-wide green muscovite alteration affected both the Matoush Formation and the top of the basement Tichegami Group. Uraninite with minor brannerite is mainly hosted by subvertical reverse faults in basement graphitic metapelites ± sulfides and overlying sandstones and conglomerates. Uranium mineralization is associated with chlorite veins and alteration with temperatures near 320 °C, that are paragenetically late relative to the diagenetic feldspathic and muscovite alterations. Re-Os geochronology of molybdenite intergrown with uraninite yields an age of 1724.0 ± 4.9 Ma, whereas uraninite yields an identical, although slightly discordant, 1724 ± 29 Ma SIMS U-Pb age. Uraninite has high concentrations in REE with flat REE spectra resembling those of uraninite formed from metamorphic fluids, rather than the bell-shaped patterns typical of unconformity-related uraninite. Paragenesis and geochronology therefore show that the uranium mineralization formed approximately 440 million years after intrusion of the Otish Gabbro dykes and sills at ∼2176 Ma, which constrains the minimum age for the sedimentary host rocks. The post-diagenetic stage of uraninite after feldspathic and muscovite alterations, the paragenetic sequence and the brannerite-uraninite assemblage, the relatively high temperature for the mineralizing event (∼320 °C) following the diagenetic Na- and K-dominated alteration, lack of evidence for brines typical of unconformity-related U deposits, the older age of the Otish Basin compared to worldwide basins hosting unconformity-related uranium deposits, the large age difference between basin fill and mineralization, the older age of the uranium oxide compared to ages for worldwide unconformity-related U deposits, and the flat REE spectra of uraninite do not support the previous interpretation that the Camie River deposit is an unconformity-associated uranium deposit. Rather, the evidence is more consistent with a PaleoProterozoic, higher-temperature hydrothermal event at 1724 Ma, whose origin remains speculative.  相似文献   
Quaternary glaciations in the Verkhoyansk Mountains, Northeast Siberia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Geomorphological mapping revealed five terminal moraines in the central Verkhoyansk Mountains. The youngest terminal moraine (I) was formed at least 50 ka ago according to new IRSL (infrared optically stimulated luminescence) dates. Older terminal moraines in the western foreland of the mountains are much more extensive in size. Although the smallest of these older moraines, moraine II, has not been dated, moraine III is 80 to 90 ka, moraine IV is 100 to 120 ka, and the outermost moraine V was deposited around 135 ka. This glaciation history is comparable to that of the Barents and Kara ice sheet and partly to that of the Polar Ural Mountains regarding the timing of the glaciations. However, no glaciation occurred during the global last glacial maximum (MIS 2). Based on cirque orientation and different glacier extent on the eastern and western flanks of the Verkhoyansk Mountains, local glaciations are mainly controlled by moisture transport from the west across the Eurasian continent. Thus glaciations in the Verkhoyansk Mountains not only express local climate changes but also are strongly influenced by the extent of the Eurasian ice sheets.  相似文献   
This work establishes the relative timing of pluton emplacement and regional deformation from new dating and structural data. (1) Monazite and (2) zircon dating show Tournaisian ages for the Guéret granites [Aulon granite 352 ± 5 Ma (1), 351 ± 5 Ma (2) and Villatange tonalite 353 ± 6 Ma (1)] and Viseo-Namurian ages for the north Millevaches granites [Chavanat granite 336 ± 4 Ma (1), Goutelle granite 336 ± 3 Ma (1), Royère granite 323 ± 2 Ma (1) and 328 ± 6 Ma (2), Courcelles granite 318 ± 3 Ma (1)]. The Guéret and Millevaches granites are separated by the N110 Arrènes–la Courtine Shear Zone (ACSZ), composed from West to East by the Arrènes Fault (AF), the North Millevaches Shear Zone (NMSZ) and the la Courtine Shear Zone (CSZ), respectively. Tournaisian Guéret granites experienced a non-coaxial dextral shearing (NMSZ) recorded by the Villatange granite while the Aulon granite (Guéret granite) cuts across this dextral shear zone which thus stopped shearing during Tournaisian time. Visean to Namurian Millevaches granites experienced a coaxial deformation. Therefore, low displacements along the NMSZ and the CSZ occurred at the emplacement time of Chavanat and Pontarion-Royère granites (336–323 Ma). The structural analyses of Goutelle granite emphasizes a deformation related to the dextral Creuse Fault System (CFS) oriented N150–N160. From 360 to 300 Ma, the Z strain axis is always horizontal inferring a wrench setting for these granite emplacements. During this tectonic evolution, the Argentat zone acted as a minor normal fault and is related with a local Middle Visean (340–335 Ma) syn-orogenic extension on the western border of the Millevaches massif.  相似文献   
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