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地裂缝灾害研究现状与展望   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1927年美国首先发现地裂缝以来,各国学者对地裂缝的发生、发展进行了细致的研究。美国学者首先从地震研究入手,认为地裂缝的形成受构造因素影响。后逐渐加强研究地下水超采对地裂缝的影响,形成了构造与地下水开采复合成因观点。我国学者重点对汾渭地堑地裂缝成因问题进行了较系统的研究,提出几种成因机理模型,并用GIS技术建立简单的预测预报系统。文章在详细介绍国内、外对地裂缝成因机理和水文特性的研究以及预测、预报工作的同时,对今后研究趋势进行了展望。目前,地裂缝的研究正从以往的定性静态描述转向以过程为目标的精确定量动力学研究。利用相似材料模拟地裂缝的形成与发展,以非线性理论(如分形)对地裂缝系统进行定量的数学描述,建立准确的预测、预报模型(如人工神经网络模型),并与GIS相结合,建立完善的预测、预报系统,减少地裂缝灾害对环境的影响,进而对它加以利用,是今后地裂缝研究的主要方向。  相似文献   
As one of the most powerful tools to reduce the earthquake loss, the Earthquake Disaster Management [EDM] and Insurance [EI] have been highlighted and have had a great progress in many countries in recent years. Earthquake disaster management includes a series of contents, such as earthquake hazard and risk analysis, vulnerability analysis of building and infrastructure, earthquake aware training, and building the emergency response system. EI, which has been included in EDM after this practice has been done for many years, include these contents: insurance model, financing. This paper presents the development of china in EDM and EI. The main contents include: (1) the statue and trend of earthquake disaster management and insurance in china; (2) the progresses and new methods about the seismic risk zonation and vulnerability analysis, and the future developing trend, the application of GIS in earthquake disaster assessment is introduced; (3) the way and illustration in building the earthquake disaster e  相似文献   
应用地理信息系统(MAPGIS)进行名优作物种植适宜区规划   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用地理信息系统对赣南全区的名优作物(烟草、茶叶)种植适宜区进行规划研究,取得了令人满意的成果。作者在文中具体介绍了MAPGIS的应用过程,包括基础信息的预处理、空间数据模型的建立、数据检索、空间分析及获取的最终成果等。  相似文献   
This paper assesses the agricultural land resources of Guiyang City by means of GIS,on the basis of the pressure-state-response model in which soil heavy metal contamination is selected as a pressure indicatror.he results suggest that most of the agricultural land resources are of good quality,However,there are 17.11km^2 dry land and paddy field,which belong to the region of serious heavy metal contamination and are not fit for planting crops.At the same time,the high quality plowland,which is suitable for cultivation,has decreased nearly by 1/3 due to soil heavy metal contamination.These findings may improve our understanding that it is very important to prevent and cure heavy metal contamination of Guiyang City.  相似文献   
This paper presents a computational model for mapping the regional 3D distribution in which seafloor gas hydrates would be stable, that is carried out in a Geographical Information System (GIS) environment. The construction of the model is comprised of three primary steps, namely: (1) the construction of surfaces for the various variables based on available 3D data (seafloor temperature, geothermal gradient and depth-pressure); (2) the calculation of the gas function equilibrium functions for the various hydrocarbon compositions reported from hydrate and sediment samples; and (3) the calculation of the thickness of the hydrate stability zone. The solution is based on a transcendental function, which is solved iteratively in a GIS environment.The model has been applied in the northernmost continental slope of the Gulf of Cadiz, an area where an abundant supply for hydrate formation, such as extensive hydrocarbon seeps, diapirs and fault structures, is combined with deep undercurrents and a complex seafloor morphology. In the Gulf of Cadiz, the model depicts the distribution of the base of the gas hydrate stability zone for both biogenic and thermogenic gas compositions, and explains the geometry and distribution of geological structures derived from gas venting in the Tasyo Field (Gulf of Cadiz) and the generation of BSR levels on the upper continental slope.  相似文献   
GIS在全国江河堤防数据管理系统的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
衣永军  王芳 《海洋测绘》2002,22(1):43-44
利用GlS技术,开发了全国江河堤防数据管理系统,方便、灵活地对江河堤防数据进行可视化管理,提高了工作效率。  相似文献   
基于LongruanGIS3.0开发的电子地质报告系统包括数据库管理系统、图形处理系统和文字表格处理系统三部分。在介绍该系统的总体设计、功能实现和系统特点的基础上,总结了该软件的几方面优势:具有数据共享、数据集成、自动成图、功能开放的技术优势;具有开放的数据交换格式以及将CAD与GIS软件结合起来的强大图形编辑、查询、空间分析功能。  相似文献   
基于SuperMap的松花江流域地理信息系统   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
松花江流域地理信息系统利用地理信息系统技术,以组件式GIS-SuperMap为基础,对松花江全流域空间信息进行管理,不仅实现了松花江全流域的污染模拟分析功能,还融合遥感影像、数字高程模型,实现了松花江全流域三维动态模拟功能.松花江流域地理信息系统的开发,对于实现水资源的可持续开发利用和流域的可持续发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   
GIS支持下的煤层气目标区模糊综合评价模型   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
地理信息系统(GIS)以空间数据库技术为核心,将空间要素与统计数据有机地结合在一起,具有直观灵活、分析功能强大、制表制图方便等优点。根据中国煤层气(CBM)目标区的特点,建立了4种原则下用于不同情形的煤层气目标区评价模型:第1种模型为全面考虑各个因素原则,第2种模型为只考虑重点因素原则,第3种模型为着重考虑重点因素原则,第4种模型为既全面考虑又兼顾重点因素原则。根据这4种模型,在常用GIS软件MapGIS基础上进行了二次开发并实现模型,以华北聚气区煤层气为例进行综合评价,目标区评价结果与实际情况基本相符。  相似文献   
A certain number of studies have been carried out in recent years that aim at developing and applying a model capable of assessing water erosion of soil. Some of these have tried to quantitatively evaluate the volumes of soil loss, while others have focused their efforts on the recognition of the areas most prone to water erosion processes. This article presents the results of a research whose objective was that of evaluating water erosion susceptibility in a Sicilian watershed: the Naro river basin. A geomorphological study was carried out to recognize the water erosion landforms and define a set of parameters expressing both the intensity of hydraulic forces and the resistance of rocks/soils. The landforms were mapped and classified according to the dominant process in landsurfaces affected by diffuse or linear water erosion. A GIS layer was obtained by combining six determining factors (bedrock lithology, land use, soil texture, plan curvature, stream power index and slope-length factor) in unique conditions units. A geostatistical multivariate approach was applied by analysing the relationships between the spatial distributions of the erosion landforms and the unique condition units. Particularly, the density of eroded area for each combination of determining factors has been calculated: such function corresponds, in fact, to the conditional probability of erosion landforms to develop, under the same geoenvironmental conditions. In light of the obtained results, a general geomorphologic model for water erosion in the Naro river basin can be depicted: cultivated areas in clayey slopes, having fine-medium soil texture, are the most prone to be eroded; linear or diffuse water erosion processes dominate where the topography is favourable to a convergent or divergent runoff, respectively. For each of the two erosion process types, a susceptibility map was produced and submitted to a validation procedure based on a spatial random partition strategy. Both the success of the validation procedure of the susceptibility models and the geomorphological coherence of the relationships between factors and process that such models suggest, confirm the reliability of the method and the goodness of the predictions.  相似文献   
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