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Fluid flow patterns have been determined using oxygen isotope isopleths in the Val-d’Or orogenic gold district. 3D numerical modelling of fluid flow and oxygen isotope exchange in the vein field shows that the fluid flow patterns can be reproduced if the lower boundary of the model is permeable, which represents middle or lower crustal rocks that are infiltrated by a metamorphic fluid generated at deeper levels. This boundary condition implies that the major crustal faults so conspicuous in vein fields do not act as the only major channel for upward fluid flow. The upper model boundary is impermeable except along the trace of major crustal faults where fluids are allowed to drain out of the vein field. This upper impermeable boundary condition represents a low-permeability layer in the crust that separates the overpressured fluid from the overlying hydrostatic fluid pressure regime. We propose that the role of major crustal faults in overpressured vein fields, independent of tectonic setting, is to drain hydrothermal fluids out of the vein field along a breach across an impermeable layer higher in the crust and above the vein field. This breach is crucial to allow flow out of the vein field and accumulation of metals in the fractures, and this breach has major implications for exploration for mineral resources. We propose that tectonic events that cause episodic metamorphic dehydration create a short-lived pulse of metamorphic fluid to rise along zones of transient permeability. This results in a fluid wave that propagates upward carrying metals to the mineralized area. Earthquakes along crustal shear zones cause dilation near jogs that draw fluids and deposit metals in an interconnected network of subsidiary shear zones. Fluid flow is arrested by an impermeable barrier separating the hydrostatic and lithostatic fluid pressure regimes. Fluids flow through the evolving and interconnected network of shear zones and by advection through the rock matrix. Episodic breaches in the impermeable barrier along the crustal shear zones allow fluid flow out of the vein field.  相似文献   
通过室内大型三轴实验,研究了吉林台水库爆破料在不同级配下的应力应变关系,得到了在一定击实功下爆破料的最大干密度随细料含量变化的规律,分析了爆破料在不同级配和不同围压下应力与应变的变化规律、轴向应变与体积应变的关系及抗剪强度变化特性.从微观的角度说明了变化规律产生的原因,得出爆破料的抗剪强度随级配的变化而变化的规律.  相似文献   
单一滑面边坡的非稳定蠕变模型分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对单一滑面边坡的非稳定蠕变分析是边坡稳定性研究的基础。文中对岩质边坡单一滑面的流变变形机制进行了分析,提出了一种能较好反映这一变形机制的非稳定蠕变模型。特别是描述单一滑面边坡的非稳定蠕变破坏阶段,并对其稳定性进行了讨论。结合一些工程实例进行了对比验证,为滑坡灾害的预测和防治提供依据。  相似文献   
About 30 samples representing major lithologies of Sulu ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks were collected from surface exposures and exploration wells, and compressional (Vp) and shear wave (Vs) velocities and their directional dependence (anisotropy) were determined over a range of constant confining pressures up to 600 MPa and temperatures ranging from 20 to 600 °C. Samples range in composition from acidic to ultramafic. P- and S-wave velocities measured at 600 MPa vary from 5.08 to 8.64 km/s and 2.34 to 4.93 km/s, respectively. Densities are in the range from 2.60 to 3.68 g/cm3. To make a direct tie between seismic measurements (refraction and reflection) and subsurface lithologies, the experimental velocity data (corresponding to shallow depths) were used to calculate velocity profiles for the different lithologies and profiles of reflection coefficients at possible lithologic interfaces across the projected 5000-m Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling Program (CCSD) crustal segment. Comparison of calculated in situ velocities with respective intrinsic velocities suggests that the in situ velocities at shallow depths are lowered by an increased abundance of open microcracks. The strongly reflective zone beneath the Donghai drill site can be explained by the impedance contrasts between the different lithologies. Contacts between eclogite/peridotite and felsic rocks (gt-gneiss, granitic gneiss), in particular, may give rise to strong seismic reflections. In addition, shear-induced (lattice preferred orientation (LPO)-related) seismic anisotropy can increase reflectivity. For the explanation of the high velocity bodies (>6.4 km/s) around 1000 m and below 3200-m depth, large proportions of eclogite/peridotite (about 40 and 30 vol.%, respectively) are needed.  相似文献   
We have collected about 150 magnetotelluric (MT) soundings in northeastern Nevada in the region of the Ruby Mountains metamorphic core complex uplift and southern Carlin mineral trend, in an effort to illuminate controls on core complex evolution and deposition of world-class gold deposits. The region has experienced a broad range of tectonic events including several periods of compressional and extensional deformation, which have contributed to the total expression of electrical resistivity. Most of the soundings reside in three east–west profiles across increasing degrees of core uplift to the north (Bald Mountain, Harrison Pass, and Secret Pass latitudes). One short cross-line was also taken to assess an east–west structure to the north of the northern profile. Model resistivity cross-sections were derived from the MT data using a 2-D inversion algorithm, which damps departures of model parameters from an a priori structure. Geological interpretation of the resistivity combines previous seismic, potential field and isotope models, structural and petrological models for regional compression and extension, and detailed structural/stratigraphic interpretations incorporating drilling for petroleum and mineral exploration. To first order, the resistivity structure is one of a moderately conductive, Phanerozoic sedimentary section fundamentally disrupted by intrusion and uplift of resistive crystalline rocks. Late Devonian and early Mississippian shales of the Pilot and Chainman Formations together form an important conductive marker sequence in the stratigraphy and show pronounced increases in conductance (conductivity–thickness product) from east to west. These increases are attributed to graphitization caused by Elko–Sevier era compressional shear deformation and possibly by intrusive heating. The resistive crystalline central massifs adjoin the host stratigraphy across crustal-scale, steeply dipping fault zones. The zones provide pathways to the lower crust for heterogeneous, upper crustal induced, electric current flow. Resistive core complex crust appears steeply bounded under the middle of the neighboring grabens and not to deepen at a shallow angle to arbitrary distances to the west. The numerous crustal breaks imaged with MT may contribute to the low effective elastic thickness (Te) estimated regionally for the Great Basin and exemplify the mid-crustal, steeply dipping slip zones in which major earthquakes nucleate. An east–west oriented conductor in the crystalline upper crust spans the East Humboldt Range and northern Ruby Mountains. The conductor may be related to nearby graphitic metasediments, with possible alteration by middle Tertiary magmatism. Lower crustal resistivity everywhere under the profiles is low and appears quasi one-dimensional. It is consistent with a low rock porosity (<1 vol.%) containing hypersaline brines and possible water-undersaturated crustal melts, residual to the mostly Miocene regional extension. The resistivity expression of the southern Carlin Trend (CT) in the Pinon Range is not a simple lineament but rather a family of structures attributed to Eocene intrusion, stratal deformation, and alteration/graphitization. Substantial reactivation or overprinting by core complex uplift or Basin–Range extensional events seems likely. We concur with others that the Carlin Trend may result in part from overlap of the large Eocene Northeast Nevada Volcanic Field with Precambrian–Paleozoic deep-water clastic source rocks thickening abruptly to the west of the Pinon Range, and projecting to the north–northwest.  相似文献   
川滇菱形块体边界的现今地壳形变   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
吕弋培  廖华  苏琴  王兰 《中国地震》2002,18(1):28-37
依据川滇菱形块体边界带上所有跨断层测量资料,分析了各场地所处断裂的近期形变特征,结果表明;川滇菱形块体北段形变活动逐渐减弱,南段逐渐加强,各条断裂分别显示出不同的变形特征;菱形块体的现今水平形变以左旋走滑运动为主,垂直形变速度较低,且呈上盘抬升与下降交替出现的运动特征,部分场地的形变异常变化与其邻近的地震活动密切相关。  相似文献   
The newest observational evidence on asymmetrical deformation of the Earth   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
IntroductionWhat is the shape of the Earth? Does it change continuously? It is a scientific question since the ancient times and is still being observed and explored at present. In 250 BC, Greek scholar Eratosthene supposed the shape of the Earth to be spherical according to the observations to the Sun and estimated the perimeter of the Earth to be 4 000 km (King-Hele, 1976) according to the camel-walking distance. Until the 16th century, the Earth was considered to be a very symmetrical …  相似文献   
范家参 《地震研究》2002,25(1):48-52
地壳由半无限大的基岩上一层厚度为H^-的表土层组成,入射地震波为垂直的SH波,产生水平地面运动。当浅源大地震发生时,在极震区以外行波传播产生地面运动将使地壳介质有非线性的有限弹性变形。用小参数摄动法使非线性控制方程为线性化的小参数各阶控制方程,得出头两阶线性控制方程的解析解。  相似文献   
科学的进步使地形变监测事业得到长足发展,市场经济的繁荣催生出形变监测行业独有的管理之道。形变监测行业是个介于科研、IT及服务行业三者之间的特殊行业,因此,它的发展必须具有一定的科学性、前瞻性和服务性。  相似文献   
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