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工程结构抗震设防标准的决策分析   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
提出了工程结构抗震设防标准的决策方法,该决策方法以结构初始造价分析和地震损失分析为基础。建立了结构初始造价与设计烈度的关系,并提出了地震损失的估计方法。使用该决策方法导出了最佳设计烈度和重现周期的解析表达式,从而得出了对抗震设计具有重要意义的结论。  相似文献   
We examine the initial subevent (ISE) of the M 6.7, 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake in order to discriminate between two end-member rupture initiation models: the preslip and cascade models. Final earthquake size may be predictable from an ISE's seismic signature in the preslip model but not in the cascade model. In the cascade model ISEs are simply small earthquakes that can be described as purely dynamic ruptures. In this model a large earthquake is triggered by smaller earthquakes; there is no size scaling between triggering and triggered events and a variety of stress transfer mechanisms are possible. Alternatively, in the preslip model, a large earthquake nucleates as an aseismically slipping patch in which the patch dimension grows and scales with the earthquake's ultimate size; the byproduct of this loading process is the ISE. In this model, the duration of the ISE signal scales with the ultimate size of the earthquake, suggesting that nucleation and earthquake size are determined by a more predictable, measurable, and organized process. To distinguish between these two end-member models we use short period seismograms recorded by the Southern California Seismic Network. We address questions regarding the similarity in hypocenter locations and focal mechanisms of the ISE and the mainshock. We also compare the ISE's waveform characteristics to those of small earthquakes and to the beginnings of earthquakes with a range of magnitudes. We find that the focal mechanisms of the ISE and mainshock are indistinguishable, and both events may have nucleated on and ruptured the same fault plane. These results satisfy the requirements for both models and thus do not discriminate between them. However, further tests show the ISE's waveform characteristics are similar to those of typical small earthquakes in the vicinity and more importantly, do not scale with the mainshock magnitude. These results are more consistent with the cascade model.  相似文献   
IntroductionI.thasbeenpayingattentiontotheanomalousphenomenonbyseismologiststhattheearthquakeactivityoftenstrengthensinacertainspaceandduringacertaintimearoundthesourceareabeforeastrongearthquake.Mogi(1969)pointedoutthataringdistributiveareaofthestrengthenedearthquakeactivityoftenappearsaroundthesourcearea10to20yearsbeforegreatshock,whichcalledaringphenomenon(or"doughnut").Afterthat,otherscholarsreportedinsuccessionthatringdistributionofearthquakeactivityoccurredbeforeastrongertquakeorevenbefo…  相似文献   
IntroductionAfteramoderateorstronger(Ms25.0)earthquake,themosturgentworkofthedivisionforearthquakemonitoringandpredictionistodetermineitstimeoforigin,hypocentrallocation(longitude,latitudeanddepth)andmagnitudeandtojudgethetrendofseismicregimedevelopmentassoonaspossible.Ingeneralcases,whenanearthquakewithMS25.0insideChinaoraonewithMS26.0inneighboringareasofChinahasoccurred,theEarthquakeBulletinofChineseSeismologicalNetworkcanprovidedeterminationoftheorigintime,hypocentrallocation(longitude,…  相似文献   
IntroductionAnearthquakeofMs=7.9occurredinMaul,Xizang(Tibet),Chinaat10:02f55.4(UTC),No')ember8.1997.TheepicenterdeterminedbyChinaNationalSeismographNetwork(CNSN)is87.33"E.3>.26'N,thefocaldepthis40km,andthemagnitudeisMs=7.4.Accordingtothedeterllllnati...  相似文献   
傅虹  王世芹 《地震》1999,19(2):204-208
1997年4-6月云南省地震局对滇西南重点监视区做了短临预报,但这期间未发生所预期的地震。而滇西南地区6级地震的背景和省内的前兆异常变化是明显的。为此,认为前兆异常是区域应力场增强的结果。异常与地震是相互伴生的兄弟关系,不是父子间因果关系,是造成地震虚报的主要原因。  相似文献   
平行走滑断层相互作用的粘弹模型和减震作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
傅征祥  刘桂萍 《地震》1999,19(2):127-134
研究了二维粘弹性介质中平行走滑断层的相互力学作用及其地震活动性的影响。当一条断层发生滑动,将导致平行断层面上剪切应力减小,因此,可能推迟平行断层发生滑动,推迟时间在几年至几百年的范围内,这取决于发生滑动的断层与平行断层之间的距离,以及平行断层自身应力积累孕育地震过程经历的时间。  相似文献   
Bayes判别分析法与地震短临预测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王晓青  石绍先  丁香 《地震》1999,19(1):33-40
建立了一套完整的Bayes判别分析方法,并提出了明确的衡量综合预测结果所冒风险大小的风险代价比Kdn该方法可用于不同时间尺度的地震综合预测。选取云南地区1994~1996年的水氡观测资料,采用X2统计检验法识别前兆异常,利用Bayes判别分析方法对云南地区的强震活动性进行了内符检验和外推预测。在风险代价比Kdn取4的情况下,内符检验的R值可达0.54,外推时空占有率0.07,获得了满意的效果。  相似文献   
鉴于我国目前正面临着本世纪第五个地震活动期,探索地震的发生规律,是个很重要的地学问题。作者在前期工作的基础上,提取了不同分量、不同阶次的区域地磁异常的特征线,并对比了 20 世纪以来大地震( Ms≥60)的分布,发现大地震多数分布在特征线上,特别是交叉点处。说明这些特征线反映了地壳深部构造特征,故对中、长期地震预报将起到重要作用。  相似文献   
在地质调查的基础上,初步厘定了清江下游主要活动断层的现今几何轨迹结构,并从几何形态、结构特性和现今活动性三方面对其进行自然段划分;进而利用分形分维分析,估算活动断层不同区段轨迹结构的分维值。计算结果表明:每一个断层段具有一个特征性的分维值,轨迹结构越复杂,分维值越高,现今活动性越强;其中,仙女山断层带中段分维值最高, D= 1257,而松园坪断层北段最低, D= 1018。结合地震活动分析发现:仙女山断层带是清江下游现今活动最强的活动断裂;仙女山断层带的中小地震活动,具有间歇式 分段振荡迁移的特性;时间上地震活动期为1~5a,相对平静期为10a 左右;空间上地震活动从南段开始,振荡迁移到北段,然后又向中段迁移,目前地震活动似乎正在向中南段边界迁移;并且,中南段断裂轨迹结构比北段复杂,分维值也高,地震活动强度相对较大,因此,未来仙女山断层带可能发生的中强地震( Ms= 50 级左右)将主要集中于中南段,而不是北段。  相似文献   
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