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Accurate estimation of the ratio of carotenoid (Car) to chlorophyll (Chl) content is crucial to provide valuable insight into diagnoses of plant physiological and phenological status in crop fields. Studies for assessing the ratio of Car to Chl content have been extensively conducted with semi-empirical approaches using spectral indices. However, spectral indices established in previous studies generally relied on site- or species-specific measured data and these indices typically lacked sufficient estimation accuracy for the ratio of Car to Chl content to be used across various species and under different physiological conditions. In this study, we propose a novel combined carotenoid/chlorophyll ratio index (CCRI) in the form of the carotenoid index (CARI) divided by the red-edge chlorophyll index (CIred-edge): The value of the index is illustrated using synthetic data simulated from the leaf radiative transfer model PROSPECT-5 and with extensive measured datasets at both the leaf and canopy level from the ANGERS dataset and winter wheat and maize field experiments. Results show that CCRI was the index with the highest correlation with the ratio of Car to Chl content in PROSPECT-5 simulations (R2 = 0.99, RRMSE = 8.65%) compared to other spectral indices. Calibration and validation results using the ANGERS and winter wheat leaf level data showed that CCRI achieved accurate estimation of the ratio of Car to Chl content (R2 = 0.52, RRMSE = 14.10%). CCRI also showed a good performance (R2 = 0.54, RRMSE = 17.08%) for estimation of the ratio of Car to Chl content in both calibration and validation with the winter wheat and maize canopy spectra measured in field experiments. Further investigation of the effect of the correlation between leaf Chl and Car content on the performance of CCRI indicated that variation of the correlation affected the retrieval accuracy of CCRI, and CCRI might not be very sensitive to changes of the ratio of Car to Chl content with low values (<0.10).  相似文献   
Water samples were collected monthly for 3 years at 66°N, 2°E in the Norwegian Sea, 250 nautical miles off the Norwegian coast. Concentrations of mono- and polysaccharides were measured with the 2,4,6-tripyridyl-s-triazine (TPTZ) spectroscopic method. Total dissolved carbohydrates varied from 3.4 to 28.2 μM C of all samples and the ratio of carbohydrate to dissolved organic C (DOC) varied from an average of 14% at 0–25 m depth to 11% at 800–2000 m depth. This indicates that dissolved carbohydrates were a significant constituent of DOC in the Norwegian Sea. Polysaccharides varied from 0.4 to 21.5 μM C and monosaccharides from 0.7 to 11.7 μM C at all depths. The level of monosaccharides was relatively constant at 2.8–3.2 μM C below the euphotic zone, whereas polysaccharides showed more varying concentrations. Dissolved carbohydrates accumulated during the productive season, reaching maximum concentrations during summer although interannual differences were observed. A significant positive correlation between Chl a and soluble carbohydrate was found in one growing season with nutrient analyses. Average values for total carbohydrates were highest in the surface – 0 to 25 m – with 13.3 μM C and decreased to 8.4 μM C at 800–2000 m depth. The ratio of monosaccharides to polysaccharides exhibited a marked seasonal variation, increased from January to a maximum in June of 1.1, and declined to 0.5 in July.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONTheChl.adistributionintheseawaterreflectstheabundanceanddistributionofphytoplankton,andthehighChl.aareasareusuallythedistributionareasofcentralfishingground.Intheearly1960s,Steelein1960andAndersonin1969concludedthatthereweresubsurfaceChl.amaximainthehomogeneouslystratifiedocean.Inthepast10a,ChinesescholarsmademanyinvestigationsonChl.aintheEastChinaSeacontinentalshelfareaanditsadjacentseaarealstudiedthegeneraldistributionofChl.aandtheformationmechanismofitsverticalmaxima,an…  相似文献   
在中国第24次和第25次南极科学考察期间,利用航渡表层水观测和普里兹湾定点观测,对颗粒有机碳(POC)的分布及其影响因素进行了研究.结果表明,南大洋表层水体的颗粒有机碳分布具有明显的区域性特征,表层水体POC的含量与营养盐和叶绿素a有着明显的相关分布趋势.南极水、亚南极水的表层POC浓度明显高于亚热带水和热带水,第24...  相似文献   
龙感湖水体光学特性的观测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于2002—2003年秋、夏季原位水下光场巡测及连续定点观测资料分析了龙感湖不同湖区及不同风浪条件下水体的光学特性,探讨了光衰减系数、辐照度比的光谱分布、空间差异及不同风浪条件对水下光场的影响.结果表明,水下光谱在紫光波段衰减最强烈,其次是蓝光,红、绿光衰减最弱,并且向下辐照度衰减系数一般要大于向上辐照度衰减系数.秋季L1-L3点向下辐照度400—700nm波段衰减系数的变化范围分别为0.71—3.60、1.06—3.72、0.78—2.89m-1;光衰减系数的空间分布是位于湖中心的12点要略大于两边的L1、L3点;辐照度比的变化趋势极为一致,最低值出现在短波蓝光波段,最高值出现在550—600nm之间;从小风浪到中风浪、大风浪其PAR衰减系数分别是1.74、2.02、2.45m-1;透明度、衰减系数与悬浮物浓度相关性最好,决定系数在0.7以上,但其变化除受悬浮物影响外还要受制于溶解性有机物和浮游植物;440nm波长衰减系数(Kd(440))与悬浮物(SS)、溶解性有机碳(DOC)、叶绿素a(Chl.a)的多元线性回归方程为:Kd(440)=0.514—0.075SS 0.125DOC 0.100Chl.a(R2=0.87,N=8,P≤0.05)  相似文献   
The waters near the Antarctic Peninsula have always been a study hot spot because of their variable and unique oceanographic conditions.To determine the distribution and possible influencing factors on phytoplankton size and abundance near the Antarctic Peninsula,a large-scale survey was conducted during the austral summer of2018.Samples were collected in 27 stations located in the Drake Passage(DP),South Shetland Islands(SSI),and South Orkney Islands(SOI).Phytoplankton communities were described using chlorophyll a(Chl a),flow cytometry and light microscopy to cover a size range from pico-to microphytoplankton.Nanophytoplankton,especially small nanophytoplankton(2-6 μm) with abundance ranging from 0.66 ×10~3 cells/mL to 8.46 ×10~3 cells/mL,was predominant throughout the study area.Among different regions,there was an obvious size shift.The proportion of picophytoplankton near the Elephant Island(EI) and DP was higher than other regions,and larger cells were found mainly in east of SOI.The distribution of phytoplankton abundance detected by flow cytometry was not completely consistent with Chl a concentrations due to the contribution of larger cells to Chl a.Possible influencing factors on the phytoplankton size distribution were discussed.The properties of water masses such as temperature and salinity can influence the phytoplankton size distribution.Correlation analysis revealed that only picophytoplankton is significantly correlated with salinity.Light and Fe availability might affect phytoplankton abundance and size distribution especially near the waters of SSI and EI in this study.It was also speculated that the abundance of cryptophytes is possibly related to ice melting.  相似文献   
StudyondielrhythmofchlorophyllaandphotosynthesisinnearshorewatersofQingdaoMaoXinghua,ZhuMingyuan,YangXiaolong,HaoYaweiandJohn...  相似文献   
兼养对雨生红球藻细胞生长的促进作用及藻株差异性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合叶绿素荧光技术,对比研究了不同雨生红球藻藻株在兼养(光照+乙酸钠)培养过程中细胞生长和光合作用的共性与差异性反应。结果表明:兼养明显提高红球藻细胞密度和比生长速率;乙酸钠不仅为红球藻提供异养的有机碳源,而且还明显导致藻细胞光自养的光合综合性能指数发生改变,兼养对细胞生长促进作用的贡献在前期主要来自于其中的异养部分,而在后期却明显来自于自养部分;兼养对细胞生长的促进作用在藻株之间存在一定差异,不同藻株对乙酸钠的适应能力和最适质量浓度也存在明显差异,藻株H0可适应的乙酸钠质量浓度较高,而藻株H6对乙酸钠需求和适应性相对较低。上述结果意味着规模化培养红球藻过程中,针对不同藻株采用适宜乙酸钠兼养方式可有效缩短培养周期,提高生产效率。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONRedtidecanadverselyaffectcoastalfisheriesbycausingthedeathofculturedfishandshrimporproducingtoxinsthatcanbeaccumulatedthroughfoodchains (Anderson ,1 989) .Phytoplanktonisoftenthemaincomponentofmanyredtides.AlongthecoastofJiaozhouBay ,P .R .China,theredtideismainlyformedbyadinoflagellate ,Scrippdiellatrochoidea ,duringsummer (JulytoSep tember)andthecelldensitycanreach 9.98× 1 0 7cells ml (Zou ,unpublisheddata) .Manyresearcherssuggestedthatredtideofphytoplanktonmightresultf…  相似文献   
基于2006-2007年在南黄海冷水团海域开展的4个季度月的调查资料, 重点研究了该海域溶解氧(DO)、叶绿素a(Chl a)最大值现象和营养盐累积的季节演变规律。结果表明:春至秋季黄海冷水团海域DO和Chl a最大值层深度具有先加深后变浅的趋势, 出现最大值层的海域面积呈现出先增大后缩小的变化过程, DO和Chl a最大值层的深度及面积在夏季均达到最大, 至冬季DO和Chl a最大值现象消失;夏季冷水团海域深水区DO最大值处的氧含量整体高于春季, 而冷水团边界附近氧最大值处的氧含量整体低于春季;春至秋季冷水域深水区次表层Chl a最大值处的Chl a含量先降低后升高, 于夏季时最低, 入秋后开始升高, 而一年四季中冷水域边界附近Chl a最大值处的Chl a含量却在夏季时最高, 而且显著高于深水区。黄海冷水团海域的底层营养盐储库具有一定的空间异质性, 冷水域底层通常分别在深水区和西部边界处存在营养盐高值核心, 其中位于深水区的高值核心位置季节变化不明显, 而位于冷水域西部边界附近的高值核心位置则呈现出自春季至夏季向西移动、入秋后又向东部移动的季节变化特征。水文物理因素和生物化学过程对DO、Chl a最大值及营养盐储库的季节演变具有重要的调控作用。  相似文献   
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