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秦岭环斑花岗岩的年代学研究及其意义   总被引:51,自引:2,他引:49  
本文对秦岭环斑花岗岩带进行了系统的测年工作,通过对实测U-Pb,Rb-Sr,^40Ar/^39Ar年龄测定结果研究,认为210-217Ma是秦岭造山带主造山阶段结束的时间,为秦岭主造山期结束提供了确切的语气具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   
The Shatsky and Hess Rises,the Mid-Pacific Mountains and the Line Islands large igneous provinces(LIPs) present different challenges to conventional plume models.Resolving the genesis of these LIPs is important not only for a more complete understanding of mantle plumes and plume-generated magmatism,but also for establishing the role of subducted LIP conjugates in the evolution of the Laramide orogeny and other circum-Pacific orogenic events,which are related to the development of large porphyry systems.Given past difficulties in developing consistent geodynamic models for these LIPs,it is useful to consider whether viable alternative geodynamic scenarios may be provided by recent concepts such as melt channel networks and channel-associated lineaments,along with the "two mode"model of melt generation,where a deeply-sourced channel network is superimposed on the plume,evolving and adapting over millions of years.A plume may also interact with transform faults in close proximity to a mid ocean ridge,with the resultant bathymetric character strongly affected by the relative age difference of lithosphere across the fault.Our results suggest that the new two-mode melt models resolve key persistent issues associated with the Shatsky Rise and other LIPs and provide evidence for the existence of a conduit system within plumes that feed deeply-sourced material to the plume head,with flow maintained over considerable distances.The conduit system eventually breaks down during plume-ridge separation and may do so prior to the plume head being freed from the triple junction or spreading ridge.There is evidence for not only plume head capture by a triple junction but also for substantial deformation of the plume stem as the distance between the stem and anchored plume head increases.The evidence suggests that young transforms can serve as pathways for plume material migration,at least in certain plume head-transform configurations.A fortuitous similarity between the path of the Shatsky and Sio plumes,with respect to young spreading ridges and transforms,helps to clarify previously problematic bathymetric features that were not readily ascribed to fixed plumes alone.The Line Island Chain,which has been the subject of a vast number of models,is related mainly to several plumes that passed beneath the same region of oceanic crust,a relatively rare event that has resulted in LIP formation rather than a regular seamount track.Our findings have important implications for the timing and mechanism for the Laramide Orogeny in North America,demonstrating that the Hess Rise conjugate may be much smaller than traditionally thought.The Mid Pacific Mountains conjugate may not exist at all,given large parts of these LIPs were formed at an ‘off-ridge' site.This needs to be taken into account while considering the effects of conjugate collision on mineralization and orogenic events.  相似文献   
The Gurupi Belt, in north-northeastern Brazil, is a mobile belt developed in the south-southwestern margin of the São Luís cratonic fragment and crops out as a tectonic and erosional window within the Phanerozoic cover. Field, petrographic, geochemical, geochronological, and Nd isotopic information (new and published) constrain the timing and types of magmatic associations present in the belt and the tectonic settings in which they formed. The Rhyacian was the main period of magmatic activity, which can be grouped into two main stages. (1) ~2185–2130 ​Ma: pre-collisional, juvenile, calc-alkaline magnesian and calcic ferroan granitoid suites, and minor calc-alkaline and tholeiitic mafic plutonism (now amphibolites), formed in intra-oceanic to transitional/continental arcs; and intra- or back-arc volcano-sedimentary basin. (2) ~2125–2070 ​Ma: syn- (two-mica granites) to late-collisional (potassic to shoshonitic granites and quartz-syenite) plutonic suites produced after crustal thickening and melting, with localized migmatization, that intruded during the compressive D1 deformational phase and concomitantly with greenschist to amphibolite metamorphism. There is a zonation of the Rhyacian episodes, with intra-oceanic stages occurring to the northeast, and the continental arc and collisional phases occurring to the southwest, indicating the presence of an active continental margin to the southwest, and subduction from NE to SW (present-day configuration). This magmatic framework is a continuation to the south of what is described for the São Luís cratonic fragment to the north, and the orogenic scenario is identical to what is observed for the same period in the West African Craton (Eburnean/Birrimian orogen), which additionally supports previous geological correlations. In the Neoproterozoic, a few magmatic occurrences are recognized. An extensional event allowed the intrusion of an anorogenic, nepheline syenite at ca. 730 Ma, which was followed by the intrusion of a crustal, calc-alkaline microtonalite, of uncertain tectonic setting, at 624 ​Ma. Both intrusions underwent greenschist to amphibolite facies metamorphism between 580 Ma and 529 ​Ma. This metamorphic event is probably related to crustal thickening, which produced crustal melting and intrusion of two-mica granites between 595 Ma and 549 ​Ma. The absence of oceanic and arc-related assemblages, along with geophysical information about the basement of the Phanerozoic cover indicates an intracontinental setting for the Neoproterozoic–Early Cambrian evolution of the Gurupi Belt, with rifting and posterior closure of the basin, without oceanization. Rifting and closure correlate in time with the onset of Rodinia breakup and West Gondwana assembly, respectively, but we interpret the events in the Gurupi Belt as having no direct role in these two global supercontinent-related events, but, instead, as being related to orogenic events occurring in the periphery of the West African and Amazonian cratons at that time.  相似文献   
In the late Silurian, the Lachlan Orogen of southeastern Australia had a varied paleogeography with deep-marine, shallow-marine, subaerial environments and widespread igneous activity reflecting an extensional backarc setting. This changed to a compressional–extensional regime in the Devonian associated with episodic compressional events, including the Bindian, Tabberabberan and Kanimblan orogenies. The Early Devonian Bindian Orogeny was associated with SSE transport of the Wagga–Omeo Zone that was synchronous with thick sedimentation in the Cobar and Darling basins in central and western New South Wales. Shortening has been controlled by the margins of the Wagga–Omeo Zone with partitioning along strike-slip faults, such as along the Gilmore Fault, and inversion of pre-existing extensional basins including the Limestone Creek Graben and the Canbelego–Mineral Hill Volcanic Belt. Shortening was more widespread in the late Early Devonian to Middle Devonian Tabberabberan Orogeny, with major deformation in the Melbourne Zone, Cobar Basin and eastern Lachlan Orogen. In the eastern Melbourne Zone, structural trends have been controlled by the pre-existing structural grain in the adjacent Tabberabbera Zone. Elsewhere Tabberabberan deformation involved inversion of pre-existing rifts resulting in a variation in structural trends. In the Early Carboniferous, the Lachlan Orogen was in a compressional backarc setting west of the New England continental margin arc with Kanimblan deformation most evident in Upper Devonian units in the eastern Lachlan Orogen. Kanimblan structures include major thrusts and associated fault-propagation folds indicated by footwall synclines with a steeply dipping to overturned limb adjacent to the fault. Ongoing deformation and sedimentation have been documented in the Mt Howitt Province of eastern Victoria. Overall, structural trends reflect a combination of controls provided by reactivation of pre-existing contractional and extensional structures in dominantly E–W shortening operating intermittently from the earliest Devonian to Early Carboniferous.  相似文献   
在滇东南富宁地区,出露一系列以辉绿岩为主、含少量辉长辉绿岩和辉绿玢岩的基性侵入岩。根据地球化学、同位素地球化学以及锆石U-Pb年代学等分析结果,前人将这些基性侵入岩视作峨眉山大火成岩省的组成部分,源自峨眉山地幔柱。国内外研究的共识认为,峨眉山地幔柱活动发生于263~252Ma之间,持续时间极短。在开展1∶2.5万大比例尺地质调查与填图(洞波幅和皈朝幅1∶5万地质调查手图)过程中,我们发现,这些基性侵入岩不仅侵入古生代地层,还侵入了富宁县皈朝一带的晚二叠世-中三叠世岛弧玄武安山岩(255~241Ma)以及早-中三叠世地层。这些地质事实表明,富宁地区基性侵入岩的形成时代至少晚于中三叠世Anisian期或更晚,与峨眉山地幔柱活动时代存在很大的时差,岩石类型与组合上也与峨眉山大火成岩省的有很大差异。根据我们填图过程中获得的基本地质事实分析,滇东南富宁地区的基性侵入岩是华南地块与北越地块间的古特提斯分支洋盆闭合、两个地块碰撞造山(即印支造山)后的岩浆活动产物,与峨眉山地幔柱没有成因关系。  相似文献   
We report U–Pb dates and Lu–Hf isotope data, obtained by LAM-ICPMS, for zircons from metamorphic rocks of the Setesdalen valley, situated in the Telemark block south of the classic Telemark region of southern Norway. The samples include infracrustal rocks from the metamorphic basement, metaigneous rocks and metasediments from the Byglandsfjorden supracrustal cover sequence, and metaigneous rocks which intruded the whole succession. The main crustal evolution took place from 1,550–1,020 Ma, beginning with the emplacement of juvenile tonalitic melts; the contribution of older crustal material increased with time. Around 1,320 Ma, further addition of juvenile material occurred, involving both mafic and felsic melts, metamorphism and deformation. Acid magmas with high FeO*/MgO were intruded at 1,215 Ma, coinciding with underplating elsewhere in South Norway. The period starting at 1,215 Ma is represented by supracrustal rocks, principally metarhyolites with minor mafic material and immature sediments of the Byglandsfjorden Group. The crust generation processes ended with the intrusion of diorites and granodiorites at 1,030 Ma, late in the Sveconorwegian orogeny. Regional processes of metamorphism and deformation (around 1,290 and 1,000 Ma) can be related to the assembly of Rodinia. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The Guerrero terrane comprises Middle Jurassic–Early Cretaceous arc successions that were accreted to the North American craton in the late Early Cretaceous, producing closure of the Arperos oceanic basin and the formation of an approximately 100 km-wide fold–thrust belt. Such a suture is key to investigating the structural evolution related to Guerrero terrane accretion and, in general, to arc–continent collisional zones. The Sierra de Guanajuato is an exposure of the Guerrero terrane suture belt and consists of a complex tectonic pile that formed through at least three major shortening phases: D1SG, D2SG, and D3SG (SG, Sierra de Guanajuato). During the D1SG and D2SG phases, the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous successions of the Arperos Basin piled up, forming a doubly vergent imbricate fan of thrust sheets that accommodated substantial NE–SW shortening. Mylonite microtextures, as well as syntectonic minerals, indicate that the D1SG and D2SG deformation events took place under low greenschist-facies metamorphic conditions. We relate these deformation phases to the progressive NE migration of the Guerrero terrane, which triggered the collapse and closure of the Arperos Basin. During D3SG, the El Paxtle arc assemblage of the Guerrero terrane was tectonically emplaced onto the previously deformed successions of the Arperos Basin. However, D3SG structures indicate that during this deformational stage, the main shortening direction was oriented NW–SE and that contraction was accommodated mostly by SE-vergent ductile thrusts formed under low greenschist-facies metamorphic conditions. We suggest that the top-to-the-SE emplacement of the El Paxtle assemblage may be a result of the tectonic escape of the arc produced by the continuous NE impingement of the Guerrero terrane during its collisional addition to the Mexican mainland.  相似文献   
《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5):309-329
The metamorphic basement of the Asinara island represents a key area of the Sardinia Variscan segment, because it displays an almost complete cross-section through the inner part of the Sardinia Variscan belt, where different tectono-metamorphic complexes have been juxtaposed along narrow belts of high-strain concentration. Detailed field mapping coupled with preliminary studies on the structural and metamorphic features of this small island, allow to draw a better picture of the structural frame issued from the Variscan collision in the inner zone of the belt. Three deformation phases related to crustal thickening in a compressive and transpressive, partitioned tectonic regime, followed by a later phase of extensional deformation have been recognised. In spite of a general HT/LP metamorphic overprint, linked to the post-collisional deformation phases, a relic Barrovian zoneography is still detectable. The Barrovian assemblages are preto syn-kinematic with respect to the D2 deformation phase, and pre-date the third, contractional tectonic event.

The HT/LP assemblage indicates a static growth of weakly deformed by the last deformation events. The complex geometry of the fabric associated to the D2 and D3 deformation events suggests an heterogenous deformation history with a monoclinic geometry characterized by switching of the stretching lineation orientation and a contrasting sense of displacement, probably controlled by a northward partitioned pure shear.  相似文献   
再论华南(东)晋宁-加里东海盆地形成、演化及封闭   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
华南(东)晋宁-加里东海盆地形成于青白口纪,经历了晋宁期,加里东早期及加里东晚期3个演化阶段。海盆地基底为陆壳,形成于拉伸的裂谷环境,海盆地的封闭以陆内俯冲及拼贴为主,具多阶段性。海盆地基底,特别是华夏地块基底高热值属性导致了加里东海盆地有湘桂海盆地和赣闽粤海盆地2种类型,后者位于华夏基底之上,活动性明显,形成数条陆内动力热流变质带。  相似文献   
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