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The Sample Catchment Basin Approach (SCBA) is one of the techniques widely employed in the analysis of stream sediment geochemical data and delineation of anomalous catchments. However, this method fails to take into account the real catchment basin boundaries of each sample by incorporating only the incremental area between two adjacent samples. In other words, the SCBA incorrectly assumes that the geochemistry of every sample catchment within a drainage is independent from upstream sample catchment(s) feeding into this drainage. The chemical composition of sediment at the basin outlet originates from the whole basin upstream and not the incremental area as postulated in the SCBA. Consequently, the calculated background values for various lithologies and the background value for the element of interest at the basin outlet might be far from reality.This study used a True Sample Catchment Basin Approach (TSCBA), that reflects the true catchment boundary of every stream sediment sample, and in which all calculations are carried out on the premise that this boundary and the true area affect the composition of each sample. The results obtained from the application of both the SCBA and TSCBA to a gold endowed study area in western Iran clearly illustrated the superiority of the TSCBA over the SCBA. In addition, this study demonstrated the advantage of using the modified dilution correction equation of Mokhtari and Garousi Nezhad (2015), as compared to the existing Hawkes’s equation commonly used for dilution correction of residual values.  相似文献   
格尔木河流域近60 a降水、蒸发及温度变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以西部内陆柴达木盆地格尔木河流域近60 a气候变化特征为主题,以流域水循环理论为指导,应用趋势分析、Morlet小波函数等技术手段,采用定性判断和定量分析相结合方法,首先,对研究区大气降水、气温、蒸发多年监测资料进行系统分析,包括深入了解研究区水文、水资源开发利用状况,分析其年际、年内变化规律。结果表明:(1)近60 a研究区气候由冷干向暖湿转变,研究区气温呈波动上升趋势。自1955年至今气温累积上升0.37℃,1967年之后区域气温升高速率明显增加。自1968年开始降雨量显著增加,多年平均降雨量为38.27 mm·a-1,其中7、8月份降水量增加对全年降水量增加的贡献率最大。自1956年开始蒸发量显著下降,由1956年的3 278.2 mm·a-1下降至2014年的2 211.57 mm·a-1,平均减速为18.08 mm·a-1。(2)利用Morlet小波变换对气候变化特征进行了动态周期分析,分析得出研究区内降水、蒸发和温度都存在多时间尺度特征。其中降水存在14~16 a和32~36 a左右周期,蒸发量存在9~12 a和24~27 a时间尺度的周期,而温度存在7~8 a尺度和25~27 a两个时间尺度的周期特征。根据降水周期特征,可以推测出2016-2030年左右年降水量将经历几年降水偏多期,然后呈减少趋势,温度在未来几年内呈增多趋势,而蒸发则呈减少趋势。研究成果为该区水资源合理开发利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   
We present a numerical, catchment-scale model that solves flow equations of surface and subsurface flow in a three-dimensional domain. Surface flow is described by the two-dimensional parabolic approximation of the St. Venant equation, using Manning’s equation of motion; subsurface flow is described by the three-dimensional Richards’ equation for the unsaturated zone and by three-dimensional Darcy’s law for the saturated zone, using an integrated finite difference formulation. The hydrological component is a dynamic link library implemented within a comprehensive model which simulates surface energy, radiation budget, snow melt, potential evapotranspiration, plant development and plant water uptake. We tested the model by comparing distributed and integrated three-dimensional simulated and observed perched water depth (PWD), stream flow data, and soil water contents for a small catchment. Additional tests were performed for the snow melting algorithm as well as the different hydrological processes involved. The model successfully described the water balance and its components as evidenced by good agreement between measured and modelled data.  相似文献   
Dissolved Pb in 32 wells associated with corroding submersible pumps is examined within a rural water district after almost 20 years (1984–2002). Groundwater Pb ranged from 0.4–24.9 μg L−1 after 24 h pump flushing. Preliminary geochemistry and representative borehole lithology examinations were extrapolated by Markov chain modeling. The first-order geostatistical realizations of glacial sediments coupled with the Monte Carlo Metropolis-Hasting method suggest that elevated trace Pb persists in sand and gravel units, and continues at least to 40 m depth in the catchment. The 207Pb/206Pb and 208Pb/206Pb isotope compositions of groundwater Pb were decisive in discriminating the importance of leached Pb from submersible pump materials among geogenic sources.  相似文献   
Estimates of the amount of topsoil in river sediments can help constrain sediment budgets on decadal time scales. The tracers 137Cs and 210Pb(ex) are used to determine the proportion of topsoil in river sediments in two Himalayan catchments, a relatively simple but effective method that could be used in many catchments in this complex mountain range for management purposes. Different results are reached, apparently depending upon antecedent conditions, with a large component of topsoil in river sediments likely to be the result of rainfall that erodes hillslopes by sheet and rill processes, does not mobilize or mix with other sources of sediment such as from landslides, and does not generate high river flows to transport the topsoil downstream. These results show that sampling of tracers in sedimentary archives is essential to provide time series of topsoil input to Himalayan rivers to account for high temporal variability. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The hydrology of eight small catchments (1.63–8.26 ha) has been monitored in Westland, New Zealand since 1975. Two of these catchments were left in indigenous beech-podocarp-hardwood forest and the rest were subjected to various harvesting and land preparation treatments before being planted with Pinus radiata. This paper introduces a series of papers on the hydrology of the indigenous forest catchments and the changes that occurred after treatment. The catchments, experimental programme, climate of the area and the rainfall regime experienced between 1975 and 1987 are described.  相似文献   
Six small, steep, south-west facing catchments (1.63–4.62 ha) have been monitored in Westland, New Zealand since 1974. Two catchments were retained in native mixed evergreen forest and the rest were subjected to various harvesting and land preparation techniques before being planted with Pinus radiata between 1977 and 1980. The 11-year water balance for the native forest catchments was: rain = streamflow + interception loss + transpiration + seepage (2370mm = 1290mm + 620mm + 360mm + 100mm). In the year after treatment streamflow generally increased by 200–250 mm, except for one treatment (clearfelling, herbicide application, no riparian reserve) where the increase was 550 mm. The catchments were planted with Pinus radiata, but rapid colonization by bracken (Pteridium esculentum) and Himalayan honeysuckle (Leycesteria formosa) led to a rapid decline in streamflow, which returned to pre-treatment levels after an average of about five years. Streamflow yields then continued to decline for another two to three years before stabilizing at a level about 250mm yr?1 lower than pre-treatment levels. At this time the catchments had a dense bracken/honeysuckle understorey beneath 5 m tall pine trees.  相似文献   
1INTRODUCTIONOnthemorningof30thJanuary1992,aNairobiboundpasengertrainfromMombasaonthemainlinederailedintoanembankmentthathadb...  相似文献   

The planting of degraded land with tree plantations may be effective at improving land use sustainability and profitability but it can also have significant effects on stream hydrology. In this paired catchment study, we report the stream hydrological response to partial (62%) afforestation of a steep pastoral catchment in the western Waikato Region, North Island, New Zealand. We comprehensively analyse the hydrological regime changes over a 23-year period (including eight years before pine planting) with reference to a native-forested ‘control’ catchment. Our results show that afforestation has markedly affected stream hydrology. Seven years after planting, the total annual runoff was 380?mm lower than predicted for the catchment in pasture. Two phases of plantation thinning resulted in the difference between measured and predicted runoff reducing to only 129?mm. Peak flows reduced by ~50% while total stormflow reduced by ~30% – which we attribute to canopy interception attenuating and delaying water yield. The impact of plantation establishment on low flows is not so clear, although afforestation appears to have reduced low flows by ~25%. This study provides information on the hydrological impact of afforestation within a hitherto poorly-represented New Zealand environment (i.e. high rainfall, sedimentary lithology-based, North Island hill country).  相似文献   
Coal seam gas (CSG, or coal bed methane) mining is rapidly growing, with poorly understood impacts on groundwater and surface water systems. Here, we use chemical tracers to investigate groundwater-surface water connectivity in an Australian river system (Richmond River Catchment, New South Wales) prior to CSG extraction but after ∼ 50 exploratory CSG wells were drilled. We performed four surveys of 29 interconnected creek and river sites, over contrasting hydrological conditions. Radon was used to determine if a surface water segment was gaining groundwater. Radon observations over four seasons revealed that 28 out of 77 surface water segments were clearly gaining groundwater, 5 were possibly gaining groundwater and 44 were undetermined. This is equivalent to gaining segments in 333 km (39%) of surface water from the 864 km being investigated. High spatial and temporal variability in groundwater gaining segments was found. Na/Cl ratios were used to determine the fraction of groundwater in surface water. Overall, the groundwater contribution in surface waters was 14–24% higher in post flood conditions than during the other three surveys of baseflow and moderate flow conditions. The results serve as a regional baseline assessment of river water chemistry and groundwater-surface water connectivity prior to the planned development of CSG fields. Our geochemical tracer approach allows for a quick qualitative assessment of groundwater-surface water connectivity in poorly gauged river systems and can define priority locations where groundwater extraction for CSG mining should be carefully managed.  相似文献   
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