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新疆尼勒克、巩留交界MS6.0地震震中烈度为Ⅶ度,地震没有造成人员伤亡,但个别民宅倒塌,大量村镇居民房屋遭受中等以上破坏,一些教育、卫生等公房遭破坏;交通和水利设施有一定程度破坏,经及时抢修,未对灾区生产生活产生明显影响。通过实地抽样调查和统计计算,评估出本次地震造成的直接经济损失为67846万元,恢复重建的经费需120349万元。  相似文献   
矿床品位指标优化方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田家华  杨昌明 《地球科学》1992,17(2):181-188
高原地区农作物水热指标与特点的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对作物农业气象条件鉴定、作物农业气象试验研究、作物生态气候适应性分析和作物农业气候区划以及农业气象灾害调查记载对比评估分析等手段, 整理和总结了髙原地区7种粮食作物、6种经济作物、6种特色作物、7种瓜果作物和4种中药材等共计30种农作物水热指标以及冬小麦和春小麦土壤水分指标. 高原地区作物水热指标具有4个明显特点, 釆用不同积温界限值来确定不同作物属性热量指标, 喜凉、中性、喜温和喜热作物分別釆用≥0 ℃、≥5 ℃、≥10 ℃和≥15 ℃积温界限值作热量指标. 不同温度带作物适宜的热量指标差异明显, 有随温度带愈冷凉作物热量指标呈偏低的趋势. 不同水分气候区作物水分指标差异较大, 有随湿润度增加作物水分指标呈递减的趋势. 作物水热指标随气候变化而发生缓慢变化, 气候变暖使作物全生长期延长, 对同一熟性品种而言, 需要热量指标比变暖前有提高趋势; 气候变干使作物水分指标有增加趋势. 农作物水热指标是衡量作物适生种植的重要标准, 是引种、作物布局、栽培管理、髙产优质安全生产的重要科学依据, 是气象为农业服务必不可少的基础资料, 也是服务工作的前提.  相似文献   
Arctic sea-ice motion and its relation to pressure field   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Daily Arctic sea-ice motion maps during the winter seasons (December–March) from December 1988 to March 2003 derived from NSCAT, QuikSCAT, SSM/I, and AMSRE data by a wavelet analysis method have been merged with those derived from buoy data. These merged sea-ice motion data have been used to study the circulation regimes and winter-to-winter variability of Arctic sea-ice motion. The relation between sea-ice motion and the pressure field in the Arctic Ocean was also studied by applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to the monthly merged sea-ice motion data and the monthly pressure field data from IABP. The mean Arctic sea-ice motion map of the 15 winter seasons has two distinct features: the Beaufort Gyre and a cyclonic circulation system in the Eurasian Basin, which moves ice from the Laptev Sea to Fram Strait. The strengths and sizes of the two features change from one winter season to another. Seasons with a strong or normal Beaufort Gyre alternate with seasons with a weak or no Beaufort Gyre every one to three seasons. The principal components of the first two modes of PCA of the monthly sea-ice motion are closely correlated with their counterparts of the monthly pressure field in the Arctic Ocean. The mode-one components of these two anomalies alternate between anticyclonic and cyclonic circulation systems. The correlation between Arctic Oscillation indexes and the principal components of the first mode of PCA of the monthly Arctic sea-ice motion is low but statistically significant.  相似文献   
矿产资源开发环境影响评价的指标体系及方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对矿产资源开发环境影响因素的系统分析,建立了环境影响评价的指标体系,它包括自然环境和社会经济环境两大指标体系;简评了矿产资源开发的环境影响评价方法;提出了建立矿产资源开发环境影响评价信息系统的设想,并简要介绍了该信息系统的组成、主要功能及值得重视研究的几个问题。  相似文献   
通过对几种典型的定性表达模型的分析及比较,论述了单一模型实现空间查询所存在的局限,提出利用组合模型来表达空间关系的方法。最后结合空间查询中的实例,通过介绍如何同时运用二值拓扑关系模型和符号空间索引模型来实现同时包含拓扑关系和方向关系的复杂空间查询来说明这种方法。  相似文献   
Based on the daily reanalysis data of NCEP / NCAR and by using the method of phase space reconstruction, the point conditional probability density of the subtropical high ridge index are determined and then used, together with their power spectra, to seek the correlation between them and individual monsoon-affecting factors and their power spectra. Through diagnosis, six indexes are discovered that have the most important effects on the subtropical high index. The results of the diagnosis indicate that the technique can identify the factors which are dynamically correlated. It can offer the basis in determining and choosing dynamic conceptual factors.  相似文献   
本文根据长葛市规划区地下水化学分析资料 ,利用污染指数法对该区地下水化学特征及其成因进行了初步分析 ,指出该区局部地下水的总硬度、溶解性总固体、硝酸盐污染指数大于 1的原因是生活、工业废物处理不当和引用污水灌溉而引起 ,并提出了该市地下水污染治理的建议  相似文献   
文凡  高志一 《海洋与湖沼》2007,38(5):394-404
风浪宏观特征量是描述风浪场特征的重要物理量。作者基于风浪有停留在混乱运动状态的趋势的性质对风浪场特征量间的关系进行了研究。主频波频率附近的波动自风摄取能量,风浪吸收的能量通过非线性相互作用在谱中重新分配。谱中能量的重新分配产生多尺度波动,这导致风浪波面的混乱运动(风浪处于混乱运动状态)。在稳定状态,风浪运动最为混乱。当风浪状态偏离最混乱运动状态,谱中非线性相互作用引起的能量重新分配将使风浪回到该状态。基于线性海浪理论导出风浪场特征量间的关系。导出的关系与观测结果进行了对比,发现理论结果与观测结果很好地符合。风浪场宏观特征量间存在固有关系。尽管目前风浪场特征量关系的观测结果存在差异,但本文中证明,所导出的理论关系与实验结果很好地符合。  相似文献   
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