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This paper discusses a series of stress point algorithms for a breakage model for unsaturated granular soils. Such model is characterized by highly nonlinear coupling terms introduced by breakage‐dependent hydro‐mechanical energy potentials. To integrate accurately and efficiently its constitutive equations, specific algorithms have been formulated using a backward Euler scheme. In particular, because implementation and verification of unsaturated soil models often require the use of mixed controls, the incorporation of various hydro‐mechanical conditions has been tackled. First, it is shown that the degree of saturation can be replaced with suction in the constitutive equations through a partial Legendre transformation of the energy potentials, thus changing the thermomechanical state variables and enabling a straightforward implementation of a different control mode. Then, to accommodate more complex control scenarios without redefining the energy potentials, a hybrid strategy has been used, combining the return mapping scheme with linearized constraints. It is shown that this linearization strategy guarantees similar levels of accuracy compared with a conventional strain–suction‐controlled implicit integration. In addition, it is shown that the use of linearized constraints offers the possibility to use the same framework to integrate a variety of control conditions (e.g., net stress and/or water‐content control). The convergence profiles indicate that both schemes preserve the advantages of implicit integration, that is, asymptotic quadratic convergence and unconditional stability. Finally, the performance of the two implicit schemes has been compared with that of an explicit algorithm with automatic sub‐stepping and error control, showing that for the selected breakage model, implicit integration leads to a significant reduction of the computational cost. Such features support the use of the proposed hybrid scheme also in other modeling contexts, especially when strongly nonlinear models have to be implemented and/or validated by using non‐standard hydro‐mechanical control conditions. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper presents a dynamic fully coupled formulation for saturated and unsaturated soils that undergo large deformations based on material point method. Governing equations are applied to porous material while considering it as a continuum in which the pores of the solid skeleton are filled with water and air. The accuracy of the developed method is tested with available experimental and numerical results. The developed method has been applied to investigate the failure and post‐failure behaviour of rapid landslides in unsaturated slopes subjected to rainfall infiltration using two different bedrock geometries that lie below the top soil. The models show different failure and post‐failure mechanisms depending on the bedrock geometry and highlight the negative effects of continuous rain infiltrations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
双重孔隙介质中P1波在自由边界上的反射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对双重孔隙介质波动中的体波及P1波在半空间自由透水和不透水边界上的反射问题进行了详细的理论求解。通过数值计算,对双重孔隙介质中4种体波的弥散和衰减特性,以及不同边界上反射波振幅反射系数随P1波入射角和频率的变化进行了分析。结果表明:(1)P1、P2、P3和S波均具有弥散和衰减特性,P1波传播最快而衰减最慢,P3波传播最慢而衰减最快;(2)随着入射角的增大,反射P2、P3和S波的振幅反射系数均先增大后减小,反射P1波则先减小后增大,且边界透水条件对反射P2和P3波的振幅反射系数影响显著,对P1和S波的影响较小,但透水和不透水边界下振幅反射系数随入射角的变化趋势一致;(3)反射P2、P3波的振幅反射系数均随频率的增大而增大,且不透水边界下反射P2波的振幅反射系数大于透水边界下的反射系数,而反射P3波则相反;(4)随着频率增大,透水边界下反射P1波的振幅反射系数先增大后减小,不透水边界下先减小后增大再减小,反射S波的振幅反射系数随频率变化情况则与P1波相反。  相似文献   
荣垂强  赵晓华  邹宇 《岩土力学》2016,37(6):1818-1824
通过工程实测信号和数值模拟分析,证明了瞬态集中荷载敲击下,桩顶三维干扰速度信号的强度沿径向先递减后递增,存在干扰最小点,并对比了不同学者提出的干扰最小点位置处的信号。参数分析表明,三维干扰最小点的位置与桩径、桩长、荷载脉宽、桩身混凝土弹性模量、土层剪切波速及土层泊松比等桩、土参数几乎无关,但与桩身混凝土泊松比密切相关,且泊松比越大,干扰最小点的位置越靠近桩中心。给出了干扰最小点位置与桩身混凝土泊松比之间的函数表达式,可方便应用于实际工程。  相似文献   
钻孔摄像技术能够采集到大量地下岩体内的结构面数据,分析其数据有助于进一步揭示结构面的空间分布规律和组合关系。针对钻孔内获得的结构面几何参数的特殊性,提出了综合倾角、倾向和位置深度等参数的特征点描述方法,在局部坐标系下对结构面特征点的描述方法及计算过程进行了阐述,推导出了结构面几何参数与特征点坐标之间的转换公式,在全局坐标系下对特征点坐标进行了归一化处理,最后对空间坐标系下特征点的分布规律进行了探索。研究结果表明,(1)空间坐标系下的结构面特征点是结构面几何参数和空间位置的综合反映;(2)特征点在空间的分布反映了结构面的空间组合关系。为结构面的统计分析提供新的思路和方法,有助于开展结构面的空间分布规律和交切关系研究,对钻孔摄像技术的发展和以结构面几何特征为基础的岩体稳定性评价起到积极的推动作用。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地塔中地区奥陶系鹰山组是海相碳酸盐岩油气勘探的有利目标层位。为查明塔中地区卡1三维区块鹰山组台内滩储层的空间分布,基于大量的岩心、钻井、地震资料,通过井震对比,分析台内滩的地震反射特征,并在此基础上预测卡1区块内鹰山组台内滩的分布。研究认为,台内滩内部多具有高频无序反射,振幅的强弱变化明显,且不均匀,两翼地层厚度有较明显的变化,与相邻层位岩性有明显差异;在顶面和底面多具有宽、缓的透镜状或丘状地震反射波外形,台内滩附近的围岩,较明显地超覆或披覆在台内滩之上。在精细解释三维地震资料的基础上,利用地震属性,对鹰山组古地貌进行了恢复,预测卡1三维区块奥陶系鹰山组的台内滩有利发育区,为区内高能滩相储集层的评价奠定基础。  相似文献   
推导了精密单点定位PPP(Precise Point Positioning)的基本原理及其解算流程。为达到分米级甚至厘米级的PPP精度,给出了基于传统模型PPP技术,PPP数据必须处理的几个关键问题。最终,在Matlab程序设计语言软件平台下开发了APTags 1.0软件包,并通过机载GPS动态数据测试得出了如下结论:序列历元的事后动态定位精确度在B,L,H方向优于25 cm(RMS);85%定位结果的精度优于15 cm的动态定位结果。APTags软件包获取的动态精密单点定位结果与传统差分定位结果基本吻合。  相似文献   
通过近年来从事地下管线探测工作中,发现、总结管线点测量存在的质量问题以及所呈现出的规律性,结合测绘新技术、分析影响管线点测量质量的一些因素,从而使测绘生产单位进一步了解测绘产品生产过程中容易出现的质量问题,便于采取积极、有效的预防措施,使测绘产品质量进一步得到提高,做到对单位负责,对使用产品的用户负责。  相似文献   
地面三维激光扫描地形测量数据粗差剔除算法及实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于地面三维激光扫描技术用于地形测量时点云数据的特点,得到引起结果存在粗差的障碍物上的点云具有坡度大于实际地形上坡度的特征,并据此提出了一种实用的粗差提取算法。对算法的原理、实现过程和其中重要参数的确定进行了分析,并编程实现了算法。最后,应用实例对粗差提取效果进行了检验,证明了算法的可行性和可靠性。  相似文献   
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