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A contact model for rock is established and imbedded into a DEM software by summarizing the bond granule tests. DEM simulation of uniaxial compression test on the pre-cracked Lac du Bonnet granite is performed, and then stress distributions are further analyzed and compared with the theoretical results. Different fracture criteria are employed to predict the crack initiation angles that are compared with theoretical ones. The results show that the failure modes obtained from DEM simulation are similar to experimental results, and stress distributions in DEM simulation are qualitatively similar to theoretical values. When the angle of pre-crack is small, the lateral stresses are compressive and tensile. The compressive strains concentrate at two edges, resulting in the tensile strains in the up-and downward cracks. When the angle of the pre-crack is large enough, the stress concentration is unobvious, leading to a discrepancy between the DEM and theoretical results. The crack extension angle resulting from uniaxial compression measured from DEM tests are in good agreement with those acquired from experimental tests. These angles are consistent with theoretical predictions by the maximum circumferential stress criterion and the maximum energy release rate criterion.  相似文献   
碎裂煤二维裂隙定量分析对构造复杂区煤储层渗透性、煤体强度有效预测有重要意义。针对2张分别取自不同变形程度碎裂煤的二维显微裂隙位图,基于MATLAB图像处理平台,经二值化、降噪和修复,编程实现裂隙自动识别,成功消除擦痕及大小不等杂斑干扰,识别裂隙与原裂隙趋于一致;然后在裂隙分割的基础上,实现了裂隙面积、长度、平均宽度及面裂隙率等参数的自动提取,并对2张位图获得的裂隙信息进行对比,结果与直观反映的裂隙发育程度一致。  相似文献   
在弯曲疲劳试验机上对几组包含有不同 a/ w值的贯穿裂纹和不同 a、c值的半椭圆裂纹的构件进行弯曲疲劳实验。结果表明 ,对于 60 Si2 Mn A钢来说 ,无论是表面裂纹还是贯穿裂纹 ,在浅裂纹情况下 ,其断裂韧度值比深裂纹高出 2 5%左右。当 a/ w值大于 0 .1时 ,无论 a/ w如何变化 ,KIC值基本保持不变。裂纹形状对断裂韧度的影响也不明显。  相似文献   
钢衬钢筋混凝土压力管道外包混凝土的裂缝控制研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
基于钢衬钢筋混凝土压力管道在设计荷载下外包混凝土将带裂缝工作的基本承载特性,以缓解开裂与限裂间的矛盾为指导思想,将减小坝后背管外包混凝土裂缝宽度和提高开裂管道的耐久性作为研究目的,结合模型试验和有限元法,研究了一些裂缝控制措施的应用效果,以及有效的计算内水压力下钢衬外包混凝土裂缝宽度的公式。结果表明:总用钢量相同时,减薄钢衬,加大钢筋用量,减小裂缝宽度效果明显;减薄钢衬外包混凝土厚度,也可减小裂缝宽度;性能可靠的防水涂料具备黏接性强和变形能力高的基本性质,可进一步研究其对提高管道耐久性的长期作用;采用П-780-83规范中的裂缝宽度公式,计算结果与模型试验结果较为符合。  相似文献   
裂缝发育导致的地震波场各向异性,是裂缝型油气藏的一个重要特征.然而针对该类油气藏的叠前弹性阻抗技术,一直没有通过各向异性弹性阻抗公式建立与裂缝参数的直接关系.本文在回顾封闭平行硬币状裂缝模型和线性滑动模型的基础上,将裂缝填充物性质、分布密度与围岩的横纵波速度比,引入裂缝型HTI介质弹性阻抗公式,并对相应的归一化弹性阻抗响应特征进行模拟分析.分析表明,弹性阻抗受以上三参数的影响规律存在明显差异,其中含气裂隙介质随裂缝密度的变化要明显高于对应的流体裂隙介质,流体填充裂隙介质随横、纵波速度比的变化幅度要高于对应的含气裂隙介.该结论初步为裂缝型油气藏流体识别工作提供了依据.  相似文献   
“醉汉林”一般被当做滑坡存在的一种标志。在陕西宝鸡地区进行地质灾害详细调查的过程中,发现变形边坡也有“醉汉林”分布。对陕西陇县郭家庄变形边坡“醉汉林”的树木倾斜角与边坡的倾角进行了测量,并结合几何学分析,认为树木倾斜角反映了边坡倾角的变化,并得出边坡倾角不断变陡是该地区边坡变形的一种主要方式的结论。研究结果表明,“醉汉林”有着多样而具体的指示意义:“醉汉林”记录了边坡变形的历史,可以作为区分滑坡与变形边坡的标志,“醉汉林”可以指示滑坡及边坡的状态,还可以判断滑坡剪出口是否存在。  相似文献   
2013年7月10日发生的四川省都江堰市中兴镇三溪村五里坡滑坡-碎屑流,属于典型的降雨型高位斜向层状岩质滑坡-碎屑流灾害。在前人研究成果梳理和进一步野外调查的基础上,分析总结了五里坡滑坡-碎屑流的成因及演化模式,并对五里坡高位滑坡在降雨作用下的后缘裂隙扩展判据和滑坡启动判据进行了定量计算。研究表明,五里坡滑坡的演化模式为后缘拉张裂隙形成→降雨作用下裂缝开始扩展→动、静水压力联合作用下斜坡沿泥质软弱层滑动→后缘拉裂槽形成→“7?10”强降雨诱发滑坡复活→滑体前缘临空崩落、加速→崩滑体沿沟谷铲刮、运移→堆积停止。从力学角度推导了前期降雨作用下滑体后缘裂缝自动扩展的最小深度、滑坡失稳的临界水头高度和临界降雨强度的计算公式,得出充满水的后缘裂缝在静水压力作用下开始自行扩展的临界深度为11.3 m;后缘裂隙贯通至滑带后,当五里坡斜坡体在后缘裂缝水头高度达到9.8 m时滑坡处于启动的临界状态。  相似文献   
Many Vertisols in Tigray, Ethiopia, typically carry a discontinuous rock fragment (RF, size 0.5–> 40 · 10− 2 m) cover with 10 to 100 RFs m− 2. Such RF mulches are of agricultural and environmental significance because they influence the water balance in the underlying soils and the crop yield. Natural RF concentrations are mostly considered as eolian or hydraulic lag deposits, or as the result of lateral transport over the soil surface from a rock outcrop, upslope. In cultivated areas RF mulches can develop by tillage.This paper presents the case of a natural RF mulch whose lithology indicates that the RFs are up-squeezed by the local Vertisol. The study site is located in the pass of Enda Maryam, Tigray, Northern Ethiopia (39°8′ E and 13°36′ N). A circular area of 10 m diameter, about 200 m away from the water divide in the valley has been cleared annually between 01/1999 and 05/2003. During this period, 625 RFs, 17 being > 7.5 · 10− 2 m in size, totalling a mass of nearly 62 kg, have been collected. After correction for measurement procedures, the rate of RF up-warping by the Vertisol at Enda Maryam is assessed at 5 RFs m− 2 in 3 years. At this rate of appearance, the formation of current RF concentrations on top of active valley Vertisols is only a matter of 101–2 years, provided the availability of RFs below the soil surface.Although important underground displacements were measured in the Vertisol between 01/1999 and 05/2002, the supposed link between up-squeezing of RFs and plastic deformations of ‘chimney’, ‘diapir’ or ‘intrusion’-like type in the Vertisol could not be evidenced. Instead, RFs are clearly concentrated on the soil surface as well as in depth, along the existing vertical desiccation cracks, often > 1 m deep which display polygonal configurations at the soil surface. Further, bundles of slickensides containing some RFs, have been mapped at the base of the Vertisol. The slickenside configuration suggests that the RF-bearing substrate is being scraped off.While the underground displacement of RFs along active slickensides seems normal, the process of RFs ascending in ‘upright’ position in the edge of desiccation cracks needs explanation. The closure of a desiccation crack is a peristaltic-like movement, following ascent or descent of the capillary fringe. It is hypothesized that this movement gradually pushes the RF to the surface or to another place or level in the soil profile where the crack closes in last instance.The apparent young age of the valley Vertisol mulches in Ethiopia might indicate the very recent formation of yearly recurrent desiccation cracks of Vertisols in the area. Available information confirms that most valleys in the study area used to be perennially marshy. Under these conditions no movements of RFs in the soil profile are expected to occur. Gullying, leading to pronounced seasonal desiccation of the Vertisols, started in several cases not more than 50 years ago.  相似文献   
能量变化是材料各参数变化的本质特征。通过颗粒流模拟岩石单轴压缩试验,从细观力学角度分析能量转化、裂纹扩展及损伤演化规律。颗粒流利用细观颗粒的运动克服了宏观力学理论不易实现试件多裂纹破坏形态的缺点,以此研究能量变化更加合理。应力-应变各阶段能量与微裂纹及损伤存在着相互对应的发展关系。通过3种工况论证了宏-细观力学参数对应关系,采用最小二乘法拟合得出微裂纹与轴向应变呈幂次函数关系。采用割线模量定义损伤变量,取模量加速下降处(对应裂纹加速扩展)为损伤门槛,对应损伤阈值为0.158。3种工况下微裂纹数量与损伤呈线性发展关系,为损伤演化的深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   
In this paper, the internal structure of shear band is investigated, and a model of the shear band with an echelon crack structure is developed. The model assumes the shear band to be composed of two conjugate sets of echelon cracks, such that the smaller echelon cracks are embedded in the space of the larger ones. The additional strain induced by the echelon cracks and the anisotropic development of the compliance tensor in the shear band zone are analyzed. The critical crack density at the onset of shear band is obtained by applying the bifurcation condition. Deviating from previous approaches, the new procedure evaluates the thickness of shear band based on the geometrical characteristics of echelon crack arrays and the failure probability of grain boundaries in the longitudinal direction at the onset of shear band. Parametric analysis shows that grain size, internal friction angle, dilation angle, and failure probability of grain boundaries are the dominant factors that account for the shear band thickness. The calculated results are consistent with the experimental data available in the literature. The model soundly explains that the measurements of the shear band thickness are generally scattered, ranging from 4 to 30 (or even more) times the grain size. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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