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Changes in the annual variation of the Earths polar motion are found to be largely caused by the variation of the atmospheric angular momentum (AAM). Recent simulation results of oceanic general circulation models further suggest global oceanic effects on the annual polar motion in addition to the atmosphere. In comparison with previous model studies of global oceanic effects, this research particularly singles out a large-scale ocean anomaly and investigates its effect on the annual polar motion, determined from satellite observations of the movement of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP). Although the scale of the warm pool is much smaller than that of the solid Earth, analysis of the non-atmospheric polar motion excitation has shown that the WPWP contributes non-negligibly to the annual polar motion. The analysis consists of over 30 years of WPWP data (1970–2000) and shows values of polar motion excitation for the x-component of (2.5 mas, –79°) and for the y-component of (0.6 mas, 173°). Comparison of this result with the total geodetic non-atmospheric polar motion excitation of (10.3 mas, 59°) for the x-component and (10.6 mas, 62°) for the y-component shows the significance of the WPWP. Changes in the Earths polar motion have attracted significant attention, not only because it is an important geodetic issue, but also because it has significant value as a global measure of variations within the hydrosphere, atmosphere, cryosphere, and solid Earth, and hence global changes.Tel: 86–21–64386191 Fax: 86–21–64384618Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to Dr. R. Gross (JPL) and two anonymous reviewers for providing invaluable comments. They also thank Dr. J.L. Chen (CSR) for helpful discussions. Y. Zhou, D. Zheng and X. Liao were supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (10273018, 10133010) and Key Project of Chinese Academy of Sciences (KJCX2-SW-T1). X-H. Yan was supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) through Grant NAG5–12745, and by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through the Presidential Faculty Fellow award to X-H. Yan (OCE-9453499). W.T. Liu was supported by the NASA Physical Oceanography Program.  相似文献   
1 IntroductionIn the Equatorial Pacific, due to the difference between the atmospheric circulation and air-sea interaction, the near-surface seawater heat structure in the eastern and western Pacific presents two ℃obviously different characteristics: warm pool ( > 28 ) in the western equatorial Pacific and cold ℃tongue ( < 24 ) in the eastern equatorial Pacific. The water bodies of these two heat structures would give rise to change in spatial distribution under the action of the equato…  相似文献   
This paper examines channel dynamics and bed load transport relations through an obstruction-forced pool in a forest, gravel-bed stream by comparing flow conditions, sediment mobility, and bed morphology among transects at the pool head, centre, and tail. Variable sediment supply from within and outside of the channel led to a complex pattern of scour and fill hysteresis. Despite the large flood magnitude, large portions of the bed did not scour. Scour was observed at three distinct locations: two of these were adjacent to large woody debris (LWD), and the third was along the flow path deflected by a major LWD obstruction. Bed material texture showed little change in size distribution of either surface or subsurface material, suggesting lack of disruption of the pre-flood bed. Fractions larger than the median size of the bed surface material were rarely mobile. Sediment rating relations were similar, although temporal variation within and among stations was relatively high. Relations between bed load size distribution and discharge were complex, showing coarsening with increasing discharge followed by fining as more sand was mobilized at high flow. Lack of local scour in the pool combined with bed load fining and net fill by relatively fine material implied that the dominant sources of mobile sediment were upstream storage sites and local bank collapse. Patterns of flow, channel dynamics, and sediment mobility were strongly affected by a LWD flow obstruction in the pool centre that created turbulent effects, thereby enhancing entrainment and transport in a manner similar to scour at bridge piers.  相似文献   
D. Phillips  J.W. Harris  K.S. Viljoen 《Lithos》2004,77(1-4):155-179
Silicate and oxide mineral inclusions in diamonds from the geologically and historically important De Beers Pool kimberlites in Kimberley, South Africa, are characterised by harzburgitic compositions (>90%), with lesser abundances from eclogitic and websteritic parageneses. The De Beers Pool diamonds contain unusually high numbers of inclusion intergrowths, with garnet+orthopyroxene±chromite±olivine and chromite+olivine assemblages dominant. More unusual intergrowths include garnet+olivine+magnesite and an eclogitic assemblage comprising garnet+clinopyroxene+rutile. The mineral chemistry of the De Beers Pool inclusions overlaps that of most worldwide localities. Peridotitic garnet inclusions exhibit variable CaO (<5.8 wt.%) and Cr2O3 contents (3.0–15.0 wt.%), although the majority are harzburgitic with very low calcium concentrations (<2 wt.% CaO). Eclogitic garnet inclusions are characterised by a wide range in CaO (3.3–21.1 wt.%) with low Cr2O3 (<1 wt.%). Websteritic garnets exhibit intermediate compositions. Most chromite inclusions contain 63–67 wt.% Cr2O3 and <0.5 wt.% TiO2. Olivine and orthopyroxene inclusions are magnesium-rich with Mg-numbers of 93–97. Olivine inclusions in chromite exhibit the highest Mg-numbers and also contain elevated Cr2O3 contents up to 1.0 wt.%. Peridotitic clinopyroxene inclusions are Cr-diopsides with up to 0.8 wt.% K2O. Eclogitic and websteritic clinopyroxene inclusions exhibit overlapping compositions with a wide range in Mg-numbers (66–86).

Calculated temperatures for non-touching inclusion pairs from individual diamonds range from 1082 to 1320 °C (average=1197 °C), whereas pressures vary from 4.6 to 7.7 GPa (average=6.3 GPa). Touching inclusion assemblages are characterised by equilibration temperatures of 995 to 1182 °C (average=1079 °C) and pressures of 4.2–6.8 GPa (average=5.4 GPa). Provided that the non-touching inclusions represent equilibrium assemblages, it is suggested that these inclusions record the conditions at the time of diamond crystallisation (1200 °C; 3.0 Ga). The lower average temperatures for touching inclusions are attributed to re-equilibration in a cooling mantle (1050 °C) prior to kimberlite eruption at 85 Ma. Pressure estimates for touching garnet–orthopyroxene inclusions are also skewed towards lower values than most non-touching inclusions. This apparent difference may be an artefact of the Al-exchange geobarometer and/or the result of sampling bias, due to limited numbers of non-touching garnet–orthopyroxene inclusions. Alternatively pressure differences could be caused by differential uplift in the mantle or possibly variations in thermal compressibility between diamond and silicate inclusions. However, thermodynamic modelling suggests that thermal compressibility differences would cause only minor changes in internal inclusion pressures (<0.2 GPa/100 °C).  相似文献   

对取自西太平洋暖池北部的MD06-3052孔的浮游有孔虫表层种Globigerinoides ruber进行了稳定氧碳同位素测试与分析,在所建立的年龄模式基础上,揭示了该孔150 ka以来氧碳同位素的变化特征及其碳同位素低值事件的时间。结果表明,150 ka以来碳同位素总体上显示出逐渐变重的趋势,其变化不同于氧同位素,并未表现出冰期-间冰期尺度的变化特征,且全新世和末次间冰期碳同位素差异较大。在所识别出的6次碳同位素的低值事件中,除倒数第二次冰消期与岁差低值有相位差以外,其余均与岁差低值都有很好的对应。幅度较大的3次发生于冷期/暖期的过渡期,其中末次冰消期的碳同位素记录受到浊流的侵蚀作用,有部分缺失;该孔与其他海区记录的相似性进一步证实了3次冰消期的δ13C低值事件的普遍性。  相似文献   
Lake Towuti on Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, is located within the heart of the Indo‐Pacific Warm Pool. This tropical lake is surrounded by ultramafic (ophiolitic) rocks and lateritic soils that create a unique ferruginous depositional setting. In order to understand modern sediment deposition in Lake Towuti, a set of 84 lake surface sediment samples was collected from across the entirety of the lake and samples were analyzed for their physical, chemical, mineralogical and biological constituents. End‐member analyses were carried out to elucidate modern sediment origin, transport and depositional processes. This study found that allochthonous sediment, characterized by the concentrations of the elements Mg, Fe, Si and Al, as well as the clay and serpentine minerals, is dominated by fluvial supply from five distinct source areas. Granulometric data and the occurrence of organic matter of a terrestrial origin suggest that, in the southern and north‐eastern parts of the lake the near‐shore sediments may additionally be influenced by mass wasting. This is due at least partly to the particularly steep slopes in these areas. Furthermore, sediment composition suggests that sediment transport into deeper parts of the lake, particularly in the northern basin, is partly controlled by gravitational and density‐driven processes such as turbidity currents. Directional sediment transport by persistent lake currents, in contrast, appears to be less important. Organic matter deposition in the ultra‐oligotrophic lake, albeit limited, is dominated by autochthonous production, but with some contribution of fluvial and gravitational supply. Biogenic silica deposition, primarily from diatom frustules and sponge spicules, is very limited and is concentrated in only a few areas close to the shoreline that are characterized by shallow waters, but away from the areas of high suspension loads at the mouths of the major inlets. The results of this study build upon current and published work on short piston cores from Lake Towuti. Conversely, the results will support the interpretation of the depositional history and past climatic and environmental conditions derived from the composition of much longer records, which were obtained by the Towuti Drilling Project in May 2015 and are currently under investigation.  相似文献   
Numerous published results have showr the importance of the Wcstern Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP)surface centroid movement in ENSO-(EI Nino/Southcrn Oscillation)rclated studies .Howcver,some rccent research conclusions make it necessary to clarify the differenccs of the currently exicing two types of WPWP surface centroid:the geometric centroid and the thermal (heat)centrold.This study analyzes the physical backgrounds of the two typcs of centroid and points out their differenccs.which suggest that different types of ccntroid may scrve different study purposes.This study also shows that the ‘geometric center’of WPWP.actually a close approximation to the mass ccntroid,is more related to the Nino-3 region sca surfacc temperaturc(SST)ancmaly and can also be regarded as an important indicator of ENSO events.  相似文献   
上新世最重要的古气候事件就是北极冰盖的形成和扩张(3.2—2.5Ma)。根据北极冰盖的形成过程,文中将上新世—早更新世(4.5—1.6Ma)西太平洋暖池核心区ODP807A孔2个浮游有孔虫属种Globigerinoides ruber和Pulleniatina obliquiloculata的δ18O(氧同位素)、δ13C(碳同位素)记录数据细分为3个阶段:形成前(4.5—3.2Ma)、形成中(3.2—2.5Ma)和形成后(2.5—1.6Ma)。研究结果表明,北极冰盖形成以来,G.ruber和P.obliquiloculata的 δ18O值均呈增大趋势;北极冰盖形成中,G.ruber 的δ18O值基本不变,P.obliquiloculata的 δ18O值略增大,反映出西太平洋暖池次表层海水受北极冰盖形成的影响更甚;Δδ18OP-GG.ruberP.obliquiloculataδ18O 的差值)反映出温跃层无明显变化,受北极冰盖形成影响微弱。根据用Ma/Ca值得到的ODP806站SST值(Wara et al.,2005)以及用UK′37得到的东太平洋ODP847站SST值数据(Herbert and Laura,2010),对北极冰盖形成以来东西太平洋古海洋学演化进行比较发现:冰盖形成以来东西赤道太平洋海水表层温度均有所下降,且东太平洋降温幅度更大;对比同时期的西太平洋ODP807A孔Δδ18OP-G与东太平洋ODP847站Δδ18OT-S的变化趋势,发现东太平洋温跃层变浅,表明受北极冰盖形成和扩张的影响,东西太平洋温跃层深度梯度增大。对比ODP807A孔与南海南部1143站、南海北部1148站G.ruber的 δ18O 和δ13C记录,揭示西太平洋边缘海如南海北部和南部受北极冰盖形成的影响有所不同,北部的表层海水温度和生产力水平受冰盖形成的影响更加明显。  相似文献   
苏北盆地盐城凹陷朱家墩气藏成藏期次研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在分析盐城凹陷构造演化史、朱家墩构造圈闭发育史和盐城凹陷主力烃源岩生、排烃特征的基础上,系统研究了朱家墩气藏K2t(泰州组)储层流体包裹体类型、分布特征和均一温度。研究表明,K2t储层流体包裹体明显分为盐水包裹体和有机包裹体;均一温度明显分为两期(即渐新世晚期和新近纪末期)。结合构造演化史、圈闭发育史和生、排烃史,并经综合分析认为,在渐新世晚期和新近纪末期,朱家墩气藏有过两期主要的油气充注,且以第2期充注为主。  相似文献   
选取西太平洋暖池北缘西菲律宾海本哈姆高原的MD06-3047B孔沉积物柱状样为研究材料,通过分析70万年来有孔虫氧碳同位素变化特征发现: 在MIS 14~13期,西菲律宾海由于受夏季风影响增强,可能存在上升流活动; 在冰期终止期Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ 和Ⅴ期出现Pulleniatina obliquiloculata δ13C 极小值事件,表明在这几个冰期终止期来自南极的低δ13C 海水到达了西太平洋暖池北部边缘地区.次表层种P. obliquiloculata与表层种Globigerinoides ruber氧同位素差值恢复的温跃层变化具有冰期逐渐变浅,间冰期逐渐变深的特点.进一步将其与西太平洋暖池核心区ODP805站和赤道东太平洋ODP847站的次表层、表层有孔虫氧同位素差值进行对比,结果显示在过去70万年来西太平洋暖池效应逐渐加强,并且存在长时间尺度的类厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)式变化,冰消期时表现为类厄尔尼诺状态.  相似文献   
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