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中国地理与资源期刊集群化服务平台的发展与实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
学术期刊的集群发展已经成为国际趋势,国外出版集团稳居科技期刊的霸主地位,中国科技期刊的集群化发展还处于起步阶段。自2006年起,中国地理与资源期刊及其期刊人经过10年持续不断的努力,积极应对国内外期刊发展的机遇与挑战,勇于创新,已经基本形成中国地理与资源期刊集群化服务平台发展的战略构想,并成功地推出了拥有54家加盟期刊并且模块功能完备的集群化服务平台网站(www.geores.com.cn)、统一的在线采编系统、底层数据的结构化、富媒体出版、手机APP与微信服务公众号、数据出版、科研云助手系统、媒体宣传与推广、中国地理与资源权威专家库、中国地理会议服务系统、中国地理编辑出版年会、不定期的专题性期刊沙龙、《中国地理与资源国情快报》政策版与科普版、“具影响力中国地理期刊优秀论文”等14项具有显示度的期刊多元增值产品,事业思路清晰,行动果敢有力,工作扎实有序,集群功能完备,投入产出比高,极大地推动了中国地理与资源期刊由传统纸质出版向富媒体出版、由文献生产者向学科与社会集成型知识服务提供平台的两大根本性转型,这使得中国地理与资源期刊更加掌握了主动,把握了先机,开启了中国地理与资源期刊集群发展的新局面和新时代。  相似文献   
An inexpensive improvement to lightweight percussion coring systems is presented. Non-stretching lines are often required to facilitate core sampling in hundreds of metres of water, unfortunately such lines are usually negatively buoyant, which creates difficulties in keeping lightweight core assemblies upright while lowering through the water column. The addition of urethane closed-cell foam to the core head creates buoyancy that vertically stabilizes the coring assembly within the water column and prevents the core barrel from contacting the sediment-water interface non-vertically.  相似文献   
《The Journal of geography》2012,111(4):196-202

The ultimate goal of all geographic education is to have our students think geographically for life. To this end, the five geographic skills sets allow teachers to use the inquiry approach to more accurately observe whether or not geographic thinking is actually taking place. As essential components of these geographic skills, fieldwork, journaling, and stories based on the field experience have proven to be effective tools of inquiry. This article demonstrates how a journal, kept by the author while on an advanced alliance summer institute to Russia in 1996, was used to write an original short story based on the author's fieldwork there. The author's experiences model the five geographic skills sets in developing lesson plans for the original short story, The Dragon and the Anchor. These activities allow the students to sharpen their geographic skills and develop a sense of place by studying the changes that have occurred in Russia since the fall of communism in 1991.  相似文献   
基于期刊论文的中国地级以上城市知识专业化研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
吕拉昌  廖倩  黄茹 《地理科学》2018,38(8):1245-1255
将287个地级以上城市(不包括港澳台地区)作为研究对象,以中国知网发布的168个学科领域期刊论文数量为数据来源,对中国地级以上城市知识专业化水平、影响因素及其与经济发展的关系进行了研究。研究发现: 中国地级以上城市的专业化水平总体偏低,多样化水平较为明显;知识专业化水平西部地区>中部地区>东部地区;地区相对专业化指数随城市行政等级依次升高,即直辖市<副省级城市<省会城市<普通地级市。具有资源优势的城市,其知识专业化领域高度集中在以资源为基础的领域;中小城市的知识专业化领域相对较少,专业化程度高;大中城市知识专业化领域多,多样化趋势明显,但各领域的知识专业化程度相对较低。从城市等级上来看,知识专业化程度表现为五线城市>四线城市>三线城市>二线城市>一线城市。 知识专业化水平主要受科教经济因素、人才潜力和服务业因素、工业基础因素、人口规模因素四大因素影响。 知识专业化与经济发展关系密切,整体呈现倒U形关系;但各区域随发展阶段不同,表现出不同的形式可以分为U形、倒U形、M形和W形4种大类型。  相似文献   
祁连山敦德冰心微粒变化特征和大气环境记录   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
对祁连山敦德冰心总微粒含量、粒径分布以及总微粒含量、粗微粒含量与沙尘暴的关系进行了分析,结果表明,微粒主要来源于亚洲粉尘发源地和区域性源地,属于典型的陆源微粒。微粒含量和微粒粒径变化反映了沙尘暴的强度和波动历史,沙尘暴频率高时,微粒含量高,微粒粒径大,反之,微粒含量低,微粒粒径小。末次冰期以来,微粒含量变化呈减少趋势,暖期微粒含量低,冷期微粒含量高,夏季微粒含量高,冬季微粒含量低;不同粒径微粒相关性良好,反映了它们在来源、沉积和冰内变化方面具有相同之处。  相似文献   
南黄海冷水中心内外夏季大型底栖动物群落分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
根据1959年、2004年和2012年夏季航次的调查数据,研究南黄海冷水中心内、外大型底栖动物群落结构及年际变化。使用Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、Margalef丰富度指数,平均分类差异指数以及丰度生物量比较曲线(abundance-biomass comparison curves,ABC Curves)分析群落的组成与变化,使用相对重要性指数(index of relative importance,IRI)分析群落中的优势种和重要种。研究结果显示,3个航次共鉴定大型底栖动物112种,隶属18纲69科80属;其中冷水中心(Yellow Sea cold water mass core,YSCWMC)内33种,隶属16纲65科75属;冷水中心外87种,隶属7纲30科36属。两因素方差分析(Two-way ANOVA)结果显示三航次间时空尺度上冷水中心内、外的H′、J′和d的差异均不显著,物种丰度和物种生物量也未发生明显的改变。冷水中心内部群落的H′、J′和d变化幅度较冷水中心外部群落小,表明相较冷水中心外的群落,冷水中心内的群落结构较为稳定。分类差异变异指数及ABC曲线分析也显示冷水中心内、外的群落状况良好。通过比较冷水中心内、外物种组成发现冷水中心内软体动物(Mollusk)种类最多,其丰度和生物量在冷水中心内优势明显,且三个航次间软体动物物种改变较小。冷水中心内群落中的多毛类动物(Polychaeta)和棘皮动物(Echinodermata)虽在各年份分别占据优势种地位,丰度极高,但种类极少。冷水中心外群落中的多毛类动物和棘皮动物占据绝对优势,无论是种类数还是生物量都较其他种类高。在调查航次总生物量中,冷水中心内的软体动物生物量占总生物量的38%,而冷水中心外的仅占总生物量的3%,说明软体动物较为适宜生活在低温、高盐的冷水环境中。三年间分析调查显示冷水中心内软体动物的重要种及常见种有薄索足蛤(Thyasira tokunagai)、秀丽波纹蛤(Raetellops pulchella)、短吻蛤(Periploma sp.)、胡桃蛤(Nucula sp.)和日本梯形蛤(Portlandia japonica)。冷水中心对于大型底栖动物中软体动物的生长繁殖具有重要的保护作用,能够维持其群落结构的稳定。  相似文献   
赵歆 《地理学报》2015,70(9):1526-1534
依据2015年6月发布的2014年度国际期刊引证报告,将SCI收录的46种地理学期刊按学科分为5大类,对各学科期刊的影响因子、总被引频次等相关引证指标进行分析,并对各专业地理学期刊2009-2014年间的学术影响力增长情况进行总结。同时,整理国际地理学期刊的年刊文量、出版国别、出版周期和出版公司等期刊出版资料,对国际地理学期刊的学科类型分布、学术影响指标、编辑出版状况之间的相关影响特征进行探讨。  相似文献   
总结《地震工程与工程振动》32年来的办刊经验,分析期刊服务范畴,围绕期刊办刊理念定位。阐述了提高期刊质量的具体方法,要掌握学科前沿的发展,提高论文的时效性,保证文章创新,把好学术质量关,对科研特色人才群体进行追踪,积极组织约稿等,为学术交流搭建快捷、高效的平台。  相似文献   
承担学术期刊整体质量把关责任的主编,直接决定着创新型精神产品的生产质量。在知识快速传播和新媒体崛起的今天,对主编的要求越来越高,要不断进修以提升学历层次,努力形成"专""博"互补的知识结构,并通过"编研结合"以提升解决问题的能力。  相似文献   
The stiff clays beneath Holocene strata in the Yangtze Delta are interpreted as palaeosols, based on pedogenic features including illuvial argillans, voids, cracks, iron–manganese concretions and nodules, and carbonate materials. Variations in clay content with depth, the occurrence of foraminifera, and the environmental magnetism characteristics of the palaeosols suggest that their parent materials are floodplain deposits. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) parameters of the sediments correlate well both with sedimentary dynamics and depositional processes in different sedimentary environments, and AMS analysis may be a useful tool for inferring sedimentary environments. Based on their considerable thickness (> 3.0 m), vertical changes of palaeosol maturity, and occurrence of ageing argillans throughout the palaeosols, the palaeosols are inferred to be compound ones (pedocomplexes) resulting from alternating deposition and pedogenesis on the palaeointerfluve of the Yangtze River. Phytoliths in the palaeosols indicate that climates turned generally from warm and wet to cold and dry with marked fluctuations during development of the palaeosols. This suggests that the palaeosols developed mainly during the marine regression prior to the last glacial maximum. The vertical distribution of manganese materials (e.g., concretions, nodules, speckles and mottles) in the palaeosols suggests that the groundwater tables were about 2.0–3.0 m beneath the upper boundary of the palaeosols during their development. Yellow–brown streaks and speckles are abundant from the middle to lower parts of the palaeosols, and layers with high CaCO3 content occur in the strata just beneath the palaeosols, but which lack caliche, suggesting that the groundwater table fluctuated markedly during their development. Voids and cracks filled with clays, and carbonate nodules (less than 0.1 mm in diameter) with thin iron–manganese rims are abundant in the palaeosols, indicating that wet and dry seasons were marked during the palaeosol development. It is suggested that the monsoonal influence was marked in the Yangtze Delta, with both winter and summer monsoons strongly developed during the development of the late Quaternary palaeosols.  相似文献   
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