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地质雷达正演中的频散压制和吸收边界改进方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从麦克斯韦方程组出发,建立了地质雷达的时域有限差分法(FDTD)数学模型,导出了理想 散关系和超级吸收边界条件。理想频散关系 考虑了FDTD法的收敛性和稳定性,也考虑了高频电磁波在Yee氏网格中的传播特点;超吸收边界条件则用磁场分量来提高电场分量精度。数值试验表明,理想频散关系能真实地反映雷达波在地下介质中的传播规律,超吸收边界条件能有效减小截断边界的伪反射,提高正演精度。将之应用于实际计算,取得  相似文献   
朱相水  章定富 《江西地质》1998,12(3):209-212
通过对江西修水、乐平二叠系—三叠系(以下简称P\T)界线剖面与浙江长兴的P\T界线剖面对比,表明浙江长兴P\T界线剖面存在3点缺陷。按照《国际地层指南》的要求,修水、乐平P\T界线剖面之长处有可能弥补长兴P\T界线剖面之不足。  相似文献   
余光模  梁斌  钟长洪 《地质通报》2010,29(6):901-906
对上震旦统灯影组麦地坪段的C、O同位素组成进行了分析,并根据δ13C值在剖面上的变化特征,讨论了该地区震旦系/寒武系的界线。结果表明,麦地坪段白云岩δ13C值在-3.19‰~2.86‰之间,平均值为0.10‰;δ18O值在-10.75‰~-5.17‰之间,平均值为-7.82‰。在剖面上δ13C值出现了有规律的变化,剖面下部2~21层,δ13C值均为正值,在0.04‰~1.68‰之间,平均值为0.92‰;上部23~32层,δ13C值均为负值,在-3.19‰~-1.42‰之间,平均值为-2.13‰,δ13C值存在一个显著的负漂移,变化高达4‰。麦地坪段白云岩δ13C值的变化特征与国内外同期地层非常相似,具有全球可对比性,可作为震旦系/寒武系划分的地球化学标志。  相似文献   
前人对塔里木盆地巴楚地区T74界面的研究主要以在地震反射剖面中大的不整合面形式为基础进行的,对界面具体的岩性、微相和成岩作用研究较少。位于塔里木盆地巴楚县东北方向一间房地区的T74露头剖面为上奥陶统与中—下奥陶统的分界面,岩性以生物碎屑泥粒灰岩和粒泥灰岩为主。镜下分析表明:T74界面生屑灰岩中生物碎屑以棘皮动物(主要为海百合碎片)和介形虫为主,其他生物碎屑包括腕足动物、软体动物、三叶虫、钙球粒、粗枝藻、龙介虫、有孔虫、海绵和苔藓等。通过镜下微相、C-O同位素以及X射线荧光等多种分析方法,认为T74界面地层沉积相为较温暖的低能陆棚相,后期经历了埋藏压实成岩作用、地层抬升后的淡水成岩作用和风化剥蚀作用等。岩石的缝合线发育,孔渗性较好,利于地下流体的运移和渗透,对中—下奥陶统的岩溶发育起着控制作用。  相似文献   
滑坡滑带土强度参数取值的准确性,决定了滑坡稳定性计算的可靠程度。因此获得准确、可靠的滑动边界强度参数至关重要。然而在实际情况中,由于取样位置试样的代表性,以及试样转运过程中保存条件的限制,现场所取得的滑带土在室内试验得到的强度参数已经不能完全反映真实环境下的抗剪强度。因此考虑软弱夹层、滑带土各种物理和力学指标间存在必然联系,并表现出特定的规律性,尝试通过试验,揭示指标间的关联规律,并建立了相关性好的关系式,据此评价滑动边界的抗剪强度参数。  相似文献   
本文将给出垂直断层附近三维不均匀体电阻率法的数值解,所用方法是边界单元法,但基本解的选择与以往的边界单元法不同。  相似文献   
The Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary (KPgB) was dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method herein from the western interior of North America at 65.48 ± 0.12 Ma (1σ), in good agreement with other recent published estimates. For the Deccan Traps, India, new argon ages as well as others available in the literature, are assessed for reliability based on (a) statistical reliability of plateau/isochron sections and (b) freshness of material dated utilizing the alteration index method. From tholeiitic lavas from the Composite Western Ghats Section (CWGS), only six ages are found to be reliable estimates of the time of crystallization. These ages along with the magnetic polarity of the lavas agree with the geomagnetic polarity time scale (GPTS) at ∼67–64 Ma. Alkaline rocks from the Anjar area of Kutch, provide three reliable ages that suggest a hiatus in lava extrusion around KPgB. For the Rajahmundry basalts, the upper flow’s age defines its formation during chron 29n; a single age from the lower reversed polarity flow appears somewhat dichotomous when plotted against the GPTS. The reliable lava ages indicate the most voluminous (reversed polarity) sections of the CWGS were extruded at a time statistically indistinguishable from that of the KPgB. The Deccan Trap – KPgB faunal extinction hypothesis remains plausible, but must compete with the latest report, favoring a very close temporal connection (∼0.03 m.y.) between the Chixculub (Impact) Crater and the KPgB.  相似文献   
通过实地勘察,本文分析了江垭库区人潮溪公路边坡,边坡破坏的形成条件、动态特征以及各类边坡的破坏机制,从而提出以加固临空面和采取排水防水为主的整治措施。  相似文献   
王尚彦  孟德保 《地质论评》2000,46(3):295-300
传统上认为湘黔交界处的中寒武统一下向陶统娄山关组为均一性极强的厚层白云岩,可分性极差。但笔者新近研究发现,其顶、底均为古岩溶不整合面,并有大量颗粒(鲕、豆、核形石)白支岩和藻纹层白云岩夹层,还有许多鸟眼构造、叠层石横行、交错层帐蓬构造存在。据其重向组合规律,将娄山关组分为三段。认为娄山关组由7个三级层序组成,层序界面为古岩溶不整合面或暴露带,每个序都由海进体系域和高水位体系域构成。  相似文献   
The Aptian/Albian boundary, as currently placed, presents problems which have not yet been solved and possibly never will be. No detailed definition of recent years can be applied on a world-wide scale, which will be needed for any definition acceptable to the Subcommission on Cretaceous Stratigraphy. The only satisfactory and workable solution is to choose a completely new position. It is suggested that this should be at the base of the Zone of Lyelliceras lyelli. This would change the start of the Albian from appproximately 112 Ma to 109 Ma but it would be a standard which should be recognizable on all five continents.  相似文献   
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