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缪阿丽  叶碧文  张艺  瞿旻  高力 《中国地震》2018,34(2):350-363
归纳总结了安庆M_S4.8地震、高邮-宝应M_S4.9地震前出现的地下流体异常,并对其形成机理作了初步讨论。结果显示,这2次地震前地下流体异常特征比较相似。在时间进程上,都表现出中期趋势背景异常与短临异常的配套性特征。在空间分布上,中期趋势背景阶段,水位异常均表现为震中附近流体井水位呈趋势性转折上升,而震中外围流体井水位呈趋势性转折下降的特点。且转折上升的流体井在空间上的分布方位与地震的发震断层走向一致。在短临阶段,异常均表现为先向外迁移继而向震中靠拢的特点。水位在空间上的规律性分布可能受区域应力场作用以及区域构造格局所控制。  相似文献   
2012年1月8日14时20分,在新疆和硕县发生了5.0级地震,乌鲁木齐、库尔勒、吐鲁番、和静、焉耆、博湖等地均有震感。极震区地震烈度为Ⅵ度。此次地震没有造成人员伤亡,但灾区房屋出现不同程度破坏,对生命线工程、农业、牧业等造成了一定损失。按照地震现场工作标准的原则和方法,进行抽样调查,统计得出灾区直接经济损失为4208.11万元。5.0级地震属一般破坏性地震。  相似文献   
五百梯石炭系气田位于重庆市开县和四川省开江县境内,是一个具有统一气水界面的大型整装气田。气田发现于1989年,探明地质储量为539.88×108m3(1993年)。石炭系气藏的气体来源于下伏志留系,为低含硫低含二氧化碳的优质干气。储层沉积相主要为海湾浅滩微相,有形成粒屑白云岩的有利条件,沉积物间歇性暴露水面,后生成岩变化作用彻底,溶孔发育。气田构造处于四川盆地开江古隆起东侧斜坡带,遭受剥蚀程度的不均匀性使局部区域石炭系缺失,由此形成大型构造-地层复合圈闭。论述了气田勘探和发现的历程及石炭系气藏的主要地质特征,总结了取得勘探突破的实践与认识。  相似文献   
本文从大气垂直折光基本定义出发,分析了导致近地层折光系数变化的根本原因和直接原因,指出折光系数的变化具有5个特征,即时间、气候、高度、土壤及均值特征,并据此提出了应用中的一些看法。  相似文献   
塔河油田至轮台县火车站集油气管道全长72km,近南北向,横跨了不同的4个地质单元,工程地质条件复杂,分布有Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类建筑场地。油气管道横跨了地震Ⅵ度与Ⅶ度区。场地土除末站冲洪积扇外,其余均屑盐渍土,对建筑基础有强腐蚀性。  相似文献   
Environmental load is the primary factor in the design of offshore engineering structures and ocean current is the principal environmental load that causes underwater structural failure. In computational analysis, the calculation of current load is mainly based on the current profile. The current profile model, which is based on a structural failure criterion, is conducive to decreasing the uncertainty of the current load. In this study, we used prototype monitoring data and the empirical orthogonal function(EOF) method to investigate the current profile in the South China Sea and its correlation with the design of underwater structural strength and the dynamic design of fatigue. The underwater structural strength design takes into account the size of the structure and the service water depth. We propose profiles for the overall and local designs using the inverse first-order reliability method(IFORM). We extracted the characteristic profile current(CPC) of the monitored sea area to solve dynamic design problems such as vortex-induced vibration(VIV). We used random sampling to verify the feasibility of using the EOF method to calculate the CPC from the current data and identified the main problems associated with using the CPC, which deserve close attention in VIV design. Our research conclusions provide direct references for determining current load in this sea area. This analysis method can also be used in the analysis of other sea areas or field variables.  相似文献   
本文以江淮地区典型场地资料为原型,将土层剪切波速实测值按照一定比例进行增减,构造多种场地土层地震反应分析模型,选择Taft、E1centro 和Kobe 三条强震记录作为地震输入,采用一维频域等效线性化波动方法进行了土层地震反应分析。研究结果表明,剪切波速的变异性与场地地表地震动的影响程度与输入基岩地震动的频谱特性、幅值、土层结构等因素有关。地表峰值加速度随着剪切波速的增大而逐渐增大,地表加速度反应谱的特征周期随着剪切波速的增大而逐渐减小。  相似文献   
The Cassini-Huygens arrival into the Saturnian system brought a large amount of data about the satellites and rings. Two diffuse rings were found in the region between the A ring and Prometheus. R/2004 S1 is coorbital to Atlas and R/2004 S2 is close to Prometheus. In this work we analysed the closest approach between Prometheus and both rings. As a result we found that the satellite removes particles from R/2004 S2 ring. Long-term numerical simulations showed that some particles can cross the F ring region . The well known region of the F ring, where small satellites are present and particles are being taking from the ring, gains a new insight with the presence of particles from R/2004 S2 ring. The computation of the Lyapunov Characteristic Exponent reveled that the R/2004 S2 ring lies in a chaotic region while R/2004 S1 ring and Atlas are in a stable region. Atlas is responsible for the formation of three regimes in the R/2004 S1 ring, as expected for a satellite embedded in a ring.  相似文献   
辽阳市区地表浅部呈透镜状断续分布的松软土体———淤泥质粉质粘土为静水或缓慢流水环境沉积,经生物化学作用而形成的。本文对其分布、形成、物质结构及工程地质特性进行了较系统的描述。并依据大量现场测试及室内土工试验成果,分析论述了该层软土天然独特的含水量高,孔隙比大,强度低,压缩性高,具触变性及承载力低的工程地质特性对勘察施工及建筑物稳定性的不良影响,提出了避让、挖除、选择合适桩型等科学合理的工程处理建议。  相似文献   
广西地震台网数字记录爆破事件典型特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了2008—2012年广西地震台网数字爆破事件数字记录波形典型特征,结果表明:广西地区爆破的时间分布具有明显规律性,优势分布在中午与下午,晚上基本上不进行爆破作业,爆破地点固定。广西地震台网记录到的爆破发生在龙滩水库、扶绥昌平、南宁双定的采石场,龙滩水库的爆破震级分布主要在ML0.0~0.9,扶绥昌平、南宁双定的爆破震级分布主要在ML1.0~2.3之间,强度较低。广西地区爆破产生的P波方向呈四象限向上分布,爆破持续时间短、衰减快,S波周期较大且发育好,与天然地震波形存在明显的区别。正确识别爆破事件,对判断地震和爆破信号具有参考价值。  相似文献   
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